
rob, you will be glad to know i dropped a whooooole bunch of stuff off at the crisis center today. every christmas i give them a bunch of the cute exspensive and oh-so-fun things i have needlessly gathered over the year. i always feel like cher, in clueless when i go there. "now, these are banana repuplic sweaters... so they're dry clean only... but if you're REALLY in a pinch, hand wash cold.. and these, well i bought them at a store in colorado that just sells purple clothing, but i bought the wrong size... and then altered them... so they're REALLY size 3, not size 8.... and THESE...." it's like when cher is bringing her skies down to give to the people in.... somewhere very warm. and her dad's like "honey... i don't think they need your skies...." and she's like "daddy, they lost everything. that includes sporting equiptment!" *sigh* i can be such an airhead. and then i get all bent out of shape when people think i'm an airhead. boo. but, some cute picture frames, some stuffed animals (lots of stuffed animals. i always seem to forget that i'm 18 years old, and accumulate a million teddy bears every year) and a handful of hello kitty stuff. *sigh* i've had a rough evening, but i'm alright now. and thinking about how some little girl is going to get my pink ty teddy bears for christmas makes me happy.


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