
cory (rob's roomate) is one of the funniest people alive. i went over there for awhile tonight and watched the end of "the musketeer" which was TERRIBLE. dear god. i saw it in theatres, but... seriously, i remembered none of it. oh well. i've decided to make an attempt to update quotes once a week. oh, ben at least developed my pictures today. but i still need to nag him to get him to print them.

i think my mom hates me. like, mr. dvorak (the dean of students... they made up that position at west just so he could be an administrator. really.) anyhow, he sent a letter that was like "hey, megan needs to serve her half hour detention, or we won't give her the third tri report card! and apparently my mom like flipped out. because we all know what a terrible person i am. personally, i think that since i'm not pregnant, drunk, a druggie, or planning on dropping out of highschool... i'm just fine. so i'm not the brainiac they wanted, let them try again with allison. i have developed a kind of apathy for life after caring about everything screwed me over. and i'm happy now. seriously. i have no new scars, i'm healthy, i don't believe that eating needs to be followed by throwing up... i'm like a hundred percent better than i was this time last year. maybe everyone should just be happy that i stopped what i was doing and didn't commit suicide, eh? settle the hell down about school. it's high school. i'm going to u of i. i really dont' even care if i have to go to kirkwood for a year. caleb did it, and he turned out fine. lots of people have done it. *shrug* it's not like either of my parents have stellar pasts, and i'll be damned if i'm going to be theirs to control for their vicarious lives. myeh, i'll shut up, because none of you care. you just read this to read about yourselves, and for occasional bursts of wit.

i'm gonna go finish typing my paper. WHY am i in AP english? why? oh yeah, because i love reading and writing. however, i hate analyzing everything to death. if i ever write a novel, there's going to be a disclaimer at the beginning "it's just a story. please do NOT analyze. take it at face value, it's JUST A STORY" *sigh*


woot. i put up a revised version of renata's glossary. i told her i was going to do that a long time ago, and she was like "myeh, sure" so i did. just because everyone who reads my blog doesn't read hers... although they prolly should. i went to see copenhagen tonight. it was an awesome show, but there was an understudy on for werner heisenberg... and he was dropping lines like a mad man. also, the understudy slips were the ghettoest thing in the ENTIRE world. little hand cut strips of paper, times new roman font, just said "the part of blah blah will be played by..." i was like "whoa, that's like... something the ushers made ten minutes ago". whatever. i went out to lunch with my dad today, fun times. i also went to rehearsal afterschool, fun times. amy rocks my socks. i also watched some of the digital videos from alice in wonderland. i need to go through and like, do the still image capture thing. so, i will have some nifty alice pictures soon. yay! ok, i'm exhausted. goodnight all!



if you are nick or rhyn: email me! or comment or something.
if you are rob: e-mail me too. just because i like getting e-mail from you
if you are renata, del, *nina* or anyone else in macomb: i hate you because you all got to go, and i didn't *sob*
if you are erin: go frowl! (everyone go visit erin's newly moved site! here!)
if you are nic or andreeeea: i heart you like sisters!
if you are abi: i still have you skirt! and yooooou have a nose!
if you are ben: you need to develop my pictures!
if you are danly: you need to tell me *when* you're taking my picture
if you are missy: congrats on your riverside thing!
if you are none of the above: i heart you for reading my blog! *blows kisses*
i made a quotes page. i'm SO proud. you really don't understand what a monumental event this is for me! like, WOW! i did something website related, ALL by myself! it sucks, admittedly, but it's all done by me! (of course, this doesn't mean i won't let erin or renata fix it when they see how terribly the html is....) anywho, i just put the quotes that i've had in my blog entries in there, but i have about three or four pages of quotes in my real journal that i'll type up and put in. yeaah.

didn't work today, did have a voice lesson though (it was so like... reassuring. i can sing! kind of! like, i'm not a TOTAL moron, i'm not entirely hopeless!), didn't get to see rob much *sniffle* and i asked him to call me, but my cell phone is being a bitch, so i feel like a bitch for not being able to answer the phone. i'm sorry rob! it's NOT my fault for once!

erin's moving to frowl.org tonight. i'm muy excited. i'm going to go downstairs now and get my backpack, and a cream soda. and hey, yay for people who comment. i love people who comment. it makes me feel popular. like prom queen or, cheerleading captain or something. so humor me and allow me to revel in superficial popurlarity.


i went to clinton today. it was fun, only rob was late picking me up because he's a jerk. but i'm over it. we flew kites, and i met his brother nick (who is like... a hybrid of rob and nick kanellis. it was scary.) and got to hang out with rhyn (aww, i heart rhyn. they played incredibly violent video games, while i watched and pretended not to find it entertaining (dear god, SO violent). oh, before i forget, i'm trying to stop saying "oh dear god" because it drives me crazy. stupid heather (i mean, billy jean) trying to take over the world, one person at a time. sheana said i should start swearing like her... which is to say, not swearing, but saying "mother of PEARL!" and random stuff like that. it's SO funny when she's mad at something, she yells all these random things.. hehe. uhm.... what else? *thinks* i can't remember, i didnt' really write anything down about today except for quotes. so, here are the quotes. enjoy. oh, in reference to the kites. rhyn's had a picture of a crouching tiger on it. nick's was a dragon, rob's was a mutant pterydactyl and mine had butterflies. later, rhyn and i watched nick and rob fly these neato bi-plane kites. they were so cool. and these random old people sat in their car and watched us for like... 40 minutes. yeah, anywho, quotes.

"when compared to a buffaloo, i'm actually quite clever"

"give him a break, he's a crouching tiger, he's not comfortable flying!"

