
wow, that was a bitter last post....

listening: stuart davis.
wearing: polar fleece pants, and a pink old navy sweater.
should be: doing something homework related, i'm sure.

i work/worked every night this week except for monday. but like... i worked 4 and a half hours on tuesday, same on wednesday... same today... and prolly a little more tomorrow.. and like... 6 on saturday. and maybe four on sunday. gaaah. i miss being at home, and having time to talk to my friends. like... even though i'm only working 5-9:30 or 10... i don't get to do much after school, and after work i usually just run to rob's to say hi, then head home.... the music we listen to at work drives me crazy... as jay said today "is it just me... or does this music make you feel like we're working in the movie Fantasia?" "yeah, we should be like... dancing around with the bread..." then, josh played this AWFUL music while we were closing, but it was SO awful that jan let me put my cd in instead.

i have NO idea what's due tomorrow for anything... i know that i need to write in my acting and movement journal... and.... i imagine there's some AP english stuff... but... *shrug* school was cancelled today, so now i'm all confused. i hope we get a delay tomorrow, but not a cancellation.

i have a mint mud mask thing on my face right now and it's all hard and tingly. it's reeeeeally weird. on that note, i'm going to leave to go wash it off. oooh, i have a picture i really wanna put in here... because it rules... soooo...


Wowie! You are Redensek! You are techy yet cute, and pretty much all around cool. Everyone loves you! You're fun, popular, and can mold yourself to fit right in to any situation.

my mom's being a bitch. rawr. and she's like "i want to go to bed at nine! and you dad's going to a movie! and i hate you!" and i was like "um... settle down, and DON'T just walk into me room... i HATE that..." and she got all mad and told me i was stupid. myeh. i'm crushed. someone who's opinions i don't respect in the least thinks i'm superficial and stupid. *sob sob* going to go cry my eyes out...

i was doing something just now, but my mom's random outburst distracted me. daaaaamn.


i'm just having amusing im conversations tonight... i don't know what the deal is...

megan: i'll be your friend
bryan: yeah, but you don't play Dungeons and Dragons and stuff ; )
bryan: I'm such a nerd!
megan: yeah
bryan: and you ARE my friend, nerdmunch
bryan: hows your boy Rob?
megan: he's good
megan: don't call me a nerdmunch!
bryan: ?
bryan: why?
megan: he's been rockclimbing the weird rocky thingy at planet x lately
megan: why's he good?
bryan: no
bryan: nerdmunch
megan: or... why don't i want to be called a nerdmunch?
bryan: why not call you that?
megan: it's not very nice.
bryan: aw
bryan: sorry bunnytail
bryan: kittyfur
megan: aw jeeze.
bryan: what?
megan: *sigh*
bryan: no, you're a nerdmunch
megan: *siiigh*

followed by....

bryan: I can't stay excited
megan: ?
bryan: um, that sounds naughty, but what I mean is that I'm tired and I can't stay enthused about anything for long at the moment
bryan: so I'm being absent minded, I mean
bryan: : P
megan: heh, i didn't even think of it the "naughty" way until you mentioned it...
megan: but it's kind of funny now that you brought it up
megan: brought it up... haaaaha... bad pun.
bryan: yeah, I didn't either until you put the ?
bryan: . . .
bryan: I'll bring you up
bryan: nerdmunch

yeah. i noticed today that i haven't blogged since like... wednesday. whooops. i worked yesterday and today. yesterday some jerk in a yellow shirt tried to get me in trouble and yelled at me and made me cry. it's the last straw. i want to quit. or at least, get another job... and not work at panera on weekends. but really... i want to quit. i'll have to find someway to stay in touch with bethany and luke#1 and luke#2.... yeah.

i bought rockapella in concert... and the run lola run soundtrack. i LOVE that movie. it is EXCELLANT. or excellent. i can't decide. *jams with the run lola run soundtrack* ... the rockapella one makes me kind of sad sometimes, because ben used to play it all the time when i was sad. like... the song "don't tell me you do" (which isn't on this cd... but... uh, it's an example) it makes me cry, EVERY time i hear it, even if i'm happy when it comes on. uh... randomly sidetracked, but hey, what's new?

