i say anywho way too much. i hate that. kind of like "oh dear god" i say that all the time too. and heather (billy jean) cackles at me all evil like.... *Sniffle* i'm listening to rent right now. obcr. myeeeh, i could reach over and grab a boot, but i'm lazy. the skirt i want to wear tomorrow requires wearing skintone nylons, and i can't find mine anywhere. so... maybe i'll make a walmart run tomorrow morning... blech. i'm gonna go type up quotes updates... see ya.
hrmmm. i didn't do much today. "easter dinner" but yeah, whatever. my dad and i rearranged the living room, and now i'm waiting for rob to get home from clinton... aaaaand, yeah. that's about it. i leave for colorado on wednesday night. did i say that already? anywho. i watched some ancient rent bootlegs tonight. scott hunt is my god. i love that man. he's like... neuroticmark. it's fab. aaah, yeah. it was awesome watching all these old boots. and a couple new ones (like my curtismark, josuaroger one...) i wish i had a good jeremy boot. i LOVE jeremy. anywho.
i say anywho way too much. i hate that. kind of like "oh dear god" i say that all the time too. and heather (billy jean) cackles at me all evil like.... *Sniffle* i'm listening to rent right now. obcr. myeeeh, i could reach over and grab a boot, but i'm lazy. the skirt i want to wear tomorrow requires wearing skintone nylons, and i can't find mine anywhere. so... maybe i'll make a walmart run tomorrow morning... blech. i'm gonna go type up quotes updates... see ya.
i say anywho way too much. i hate that. kind of like "oh dear god" i say that all the time too. and heather (billy jean) cackles at me all evil like.... *Sniffle* i'm listening to rent right now. obcr. myeeeh, i could reach over and grab a boot, but i'm lazy. the skirt i want to wear tomorrow requires wearing skintone nylons, and i can't find mine anywhere. so... maybe i'll make a walmart run tomorrow morning... blech. i'm gonna go type up quotes updates... see ya.
an afterthought: i don't seem funny or witty in that post. i seem silly and stupid. but i don't care.
heeey! i worked today, it was no fun. rob left for clinton today, so for like... the first time in ages i just came straight home from work. i'm listening to elvis costello. i looooooove elvis costello. randomly today when i got home i was like "where're my elvis costello cds?!" and went on this mad search for them, then i found them and was like "dude, it's late, and everyone's asleep .... but i wanna listen to them LOUD." so i found my discman... but, turns out it doesn't work. so, i went to look for allison's (my sister, who is ironically named after an elvis costello song...) cd player, but i couldn't find it, and almost woke her up while i was looking. so i gave up. but, i think i'm gonna go buy one tomorrow. dammit, tomorrow's easter, i'll have to do it monday. i have some money coming because i bought shoes for allison today, and my dad said he'd reimburse me. they're the cutest damn shoes in the whole world. i bought a pair for myself at gap kids yesterday (i'm such a loser, i bought a lot of stuff for myself at gap kids....) and they fit allie too, because she is like, godzilla. (just kidding... i was abnormally small like... until high school, so she's like, normal sized compared to everyone else her age, but she wears the same size shoe as me... and is wearing a dress that was mine in 9th grade... and it's crazy. she's 10.) um... and what was i talking about? shoes. right. they're SO damn cute. "the mary jane sneaker" (go ahead, click... it's a LINK!) hers are pink and green, and mine are purple and purple (light and dark). and stuff... i love the gap. i remember when everclear sold out to the gap. i almost cried. i used to HATE that store, i was so alternative and hip and 'greater than thou" (sidenote: i typed "grrrreater than thou" which made me think of tony the tiger saying it. i was really amused.) but i've discovered recently that being true to what makes me happy is better than pot smoke and peace and free love, and alienating myself from EVERYONE. it was fun, but now i'm busy embracing my inner teenybopper. it's not like i hate the earth, and really want war... i just don't wear hippy clothes and boycot anything that isn't a head shop. anywho, i'm getting WAY off topic. but then again, is there a topic to even get off of?
that was a really long paragraph. i'll off set it with a really short paragraph....
see how short that is? wow. hm. i'm in a really hyper/good mood tonight. like... yeeeah! woooohoo! i'm funny! i'm witty! yeaaah! but, i'm not talking to anyone. sad. you can call read this and comment and be like "you're so funny! your'e so witty! we love you!" yeah. so, what's up.... not much. i got my ap english stuff done, and it's all good... and... my cousin amy's getting married on friday, so i'm going to colorado this weekend, and... i went out to dinner with rob last night, and it was really nice. (i was gonna say "it ROCKED!" but... it wasn't so much rocking as just sweet and nice...) i need to settle down, this entry's waaaaay out of control. i'm gonna go e-mail stuart about... something. i know i was like "no, i'll e-mail it to you!" but i totally don't remember what the hell i was talking about. yeah. goodnight!
that was a really long paragraph. i'll off set it with a really short paragraph....
see how short that is? wow. hm. i'm in a really hyper/good mood tonight. like... yeeeah! woooohoo! i'm funny! i'm witty! yeaaah! but, i'm not talking to anyone. sad. you can call read this and comment and be like "you're so funny! your'e so witty! we love you!" yeah. so, what's up.... not much. i got my ap english stuff done, and it's all good... and... my cousin amy's getting married on friday, so i'm going to colorado this weekend, and... i went out to dinner with rob last night, and it was really nice. (i was gonna say "it ROCKED!" but... it wasn't so much rocking as just sweet and nice...) i need to settle down, this entry's waaaaay out of control. i'm gonna go e-mail stuart about... something. i know i was like "no, i'll e-mail it to you!" but i totally don't remember what the hell i was talking about. yeah. goodnight!
*sigh* i have so much ap english research... and i'm so tired. i'm gonna try to do it first hour in hamm's room tomorrow. hah. wish me luck. i'm going to bed.
casey commented asking for new quotes. i feel like i should send the quotes update just to casey. she's the only one who deserves it. oh, and cory (mister k.) asked for a quotes update fifth hour today, so maybe i'll give them to him too.
it's really freaking cold in my room. brrrr
i don't have anything to say... i'm gonna go e-mail rob.
it's really freaking cold in my room. brrrr
i don't have anything to say... i'm gonna go e-mail rob.
gaah, my eyes are all dialated, and i can't see, and i drove here (School) from the hospital, and it was scary, because i seriouisly couldn't see *anything*. it's like... 12:00, i need to find heather and go talk to ms. hamm, but like... b lunch doesn't start for a few more minutes, and hamm has class until then... and i can't find heather. i hate the library, it's full of really loud annoying people making car noises. no kidding. ok, i'm going then.
sooo... i had it all set up so the "here" stuff opened in a new window that was all spiffy and such... and it all randomly disappeared. seriously, it was there, and now the code is gone. rawr. anywho, i don't care, i'll fix it tomorrow. stupid blog. *is grumpy now.*
heeey, the who's who is uploaded... but i'm having issues.... with stuff, so it wont' actually be accessible for awhile... but yeah. so, i think i'm gonna try to update quotes tomorrowish. yeah. maybe. also, i might add a thing with all the weird search phrases people have used to find this site... but, i dont' want to get too ahead of myself... new layout first.
oookay! so, i updated some stuff (but alas, not the quotes. maybe if people commented on how much they *love* the quotes, i'd update more often...) however, big things are coming in the future. think green. yeah. as of now that's all i'm saying. and think... goodbye chococat *sniffle*. but... i promise, i will keep working to make this not suck in netscape. i promise. oh, and i know that everything's pretty ghetto and not very pretty right now, but just you wait a week or two, it will be cool, i promise.
people i go to school with... hey, notice that i haven't been there? if you *did* notice that i haven't been there, you get a negative cookie. (it's a good thing, really). i'll be back on thursday, i'm minorly ill, going to the doctors lots to get stuff checked out. e-mail me, or comment, or make me feel loved. c'mon! i'm sick, humor me. i'd explain what i'm sick with, but it's really gross, and involves blood being where one usually does not find random amounts of blood. anywho....
i promised renata that i would blog last night. then i didn't. i'm sorry ~_~
i have an eye appointment thing tomorrow... so in addition to being sick... i have to go to opthomology... or however you spell that. bah. i hate going to the hospital by myself. it's scary. so yeah, if i'm lucky i'll be able to drop by school in time for 6th or 7th hour... i hate school *so* much, but i miss everyone *sniffle*
the who's who is almost complete! minus pictures... but... those involve using the downstairs computer, which is currently possessed by satan. so, as soon as that get's cleared up, i'll get to work on the who's who. for now, i'm going to get to bed.... so, adieu
people i go to school with... hey, notice that i haven't been there? if you *did* notice that i haven't been there, you get a negative cookie. (it's a good thing, really). i'll be back on thursday, i'm minorly ill, going to the doctors lots to get stuff checked out. e-mail me, or comment, or make me feel loved. c'mon! i'm sick, humor me. i'd explain what i'm sick with, but it's really gross, and involves blood being where one usually does not find random amounts of blood. anywho....
i promised renata that i would blog last night. then i didn't. i'm sorry ~_~
i have an eye appointment thing tomorrow... so in addition to being sick... i have to go to opthomology... or however you spell that. bah. i hate going to the hospital by myself. it's scary. so yeah, if i'm lucky i'll be able to drop by school in time for 6th or 7th hour... i hate school *so* much, but i miss everyone *sniffle*
the who's who is almost complete! minus pictures... but... those involve using the downstairs computer, which is currently possessed by satan. so, as soon as that get's cleared up, i'll get to work on the who's who. for now, i'm going to get to bed.... so, adieu
stuuuuart concert tonight.
at around 7 (when the show was supposed to start...) i looked over at my parents table and noticed that stuart was talking with them... so like, he sat and talked with my parents for twenty minutes... *shrug* i have weird parents.