"Hey, that plane's all envious of us!"

"it's like a plane mating dance."
~rob or nick...

rob: *gasp* that plane dropped a bomb!
nick: "that's a bird.
rob: *pause* no, it's a baby plane! awww

"mmmmm bland flavor"

nick: *tries to inflate kite package by blowing in it, just fogs up the plastic*
rob: did that actually do *anything*?
nick: it gave it that mysterious look.
~nick and rob

"do you remember when we took gramma on the bumpiest road in the world, and she didn't break or anything?"

"watch it, or i'll squeeze you with my massive thighs"

nick: hey, give me a drink
rhyn: *holds out jar of salsa*
nick: uh... not of salsa... a drink!
rob: hey now nicky, don't drink and drive!

rob: the dryer's glowing, it looks like it's possessed.
nick: yeah, it scares me at night *sniffle*

"why'd it die me?!"
heeey, i'm going to go to clinton in like... twenty minutes. so i'll be gone all day (surry abi!) but yeah. hey renata, you should like... drive to clinton and we'll hang out (i figure, clinton is like.... an hour and a half towards illinois ... thus is should be right by renata's house. my reasoning is totally defunct, so whatever.) um, i'm hungry. i have mood nail polish on. it's pink when my mood is hot, and purple when it's cold. apparently. aaaah..... seems like i should have more to say, but all i have to say is... "i work way WAY too much." and me whining about how terribly stupid people are.... just isn't interesting to most people.

ok, so wish me luck, i'm off to meet rob's parents. *nervous* it'll be ok, i mean, how could ANYone hate me? *pause* ok, fine, well i can think of like three people who HATE me. but that's their problem, and i hate them back. so... yeah, hopefully all will be well. whatever.


hey, i remembered to bring my notes of work home. but i left them in the car, and it's too cold to go out and get them. yeah, work sucked WAY more than usual today. some really bitchy people. gah. ok, to everyone out there who reads this, and may possibly be a jerk in restaurants, stores, etc.... the world does NOT revolve around you. whoever you deal with has prolly helped hundreds of people before you, surprisingly enough, you are NOT the most pertinent thing on their mind. so settle the fuck down, the world will NOT end if you have to wait five minutes for fresh coffee, you will survive. dear GOD! people are SUCH morons!! *cries*

rob and i might go to clinton on sunday *nod* i'd be like... meeting his family. eeeek. *is scared* what if they hate me? and are like "we hate you, go away! *ROWR*!" ...i'd cry. yeah, he came over after work tonight and watched my friends dvd with me (since i had such a bad day, i went and bought the newest "best of friends" dvd.) he's all moved into cory's and all is well. only like, i dont' know where cory's is (i've only been there once, and it was dark.) so i think rob is like... "yeeeah, i'm moving to cory's..... *runs away and hides*" *sigh* why does that ALWAYS happen??

on a completely random note....
"this will amuse a few of you, who i dont really talk to that much...
for the record, this morning while i was having sex, the urge to say "i love you" hit me. of course, i wouldnt do that under the current situation. it would be bad. so during the act, as a measure to resist saying that, i decided to fill my mind with whatever randomly came up first that was not related to my situation. so there i am, repeating, in my mind:

what is a frowl?


yeah, that was from lisa-marie. it made me laugh REALLY loud. i think i prolly woke people up. oooh nic gave my rent cd back today! yaaay! and that was related to what i was talking about, because sonic is a rent list (HA!) and yeah.

my back hurts, i have to get up early, and like, my mom is taking my car tomorrow and my dad's out of town, and i have TONS to do and need to be running around and stuff. so this all sucks. bah! i'm going to bed. oh, but something sheana said to me...

"dance for me? please? DANCE dammit! spin, you're nothing but a dreidle!"

oh god, which reminds me... at work, we have a wall that's all glass... and this guy walked into it. oh my god, i felt SO bad for him! like it made me want to cry. if it had been me, believe me, i would have started crying RIGHT there. dear god. he even left a face print from running into it, and everyone was laughing at him, and i seriously wanted to cry. it was weird. like, i was laughing at sheana because i thought she was going to pass out she was laughing so hard. so i hit her and was like "dear god! it's not funny, i feel SO sorry for him, i'm gonna cry!" which made her laugh harder. then, like twenty minutes later i hear her burst out laughing, and she's like "aaaah, i was just THINKING about it!" *sigh* it still makes me want to cry though. if i'd been in his place, i wouldn't have been able to laugh it off like he did... how embarrassing. aw. he was like.. the one nice customer all day. how sad.


oh dear god, i had the FUNNIEST stuff from work last night to blog about. i wrote it all on a napkin in green pen. then i put it in the pocket of my work pants, then i left them at work. (i usually change pants before i go oot and aboot..) then tonight, i meant to grab it, but i forgot. damn it all. i want to blog, i want to be entertaining! but alas, i'm going to go to bed. *sniffle*
renata, i neeeed to talk to you. if it's all good with you, i'm going to share my 10MB of frowl with erin. because otherwise her blog will cease to exist and she's the one who got me into blogging. also, i'm giving her my other frowl email. *nod* and erin, if i didn't tell you already, it's TOTALLY fine with me, and i can't imagine renata being a crazy nazi and saying now. so yeah.

i just made a kick ass data base of conflicts for the cast of wiley and the hairy man *nod*

i'm really tired.


some quotes i came across. from the days of hippies, hacky sack, sabby, ryan... and danly. *sigh*

"off the wall! matrix style!" (regarding someone's hacky sack technique)

"i'm a hippy in training! a HIT! *laughes to self... everyone else is silent* yeah, well *i* thought it was funny" (amos)

"i'm a hippy, see? i have sandals."