renata sent me a cool card. it has part of alice in wonderland on it... ("theres' no use in trying, one can't believe impossible things." it reminded me of brett... oh, speaking of brett, he came to panera today, and was like "i recognize you... hmmmm... *gasp* were you alice?!" and i was like "awww, you remembered! .... waaaaait a minute *looks at him...* ohmygod! you were the white queen!" yeah... i thought it was funny... this is a long parenthesesese..)

a quick addition to the notes about the stuart concert..... nic came and he rules. i love nic, he rocks my socks, AND my sushi stand. yup.

aaaah, i'm confused by blogging, maybe more later... prolly not.
nic: I want a fun job!
megan: me too
nic: cool.
nic: I want to be a polar bear
megan: lol
nic: do you think they would pay me for that?
megan: maybe?
nic: like, a coke bear?
megan: if they will, i want to be a polar bear too...
nic: and I could walk around the mall
nic: and little kids would be like :_: ((it's a crying face, dammit.))
nic: and I would try to hug them and make it better
megan: know what i REALLY wanna do? ... in new york, over christmas time... i want to be an elf at macy's
nic: and they would scream and run away
nic: ooh oh oh
nic: like the guy in the Dell commercial!

again, i was amused. and the comment in the (())'s is from me... cuz nic used an aim face that doesn't work outside... yeah...
bryan: yay, someone who isn't annoying!
megan: where?
megan: *looks around*
bryan: *points*
bryan: OVER THERE!
megan: *looks*
megan: i seee... a picture of renata...
megan: and a hello kitty
megan: aaaand a picture of me and curtis...
bryan: WRONG WAY
megan: aaaaand ANOTHER hello kitty
megan: and a picture of nic...
megan: oh! *spins around*
megan: my bed!?

i was amused....


*bum bum bum....* it's the return of... these things! *points to the bolded things*

wearing: pajama pants, slippers, my favorite shirt (well, it used to be my favorite, but then it randomlly got like.... five really big holes in the back of it... so it's not my favorite anymore), and my giant gap robe.

feeling: *gasp* i don't neeed to put this here anymore, because i have the imoods thing! hey! but, this is all typed already, and it seems like a waste to delete it just because i realized i don't need it.

should be: prolly working on something for school. gah

nails: they're pink... but like, the nail polish i used really was like... red in the bottle, but pink on my nails... hrmph.

listening: to the teevee. it's on behind me. it's a commercial for stephen king's 'rose red' it's on ABC... on sunday i think.

thinking: i'm excited about me going back to my old form of blogging.. wow. there's a commercial for 'the chair' now. that is SUCH a stupid show. i was watching it, and i guess it wasnt' really THAT bad... then like they dropped an alligator on a harness out of the ceiling. seriously!

i was sick today, so i came home after 2nd hour. blaaah.

i'm glad abi's home, she's listening to me be bitter.

dude, rob was SO supposed to be here by now. the jerk. ~__^ aaah, i'm bored. *wanders away.*
i found my matt caplan cd! ^________^


today was my little sister's birthday. haaaappy birthday allison!

i think i forgot to post last night. oops.

rob and my family and i all went to planet x. it was fun. allie and i raced on the video game thingy... and it was fun... and... we played mini golf.... and rob climbed the rock climbing thing... and.... *flail* it was fun. my mom's birthday's on thursday, but i dont' think we'll go to planet x.

my feet hurt. ooooooow!!

uh... i didn't do enough today to have anything so say. so, goodnight.


i heart stuart.
like, so so so much.

so, concert tonight, song list with random sidenotes:

sugar bullets ~ i'd read the lyrics to this but never heard it. so yay! ... he got all distracted talking about how a performance hall that was half lit and half pitch black would be really cool... but like... it's difficult to do that since light won't stay where you put it. which lead to a long involved story about photons and quarks... and i got confused and stop paying attention. ben said he knew what he was talking about though, i was in awe.
transpersonal cowboy ~ he was wearing faux fur leopard print pants ("yeah, so i beat that leopard that was following me around") and a cowboy hat for this and was randomly like "this is what midwest cowboys are like...*pause* no, not the outfit... the song.... but... about the outfit, this is what VEGAS cowboys are like. heeeelll yeah."
jonah ~ asked for requests again, and actually noted something that i've noticed many times... that he rarely plays the songs that are requested... he was like "i need to actually play the songs, instead of asking for requests so i can be an egomaniac when all of you shout out my songs."
universe communion
seven wonders of the soul
penguins ~ he randomly went on this tirade about water and then this talking heads thing... it was amusing
it's all just because
giving in ~ i heart this song. yeeeah.
watching the detectives
took a semi breif/semi longish break...
doppelganger ~ i dont' actually remember him playing this, i just remember him starting this. but then again, that's why i write everythign down
rockstars and models ~ he put on a pink feather boa for this song, and a feather got stuck on his head... everyone was laughing but he didn't notice it was there until his friend brought him a hat, and discreetly signaled that he had a giant feather stuck to he head, and out came the british rockstar accent "how do you know that i don't want a feather right there??? it's a fucking good place for a feather!" then the hat collapsed over his eyes about halfway through the song... ben took a picture.
i need
atavistic viking
nothing it between ~ favorite stuart song ^_^
lonely at the top
your house
breifly distracted, played part of junglelove, freebird, sweet home alabama... and several other random songs before getting back on track
eight days in the lotus
fall awake
other end of the telescope ~ this was a birthday song for mindy (who's a friend of a friend... it's confusing, i've met her like four times though) and about half way through the song he was like "this is a really bad birthday song... it's not nice at all, it's kind of upsetting. i can't finish this song... unless like, we go off and make out, then you yell at me and tell me it's over..." so mindy JUMPED up, and was like "HELL YEAH!" which lead to a lot of random talking, and eventually she climbed on a table, kissed stuart, slapped him... and climbed down. which was enough for stuart to cry and ask if this meant it was over... and to finish the song. *nod* also, a minor celebration of "this is the first relationship i've had in awhile! woooohooo!" yeah. this is like one of my FAVORITE songs in the entire world though. it was nice, despite being horribly broken up.
infinity hymn
even the devil is god
human girl ~ love this song, new... i think it has hit potential... i could just hear it with a band on the radio. yeah.
kid mystic
psycho killer (encore) ~ yay for encores! it was awesome

awesome crowd tonight! thank you SOOOO much to everyone who went who's friends with me!! (and thanks to just everyone who went.)
seriously though, great crowd, the mill was PACKED. i know that well over 70 tickets were sold in advance, and tehre was a line to get tickets and get in from 6-7. so YAY!! fabulous show, he'll be back in march, just forewarning to everyone, we have to do this all over again in a couple monthes! yeaaaah, i'm tired. i'm going to go to bed, i think i wrote everything i wanted to write. so i'm gonna go be distracted by missy and renata and bid you all adieu!


wooooohoo! i heart stuart. i'm listening stuart RIGHT now, as a matter of fact. my foot hurts... ow.

if you didn't get tickets from me... you should still come, because yeah. uuuum.... OH!! if you are jane widness, you need to call me and get your ticket. because it's in my hello kitty picture thing, it's crying, it feels unloved and wishes you would pick it up. *nod*

oooh, i got my hair cut today. did i say that already? hrm. it's not short... but it's shorter... which is nice. ah.... i don't remember all that i was going to blog about... oh, at work today i stuck my fingers in a thing of cream cheese... i was going to put a sticker on the top of the container i'd put the cream cheese in, but i'd forgotten to put the lid on the container first. so i stuck my fingers and the sticker in. it was amusing. luke and i argued about our locker of doom, because i tried to take it over. and we had our break together, and i grossed him out by eating a peanut butter and bacon sandwich, and he grossed me out by eating a bunch of peppercinis. (like, little green shriveled spicy peppers...) . . . yeah.

my ear hurts now. sheesh.

going to bed. toooooodle pip. 7:00 toomorrrrrooow! stuart! i'll be at the mill around 6:00. yeah. oooh, i need to call nic. yeah.
missy and i went to see black hawk down today. it was awesome. woow.

rob has mysteriously disappeared. either he went to clinton a day earlier than i thought he was going or he died. i really hope he went to clinton early.

during the preview thingies for black hawk down... there was this thing, and it was like... a movie thing... and *makes vague hand gestures* you know?? anyhow, it was showing clips, and it was like "HEROISM" under a clip of this guy in a suit riding a donkey.... and i was like "*pause* ... i guess you had to see that movie to fully understand why that guy's a hero...." yeah.