~an impromptu song about the moniters not working: something like "i wish the moniters worked/should i turn this thing on?/ i think i'm gonna turn this thing on..." i was amused... but then again, i'm me.
~savoring samsara: rhyn and nick looked minorly frightened, but i drove both of them there, so there really wasn' anything they could do *evil laugh* yeeeah, i think they both liked it though. oh, and there was a minor lyric confusion. imagine "there's a million ways, of licking honey..." that part of the song... but instead with "it's a big mistake, singing lyrics, when you're distracted"
~sugar bullets: whee! rhyn was laughing really hard, i think he enjoyed this song. i know *i* enjoy this song.
~grace: new song, very nice. i wish gracie had come to this show.
~penguins: same saaame
~inventions: he didn't have the crazy inventor hat or glasses... but i like this song.. i didn't like it the first time i heard it, but i like it now
~amsterdam: i still love this song...
~eight days in the lotus: "davis scores! enlightenment wins!" i just watched part of a hockey game today, so i was amused even more than usual.
~infinity hymn: i heart this song. it's just so pretty
~love causes cancer: a couple false starts... i've only heard this song live... like... three times
~nothing in between: this is when rob *finally* got there. and yes, this is my favorite song (i have like four favorites... so yeah.)
~fault lines: only the second time i've heard this live... both ben and i were like "i hope he plays fault lines..." then he did. yeah.
~and she was (talking heads cover): ah! aaah! i LOVE this soong. oooh my god. and it was funny. all the people who lip sync/sing a long for the entire show ceased lip syncing during this song. teehee. anywho, never heard this live before, and duuuuuude it was kicking.
~human girl: aw. he said he didn't know whether or not he likes this song or not. well, i like this song. and i matter. or something.
~swim: yeeah
~dive: yeeeah
~drown: i was at the show where he first sang this song... aw the memories.
~jonah: ben used to call me jonah on occasion. and it's renata's favorite song. go renata!
~doppelganger: rhyn was groovin to this song. yeeeah. i was like "dude, wait til you hear 'windmills' then, stuart didn't play windmills, and i was like "fine, dont' wait until you hear windmills...
break i went up and was like "play beyond belief? pleeeeeease? and asked him to play 'it's all just because" and "fall awake" for jane.
~immanence: ...
~ladders: ...
~mermaid: ...
~seven wonders of the soul: duuude i love this song.
~dresden: ...
~beyond belief: !!! wooo!
~invincible: at the beginning of this song, ben and i were like *glance at eachother* and i was like "AWWWWW" i love this song. because it's beautiful
~original face: *flail* it was all different. and i was like "but, but... that's... but... *flail*" due to confusion... but yeaaah, i think i liked it better the old way.
~ani i adore: ...
~fall awake: ...
~song about how cold his brother's house is: i was really amused. but then... it doesn't take much. he used his water glass on the guitar, to make this a truly unique song about the temperature of his brother's house in chicago.
~it's all just because: it was all because of france tonight. i guess the canadians were too busy hunting ferrets to cause everything else.
~rockstars and models: right when he starte this song, jane's like "hey, we should request rockstars and models!" and i was like "uh, why? he's playing it."
~your house: this song was requested by the ceiling.
~eclipse: i remember when this was "color me clear" ... wow. that was a long time ago.
~new song... nice. "i discovered another me" this is why i wish i minidisc'ed all these shows... so i could remember the new stuff.
~atavistic viking: as soon as he put the guitar pick in his mouth (and made some vampire like moves towards the first table) i knew that he was gonna play this. yaay
~universe communion: ...
overall, great show. wish there'd been an encore. i have some quotes for the show, but i'm just gonna wait and ad them to the quotes page when the time comes. dude, service at the mill tonight SUCKED. our waitress like.. took all of our glasses. and was all reluctant to bring us stuff... and took our menus... it was awful! i still tipped 20% because i feel bad for waitresses. but seriously. the food wasn't as good as usual either.
i'm really tired, and i don't feel good at all. and i *swear* i have a calender, but there isn't one hanging on my wall... so maybe i'm crazy and i don't have a calender. *shrug* anywho. stuart'll be back on may 12th. party on.
at around 7 (when the show was supposed to start...) i looked over at my parents table and noticed that stuart was talking with them... so like, he sat and talked with my parents for twenty minutes... *shrug* i have weird parents.
~an impromptu song about the moniters not working: something like "i wish the moniters worked/should i turn this thing on?/ i think i'm gonna turn this thing on..." i was amused... but then again, i'm me.
~savoring samsara: rhyn and nick looked minorly frightened, but i drove both of them there, so there really wasn' anything they could do *evil laugh* yeeeah, i think they both liked it though. oh, and there was a minor lyric confusion. imagine "there's a million ways, of licking honey..." that part of the song... but instead with "it's a big mistake, singing lyrics, when you're distracted"
~sugar bullets: whee! rhyn was laughing really hard, i think he enjoyed this song. i know *i* enjoy this song.
~grace: new song, very nice. i wish gracie had come to this show.
~penguins: same saaame
~inventions: he didn't have the crazy inventor hat or glasses... but i like this song.. i didn't like it the first time i heard it, but i like it now
~amsterdam: i still love this song...
~eight days in the lotus: "davis scores! enlightenment wins!" i just watched part of a hockey game today, so i was amused even more than usual.
~infinity hymn: i heart this song. it's just so pretty
~love causes cancer: a couple false starts... i've only heard this song live... like... three times
~nothing in between: this is when rob *finally* got there. and yes, this is my favorite song (i have like four favorites... so yeah.)
~fault lines: only the second time i've heard this live... both ben and i were like "i hope he plays fault lines..." then he did. yeah.
~and she was (talking heads cover): ah! aaah! i LOVE this soong. oooh my god. and it was funny. all the people who lip sync/sing a long for the entire show ceased lip syncing during this song. teehee. anywho, never heard this live before, and duuuuuude it was kicking.
~human girl: aw. he said he didn't know whether or not he likes this song or not. well, i like this song. and i matter. or something.
~swim: yeeah
~dive: yeeeah
~drown: i was at the show where he first sang this song... aw the memories.
~jonah: ben used to call me jonah on occasion. and it's renata's favorite song. go renata!
~doppelganger: rhyn was groovin to this song. yeeeah. i was like "dude, wait til you hear 'windmills' then, stuart didn't play windmills, and i was like "fine, dont' wait until you hear windmills...
break i went up and was like "play beyond belief? pleeeeeease? and asked him to play 'it's all just because" and "fall awake" for jane.
~immanence: ...
~ladders: ...
~mermaid: ...
~seven wonders of the soul: duuude i love this song.
~dresden: ...
~beyond belief: !!! wooo!
~invincible: at the beginning of this song, ben and i were like *glance at eachother* and i was like "AWWWWW" i love this song. because it's beautiful
~original face: *flail* it was all different. and i was like "but, but... that's... but... *flail*" due to confusion... but yeaaah, i think i liked it better the old way.
~ani i adore: ...
~fall awake: ...
~song about how cold his brother's house is: i was really amused. but then... it doesn't take much. he used his water glass on the guitar, to make this a truly unique song about the temperature of his brother's house in chicago.
~it's all just because: it was all because of france tonight. i guess the canadians were too busy hunting ferrets to cause everything else.
~rockstars and models: right when he starte this song, jane's like "hey, we should request rockstars and models!" and i was like "uh, why? he's playing it."
~your house: this song was requested by the ceiling.
~eclipse: i remember when this was "color me clear" ... wow. that was a long time ago.
~new song... nice. "i discovered another me" this is why i wish i minidisc'ed all these shows... so i could remember the new stuff.