"dont' worry, it landed in sabby's pants, that's only pseudo-ground"

"holy cow, my calf!"

"you hit me in my ear! i mean... my knee!"

"you're way too energetic to be a hippy"

"i suck at hacky sack... and life."

*sigh* ah a walk down memory lane.


i tried to go to sleep. but it didn't work so well. the creepy pancheros guy is stalking me. it's really scary, he's like 40. dear god. (dammit heather, you've got me saying 'dear god' every five seconds! bad billy jean, bad!). i tried to call rob, but his scary roommate was on the phone (he answered, but like they have call waiting, so he was like "hey, i'm on the other line, but i'll have rob call you" that was like two hours ago though.) ah, i read a bunch of the cider house rules, it's a good book. i just read 'the world according to garp' before i started cider house rules... both very good books.

i'm so bored, maybe i'll bop on over to the rent boards and see what's been a going on in my absence. i know renata's admin. now. and i bet lots of the bitchy people i hate are still there... but i know i'll be welcomed by those who actually thought i was funny *nod*

del's online but she's idle. i wanted to talk to her, we had so much fun making fun of the microsoft help paperclip. *sigh* ok, so the plan is.... read some blogs i've been ignoring... maybe fix the template so my age is right... check out the boards... yeah. then maybe i'll be able to go to sleep.
i looked beautiful today, as promised. well, sort of. i was just in a good enough mood that i didn't mind that i looked bad, so i felt beautiful. i ran to the mall with missy after school and bought some stuff that was on sale at wet seal. a purple fleece thing that is kind of pretending to be blue... and some jeans, that are like, rinsed with pink dye (they're neato, and they make my ass look nice, so woot!) i just got an e-mail from steedaduart with the lyrics to human girl (aiee! i love love that song)

i was gonna do something with rob tonight, since it's the only night this week that i don't work *sob sob*... but alas, no such luck. maybe i'll have a chance to run over to his house after we finish closing. *shrug*

i have a bunch of pictures that i scanned and have been meaning to put up... but ... i'm lazy. thus, i'm leaving.
all i ever wanted was
to get laid in a haunted house
all i ever wanted was
to punch out mickey mouse
all i ever wanted was
breath mints and cigarettes
all i ever wanted was
one blonde and one brunette, so

pull that pistol, tease that trigger
make that missile blow up bigger
sugar bullets
shoot off my
sugar bullets
shoot off, shoot off

all i ever wanted was
buddha without buddhism
all i ever wanted was
jesus christ without the christians
all i ever wanted was
peace and love without the pot smoke
all i ever wanted was
porno flicks without the plot, so

pull that pistol, tease that trigger
make that missile blow up bigger
sugar bullets,
shoot of my
sugar bullets
shoot off, shoot off

sweet stigmatas stain the mattress
aren't we
skin pinatas stuffed with plasma?
aren't we
kundalini meets karate
knock me out of my own body

stuart davis.... my hero.

on a less random note, the papers are done. hurrah, hurrah! let the joyous news be spread! *dances about* now it's time for me to sleep! gah! school tomorrow, and i promised ben i'd look beautiful! damn!


listening: happy music, vol. II. the charlie brown theme song to be precise. it's like my favorite song in the whole world.
wearing: jeans, my pink watch, my purple sweater and my beatle boots.
should be: writing papers.

i like happy music. and i hate papers. gaaaaah. i dont' even know what i'm going to do with the psych. one. bah. apparently my e-mail was somehow at frowl.com instead of org. but i fixed it, with help from renata. i can be so stupid at times, it astounds me. there are so many people iming me! aaaaah! *runs to a corner and hides* can't you all see that i need to write a paper and a half! (i need to revise a paper, and write one. *nod*) ack! aol shopping just appeared. i must have hit a button. or aol's getting really pushy.

i dont know how to cite this stuff! gaaah! i hate papers! but, the good news is..... ap english paper is done! psych is all i have left, and that's easy enough. provided i find the sheet that explains what all i have to do... oh, and sidenote: neuzil claims that it's ALL on his website, and it so isn't. bah!
i went to the amana colonies for lunch today. with my dad and my uncle and my sister and my aunt and my.... grandpa. it was fun. we kept going into these little stores that my grandpa either didn't want to go it, or had steps, so he couldn't go in (he's in a wheelchair) so rob (uncle rob) would just park him in a sunny spot where there wasn't too much wind, and just hope he didn't roll away. so, we went to this toystore, and rob did that... and we came out and grandpa was gone... and rob's like "i swear, i left him RIGHT here..." then this group of people walked by ... like crying really hard... and rob asked this guy if he'd seen where the old man in the wheelchair had gone... and the guy gave us a really weird look... but we found grandpa, my dad had hidden him. *sigh* also, this random car careened off the road while we were there, we could have died.

yesterday i did get a chance to see sarah's dad... he's in a really good mood despite being terminally ill... like, he know what he wants to say, but because of the disease he has, he can't make the synapic links to say it. so he says stuff he doens't mean to say all the time, like, when he's happy he shouts "hall of fame!" and "pennsylvania!" ... and he called sarah and all her sisters vegetables.... but he meant it in a good way *Shrug*

i'm really tired, and i have lots 'o stuff to do tonight. dammit all. and i'm really tired. shit shit shit. oh well, i'm sure i'll manage to get it all done *shrug* ... or at least i'll be up till all hours of the night talking to del and working on it...
i just told nic i was writing rob a letter, and he was like "uh oh, does it go like this? 'Dear Rob-
I found some dirty kid at wal-mart who is somehow hot, and I'm leaving you... ((heart)) always, megnananana'" to which i told him, no, it doesn't... the dirty kid at walmart was just too dirty. ew. and it was/is a thank you letter. so yeah.