ran into jed, (i almost added "ran into missy too" but uh... i went to the movie with missy, so... yeah.) ... ate some popcorn, had some soda... twas good times. sycamore has comfy movie seats. yaaay. oooh, i went to sycamore panera today, and they were as understaffed as we are... AND i heard a cheesy panera commercial on the radio! it was great, i laughed merrily.

i'm sooooo tired. oh, but i bought this COOL skirt at the gap. and it was all cheap, and it fits me... and i wore it tonight... and i'm gonna wear it to the stuart concert on sunday, because it's stretchy and fun. (oooh, stretchy and funn...) aaaah, my room's a huge mess, maybe i'll try to clean tomorrow. but i work... aaand, i'm going to take a bubble bath tomorrow morning as a way to not be as pissed off as i still am (eating, shopping and movieing are all my obvious ways of dealing with anger and whatnot... and they work to a certain degree... but yeah.) DAMN... i forgot to call ben. shit shit shit. oh well.... i also need to call nic. because i need to vent. and i love nic because he lets me vent and be hateful and petty... and doesn't judge me. i deeply respect nic for letting me be my shallow, vain and annoying self around him. *nod* also, i noticed that nic and i generally smell nice when we're apart... but lucky cologne and gap so pink... don't mix so well. that was my observation yesterday, while we were pretending to ride exercise bikes in pe. or maybe nic just smelled bad (i know i smelled good, because i had just perfumed myself to try to dispell the pe locker room smell.) uh... i just got really distracted talking about how nic smells. i think i need to go to bed.

i miss abi. i wish she'd come home already.


According to the Which Sanrio Character Are You? quiz, I am:

this is even better than poptarts! *nod* it makes me happier.

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

how can i cry when i'm poptarts? ... well, just wait and i'll show you. *goes to take a sanrio test since the other one was all ghetto and had some bitter bloghater behind it. bah*
*is considerably calmer*

i washed my face. then i was flailing around chasing the cat and injured myself... and bah.. but i put my pajamas on, and my giant robe from the gap (it's a mens xxs... and still like, i could fit me, missy and abi inside it, and we'd have enough room to live there..)... but i'm still kind of upset... i need ben or nic. beeeen! niiiiic! *sniffle* help.

i just had a random thought, but i bet i'd get yelled at if i rambled about it. so, i won't.

i was gonna ramble about the stuart concert, and seating, and people who are coming that i'm surprised are coming (like jon and colin .... aka, the tweedles. dum... and dee.) *ponder* i hope everyone likes him. this is a big group. i'm surprised at my people skills. stuart had better be grateful... i ran into a wall while hanging up posters for him, and broke and nail AND skinned my elbow. and, i got like nine paper cuts from the shinynakedstuart(tm) book mark thingies. woe is me.

awwwww geeeeeze. i just bled on my nice robe. now abi and missy won't want to live in it with me. stupid nonsticking bandaids.

duuuuuude, where'd the picture that was in that frame go??? it was so there last night... or maybe the night before last. well, whenever i was blogging. ... my matt caplan cd is still missing. i'm going to have to burn a copy of nic's. it's not stealing from matt, because i've bought THREE matt cds. gave two to friends and lost one. *sigh*

i'm going to go read renata's blog. bye.
i'm really rather upset... i wrote about it... alot... in my diary... and figured some things out... i'm not mad at abi, like i thought. which makes me happy, because i like abi. the person i am mad at... i'm very mad at. maybe i'm being irrational (i'm not known for keeping a cool head...) but... hate is the first word that comes to mind.

this pisses me off for MANY reasons. ... i had a lot of nice everyday things i really wanted to say, and i seriously don't care about them enough anymore to type them out... also, i have an english test tomorrow, which i wanted to study for... but since about.... 6:30, i've been worried or upset, and thus have written like... a novel about it in my notebook. missy has made me feel a little better, and i've stopped crying (i've stopped and started like nine times in the past few hours... like, i had stopped being upset, and moved on to the angry... plotting revenge and taking a hit out on people stage... when 'my girl' came on the radio (trivia question: what about that song makes me cry everytime it's on?) and i was liek "gaaaaah" so i spent like twenty minutes writing and crying with my doll) that was a long parenthesese... and i think i spelled that wrong...

