
listening: into the wood, last midnight

i hate it when my nails chip the day after i do them all nice. grr. so, in other words, i'm touching up my nails. this would be so much easier if i'd just get fake nails.... but... i like natural long nice nails better. so i guess i'll just suffer through keeping them from breaking. i'm doing a good job.

i'm wearing my new shoes. they are so great. and warm. yay warm! dude, this guy from my dance class knows derek. like, he saw a rocky horror picture, and was like "he looks familiar...." and i was like "he's a gymnast.." (because jos, the guy from my class... is a gymnast too...) and jos is like "oh my god, i see him in the locker room all the time! i only recognized him because he's in his underwear in this picture." i was QUITE amused. dance today ran really long, because we all hung out for like forty minutes after class. and ate walnuts. and were like "i'll miss yooou!" i think some of us are taking the same class next semester (i might, but i don't like it being on wed. the only way i'll be able to do it is to switch my voice lessons to wed.... so that all my afternoon evening extraey stuff will be on the same day, so i'll have time to work ...

i'm going to be up late working on my rhetoric speech tonight (the paper will be tomorrow night....) the speech doesn't need much. and the paper is based on the speech.... i just need an outline of the speech for tomorrow. i've got enough stuff that goes with my topic and i could just stand up and do it, but we have to turn in an outline. so, you know.

i ran into jeff tyler today. did i mention that? well i did. and he asked me to come see his band at the greenroom. but i forget when. (does everyone remember jeff? from panera? with the nice car? yeah, him.)

i cannot wait for everyone to get home. break's almost heeeeeeere!


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