then, i was looking for my matchmaker thing, and i tripped over a giant foam teapot that's on my floor (stupid props and set decorations all over my room, sheesh.)
i ran out to wal mart to get some stuff (candy, a mouse pad and a card) and there was this group of kids i kind of knew. like, i knew two of them. one from elementary school (he called my dad "ralph" once... like, when my dad was at school working on the greenhouse thing, and this guy go's "so what's next ralph" in a weird... rude mean way... and my dad blew up at him, and it was REALLY funny. everyone called him megan's dad or dan. and max had to call him mr. bohlke. *nod* aaaaanyhow...) and the other one was this girl from my photography class, who was really stupid. and like, there was this REALLY dirty, but REALLY beautiful boy with them. like my age. and i noticed him and was like "how the hell can someone like that be so attractive??" but i didn't really dwell on it. then, when i was at the checkout, he came RUNNING over, and was like "megan! megan! it's megan, right?" and i was SO confused... and like, he was like "i met you that one time, i know you through max, it's been a long time!" and i know for sure i'd never met this boy before in my whole life. god he was goodlooking though. very dirty and hick-ish... but somehow hot. i almost felt like i was slumming it just standing there talking to him... anywho... he ran off after about five minutes, but honked at me when i walked outside. *shrug*

i have a really bad headache. and a kind of bad stomach ache. but i'm listening to linus and lucy, the peanut's theme song. yaay. and i have some cool hard candy things. and an apple juice. though, i just about picked up the old english wood oil instead of my apple juice. that would have been SO bad. GAH! i did it again! *moves wood oil off of desk*

patrick - i saw this picture of an old band wearing turbans today. i think we need to get them to join us in our quest to merge with quiznos.

i really haven't done much today, except hang out with rob... and shop... and nothing else. *Shrug* i'm really kind of tired. i think i'm just going to go to bed. damn, i have some stuff i have to do first. ok, i'm going to do that then go to bed. goodnight.


*sigh* i've calmed down, and i dont' think i'm going to bother going up to cedar rapids. because i didn't even leave with rob until like... 1:20. then, we went to stuff, and he bought this giant wicker cone/tree thing. i have to tell andrea and heather, because we made fun of it when we were there earlier. also we went to wal mart and bought sheets. because rob doesn't have ANY sheets. it drives me crazy, how can you have a bed without sheets?? honestly! gah! *calms down*

i'm bored now, and rob works until like.... 9:30ish. and i'm bored *whines* plus, my mouse just fell behind my desk... and all my friends are gone (goodtime company trip all weekend *sob*) ok, i got my mouse back. though, it sucks, i'm thnking of going and buying a new one. that doesn't suck *nod* maybe a new mousepad too. i want to clean my room. like right now. ok, i'm gonna clean my room for awhile now. bye.
*frowl* rob was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. gah. and, like... i'm going to cedar rapids today, because they're having rib fest early because sarah's dad is so sick (sarah blocker is my aunt, married to my uncle rob, my dad's brother... *not* at all the same as rob who's 20 minutes late...) anyhow, they have rib fest every year... but since don's so sick, they're having it early so that everyone will have a chance to be together one last time for sure... but i'm going with rob (not my uncle) to look at a futon, and had he been on time, my dad was going to just wait for me to get back, then we were going to drive up together with allie and get lunch, but since he's late, i was like "not a big deal, i'll drive up by myself. i've done it before, it's no problem." and my dad gets all mad when i ask him for directions ("can only DRIVE there, i don't know how to give directions there....") so i ask him to call rob or the blockers, and he's like "i dont' have their numbers..." how can he not have rob's number... he talks to him DAILY. gaaah. so he finally rummages around and gives me a card with the blockers' phone number.... i REALLY don't want to call and interupt their party to ask for my uncle to give me directions... so i just look it all up online, the directions are terrible, but i look at the map and figure out a better way to get there anyhow. SO. if rob (not my uncle) ever gets here, i can get going. i'm SO mad at my dad for being a jerk about this. */frowl*
"this morning, i realized i've never dreamed about russian gladiators OR aric!"
*heather and i crack up*
"well, i only speak the truth"
-andrea, to me and heather at lunch

went oot and aboot with heather and andrea today. much much fun. went to the mall, got my ears pierced (third hole....) aaah, i got some new underwear, and this cute hello kitty bag thingy, for like a toothbrush and hair brush and lotion and makeup. and yeah. it was fun. but i ate SO much. like i prolly spent twenty dollars on food. bleaaah. oh, but i found a futon and frame at stuff etc. for like, $100. so maybe rob'll get a bed! (rob needs a bed) ... and i bought a shirt there, it's yellow. *nodnod* oh! i bought some KICK ASS sunglasses too. they're my movie star glasses now. they rule. *thinks* i don' remember what else i bought. but it was all cool.

then i went over to rob's... well, at 7, i took heather home, then my mom called my cellphone and was all mad that i was still out. and she got even angrier when i was like "you're right to me mad, how dare i stay out past seven, i'm such a terrible daughter." i guess she didn't appreciate my biting commentary of her parenting. alas. so i went home, even though i was supposed to be going to rob's... then i had to take a suitcase to my sister because she was like... spending the night at her friend's house... then... i FINALLY went to rob's house. his room's all packed up. it's kind of depressing. but i guess it's good because it means he'll be at cory's house soon. (but that'll be really weird... *shrug* .. anywho, i'm home now. and i'm cold. and i was hungry, but then i ate some chinese take out leftover from last night... and it was kind of gross, but i'm not hungry anymore. i just realized i ate the last of the rice, and put the empty container back in the fridge. whoops.