at anyrate... don't anyone tell me that hate is a strong word, i should hate people. i'm a petty seventeen year old, i will hate whoever i damn well want to hate. and if you tell me that, beeeelieve me, i will rant at you for a good long time, and prolly ad you to the list of people i hate (there actually is a list. it's in the secondary notebook...) soooo. let's all hope that i calm down, and stop raging about... hopefully i'll find ben tomorrow, cry, flail about... tear up something (tearing is a good stress outlet *rips up a picture*) SO. in conclusion. i hate school, i hate some certain people. i feel awful... even though i dont' think i did anything...... and. i hate people. gah.

oh, and on a brighter note... i have stuart tickets for everyone who gave me money... though, you all owe me $1 more, because the mill raised the price. so, c'mon, fork it over. aaand... we have 17 people coming. so c'mon 17 times 1 is... 17, and i'm broke. so c'moooon! *deep breathes* stuart on sunday... it'll make me feel SO much better, you can't even believe.


where the hell's my matt caplan cd?!?!


growl + frown = frowl
grumble + frown = frumble
glower + frown = flower ... renata says it's not threatening enough... but heeeey, i like it. *flowers angrily*
the one, the only, the stuart, the davis.... will be at the mill on sunday. THIS SUNDAY. so, all you would be stuartchasers, get thine asses to the mill sunday night at 7:00! or, if you wanna sit with the cooooooool people, get me $7 by thursday (THURSDAY!! i'm not buying ANY tickets without the $ in hand. because i'm not stupid.) so, you all have to come! e-mail me, call me, im me, or just track me down at school. leave messages in my lockers, with ms. hamm... i don't care, just let me know if you wanna come! you all should, he's incredible. EVERYONE is welcome! .... i'm really sleepy, and rambling, but just let this be your warning that from now til sunday, i don't want to be your friend unless you're coming on sunday! so come! because we all know EVERYONE wants to be my friend *silence* well.... humor me.
ben: i AM the sessual goddess!! yeah!
megan: sessual?
ben: i mean, sexual.
megan: godess??
ben: GAH! i mean GOD!.... i'm the sexual god! really!
--me and ben... discussing something or another...

abi: are you wearing my shoes?
megan: no, you are.
abi: i am what?
megan: wearing your shoes
abi: well, of course i am.
megan: *sigh*
--me and abi, eeeearly in the morning last week.

"change is always good... sometimes."

"warning: may induce suicide"

"the mole is also avagadro's number...i have a pet mole, his name is avagadro. *pause* he's not really a mole... but he's magnetic! *sticks magnetic mole to black board*"
--ms. wikner

danielle: you know, this question doesn't say "essay" aaaaanywhere on it. i think we can just write 1, 2, 3, and our characteristics and be done with it. all in favor?
substitute: mrs. van zante told me it was an essasy....
amos: aaah, you can't trust that, van zante says essay ALL the time... it's like tourretts... 'if you'll all get out a piece of... ESSAY!' ... yeah, i don't think this is an essay question...
--AP english

"well see... they have grains. like sheep, barley, bran... hmmm... sheep isn't a grain."
--ms. wikner

"say you dissolved salt in water... it's still salt, but not really *class looks confused* aaaah, for example, you wouldn't want to put it on your french fries any more."
--ms. wikner

"*handing out papers* now, guys, DON'T write your name on this.... ryan!! you wrote your name on it! now, they're all going to laugh at you next hour when i hand it out again... *sigh*"
--ms. wikner

"my poooolaaaaaarity detector!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!"
--ms. wikner, in response to the popping of her balloon/polarity detector.

ms. wikner: so the nail and the solutioin react and make.... copper!!
ryan: copper? ms. wikner... we're going to be billionaires!!!
ms. wikner: suuuuure we are ryan...


You will marry CHRISTIAN (played by Ewan McGregor) from Moulin Rouge, live in a sparkling elephant at the Moulin Rouge, and spend your days righting wrongs and singing songs because all you need is love (and it helps that it's Ewan McGregregor you're living with ^_^).