~atavistic viking: as soon as he put the guitar pick in his mouth (and made some vampire like moves towards the first table) i knew that he was gonna play this. yaay
~universe communion: ...
overall, great show. wish there'd been an encore. i have some quotes for the show, but i'm just gonna wait and ad them to the quotes page when the time comes. dude, service at the mill tonight SUCKED. our waitress like.. took all of our glasses. and was all reluctant to bring us stuff... and took our menus... it was awful! i still tipped 20% because i feel bad for waitresses. but seriously. the food wasn't as good as usual either.
i'm really tired, and i don't feel good at all. and i *swear* i have a calender, but there isn't one hanging on my wall... so maybe i'm crazy and i don't have a calender. *shrug* anywho. stuart'll be back on may 12th. party on.
i don't woooork tomorrow!! (actually today, but whatever)
rob went to clinton today (yesterday) and got nick (his brother) and rhyn (his incredibly amusing friend) they all came over tonight and we watched this really terrible movie. i think rob was the only one who was awake the entire time... nick fell asleep like... as soon as we put the video in. and rhyn slept on and off the whole time... and i half fell asleep, and it was a scary movie, so i was a little on edge, and rob poked me and it SCARED me... deeear god.
hmmmm. other fun stuff happened as well. but it's late, and i'm really tired.
ok, before i go.... work the past couple days has been TERRIBLE... soooo understaffed, and like... there were these kids the other day, who smeared butter on the floor so that people would slip. and one of them walked back behind the counter like three times and i phyisically had to remove him. (he was a really scrawny jr. high kid, so it wasn't a problem...) and ooooh my god. today, i saw a cockroach... it was going in the drain... and i was like "*screams and drops metal platters on floor* RYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN *runs over to ryan* I SAW A COCKROOOOOACH!" and ryan was like "yeeeah, cockroach THIS." because that's all he ever says. "will you grab me a broom?" "graab THIS" (that time i was like "ryan... do you REALLY want me too?" and he was like "aaah, no." and left.) clarification... ryan who i work with is in no way related to rhyn rob's friend.
yeah, stuart tomorrow... i have a ticket for casey, because she's the only person who gave me money... so, people that will be there for *sure* are: me, rob, rhyn, nick, casey, my mom, my dad... (yeeeah, my parents are big stuart fans, i think my mom's in love with him and wants to live vicariously through me.) people i *think* are coming are: ben, clancy uno, clancy dos, robert keeech, missy, aaaaaandreeeeaaa, erin (i think she said she was gonna go to a movie in stead *shrug* whatever...?) abi? umm, i dunno, i'm gonna offer my extra tickets to missy and andrea... and ben. so yeah... i'm gonna call people tomorrow. like, just now is the first time i've actually relaxed all fricken break (fricken... dammit hamm... got me saying fricken...)
rob went to clinton today (yesterday) and got nick (his brother) and rhyn (his incredibly amusing friend) they all came over tonight and we watched this really terrible movie. i think rob was the only one who was awake the entire time... nick fell asleep like... as soon as we put the video in. and rhyn slept on and off the whole time... and i half fell asleep, and it was a scary movie, so i was a little on edge, and rob poked me and it SCARED me... deeear god.
hmmmm. other fun stuff happened as well. but it's late, and i'm really tired.
ok, before i go.... work the past couple days has been TERRIBLE... soooo understaffed, and like... there were these kids the other day, who smeared butter on the floor so that people would slip. and one of them walked back behind the counter like three times and i phyisically had to remove him. (he was a really scrawny jr. high kid, so it wasn't a problem...) and ooooh my god. today, i saw a cockroach... it was going in the drain... and i was like "*screams and drops metal platters on floor* RYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN *runs over to ryan* I SAW A COCKROOOOOACH!" and ryan was like "yeeeah, cockroach THIS." because that's all he ever says. "will you grab me a broom?" "graab THIS" (that time i was like "ryan... do you REALLY want me too?" and he was like "aaah, no." and left.) clarification... ryan who i work with is in no way related to rhyn rob's friend.
yeah, stuart tomorrow... i have a ticket for casey, because she's the only person who gave me money... so, people that will be there for *sure* are: me, rob, rhyn, nick, casey, my mom, my dad... (yeeeah, my parents are big stuart fans, i think my mom's in love with him and wants to live vicariously through me.) people i *think* are coming are: ben, clancy uno, clancy dos, robert keeech, missy, aaaaaandreeeeaaa, erin (i think she said she was gonna go to a movie in stead *shrug* whatever...?) abi? umm, i dunno, i'm gonna offer my extra tickets to missy and andrea... and ben. so yeah... i'm gonna call people tomorrow. like, just now is the first time i've actually relaxed all fricken break (fricken... dammit hamm... got me saying fricken...)
heee hehe... www.renata.com or... www.renataus.com *amused* i want to send away for a renata batteries catalogue now.
i made a tail for melissa today. hehehe. it was really amusing. i took a medium soda cup, and like, tore it apart in a spiraly motion, so it made a big loose long curl of styrofoam, and tricia stuck it in the back of melissa's pants so she was like... a panera creature. it was great fun.
i was telling tricia and melissa about my mayo inccident (how the heck do you spell that?) and i was like "see, i forgot to flip it, so i was spooning the mayo..." and tricia starts giggling and goes "megan was spooning with the maaaayo!" and melissa's like "megan and the mayo are in LOOOOOOVE" and it was vastly vastly amusing.
i'm wearing rob's sweater, it's warm and cozy and smells like him *sniffs sweater* mmmmm rob....
btw, if rob were a calvin... he'd be...
he came over this afternoon and took the calvin quiz. on a total side note... whenever i do gas problems for chemistry, i get SO confused... because like, i think of all the measurements like this... kelvins are calvins, atm's are at-the-moments, and pascals are adam pascals. so i read a problem and i'm like "ok, so i have five adam pascals, and i want to find out how many kalvins that is. now, if gas a and gas b mix, how many at-the-moments will there be at stop? (stop = STP)" yeah, if you know NOTHING about chemistry that may be confusing. even if you know lots about chemistry... it's prolly still confusing. oh well. it amuses me a lot. i do problems visualizing rows of adam pascals representing a volume of a gas... anywho...
i'm in the process of writing an e-mail to rob... but i really don't have anything to say... if YOU have something to say to rob, let me know, and i'll put it in the e-mail. *nod*
i was telling tricia and melissa about my mayo inccident (how the heck do you spell that?) and i was like "see, i forgot to flip it, so i was spooning the mayo..." and tricia starts giggling and goes "megan was spooning with the maaaayo!" and melissa's like "megan and the mayo are in LOOOOOOVE" and it was vastly vastly amusing.
i'm wearing rob's sweater, it's warm and cozy and smells like him *sniffs sweater* mmmmm rob....
btw, if rob were a calvin... he'd be...
![]() | You are Spaceman Spiff! Zounds! You are the intrepid Spaceman Spiff, the engaging explorer ensconsed in an unending universe of exotic and evil extraterrestrials! You're brave, but you should give that dictionary a rest. Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com! |
he came over this afternoon and took the calvin quiz. on a total side note... whenever i do gas problems for chemistry, i get SO confused... because like, i think of all the measurements like this... kelvins are calvins, atm's are at-the-moments, and pascals are adam pascals. so i read a problem and i'm like "ok, so i have five adam pascals, and i want to find out how many kalvins that is. now, if gas a and gas b mix, how many at-the-moments will there be at stop? (stop = STP)" yeah, if you know NOTHING about chemistry that may be confusing. even if you know lots about chemistry... it's prolly still confusing. oh well. it amuses me a lot. i do problems visualizing rows of adam pascals representing a volume of a gas... anywho...
i'm in the process of writing an e-mail to rob... but i really don't have anything to say... if YOU have something to say to rob, let me know, and i'll put it in the e-mail. *nod*
*sniffle* today kind of sucked.
but i went to rob's and it was all ok.
work did suck though. i left at like... 9:20 because i was feeling really sick (i think it's because luke and i made an IC peanut butter mocha, and i had a peanut butter sandwich and we shared some ice cream....) and i was like "aaagh, i'm dizzy..." then i was like "rawr, i forgot to flip the mayonnaise" (meaning...rotate the stuff from today in with fresh... and put it in a new pan thingy...) so i started to spatula it into the new pan, and suddenly i got all dizzy and was like "aaangie, i'm gonna throw up!" and i ran away and threw up, and it was gross... so i went home because i diddn't think i could bring myself to face the mayo again. i actually didn't go home, i went to rob's and took a nap. then i read cosmo. then i actually came home.
i tried to convince my dad to buy a chinchilla today. it looked like a mouse... only it was as big as dill. i would have been SO cool if he'd gotten it. like, he could keep it at the shop, and customers would be like "what the hell is that??" and he could be like "*shrug* i think it's a mouse."