ok, i'm gonna talk to ben for a few more minutes, then go to bed, so goodnight!


guess what rob got me for valentines day! *listens to guesses* no... no.... eeeew..no! ... nope... ok, you give up! i'll tell you... a pretty silver necklace with a little amethyst and diamond heart. it's so pretty. i heart it. (and it's a heart! aaah the irony. or not.) it's really late. we watched tarzan (disney)... only i slept until jane showed up, then watched her get chased by monkeys... then fell asleep again. i heart jane, i wanna be the disney jane. i've eaten lots of candy today. and played with pablo brandoni (remember, he's the dancing guy in my watch.) i'm getting my ears pierced tomorrow. wooot.


"megan! you're one of my top matches! it's true lug!"

"i lug you andrea!"

"today's my birthday ms. wikner!"
"oh, i'm glad you were born!"
oh, i heard a quiznos commercial on the radio today, and they were like "served fresh, on a hot toasted...." and i yelled "TURBAN!" really loud. and heather was like "what the HELL are you talking about, you psycho!" but, i tell you, turbans + quiznos = cool! that's all you need in life is that equation righ there. write it down, you'll need it someday.
so, today's my birthday! yaay! ben gave me a birthday kiss (oooooh scandal!) and diana gave me some bubble bath, and erin gave me volume two of happy music! yaaaay! *listening to music* we're going to have take out chinese food tonight (yay!) and whatnot. oooh, my dad gave me a new watch! it's SO cool, there's a little digital guy who dances when you turn the backlight on. his name is pablo brandoni. (we had these matchmaker quizes at school, and erin got some guy "brandoni" ... he's a magician. *nod* and i got pablo somethingorother... it amuses me when people make up names... thus, the cool dancing guy got a name!) i'm listening to cheap trick. yaaay.

*dances about* i don't work until next tuesday, how much does THAT rock? (a: lots, it rocks a lot.)

jason's buddy icon is making me drool (it's sean biggerstaff... *drool*) i want a sean biggerstaff!! *sniffle* it's my birthday and i want the captian of the gryffindor quidditch team! i want him now! *feels like veruca salt in willy wonka...* if i could be ANYone in that movie, i'd be veruca. gaaah! he tried to get me to stop whining by offering my frodo. no, i am not attracted to hobbits. only elves... and quidditch captians... and well, rob... and... marks, and some rogers, and some gordons... and well... guys with accents, and alan, and ben (scandal scandal!)... yeah, i'm getting distracted.

i was playing somewhere over the rainbow really loud, and now allie's playing it on the piano. *shrug* i'm gonna go now, because i'm tired of blogging.


tomorrow's my birthday!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay!! *throws confetti* tomorrow's ERIN'S birthday tooooo!


all of our making fun of ownx somehow let to this....

megan: call him, be like "hi, paul... patrick here, i e-mailed you, remember? ... no?... well... at anyrate, i want to talk to you about this confidential marketing relationship site of yours..."
patrick: Lol! "Now, I think we all agree confidential marketing is the way of the future. And at ownx.com, I can see that the future is own."
megan: the best way to spread the word is to keep it all secret.
megan: everyone knows that
patrick: Exactly. If ownx.com was just another marketing firm, would I have mentioned it to you? ... Well, probably. But that's hardly the point.
megan: the point is... *pause* well, i don't KNOW what the point is. but, regardless, i applaud ownx.com for their bold new approach!"
patrick: "And strongly hope they don't shotgun me."
megan: ownx is going to be bigger than the night jogging turban!
patrick: Lets not get carried away now. Hehe
megan: right, right. nothing will EVER be as popular as the night jogging turban.
patrick: Or even the vintage Elvis Turban, with built on sideburns. And I just made that one up!
megan: wow. i think we should just forget ownx and get the old turban company back together.
megan: that's where the real money is.
patrick: Yeah, but then again, why not combine the two? OWNx.com could provide "marketing" for newly released turbans.
megan: ooooh, e-mail them back and mention that!
megan: nevermind that, i'll just call him!
megan: but then again... is secrecy really the way to sell turbans?
patrick: Great idea! It's good to get a jump on something like that. I'm sure ownx.com marketing is in high demand these days.
megan: "turbanz.com highly confidential, go away before we get teh shot guns"
patrick: Well, secrecy (as in bootlegging) was the original turban. I mean it's sort of like coming full circle, if you will.
megan: wow... it's like the circle of life.
megan: only with turbans instead of lions and stuff
patrick: And no crazy know-it-all monkey! I HATE that know-it-all monkey!
patrick: I hope that monkey studies ownx.com a bit too carefully, if you know what I mean.
megan: lol
megan: i think i have a motto for us... "turbans. like the circle of life, only with turbans instead of lions, and without the crazy hippy psychic monkey"
patrick: Kind of sounds like a Quizno's commercial.
megan: i think a quiznos and turbans r us merger is needed
patrick: "Quizno's, we're like the guy who wore pants, instead of a bush."
patrick: Good call. Nothings says turbans like a good sub sandwich...er...something.
megan: "we're like the guy who bought a turban, instead of a crazy know-it-all monkey"
megan: "our oven roasted turbans..."
patrick: "Dove right into the untoasted turban."
megan: i can't believe someone didn't come up with this sooner!
patrick: Lucky for us! I got about $60 on me. Think that'll be enough to buy out Quizno's?
megan: prolly not...
megan: i have... *empties out pockets*
megan: $28
megan: but... i get paid on friday... so i'll have like, another $200 then.
megan: so, if we hold off til friday, we'll have $298 ... which seems like it ought to be enough to buy a quiznos...
patrick: Oh, hang on. I found a random metal object in my pocket. I think that was "deal breaker", as they say.
megan: if not... maybe we can hi-jack a quiznos.
patrick: Ah-ha. And when they see the genius of our plan, they're bound to hand over the company.
megan: hmmm you know, 200 + 60 + 28 doesn't equal 298
megan: maybe you should be in charge of the math from now on
patrick: Well, you have to take into account the random object. Heh
megan: right, right
megan: so, 200 + 60 + 28 + random object = 298.
megan: good.
megan: glad we got that cleared up
patrick: It's like that episode of South Park. "Step 1. Collect Underpants. Step 2. *long pause* Step 3. Profit."