What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

renata and i are marrying the saaame person! aaah!


i DID go and make toast last night. it was really good. i'm really tired. i closed sandwich line at work tonight. i'm still really bad at it (well, not bad at it, just not fast... i can close bakery SO fast cuz i've been doing it for so long...) yeah, we closed the salad line at like... 8. and by 9 we were like, half done. yaaaay not being busy. but sandwich line does take longer, *sniffle*

so... very.... tired....

i have a chem test tomorrow. so, goodnight.


renata's fraggle and my fraggle are best friends! wooot! ... i'm like nine different moods right now, and i couldn't pick just one on imood, so i decided to be angelic because there was a little angel smiley face. aaawww.

bought a ton of new clothes today... AND the coolest shoes in the whole world ... they're pink, and sparkly and kind of platformy, but not as platformy as my blue ones. *nod* and blue pants, and a purple sweater, and a pink shirt... and some sparkly stuff... and yeah. abi's a good shopping partner. she bought a sweater and some eyeliner and something else. i don't remember. but i bought the eyeliner for her, because like... otherwise she would have had to charge it at old navy ("your total is 1.05" "can i charge this?") aaah, i was like an hour and a half late going to rob's house. and rob doesn't have a phone anymore *sniff* aaaand, i'm hungry *pause* i haven't eaten anything but a bowl of soup today. whoops. i'll just say my new years resolution is to eat only soup, and only once a day. *nod* but, i fear i'm about to break that resolution.... by going and making some toast. (mmmmm tooooooooooast). ok, i'm making very little sense, and i'm so tired that i'm having trouble typing... so i'm off to toastland, and bed. gooooodnight.
bah, i'm tired, going to write in my reeeal journal. (damn thing's almost full, i'll need a new one soon *sigh*)


So, which Fraggle ARE YOU most like? Click here to find out.

... that's really hard to read. who in their right mind puts lime green on yellow. honestly.
i'm so cold. like, i can hardly feel my fingers. brrrrr. *shiver shiver shiver*
i'm Cherry flavoured!

You are Satine, the sparkling diamond. A true performer, you're always ready to charm the audience with your smile. You're not as happy as you would have everyone believe, but you won't give up hope. Deep in your heart, you know that dreams come true.
for being unmotivated, i just did quite a bit of work on the template. hehe. i got rid of the menu thingy for links, because it confused me. (and if it confuses me, it's gotta go)... also, messed around with stuff on the left side, still deciding whether or not i like it. i really wanna move my blog from blogspot to cc.com (maybe?) so i can ad a who's who and steal renata's glossary. (i might join priscellie in the stealing of renata's who's who layout..) but really, those are important things to have, and let's face it... i'm not talented enough to come up with my own. i already made some minor ammendments to renata's glossary because we are (contrary to popular belief) different people *loud gasp from crowd* yes, that's right, meganandrenata (or renataandmegan) aren't one entity, there's actually a megan (blonde) and a renata (purple or brown or kinda purpley blonde...) amazing, i know.

i'm really tired. but yeah, i'm gonna start writing the who's who. woo!


*SOB* i wasn't at the basketball game. know WHY? because my car broke down!! *sob*.

so, i am without a car. for who knows how long *sniffle sniffle* also, my dad overslept and didn't wake anyone up, so we didn't go out to breakfast. so i pretty much lied last night, about what all was going on today. anyhow, my car: i was on my way home from the mall and randomly the engine just STOPS. and i was like "Aah!" so i put it in neutral and tried to restart it... and that didn't work at all.... so.. since it was dead and all i panicked and sort of pulled over. then i realized my phone's battery was almost dead, and panicked even more, then called home, and told my dad where i was. he came to get me (with rob and my sister) and took me home, then went and got my car towed, while rob and allison and i watched road to el dorado, then part of cats and dogs, then moulin rouge, then the rest of cats and dogs. cats and dogs is an awful AWFUL movie. goood lord.

yeah, so i'm dependent on nic to get me to and from school for now *sniffle* i hope my car gets fixed. i hate the bus. i hardly even rode the bus after my accident last year. ugh. i don't even know my bus number or what time it comes or ANYTHING *cries*. so the moral of all that is.... if you are a good person, you will drive me around for the next week *nod*.