tom (evil manager from hell) yelled at ryan today. whenever ryan calls out orders over the microphones, he's like "customers *pause* order 2435 is ready *long pause* at the sandwich counter." or... "guess what customers! order 3264 is ready *long pause* at the sandwich counter..." or, my favorite (after having called the same number multiple tiems.... "customers, order 1632 is STILL at the sandwich counter, and getting cold." yeaaah, so apparently tom was sitting over on the other side of the dining area *writing down* all the things ryan said over the microphone. and he yelled at him for all that, AND said it didnt' sound like he had a "smile in his voice". tom's yelled at me for that lots of times. like, he says i never answer the phone with a smile in my voice. and i'm like "that's because the only time you call is on saturdays during the evening rush, when we're so understaffed that i'm doing five peoples jobs. then the phone rings, and it's not even a customer, it's you, seeing if i say "good evening, you've reached panera bread in the coral ridge mall, this is megan, how can i help you?" RAWR.
anywho, i'm writing a letter to rob (and no nic, it's not that kind of letter). so i'm gonna go finish that. byee.
but i went to rob's and it was all ok.
work did suck though. i left at like... 9:20 because i was feeling really sick (i think it's because luke and i made an IC peanut butter mocha, and i had a peanut butter sandwich and we shared some ice cream....) and i was like "aaagh, i'm dizzy..." then i was like "rawr, i forgot to flip the mayonnaise" (meaning...rotate the stuff from today in with fresh... and put it in a new pan thingy...) so i started to spatula it into the new pan, and suddenly i got all dizzy and was like "aaangie, i'm gonna throw up!" and i ran away and threw up, and it was gross... so i went home because i diddn't think i could bring myself to face the mayo again. i actually didn't go home, i went to rob's and took a nap. then i read cosmo. then i actually came home.
i tried to convince my dad to buy a chinchilla today. it looked like a mouse... only it was as big as dill. i would have been SO cool if he'd gotten it. like, he could keep it at the shop, and customers would be like "what the hell is that??" and he could be like "*shrug* i think it's a mouse."
tom (evil manager from hell) yelled at ryan today. whenever ryan calls out orders over the microphones, he's like "customers *pause* order 2435 is ready *long pause* at the sandwich counter." or... "guess what customers! order 3264 is ready *long pause* at the sandwich counter..." or, my favorite (after having called the same number multiple tiems.... "customers, order 1632 is STILL at the sandwich counter, and getting cold." yeaaah, so apparently tom was sitting over on the other side of the dining area *writing down* all the things ryan said over the microphone. and he yelled at him for all that, AND said it didnt' sound like he had a "smile in his voice". tom's yelled at me for that lots of times. like, he says i never answer the phone with a smile in my voice. and i'm like "that's because the only time you call is on saturdays during the evening rush, when we're so understaffed that i'm doing five peoples jobs. then the phone rings, and it's not even a customer, it's you, seeing if i say "good evening, you've reached panera bread in the coral ridge mall, this is megan, how can i help you?" RAWR.
anywho, i'm writing a letter to rob (and no nic, it's not that kind of letter). so i'm gonna go finish that. byee.
heeeey i didn't have to work today! yeeah! so i went and hung out at planet x with rob and andrea and heather (billy jeeean), kimi and jon. and we went to the java house, and i spilled my coffee, and rob cleaned up after me, and i was like "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" it was cute. like he just gave me this look like "i knew this would happen, you're so clumsy" but went to get napkins right away. aw. and we all looked at cosmo, which is just like.... the best magazine ever.
also, rob and i went to see ice age and it was pretty good. aaand we went to burger king, and it wasn't very good... aaaaand, uhhh, stuff... happened .... and stuff.... and yeeeeah, i don't remember what else we did all day. it was a nice day at any rate. i'm really tired, so i'm gonna go to bed now... and stuff. i really miss renata. *sniffle*
also, rob and i went to see ice age and it was pretty good. aaand we went to burger king, and it wasn't very good... aaaaand, uhhh, stuff... happened .... and stuff.... and yeeeeah, i don't remember what else we did all day. it was a nice day at any rate. i'm really tired, so i'm gonna go to bed now... and stuff. i really miss renata. *sniffle*

Find out which LifeSaver you are.
and btw, lifesavers has a new ad thing in magazines, if anyone sees them, cut them out for me? please? i have cherry, lime and orange so far.
![]() | You are Civilian Calvin! You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical. Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com! |
aaah, i have so much to say, but like... i'm sleepy and such. and... i can't remember what i wanted to say. so, first, i'll post a quick summary of that dream i was talking about... it's ONLY for renata, rachel and kait. they're the only ones who cared enough to comment. so no one else read it. *glare*
"""i'm driving down hwy 1, towards the east side... like, rob's house. and there's all this fire up ahead, it's almost like it's blowing across the road in some places, others just look like really massive bonfires... when i get to the light at sunset st. there's a police blockade thing, and they tell me i can't go any farther, and i should do what everyone else is doing... go home save what you can and evacuate. but i argued with him, and was like "but my boyfriend lives down there, over on the east side, what if he isn't ok? what if he needs help??" and the guy was like "there's nothing you can do for him now except pray that he got out alive." and i was all upset, and like "damn police officers!" but i went home and got allison (my parents were in lake park. i don't know how i knew this, but i knew that they'd both gone up towards minnesota to visit my mom's parents). when i got home, allie was there, and so was one of her friends (i don't know which one...) but anywho, we packed up everything in my mom's hopechests (wedding dress... quilts and crossstiches from my gramma...) all of our photo albums... a lap top (i don't know where we got it... i think it was calebs...) and like, my cell phone, and rob's cell phone (in real life... rob doesn't have a cell phone, but i had it in the dream, it was a nokia and had a red faceplate.) so, we pack EVERYTHING into the trunk of my car, then allie and her friend climb in the backseat with even more stuff, and like, the dog and cat(i have no idea how two people, a yellow lab and a cat and some suitcases fit into the back of my car, but they did...), and i put all sorts of stuff in a laundry basket in the passenger seat, but i make sure there's room for one more person in case i manage to find rob.
so we get on our road, and go out towards hwy 1, and like, enroute to the interstate to go towards hills (south? i think?) so, we get out to hwy 1, and there are bumper to bumper cars from in town, like, all packed full of stuff, with stuff tied on the roofs... so i'm like "we'll take the gravel to old 218, then get on the interstate in hills...!" so, we make this mad u-turn and go careening off towards hills... and like, wehn we get to the road, it's all full of cars too. and we can't get to hills. i don't know how it happened but we somehow got on the interstate and made it up to lake park... and like, when we got there and like... were settled in to my grandparents house, rob's phone rang, and the caller id thing said "mom & dad - chicago" (rob's parents live in clinton, not chicago. but in the dream, it made perfect sense... clinton = chicago) and i was like "rob's ok! he's at his parents' house and he's calling his cell because he knows i have it!" only like, it's his step dad, and he's like "i'm really sorry sweetheart. i don't know how to tell you this...cinda and i just found out ourselves..." and i started crying, and like they told me that rob and cory and everyone in their house died, and i was like... freaking out and he said he wanted me to come and stay with them... and like, spend time with rob's friends... and such..... then i calmed down all suddenly and was like "it's ok, all i need is a hug from rob, and it will all be ok..." then i woke up all scared and freaked out... and i was like, holding onto my pink stuffed cow (a present from rob) so hard i was like... close to ripping it. i wanted to call him and be like "ARE YOU ALIVE?!" but... people treat me like a freak when i dream they die, then call them in a panic asking if they're alive. so, i called him in a calm fashion, and invited him to come watch movies. and it was all ok."""
i don't feel good *sways from dizziness* rob offered to follow me home so that like... if i got all dizzy and careened off the road... i'd have company. but i said i was fine. in hindsight, i prolly should have let him. i dont' remember driving home at all. just that people walk funny when they're drunk. hehe. oh, and like, as i was walking to my car, i got all scared, for no real reason. it was creepy. aaaaahm. we went to the ground round for dinner tonight. it's one of those places like pizza hut, and like... it used to be good, so my dad and i really wish it was still good... but it's not, at all. my steak was undercooked, so i played with it more than i ate it. and my apple crisp was mushy... so i played with that too. i ate my baked potato and like, two bbq ribs... but that was all.
i have ms. buckwalter for chemistry now. miss ms. wikner SO much. oooh my god. ms. buckwalter doesn't even like... make and effort to be composed and like, nicely dressed for school. seriously, really old sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt aren't what teachers should wear. they should at least make and attempt to look like maybe they give a damn about what impression they're making. i think it just really bothers me that she talks so quietly that i can't hear her. and that she assigns stuff from the book, like section reviews ALL the time... rawr.
did i mention that rob's working at handicare now? yay handicare! (sidenote: zac and i were talking in math, and i mentioned handicare, and that i used to go there, and he said something making fun of it, and iwas like "yeah, i went because my little sister was born with blockage in her ears... so she was deaf. .." and zac was like "uhm... i uh... i feel stupid..." ) yeah, so he starts tuesday, i'm excited for him
i'm gonnna finish doing my nails (i'm to the point where typing messes them up...) so, goodnight all... and don't expect another post until late tomorrow at the earliest. i work every night this week (4-close) and, am going to rob's after work. so yeah. night.