Step 1. Turbans + Quizno's
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Profit!

by this time next week, i'll be rich from the turban and quiznos merger, just you watch.
listening: MC Stuey D, kickin it live *acts all ghetto and cool*

wearing: jeans that are confused, but cute, a pink shirt and my kennedy center ballet sweat shirt

i have mail! *returns, looking sad* it was from 'hothornynympho69' she wanted to know where i've been, and if i wanted to 'cum see her new webcam pics, xoxo!!!!!!!' *Sigh* renata's got horny hobos, i've got horny nymphos... *sigh* won't you people just leave us alone!!!? you know, i LOVE that so many of my hits come from people looking for porn, and like, blogs about sex... "today, i had lots of sex. now i'm going to write about it." *sigh* no. sorry boys. (and girls)

my stomach hurts. ew.... which reminds me, ihave an incredibly gross story about doran. so, he's at target right? (i was at target getting this kickass thing for rob for valentines day, but that's another story) anyhow, he's eating a gobstopper, and he chokes on it. and is like really choking. he said he thinks it was stuck behind the little flap thing that is supposed to keep stuff from going down the wrong tube (it's called the epiglottis... random fact) and he couldn't swallow it or cough it out or anything... so he threw up all over the floor. eeeew. then he like, coughed one more time, and the gopstopper popped out. eeew. so gross, but such a funny story. very keeping with doran's personality.

i'm talking to my cousin patrick right now, we're making fun of ownx.com. it's lots of fun. i dont' talk to patrick enough. but he accused my blog of having hello kitties on it. i told him that hello kitties and chococats are VERY different things. sheesh, doesn't he know his sanrio? apparently not.

oh, chelle, i did notice that your link was wrong, and i mean to fix it. but personally i think you should just move to frowl.org already, then i'll only have to fix it once. *nod*

i need a soda, so goodbye!


erin fixed my random mistakes! *does the "i love erin" dance* speaking of erin, it's her birthday on thursday, and speaking of thursday, it's valentines day, and speaking of valentines day, it's my birthday on thursday! yaaay! you should all get me lots of presents! or decorate my locker or something nice *nod* i'm gonna be 18! (i typed 81 five times before i got it right)

aaah, *pause* i was sure i had some more to say. OH... i have some stufff for a pictures page coming soon! (i dont' know if it's goign to be a who's who, or just a page of pictures that amuse me... hm...)

i'm going to resub on sonic. yes, i am. *nod* it's been awhile, but i think it's time.
teehee. i did *something* whoops. ah, renata? little help? i really like hte cute little font (aww it's so cute!) but it's grey. i tried to fix it ... it didn't work. ah, but i have comments now! oooh! comments! i can feel popular (or relaly unpopular) now! yay! ok, i need to get dressed to go out to eat, but i'll just... uh... yeah. don't worry, it'll be fixed soonish! i promise! on the upside, i fixed some links...
*Gasp* i love you renata!! i was like *reading last post* "hrmmm, maybe i was up late last night and figured that out... *pause* hey! that's not me!! *flail*" at anyrate. yes, i'm going to fix some stuff. *nod* then i'm going out to dinner with mi familia.

i moooved to frowl.org! http://www.frowl.org/meagna/

by the way, this is renata ^_^ hi megan! *waves* but her blog really did move. stop reading this. bah.
ok, for real, a blog for tonight. first, renata, awwwwwww i heart you sooo much! look what renata said about me, a WHOLE paragraph devoted to ME! *feels soooo loved*

"anyway. i just checked my voicemail after school, and i had one from megan! and it was amusing, and she was giving me her number to call her back, and theeen the battery died. *frowl* i suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to charge my cellphone once in awhile. anyway. so that made me sad. but theeen i got home and i had a package from megan!! *prance* the envelope amused me... SO much. it had a shiny naked folk punk singer, and a hello kitty (and a tricky mimmy), aaaand a portrait of megan and i. (2 stick figures.. one with yellow hair and one with purple hair ^_^) it's the best thing ever. and then i opened it! it had "the flat parts" of my christmas present (i love getting late presents.. it spreads out the joy of the season [ie me getting presents] so much longer ^_^) anyway. megan has the COOLEST sparkly tissue paper! *flails joyously* and dude, megan... 2 years ago, MY christmas cards said "the riot continues. the christmas tree goes up in flames. the snow dances."!!!! except nobody got it. and that sparkly silver paper is the coolest stuff ever. anyway... megan sent me more nekkid stuart bookmarks (i have four of them now ^_^), a hello kitty pencil, some ladybug bookmarks, a ladybug best friends necklace (specifically, "best"), aaand these awesome lemony snicket cards. random thought: if we both hate ladybugs so much, why are we constantly giving each other ladybug crap??? anyone who can answer this question will get... i dunno... peace of mind? anyway... i conclude this paragraph by saying i <3 megan."

