
it's the all encompassing really quick blog before i go to bed!!

auditions: apparently they didn't go so well. not called back for a siiiingle thing. boy do i feel awesome. bah. but. in all reality i'm over it. because as everyone at the stu show pointed out... now i have time to road trip again. i miss rocking the merch table beyond all belief. chris (aka christ) got a billion callbacks! he rocked the theatre building. his monologue kicked though. his delivery was awesome. someday i hope to be as bad ass as christ. (i'm leaving the t on that one)

partay at micheles: i love everyone so much. highlights included: devin kissing everyone except derek, me kissing derek, stefanie and i sneaking taking our shirts off to show off our pretty bras (i made two dollars!), me talking to kismet on the phone and turning around to see three unnamed male castmembers standing in the garage with their pants down, the random cat that kept sneaking into the house... and michele would be like "AH! that's not my cat!" and have to go chasing it, watching the movie with callbacks, and nasty shot thingies provided by derek (they were like... nyquil flavor.) all in all a wondeful time had by all. (i don't think i could say "all" anymore in that sentence) seriously... we partied hardy and everyone was throughly sloshed by 11:20 when devin and i left (don't worry i didn't drive, devin was sober) to go to my house to meet.....

kismet... and ... no emily... but... ROOOOB!!! R3T2! rob cubed! i'm like "kismet!! hi! *pause* ROB! HEEEEEY YOOOU!" since he's been telling us that he really just couldn't make it to iowa. booo. but he did! and him and kismet (and devin) stayed at my house, and we were up til 6am (devin slept... some)... we got rob a blog (click heeere!) (click heeere!), we discussed eeeverything in the world, we looked at pictures, we discovered that rob is colorblind... AND has synesthesia (ben... need to ask you something about synesthesia and stu.) and... put up with my psychotic dog... and... had a rocking good time. "oh GOD! i hope i dont' have veins in my head! *pause* well... wait... if i didn't, how would the blood get there?" and... just a sidenote... don't believe rob when he says my room is a mess. it's sparkling clean. he doesnt' know what he's talking about.

stu show tonight. first.... we all get up... devin, kismet and rob and i... and we dink around... then we go meet stu at the atlas... and i run into a guy from my theatre craft class. aaaand we eat a lot. then we went to ragstock where i bought the coooolest scarf in the world. you know the book the lorax? well, the guy... is making the things from the truffala trees? the sneeds? (i really have no idea how i should spell that...thneed? sneid? eh?) well, my scarf is a sneed! it's the greatest thing ever. again, i'm wearing it even though i got home quite awhile ago. it's so great, just ask me about it and i will let you know how great it is. also, chris, stu2 was there. i'm gonna put some of the pics dave-from-ames took of him as stu two. i love everyone so much.

another stu note.... dave-from-ames gave me a cd with a show from the fine line with stu as elvis costello. i love it. and, i promise i will put the picture page up asap! (i have at least two stu pic pages and one random one that i just haven't put the finishing touches on. they really just need to be uploaded.) also i have so much updating to do on here. god why do i let my beloved blog fall into such disrepair!? whhhhhy?! anywho, it was awesome to see everyone tonight, i love you all, i will see stu and kismet a week from tomorrow... and emily and devin tomorrow... and everyone else... soon! ok, bed. well... outline, then bed.


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