"""i'm driving down hwy 1, towards the east side... like, rob's house. and there's all this fire up ahead, it's almost like it's blowing across the road in some places, others just look like really massive bonfires... when i get to the light at sunset st. there's a police blockade thing, and they tell me i can't go any farther, and i should do what everyone else is doing... go home save what you can and evacuate. but i argued with him, and was like "but my boyfriend lives down there, over on the east side, what if he isn't ok? what if he needs help??" and the guy was like "there's nothing you can do for him now except pray that he got out alive." and i was all upset, and like "damn police officers!" but i went home and got allison (my parents were in lake park. i don't know how i knew this, but i knew that they'd both gone up towards minnesota to visit my mom's parents). when i got home, allie was there, and so was one of her friends (i don't know which one...) but anywho, we packed up everything in my mom's hopechests (wedding dress... quilts and crossstiches from my gramma...) all of our photo albums... a lap top (i don't know where we got it... i think it was calebs...) and like, my cell phone, and rob's cell phone (in real life... rob doesn't have a cell phone, but i had it in the dream, it was a nokia and had a red faceplate.) so, we pack EVERYTHING into the trunk of my car, then allie and her friend climb in the backseat with even more stuff, and like, the dog and cat(i have no idea how two people, a yellow lab and a cat and some suitcases fit into the back of my car, but they did...), and i put all sorts of stuff in a laundry basket in the passenger seat, but i make sure there's room for one more person in case i manage to find rob.
so we get on our road, and go out towards hwy 1, and like, enroute to the interstate to go towards hills (south? i think?) so, we get out to hwy 1, and there are bumper to bumper cars from in town, like, all packed full of stuff, with stuff tied on the roofs... so i'm like "we'll take the gravel to old 218, then get on the interstate in hills...!" so, we make this mad u-turn and go careening off towards hills... and like, wehn we get to the road, it's all full of cars too. and we can't get to hills. i don't know how it happened but we somehow got on the interstate and made it up to lake park... and like, when we got there and like... were settled in to my grandparents house, rob's phone rang, and the caller id thing said "mom & dad - chicago" (rob's parents live in clinton, not chicago. but in the dream, it made perfect sense... clinton = chicago) and i was like "rob's ok! he's at his parents' house and he's calling his cell because he knows i have it!" only like, it's his step dad, and he's like "i'm really sorry sweetheart. i don't know how to tell you this...cinda and i just found out ourselves..." and i started crying, and like they told me that rob and cory and everyone in their house died, and i was like... freaking out and he said he wanted me to come and stay with them... and like, spend time with rob's friends... and such..... then i calmed down all suddenly and was like "it's ok, all i need is a hug from rob, and it will all be ok..." then i woke up all scared and freaked out... and i was like, holding onto my pink stuffed cow (a present from rob) so hard i was like... close to ripping it. i wanted to call him and be like "ARE YOU ALIVE?!" but... people treat me like a freak when i dream they die, then call them in a panic asking if they're alive. so, i called him in a calm fashion, and invited him to come watch movies. and it was all ok."""
i don't feel good *sways from dizziness* rob offered to follow me home so that like... if i got all dizzy and careened off the road... i'd have company. but i said i was fine. in hindsight, i prolly should have let him. i dont' remember driving home at all. just that people walk funny when they're drunk. hehe. oh, and like, as i was walking to my car, i got all scared, for no real reason. it was creepy. aaaaahm. we went to the ground round for dinner tonight. it's one of those places like pizza hut, and like... it used to be good, so my dad and i really wish it was still good... but it's not, at all. my steak was undercooked, so i played with it more than i ate it. and my apple crisp was mushy... so i played with that too. i ate my baked potato and like, two bbq ribs... but that was all.
i have ms. buckwalter for chemistry now. miss ms. wikner SO much. oooh my god. ms. buckwalter doesn't even like... make and effort to be composed and like, nicely dressed for school. seriously, really old sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt aren't what teachers should wear. they should at least make and attempt to look like maybe they give a damn about what impression they're making. i think it just really bothers me that she talks so quietly that i can't hear her. and that she assigns stuff from the book, like section reviews ALL the time... rawr.
did i mention that rob's working at handicare now? yay handicare! (sidenote: zac and i were talking in math, and i mentioned handicare, and that i used to go there, and he said something making fun of it, and iwas like "yeah, i went because my little sister was born with blockage in her ears... so she was deaf. .." and zac was like "uhm... i uh... i feel stupid..." ) yeah, so he starts tuesday, i'm excited for him
i'm gonnna finish doing my nails (i'm to the point where typing messes them up...) so, goodnight all... and don't expect another post until late tomorrow at the earliest. i work every night this week (4-close) and, am going to rob's after work. so yeah. night.
so, doctor's appointment today...
i have a thyroid disorder, have to start new meds, taken EVERY morning... like, for forever.
i have *two* lazy eyes. both of my eyes suck. they like... slack off all the time. if one were strong, i would have a genuine lazy eye. like, all looking sideways and such... but since they both suck, neither of them can slack off quite that much.
i'm anemic.
i have to go to opthomology asap, gynecology asap (too much information, i'm sure), thyroidology... (i don't know what it's really called... but it's for that...) AND another general medicine appointment. *sigh*
i bought my prom dress today....i was gonna go shopping with rob for dresses this weekend but my mom said she'd pay for this one if i went shopping with her. so i did. it was hella exspensive, but it's SO pretty.
spring break... is... almost... here. *attempts celebration, falls asleep*
goodnight.... i'm so tiiiired
i have a thyroid disorder, have to start new meds, taken EVERY morning... like, for forever.
i have *two* lazy eyes. both of my eyes suck. they like... slack off all the time. if one were strong, i would have a genuine lazy eye. like, all looking sideways and such... but since they both suck, neither of them can slack off quite that much.
i'm anemic.
i have to go to opthomology asap, gynecology asap (too much information, i'm sure), thyroidology... (i don't know what it's really called... but it's for that...) AND another general medicine appointment. *sigh*
i bought my prom dress today....i was gonna go shopping with rob for dresses this weekend but my mom said she'd pay for this one if i went shopping with her. so i did. it was hella exspensive, but it's SO pretty.
spring break... is... almost... here. *attempts celebration, falls asleep*
goodnight.... i'm so tiiiired
i took a nap earlier, and had the most detailed indepth dream.... i'm too tired to type it out, so unless people want to hear it, i'm not typing it out for at least another day or two. if i get like, hella comments on this, that people *want* to hear my out of control dream (it involved a firestorm in iowa city, along with like... police officers and daring escapes...) anyhow, if i get commments, i'll type it faster, otherwise, it'll be like.. sunday before i convince myself to do it. i have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, so i'm off to bed. night everyone!
i think i left them in the dressing rooms. it took me nearly two days of thinking about it CONSTANTLY to remember where they were. that's so sad. and i acknowledge the typos in the last post.... "where the hell are my math and chemistry books." yeah. anywho. now that i sort of solved that problem for the time being... i'm going to go to bed.
GAAAAH where the HELL are my match and chemistry book... *and* my notebooks? deeear god. i so seriously had them on monday night, in my room. AND... my journal's missing, my green one with the graph paper and the silver boxes on it... i am SO mad/confused/upset ... i need all of the things that are missing, and like... NEED them tomorrow. dammit all. if anyone who goes to west has any idea where they are... let me know... pleeeease.