i bought a kick ass new shirt at wet seal today though. i lurve it. aaaaaand i bought a sweatshirt for allison, and this awesome bra at victoria's secret. very nice. aaaaaaand.... some other stuff. yeah. ok, i'm gonna make my bed, and write in my acting and movement journal for a bit... then try to get some sleep. so i'll prolly go take some sedatives somewhere in there too. also, i need to find my copy of 'the plague' see, i read it at the beginning of break, and liked it. but like... i need to be able to discuss it, so it'd be nice to reread some of it. bah. i remember enough that my vague notes make sense, so i think i'll be ok if i can't find the damn thing. yeah, bed, goodnight.
*posting again*

changed my imood. i wanted to put "narcissistic" with the smiley face that has hearts for eyes... cuz it's like... i'm in love with myself... but not really. i just bought a shirt today that i'm wearing and i really like *shrug* so i've been gazing at the mirror more than usual.

pack the stadium tomorrow for the women's basketball game! i'll be there! my sister'll be there! rob'll be there, and of course, my DAD will be there (yay for my dad, he rules.) ... also i'm going out to breakfast with all those same people at like 9:30, so i have to get up. so i have to go to bed! gah!
aah, i promised renata that i would post a blog entry when i got home, because i ditched her to go to robs... because i'm a horrible friend *sob sob* . . . i was gonna say something about something. then i remembered it was top secret. so shhhhhh! *looks around* i'm bored. i need to keep reading my book for AP english. *is overwhelmed by overabundance of people named rob* gaaah.

missy and i are going malling tomorrow. we might have to take my sister along, cuz she wants a shirt. maybe i'll just take her money and buy the shirt for her. gap has these kick ass sweatshirts, only they only have small and extra small. i tried my damndest to fit into a small, but alas. though... i bought a DIFFERENT gap shirt, and it's a small. go figure. bah.

ben just got his wisdom teeth out.
ben: "you know though, i really want to have a romantic interlude in the next few days, just so i can say "you know, i would kiss you right now if i weren't still spitting blood." or something equally romantic"
... that's my best friend *makes a face* eww.

*swivels about* did i already say that missy and i were going malling? i dont' remember. maybe i'll buy my shoes tomorrow. prolly not. i'm disenchanted with the shoes *sigh* but the haircut seems like a viable option still. i just hate going to get my hair cut. maybe i'll just con my mom into making an appointment for herself, me AND my sister, then she'll pay for it. yeah, that's what i'll do. *nod*

bed. yes.


i was just messing around with imoods, and it has like, a breakdown of all the moods i've felt. and i've felt ignored twice, and like twenty other moods once each. but it says "you usually feel ignored" because of that. *sob* now i feel like i'm whiny and stupid and like, attention hungry. *SIGH*

but actually, i was pretty amused by it. sort of like my "angry" mood with a happy face that amused me so much i left it up for like four months. heeeey! it's next year! well not really. it's 2002 though. which means... next year's 2003... weeeird. *is deep, only... like, not!* aaaah, i have to get up early. so goodnight to all my adoring fans *blows kisses*

heeey renata? when's that ani concert in bloomington? . . . cuz like... i think you said it was like... the 21st? and like, that's right after my birthday, so maybe i could convince my parents to let me go seeee it with you ... and that would rock? yeaaaah. cuz i haven't seen you in a long time. and i have a big bag of stuff to give you... and it weighs so much that i could like, buy a car for the price it would be to mail it to you... so maybe i'll buy a car then just drive to normal. or i could just use my car and drive to normal and save some money... ya know... whatever *shrug*

i didn't buy my shoes OR get a hair cut today. i might buy the shoes tomorrow, but i've mostly given up on the haircut idea. *Shrug* the mall has sales though! oooooh saaaaales! *nods* uh... wasn't i going to bed? yeeah. gooooodnight!


Which Rocky character are you?

dammit, i'm janet! woohoo!
*gasp* starninastar linked to me! i feel so popular! *goes to ad *nina* to the links list*

my nose hurts (it took me three times to spell nose. *sigh*) i should have called rob when i got home tonight... daaaamn. i'll just go, like... stalk him tomorrow, while i'm shopping (i'll shop, then stalk! i'm so clever. *silence* ok, fine... you don't think i'm clever, i hate you.)
hey! how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?

who cares? let them cry in the dark.

*vastly amused*

You are Sailor Venus!
You are graceful, beautiful, and
the incarnation
of love and heart.
You're athletic, and you're a good friend...
Even if you do have a tendency to be late.
You might even be famous someday!

You fight with the power of love and beauty!

Take the Which Sailor Are You? Quiz!