yes, and as to why we give each other tons of ladybug stuff when we despise ladybugs.... *looks at desk, which has six ladybug things on it* um... to keep us alert, on our toes, ready to protect the world *pulls shirt sleeve down to hide ladybug temporary tattoo* oh, renata' i got you some gummi ladybugs today, but i ate them. surry (canadian style sorry)... let's see, i worked tonight (hell... dear god, i essentially spent 6 hours in hell.) though, while we were closing, we had a mix cd that had a cheesy slow song on it, and this couple walking past stopped and slow danced, it was so cute. ah, after work i went to rob's. it was nice to actually spend some time with him, it's usually like "hi, you have to go to work at noon, and i'm really late, so it's already 11:30.... well, see you later then." aaaaah, i came home and made easy mac, which i didn't eat (though, i was reaching for the gummi ladybugs and missed, and put my hand in the bowl of easy mac. it was funny.) yeah, so i'm sort of sitting around, wishing renata were here to tell me how to work blogger, adn the new frowl thing, and e-mail and *sob* i'm so stupid!!

*sigh* i have so much to do. i'm going to get online tomorrow when rob calls at the buttcrack of dawn and tells me to get up... and i'm gonna fix stuff! yeeeah! no more broken links! only *some* broken pictures! and, stuff! oooh aaaaah. i've ceased making sense, i need to call stuart... and tell him i need more nekkid bookmarks (oooh nekkid stuart *drool*) and, uh. stuff. i'm going to bed before i stick my hand in my macaroni again. it's cold now so it's even grosser.

i feel so out of touch!

i haven't talked to anyone in AGES. though... i think i saved a blog entry offline a couple nights ago... *goes to look...* heey, so from thursday.... here's an entry.

wearing: pajama pants and my over the moon tank top (the blue one) and pink socks, and some rings... and, my rent hat. (i'm stylin!)
listening: to rob. i'm on the phone with him. thus, i'm typing this offline.

lets see.... today was fairly boring. i got two nosebleeds, which NEVER happens *ever*... and mr. dvorak like, called me to his office to tell me that i was sick yesterday, and i was like "uh, yes you're right... nice work there...." it was weird. he called me out of class, and i missed like 20 minutes... all so he could be like "i see this is excused." and i was like "again, you're right. your intellect dazzles me." brian (skanky) and i discussed how silly it is that dvorak calls you out of whatever class you missed, so you miss at least 20 more minutes of the class. brian actually pointed it out to dvorak, and apparently he didn't think it was a stupid plan at all, and yelled at brian. it makes me glad i didn't bring it up. yeah, i hate our administrators. they're scary and insane.

i ate lunch with heather, then again with abi (i only ate the first time with heather, i just sat with abi in ms. hamm's room). cory kept whining about how hungry he was, but he didn't want to get food, he just wanted to sit in the sun under the chalk board. abi had pizza, hamm had a salad... uh, does anyone care what we had to eat? i didn't think so. mooooving on.

after school i hung out with abi and nina and hamm and cory... and i got to see part of abi and nina's duo, then abi went to the dentist and nina and i went to the library, and the evil audio visual desk lady was mean to us... but i saved the day (only not really). then we went to mcdonalds and got sodas, then we came back to school, then i went home. THEN i went to staples and got a binder of doom for the upcoming show (if you go to west... AUDITION!! DOOOOO IT!) i'm not stage managing, but i'm .... teching. in many ways shapes and forms. kind of like i did with alice, only i'm not going to be the lead, thus i won't be all strung out and scary.

now i'm at home. and i'm really tired. i have a fever and my skin's like all dry and crackly. it's gross.

rob went to clinton today. he didn't tell me he was going until like the night before. aargh, the jerk. i'm talking to him on the phone, i think i already said that.


OH my god. lisa sent a HUGE (longer than this) list of these to me, and i HAD to include my favorites, with some little sidenotes.....