*sigh* wanna hear what i just did?
burned the hell out of my left leg on the iron.
so i'm getting clothes out for tomorrow, because i wanted to look nice tomorrow. (as opposed to today... i dont' even remember what i wore... i just sort of dressed as i was leaving for school... ) so i ironed my black gap skirt. then i try it on, wrinkle free... decide i don't want to wear it, because it makes me look fat. so, i put on my pajamas again (short shorts... and a t-shirt) and decide on my denim skirt. then, i'm like "i want to wear my besame shirt. but it's too big..." then i got the bright idea of whipping out my sewing machine (random trivia note: i have a reeeeeeeealllly nice sewing machine, and am damn good at sewing) so, i fix the shirt, it looks like ten times better. then, i lean over to throw it on my bed, and my leg hits the iron. ok, it's been unplugged and out of use for quite awhile, and it was on a really low setting to begin with... but it leaves this like... two inch welt on my leg. and it hurts like hell. i put some burn stuff on it... and it's all good now. but dammit, that pisses me off.
burned the hell out of my left leg on the iron.
so i'm getting clothes out for tomorrow, because i wanted to look nice tomorrow. (as opposed to today... i dont' even remember what i wore... i just sort of dressed as i was leaving for school... ) so i ironed my black gap skirt. then i try it on, wrinkle free... decide i don't want to wear it, because it makes me look fat. so, i put on my pajamas again (short shorts... and a t-shirt) and decide on my denim skirt. then, i'm like "i want to wear my besame shirt. but it's too big..." then i got the bright idea of whipping out my sewing machine (random trivia note: i have a reeeeeeeealllly nice sewing machine, and am damn good at sewing) so, i fix the shirt, it looks like ten times better. then, i lean over to throw it on my bed, and my leg hits the iron. ok, it's been unplugged and out of use for quite awhile, and it was on a really low setting to begin with... but it leaves this like... two inch welt on my leg. and it hurts like hell. i put some burn stuff on it... and it's all good now. but dammit, that pisses me off.
i had all sorts of fun stories today. but... yeah, i don't remember them. typical. it's late... so i'm gonna go to bed. because for once, i'm home... and ready for bed. waaait, scratch that, i'm gonna go get my laundry first *sigh* laundry.
lisa sent me this... i only kept the ones that were so terribly true... *Sigh*
"You must be an Iowan if..."
Vacation means driving through the Amanas or going to Adventureland
You measure distance in minutes
You know several people who have hit a deer
You have no problem spelling or pronouncing "Des Moines"
You know the answer to the question: "Is this Heaven?"
Your school classes were canceled because of cold
Your school classes were canceled because of heat
You know what "hawks" and "clones" are
You've ridden the school bus for an hour each way
You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day
You know what's knee high by the Fourth of July
Stores don't have bags, they have sacks
You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it no matter what time of the year.
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit or vegetable
You can locate Iowa on the map
Detasseling was your first job
You've ever been on a "Geode Hunt"
You say catty wampes instead of kitty-corner.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked
Being a bit younger, you remember Terry Branstad asgovernor the whole time you were growing up.
People from other states love to hear you say "Iowa" and other words with "O" in them.
You carry jumper cables in your car
You know what the numbers I-80, 280 and 380 mean.
*sigh* "is this heaven?" "no, it's iowa."
"You must be an Iowan if..."
Vacation means driving through the Amanas or going to Adventureland
You measure distance in minutes
You know several people who have hit a deer
You have no problem spelling or pronouncing "Des Moines"
You know the answer to the question: "Is this Heaven?"
Your school classes were canceled because of cold
Your school classes were canceled because of heat
You know what "hawks" and "clones" are
You've ridden the school bus for an hour each way
You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day
You know what's knee high by the Fourth of July
Stores don't have bags, they have sacks
You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it no matter what time of the year.
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit or vegetable
You can locate Iowa on the map
Detasseling was your first job
You've ever been on a "Geode Hunt"
You say catty wampes instead of kitty-corner.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked
Being a bit younger, you remember Terry Branstad asgovernor the whole time you were growing up.
People from other states love to hear you say "Iowa" and other words with "O" in them.
You carry jumper cables in your car
You know what the numbers I-80, 280 and 380 mean.
*sigh* "is this heaven?" "no, it's iowa."
aah! everything's so weeeeird when i look at at these sites on hamm's computer..... and jane is ALWAYS whining about how crappy my website is on netscape, and dude. IT SUCKS. i hate netscape. i don't want to have to fix all this!! and like, randomly all this stuff is bold! dude.... if it works on i.e. on my computer... it should work on everyone's damn computer! rawr!
anywho. it's fifth hour, and being the nerd that i am... i'm udating my blog... *sigh*
six monthes since 9/11 ... dear god... so much has happened, so many cliches, so many people dead, so many people rallying around the flag... *sigh* why are people stupid? why does stuff like this happen? it all sucks. and suddenly america is this big super power that can do no wrong, and is going to kick everyone's ass.... *sigh* america is the bully of the world.
anywho. it's fifth hour, and being the nerd that i am... i'm udating my blog... *sigh*
six monthes since 9/11 ... dear god... so much has happened, so many cliches, so many people dead, so many people rallying around the flag... *sigh* why are people stupid? why does stuff like this happen? it all sucks. and suddenly america is this big super power that can do no wrong, and is going to kick everyone's ass.... *sigh* america is the bully of the world.
"when you hate someone, the way they hold their spoon annoys you. when you love someone, they could spill a bowl of soup in your lap, and you wouldn't mind."
this was lisa's (as in, laleesa, sonicgoddess) sig... i liked it. so i stole it. i'm sure she won't mind.
this was lisa's (as in, laleesa, sonicgoddess) sig... i liked it. so i stole it. i'm sure she won't mind.
i cleared off my desk today. in the drawers i found....
about 12 little plastic pigs
a charlie brown head. (it broke off a christmas ornament a few years ago)
an "army reserves" yo yo
LOTS of pictues
all five spice girls in mini happy meal toy type form... aaaand
a crimper (viva la eighties!)
i was so amused.
anywho, went to see the royal tenenbaums with andrea today. it was good. but the cinematography made me sick. it like... kept panning across the room from character to character, and it would blur and make me ill.
nothing much happened today. it was a good sunday. i cleaned off my desk, and kind of preteneded to clean up my room. dear god i need to do laundry. it's a good thing i collect cute socks and underwear, or i would be out. i'm out of clean everything else... *sigh* laundry... tomorrow, i swear.
about 12 little plastic pigs
a charlie brown head. (it broke off a christmas ornament a few years ago)
an "army reserves" yo yo
LOTS of pictues
all five spice girls in mini happy meal toy type form... aaaand
a crimper (viva la eighties!)
i was so amused.
anywho, went to see the royal tenenbaums with andrea today. it was good. but the cinematography made me sick. it like... kept panning across the room from character to character, and it would blur and make me ill.
nothing much happened today. it was a good sunday. i cleaned off my desk, and kind of preteneded to clean up my room. dear god i need to do laundry. it's a good thing i collect cute socks and underwear, or i would be out. i'm out of clean everything else... *sigh* laundry... tomorrow, i swear.
hey, wanna hear about my day?
i worked on revamping the quotes, so that they were catergorized, then i worked on the who's who for awhile, then i went to the mall. there were people EVERYWHERE. and all of them smelled like nasty perfume, and had too much make up, and were overweight wearing tight clothing. i decided that i wanted a job that allowed me to ruin all of their days. i could be like.. and IRS person, and come and ruin peoples days. then i realized all the rich bitchy mothers and their ugly daughters at abercrombie prolly paid their bills, and i'd be taking stuff away from people i like instead of people i hate. aaanywho, i bought a shirt and some socks. then went to work. we were, as usual, terribly understaffed. then... around 5:30... this strange smell started to appear. we all sort of ignored it, because we were busy beyond belief. then... all the drains started making this sucking noise. i immediatly thought it was a tornado, because i've been in a few, and the drains suck during them... yeah. it wasn't a tornado, it was the mall's sewer system erupting up from all the drains on our side of the food court. so, the watch company kiosk, auntie anne's pretzels, and us. and a few random drain cover things in the floor. so, at 6:00 it was so nasty that we CLOSED. like, that NEVER happens. the security guys all came down and were like "well, since this is the mall's problem, we'll pay for the plumber and.... you won't get fined tons of money for being closed. so we cleaned stuff, like ... closed everything down... until about 7:00, when they decided we weren't even going to try to reopen. then we just shut down. but like, then the drains started exploding again, there was SO much water everywhere, and it smelled SO bad. we finally got done at 9:50. so, angela and i went over to bennigans, and doug and josh came over. and we were like "what the fuck, we both hate you guys, why the HELL did you come over here?!" but they stayed and were loud and obnoxious and ate our food. deear god i hate josh. i always make an effort to be nice to him just because he's such a moron... but i cannot stand him, he's so clueless to the fact that no one likes him. yeah, he's prolly gonna read this, and come whine at me. i'ts not like i haven't told him i hate him before..... yeah.
now i'm at home. i plucked my eyebrows (ow...) and painted my toenails, and read the rentboards, and my sonic mail, and various peoples blogs.... wrote this, worked on the who's who a bit more.... and i believe i am going to go to bed.
