
ok, hey *nina* call me. uhmm... i... my phone number... is.... in the comments on your lj. yeaaah. i'll be in chicago sunday. the show we're going to is 21+, but we totally have to meet up sometime. seeeeeriously.

this blog entry is dedicated to ROB. rob to the power of three. yeeeeeeeeah. i bought him a present at vortex today (though, i think i'm just going to make him a subliminally suggestive altoids tin or somesuch, because i LOVE those.) let's see. i told rob about the past two days on the phone (dude, my phone actually called him. it surprised me so much that i didn't know what to do when he answered.) and we talked, but only for 20 minutes, because i was with ben and brian in laura's dorm room. and they were making fun of me. and brian pointed out that my shoes come untied when i talk on my phone. hee. we had goodtimes tonight. i talked to devin's roomate on the phone for like... five or ten minutes. it was really funny. chris cracks me up so so so so so much. and i told him he looks like tulio (from road to el dorado) and he thought i said coolio. so we discussed coolio for awhile. and he was like "megan! you have to help me look like coolio!" but i told him i couldn't because... he's a skinny pale white boy. and coolio is not so much. gooooood times. and brian said he's going to leave an incriminating comment here. grrr skanky. also, we met skanky's friend (he only has one.) whose name was jonathan. and he was really really funny. we all watched joe dirt. which was SO bad. just about as bad as it was when i saw it this time last year.... and then we channel surfed. it was actually quite quite fun. i hope to hang out with them all again soon (them being brian(skanky), ben, kris and jonathan.) dig it.

it's SO bedtime. because i SO have to work at 10. ha, i'm stupid. goooodnight! oh hey, for people who are considering making the quad cities trek tomorrow, we are leaving from my house at like... 4:45. so devin... i will prolly actually get picked up by ben, then we'll drive in and get you. and i dunno if chris is coming or not. he said he was gonna, but he hasn't called. jos showed some interest in coming, but i dunno, it'd be awkward (jos is my buddy from dance. we went to sarah's party tonight. and ended up talking in a corner by ourselves (well, with chris, another guy from class) all night. we had a few forays into the party... but eh. oh oh oh!! candie was tehre! and she just got the lead in the next show at dreamwell! go candie!! i'm gonna go see her, and patty o'keebler needs to come with me. alright. bedtime for real now.


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