...created by Kenzie.

athletic? ha!

uhhhh, work was crappy as usual. only we were slow, so i actually got stuff done. that was fun.

got paid, so i'm gonna get a hair cut tomorrow (woohoo) ... also, gonna buy some cute shoes i don't really need! yay!

i have a really good story to tell anyone who wants to hear it (i already told renata and ben) but yeah.

i really don't have anything to say *sigh* i'm going shopping tomorrow! woooo.


another post... to say that .....

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?

awww, some of the eevees are sooo cute. eevee is kind of like teevee. *ponders*

expect more posts later. as i'm working of the blog template to try and make it not suck in netscape. but don't expect me to succeed or anything... just expect more posts.

myeeeeh. i haven't felt like writing. but renata's blog inspired me. i wish i were as funny as renata. i also wish i updated more. and that i was cool. and while i'm at it... i'd like a pony... and a million dollars... and some cheese fries (mmmmmm cheeeeese fries).... yeah.

so, a run down of events from the last few days...

saturday: hung out with rob and his two ultra cool (ultra cool? since when do i say "ultra cool"? *sigh*) friends from clinton. rhyn and aaron. only, i'm bad with names, and when rob quizzed me, i was like "uhh... ryan... and..." and he was like "CLOSE! but it's bryan! ... and aric" so... i proceeded to call them bryan and aric. *siiiiigh* rob's such a jerk ^_~ uh, i don't actually remember what all happened that night.... but whatever, i think i went home and they went... to cory's? *shrug* i vaguely remember aaron carrying some giant shelf things and running into a door.... and they ditched me in the food court (or i ditched them... i'm not sure... it was an accident either way) and i was confused.

sunday: hung out with rob, rhyn, and aaron again. goooodtimes. we went walmarting, watched joe dirt, played don't be a dork... and i watched them play grand theft auto... which is a disturbing game. but i liked watching. i lack the coordination to play computer and video games, but there are a lot of them that i really enjoy watching other people play *shrug* go figure. "don't be a dork" is a fun game. at least everyone was embarrassed once or twice. (god, at one point... i'm sure i was like... redder than red. i've never blushed so much in my entire life...) but it was fun.

monday: aah, i don't remember what we did monday. i went to emily's and watched "the car" (insert evil music here) deeeeear god. best friggen HORIBBLE movie (horror movie from the seventies, SO funny without meaning to be....) "wait? so, her house was in the middle of the road? and the car drove through it?" "the visual effects guy just put red cellophane on the camera! how cheap!" "*guy gets hit by door* bwaha! that'll show you to stand in front of the doors of mysterious cars!" "hey, didn't that guy die already?" (we all agreed, a guy who had died in an earlier scene was back in the background of a later scene. i was amused.)

tuesday: i worked *sob* i HATE work. panera is yuppie central. especiallly now with the holidays and all. people are soooo stupid. AGH. tonight was the last night i got to see caleb. *sniffle* i'm gonna miss him so much. he's off to LA. *sniffle sniffle* my parents made an ungodly large amount of lasagna and had him over for dinner. also, rob and rhyn came over for dinner. (aaron didn't, because he's skanky. actually, i dont' know why he didn't. but when i asked rob and rhyn kept saying "who's aaron? who are you talking about?" they were so convincing i actually stopped to think if maybe i was making things up.) then after dinner we tried to blow things up. (caleb had fireworks) but one was a dud. but we got to make fun of caleb "it doesn't look like it's working! go look down the tube! *caleb actually does so*" it would have sucked if he'd shot himself in the face with a firework right before he left....

it's still tuesday, eh? (if it's not... i'm SO confused. my concept of time is already skewed. i actually had to look at a calender for a long time before typing all the above stuff. i'm in a good mood. a fabulous mood. despite feeling needy *points to imood thing* i'm actually not feeling too needy. just kind of... needing a hug from ben. maybe i'll call him tomorrow. and, i'm going to go see lord of the rings with bryan (i PROMISE!) seriously. i want to see it really badly... i work 5-cl the rest of this week, we could go to the 12:00 showing, yeah?

renata... i called your cellphone to tell you to get online. but it was voicemail and i felt stupid, so i hung up. *sniffle* aaaah, i left a really long commment in your blog. hrm. i'm tired. so i'm gonna stop blogging. my fingers are cold. *wanders away*