first though.... curtis is filling in for chad on broadway the whole week of spring break. i think i might go .... to new york... and see him! aaah! i hope i hope i hope. if i could find someone to go with me... and... convince my parents.... i have enough money, and i have school off, and i bet i could get like three days off to go out the nyc... yeah.... that would rule. if i went over a weekend (like, left friday afterschool, and stayed til late sunday night....) i could see like... four shows... god, it'd be so exspensive! aaah! i almost don't want to go, because it's such short notice... and... i dont' have THAT much money... and... it would be rushed... but... dude, i would even go out for like... a day. i want to see curtis that much.
i worked on revamping the quotes, so that they were catergorized, then i worked on the who's who for awhile, then i went to the mall. there were people EVERYWHERE. and all of them smelled like nasty perfume, and had too much make up, and were overweight wearing tight clothing. i decided that i wanted a job that allowed me to ruin all of their days. i could be like.. and IRS person, and come and ruin peoples days. then i realized all the rich bitchy mothers and their ugly daughters at abercrombie prolly paid their bills, and i'd be taking stuff away from people i like instead of people i hate. aaanywho, i bought a shirt and some socks. then went to work. we were, as usual, terribly understaffed. then... around 5:30... this strange smell started to appear. we all sort of ignored it, because we were busy beyond belief. then... all the drains started making this sucking noise. i immediatly thought it was a tornado, because i've been in a few, and the drains suck during them... yeah. it wasn't a tornado, it was the mall's sewer system erupting up from all the drains on our side of the food court. so, the watch company kiosk, auntie anne's pretzels, and us. and a few random drain cover things in the floor. so, at 6:00 it was so nasty that we CLOSED. like, that NEVER happens. the security guys all came down and were like "well, since this is the mall's problem, we'll pay for the plumber and.... you won't get fined tons of money for being closed. so we cleaned stuff, like ... closed everything down... until about 7:00, when they decided we weren't even going to try to reopen. then we just shut down. but like, then the drains started exploding again, there was SO much water everywhere, and it smelled SO bad. we finally got done at 9:50. so, angela and i went over to bennigans, and doug and josh came over. and we were like "what the fuck, we both hate you guys, why the HELL did you come over here?!" but they stayed and were loud and obnoxious and ate our food. deear god i hate josh. i always make an effort to be nice to him just because he's such a moron... but i cannot stand him, he's so clueless to the fact that no one likes him. yeah, he's prolly gonna read this, and come whine at me. i'ts not like i haven't told him i hate him before..... yeah.
now i'm at home. i plucked my eyebrows (ow...) and painted my toenails, and read the rentboards, and my sonic mail, and various peoples blogs.... wrote this, worked on the who's who a bit more.... and i believe i am going to go to bed.
first though.... curtis is filling in for chad on broadway the whole week of spring break. i think i might go .... to new york... and see him! aaah! i hope i hope i hope. if i could find someone to go with me... and... convince my parents.... i have enough money, and i have school off, and i bet i could get like three days off to go out the nyc... yeah.... that would rule. if i went over a weekend (like, left friday afterschool, and stayed til late sunday night....) i could see like... four shows... god, it'd be so exspensive! aaah! i almost don't want to go, because it's such short notice... and... i dont' have THAT much money... and... it would be rushed... but... dude, i would even go out for like... a day. i want to see curtis that much.

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.
Find your inner rubber ducky.
that's funny! renata's got the same one! only, i think it's actually kind of fitting for me...

Which My Little Pony Are You?
in case you can't read the text (it's tough to read...) "innocent & naive, you view the world through the eyes of a child. your shy sweetness is refreshing, but the idealistic reality you envision doesn't really exist. child, wake up and smell the glue factory!" ... oh dear god, wake up and smell the *glue* factory? that's TERRIBLE! aah!

Being Grace means that you're the type of person that always looks for the good in others even if there is no good.
Everytime you get into trouble, you pull your friends with you, just to make them part of the "fun".
With friends you'll make it, but alone you're just as scared as a 10 year old girl.
When it comes to discussions you're always right or, that is what you think.
yes, well i have work soon. (well, an hour and a half...) and i think i'm gonna go buy the sleeping beauty shirt at hot topic. i heart sleeping beauty, and on some levels, i heart hot topic (the fact that it's usually full of little wannabe goths and punks with their mothers frightens me.... also, the hardcore goths frighten me as well. get some sun and smile dammit!) anywho, i'm off. toodle pip!
me and erin's birthday party was last night. it was lots of fun. many video games were played, and let the records show that erin beat doug on street fighter like... 20 times. aaah, lots of people came, and i got lots of cool gifts... and yeah. heather left her purse there, so her and andrea came back to get it. then, we were cleaning up after they left, and found andrea's purse. it was funny hehe. we watched mystery science theatre 3000 the movie. and it was, as always, hilarious.
today i went to rehearsal for a little while, and it was wonderful to watch bruce working with everyone. it's so different than the way ms. hamm directs. he managed to tell everyone what they were doing wrong without making them feel bad, even if he had to like.. yell it at them. i dont' think hamm means to, but she can be mean to people. yeah. my foot's asleep. ah, my dad and i also went to prairie lights and mythos today. it was much fun. then i worked. then i went to rob's ... and now i'm at home, getting ready for bed. well, not really getting ready for bed, but blogging. yeah.
today i went to rehearsal for a little while, and it was wonderful to watch bruce working with everyone. it's so different than the way ms. hamm directs. he managed to tell everyone what they were doing wrong without making them feel bad, even if he had to like.. yell it at them. i dont' think hamm means to, but she can be mean to people. yeah. my foot's asleep. ah, my dad and i also went to prairie lights and mythos today. it was much fun. then i worked. then i went to rob's ... and now i'm at home, getting ready for bed. well, not really getting ready for bed, but blogging. yeah.
heheee. bruce got here today (bruce is this movement guy... from california, and he's aweseom. if you've seen the new godzilla movie with matthew broderick.... bruce is godzilla. all of the monster's movements are taken from his movements, it's SO cool.) yeah, so that was aweseom. i cannot type awesome tonight. i'm too lazy to go change it, and would rather put effort into typing a whole other sentence about it.
at work today, i was carrying this bucket of scrub water stuff, and i slipped and fell down, and made a mess, and it was sad. i didn't get too wet, just by butt, because i landed in the puddle caused by the spilled water. also, ryan dropped a giant box of forks all over the floor. it was hilarious, i came around the corner, and literally could not walk through the sandwich area, because of all the forks.
i have tons of quotes to add, just as soon as i get around to it. but for now, i'm going to bed, and going over my lines for my acting and movement piece that we're doing tomorrow. i've got it down, but since we haven't rehearsed for AGES... it seems like a good idea to know it inside out before performing. i trust jon and keech (i have to call him keech, i get confused when there are multiple robs...).
at work today, i was carrying this bucket of scrub water stuff, and i slipped and fell down, and made a mess, and it was sad. i didn't get too wet, just by butt, because i landed in the puddle caused by the spilled water. also, ryan dropped a giant box of forks all over the floor. it was hilarious, i came around the corner, and literally could not walk through the sandwich area, because of all the forks.
i have tons of quotes to add, just as soon as i get around to it. but for now, i'm going to bed, and going over my lines for my acting and movement piece that we're doing tomorrow. i've got it down, but since we haven't rehearsed for AGES... it seems like a good idea to know it inside out before performing. i trust jon and keech (i have to call him keech, i get confused when there are multiple robs...).
aaah, i just had a thought.... (amazing, i know.)
what if people are reading my blog for the first time!? and they think i'm one of those people who talks constantly about their problems for pity and sympathy and attention? that i'm some whiny teenager who needs to constantly fish for compliments, and make everything about her?! aah! i swear i'm not always liek that! (i am sometimes... EVERYONE is sometimes...admit it. even the best of us.) aaaah. ok, yoga. yoga will help. (great, now it sounds like i'm trying to be hip and alternative. *sigh*)
what if people are reading my blog for the first time!? and they think i'm one of those people who talks constantly about their problems for pity and sympathy and attention? that i'm some whiny teenager who needs to constantly fish for compliments, and make everything about her?! aah! i swear i'm not always liek that! (i am sometimes... EVERYONE is sometimes...admit it. even the best of us.) aaaah. ok, yoga. yoga will help. (great, now it sounds like i'm trying to be hip and alternative. *sigh*)
ok.... several random things.
1. i miss the old days. back when i read the rentboards religiously, when i knew EVERYONE... and everyone knew at least that i was megan or renata. like, pre san fran. and even IN san fran. i miss renata soooo soooo much. and everyone.... i miss all the rent people i've met over the past... four years. i want everything to go back to being simple and easy, and happy and full of rentheads. sure most rentheads annoyed me, because they were either pretentious, or teenyboppers... (the ones i'm still in touch with aren't either, which is why i'm still in touch with them...and the ones who would cut in on flame wars just to say renata and i were funny... i liked them too.)