~ snap bracelets were always getting you in trouble at school.
~ if you ever wrote with a squiggle writer pen
~ you played with "my little ponies".
~ friendship bracelets were ties that couldn't be broken.
~ you've ever read nancy drew, the hardy boys, the boxcar children, the babysitters club or sweet valley high.
~ you know all the words to "ice ice baby".
~ you had a crush on one of the new kids on the block members.
~ you remember the new kids on the block.
~ you wanted to be on star search.
~ you can remember what michael jackson looked like before he had plastic surgery.
~ you wore one of those t-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt during your youth.
~ you were styling with your french rolled pants.
~ you wore multiple pairs of socks in the middle of the summer just so you could be "hip"
~ two words: leg warmers
~ you had puff painted your own shirt at least once.
~ you owned a doll with 'xavier roberts' signed on it's butt.
~ the cosby show, alf, or out of this world was prime time television?
~ you remember when tgif first got started?
~ you know the profound meaning of "wax on, wax off"
~ you were upset when she-ra, princess of power, and he-man cancelled.
~ you can remember watching full house and saved by the bell for endless hours, back when they were new episodes.
~ you have seen at least 10 episodes of fraggle rock.
~ you hold a special place in your heart for "back to the future."
~ you know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name."
~ you wanted to be a goonie. ("goonies never say die.")
~ you remember madonna in her cone stage.
~ you knew "the artist" when he was humbly called "prince."
~ you even wore flourescent-neon clothing...
~ you could breakdance, or wished you could.
~ you remember m.c. hammer.
~ you can still sing the rap to "fresh prince of bel air".
~ you own any cassettes.
~ you owned a pair of l.a. gear, keds, or converse tennis shoes.
~ you have ever pondered why smurfette was the only female smurf. (and how come baby smurf never grew up...)
~ my little pony, gummy bears, transformers, you can't do that on television, noozles, kids incorperated, captian kangroo, double dare, and hey dude are familiar to you.
~ you ever had a swatch watch or a doonie and burke
~ you actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the "care bear stare"
~ you had wonder woman or superman underoos.
~ you thought that transformers were more than meets the eye.
~ you spent hours in the basement building and re-building lego cities.
~ do polly pockets or popples ring a bell?
~ big wheels and bicycles with streamers were
the way to go.
~ "party like it's 1999" seemed so far away!!
~ can we say trapper keeper?
~ can you tell you how to get to sesame street?
~ if you still have a crimper in your bathroom drawer
~ you watched orginal episodes of the muppet show
~ you had more than one star wars action figure
~ you loved your pink jeans, black stretch pants big loop earings
~ you had at least one hypercolor shirt
~ if you remember when rollerblades were the new thing
~ if you learned how to spell mouse from the mickey mouse club theme song.
~ you felt like a big girl when your mom bought you girl talk
~ you used to wear bright pink slip-ons and jelly shoes
~ you used to compare your little brother to ferguson
~ you were scared of the gremlins
~ you remember when ren and stimpy was a new show
~ your parents wouldn't let you watch the simpsons because it was inappropriate
~ inspector gadget was part of your daily ritual.
~ the wonder years was a part of your daily lifestyle
~ you had hotwheel races down your street during the block party
~ pee wee's play house?
~ fanny packs?
~ did you keep your hot pink lipstick in a caboodle?
~ you could not get enough hair spray on those bangs?
~ how many trolls did you have?
~ does "heros in a half shell" mean anything to you?
~ everything was rad, totally awesome, and tubular!!!
~ you remember when the original nintendo was the best $100 you could spend?
~ you owned a ghost busters action figure, a gi-joe, a hollywood hair barbie?
~ you loved to play with your glow-in-the-dark plastic jewelry?
~ you envied rainbow bright's fashion sense
~ you remember zoobily zoo?
~ you remember when cracker jacks actually had cool prizes.
~ hula hoops
~ it wasn't chuckie cheese's.....it was showbiz pizza
~ can we say: pound puppies

so, the sidenotes, i had them all typed, my hands were cramped, they were all in italics... i was typing the one for the showbiz pizza one... and sudddenly it all disappeared. DAMN BLOGGER. but, it's ok. just read them, and remember...


sidenote: TONS of my referrals are from the search "boys in speedos" *sigh*
wearing: new blue jeans and a new purple sweater.
listening: les mis actually, who'd a thunk... i strongly dislike that show... but i needed to hear a couple songs.... it's like a craving....

awwww abi and i are sweethearts ^_^

i work WAY the hell too much. *sniffle* i haaate working weekends, but today wasn't so bad and i got to go malling afterwards. *GASP* i need to do laundry.... ok, this post will be finished upon my return....

bah, my dad just told me that he's going to ames for something the weekend i was supposed to be able to go see ani difranco in normal with renata. and apparently he's taking my car.... *sigh* he already told me my plans were fine, and i think he was planning on coming along... and now he's randomly like "oh, i dont' care... sorry." *SIGH*

anywho... rob's in clinton, i'm all bored. i went shopping today though. i spent a lot *sniffle* but i got like... a LOT of stuff at old navy... and the most exspensive thing i bought all day was $7 for a pair of tights that i turned into knee socks. and i bought two new skirts... one of which is borderline between nice dressy... and slutty. but i like it anyhow. i usually don't wear short skirts, because i have weird legs (i always have bruises, i dont' know why.....) but yeah, and a purple sweater, and a purple work shirt, but it looks so nice i don't think i can wear it to work... and a blue thong... speaking of which i think i may have left that in the car... but yeah... and some gloves for like 50 cents... but they turned out to be two right gloves. i was sad. uhhhhhhh......... ooh, some cool pants (andrea has the same ones... wooo!) yeah.

i wish rob were home, or that he'd call me. i'm bored. i was talking to someone about my current favorite stuart song (original face) and they randomly used one of the lines as like, and insult. i was amused... the line is like "let the question pierce your heart" and they were like, yeah, pierce the heart, eh? in a mean and fuck youish manner. i was like "that's not how it should be. .... gaaah."

my parents are trying to get me to change my mind and go somewhere with them for vacation for spring break, but i don't want to. i'd rather stay with my friends and work. oooh, hopefully rhyn (rob's friend from clinton) is gonna come and spend some of spring break here (i hope i hope... he may have just said that to make me shut up...) ooooh, speaking of... yeah, aaron and ryhn were at the mall on saturday, and rhyn looked damn hot. (they were all dressed up for a speech competition thing...) i sat and talked with him for a long time. aaron came in and hugged me and spun me around then ran off. and i was horribly confused. (i'm always horribly confused... speaking of which, i'm moving my blog from blogspot to a domain for the perpetually perplexed... frowl.org *nod* this is a subject that deserves more than just being mentioned in a parentheses.... even a long parentheses....so....)

yeah, renata got a group of people to go in on a domain, go to her blog for details.... but it's gonna kick ass. i can even have like... meagna@frowl.org! i'm so excited. so, soon i will be redoing my layout and moviing to frowl.org/meagna ... or some such...

yeah, i'm gonna work on my new layout... it's gotta be something catchy, something snappy.... (c'mon people, what movie is that from? ("i quit, i quit! i quit.... i quit mr. white...." "johnny just quit....")

ok, it's getting to the point in time when i cease making sense to anyone except myself. bah.