2. i feel fat. it's been a long time since i've felt fat. but i feel massive today. like, it disgusts me to look in the mirror. a tiny part of me has remained rational... but another part of me is going "you're THIRTY pounds heavier than last year, THIRTY! that's like... a lot. (i couldn't think of anything that weighed thirty pounds for me to compare with...)
3. i had a scary dream last night. that one of my friends died, but i dont' know who it was. it was so vague. i just remember feeling torn apart... and i had to speak at the funeral... only i was crying so hard i couldn't.
4. i hate negative energy like this. i used to be SO full of it. all i did was whine, and hurt myself and everyone else. and i'm happy now. dammit. i'm happy, i wear bright colors, i have friends... so *why* am i all cranky tonight?? *sigh* i guess no one can be perky and cheery all the time....
5. i used to love winter. it was my favorite season. now i HATE it. snow sucks, it's pretty for like... fifty seconds, then it's all dirty and gross. and it cripples everything. the roads are STILL bad... from snow on FRIDAY NIGHT. i have seen like... three snow plows. there seems to be a serious lack of snowplows in iowa city. c'mon people, clearing the snow away is your JOB. you've been loafing around all winter, now work for one freaking weekend, eh?
6. i'm changing the name of my blog to "human girl". don't be fooled, i'm not getting deep or insightful. nor will the layout be changing, i'm just gonna make a new graphic for the top... and... yeah. that should be about all. "human girl" is a beautiful stuart davis song. just fyi.
1. i miss the old days. back when i read the rentboards religiously, when i knew EVERYONE... and everyone knew at least that i was megan or renata. like, pre san fran. and even IN san fran. i miss renata soooo soooo much. and everyone.... i miss all the rent people i've met over the past... four years. i want everything to go back to being simple and easy, and happy and full of rentheads. sure most rentheads annoyed me, because they were either pretentious, or teenyboppers... (the ones i'm still in touch with aren't either, which is why i'm still in touch with them...and the ones who would cut in on flame wars just to say renata and i were funny... i liked them too.)
2. i feel fat. it's been a long time since i've felt fat. but i feel massive today. like, it disgusts me to look in the mirror. a tiny part of me has remained rational... but another part of me is going "you're THIRTY pounds heavier than last year, THIRTY! that's like... a lot. (i couldn't think of anything that weighed thirty pounds for me to compare with...)
3. i had a scary dream last night. that one of my friends died, but i dont' know who it was. it was so vague. i just remember feeling torn apart... and i had to speak at the funeral... only i was crying so hard i couldn't.
4. i hate negative energy like this. i used to be SO full of it. all i did was whine, and hurt myself and everyone else. and i'm happy now. dammit. i'm happy, i wear bright colors, i have friends... so *why* am i all cranky tonight?? *sigh* i guess no one can be perky and cheery all the time....
5. i used to love winter. it was my favorite season. now i HATE it. snow sucks, it's pretty for like... fifty seconds, then it's all dirty and gross. and it cripples everything. the roads are STILL bad... from snow on FRIDAY NIGHT. i have seen like... three snow plows. there seems to be a serious lack of snowplows in iowa city. c'mon people, clearing the snow away is your JOB. you've been loafing around all winter, now work for one freaking weekend, eh?
6. i'm changing the name of my blog to "human girl". don't be fooled, i'm not getting deep or insightful. nor will the layout be changing, i'm just gonna make a new graphic for the top... and... yeah. that should be about all. "human girl" is a beautiful stuart davis song. just fyi.
rob's supposed to be coming over to eat dinner and watch movies, but i told him to get online and check out my website... and now i can't call and tell him to come over. *sigh* hey, rob, if you're reading this... come over. oh, and on a related note, ... dammit cory, you read my blog, then don't comment?? you jerk! the next time you read this you'd damn well better leave me a comment or i will kick yo ass. that is all.

Congrats, your celeb match is Elijah Wood! You like a guy who's sweet, sensitive, a real sweetie who's truly a dork at heart! He can be shy at times, but you'll be there to reassure him. This guy is perfect for a meaningful long term relationship. He may never be on the cover of 'seventeen' but his true beauty and talent will be remembered. He'll treat you like a true princess. You are one lucky gal!
renata and i have the same celebrity match!
The Human Virus Scanner
Viruses you suffer from:
Pikachu! Use your hyper-electric-get-a-life move now!
Eat some real food. Something which you can identify the source of every ingredient, not the point of manufacture.
Read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy)
Big is good. Small is bad. Giant robots would not make a good last line of defence for Earth.
Stop caring!
Brand Names
Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.
Free love is passe and potentially dangerous, and patchouli smells like cat piss.
Conspiracy Theory
Face it, the elected government is in control. Actually that's quite scary.
Buy a suit. Invest your money. Eat hotdog buns on a friday.
Stop wearing the stick-on ears.
Viruses you suffer from:
Pikachu! Use your hyper-electric-get-a-life move now!
Eat some real food. Something which you can identify the source of every ingredient, not the point of manufacture.
Read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy)
Big is good. Small is bad. Giant robots would not make a good last line of defence for Earth.
Stop caring!
Brand Names
Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.
Free love is passe and potentially dangerous, and patchouli smells like cat piss.
Conspiracy Theory
Face it, the elected government is in control. Actually that's quite scary.
Buy a suit. Invest your money. Eat hotdog buns on a friday.
Stop wearing the stick-on ears.
some zentences ...
"the psyche happens at random"
"compassion seems impossible"
"zen cannot be bought or sold"
"zen travels at 186,279 miles per second"
"a nuclear free world begins with me!" (i like this one, it's like "only you can prevent forest fires!")
"sex vanquishes General Ignorance"
read them, and feel deep and all knowing. then go to the website and make some of your own *nod*
"the psyche happens at random"
"compassion seems impossible"
"zen cannot be bought or sold"
"zen travels at 186,279 miles per second"
"a nuclear free world begins with me!" (i like this one, it's like "only you can prevent forest fires!")
"sex vanquishes General Ignorance"
read them, and feel deep and all knowing. then go to the website and make some of your own *nod*
i had a terribly dramatic night *sob*. let's just say it involved tow trucks and rob, and this jerk police officer type guy who yelled at me and made me cry. *sniffle*
but it's ok. i bought some pink converse sneakers today. they rock my socks. speaking of my socks... i bought some pink and black and grey argyle socks. they're knee socks. thus, they rule. i think that's all i bought. i bought dinner too, but that's not as exciting. yeah. it's snowing. and me and erin's birthday party may end up having like three people there because of the snow. speaking of which.... erin and i are having a birthday party tomorrow at her house. if you want the address e-mail or im me and ask for directions... since i dont' really wanna post it here and be responsible for like... tons of stalkers. yes. party, 8 til late. come, it'll be fun. don't drive into the river, and don't do drugs, stay in high school and don't drink and drive *public service announcement made possible by nyquil.*
if you hadn't figured out already, i didn't go to clinton tonight. because it's snowing like no freaking other.
hamm's daughter finished the alice video today. it rules. we watched the mock turtle scene like four times. it was SO funny. *cough cough* i'm ill.
hey, if you didn't know *nina* (not jabberwocknina, but starninastar) is the thong and nipple queen. and you all thought she was sweet and innocent. HA! i think i left my prom dress laying somewhere. i was going to show it to rob and get his opinion on whether i should buy a new one or not. but then i got terribly distracted by the aforementioned dramatic happenings. and i have no idea what i did with it. *shrug*
but it's ok. i bought some pink converse sneakers today. they rock my socks. speaking of my socks... i bought some pink and black and grey argyle socks. they're knee socks. thus, they rule. i think that's all i bought. i bought dinner too, but that's not as exciting. yeah. it's snowing. and me and erin's birthday party may end up having like three people there because of the snow. speaking of which.... erin and i are having a birthday party tomorrow at her house. if you want the address e-mail or im me and ask for directions... since i dont' really wanna post it here and be responsible for like... tons of stalkers. yes. party, 8 til late. come, it'll be fun. don't drive into the river, and don't do drugs, stay in high school and don't drink and drive *public service announcement made possible by nyquil.*
if you hadn't figured out already, i didn't go to clinton tonight. because it's snowing like no freaking other.
hamm's daughter finished the alice video today. it rules. we watched the mock turtle scene like four times. it was SO funny. *cough cough* i'm ill.
hey, if you didn't know *nina* (not jabberwocknina, but starninastar) is the thong and nipple queen. and you all thought she was sweet and innocent. HA! i think i left my prom dress laying somewhere. i was going to show it to rob and get his opinion on whether i should buy a new one or not. but then i got terribly distracted by the aforementioned dramatic happenings. and i have no idea what i did with it. *shrug*