
wow. right now is my last post from ms. hamm's computer during fifth hour. dude. high school is over in two hours and 11 minutes. now what? ... i guess i'll just be a bum. oh well.

i'm wearing a really pretty dress today. in honor of school being over. it's nice, and i feel pretty because people keep telling me that i look nice. i feel so loved. *basks in warm glow of compliments*

we have more family coming for graduation than we thought... there's like... ten people now. originally it was just my mom's parents. because the rest of my family went to katie's graduation (i figure... it took her a year more, she deserves more recognition *shrug* i'm really not into subjecting my family to sitting through the whole ceremony...) but yeah, my mom's brother... is coming down tomorrow with my two cousins. yay! and emily gets into town tomorrow... YAY! and... i graduate on saturday!! woooohoo! i'm excited.

i have really bad posture right now... because the zipper on this dress pokes me when i sit up straight. ow. stupid dress. oh hey! lisa broke her foot. (that wasn't supposed to be like "hey! lisa's hurt! woo!" i just suddenly remembered it. ANYwho..) yeah, so get well lisa!! i signed your yearbook today, so you can remember me forever and ever and ever. yay!

i'm kind of tired, i think i'm gonna go look for food (i already ate... but i'm kinda thirsty.... and i have a shake from mcdonalds, but it's really nasty and runny. triple thick.... triple thick my ASS. it's so damn watery. oh well.)

ok, bye.


kait hasn't gotten her crazy password for frowl yet either... that makes me feel a little better. like maybe i'm not stupid after all. maybe i'll call renata tomorrow and ask her what she thinks of the whole situation. maybe.

*GASP* i just checked my mail... and you know what?! it won't let me in!!! aaaaaaaaaaagh *cries* i hate you your-site.com i haaaaaaaaaate you! *pauses and checks buddy list* and there aren't any other frowlers online right now!! aagh!!!! *flails around in a crrrrrazy fashion* aaah, aaaaah. *hyperventilates.*

*sigh* now i can't send rob any mail. sorry rob! i was gonna write you a big long e-mail. but now i CAN'T.

well, this is quite annoying. but in OTHER news... TOMORROW'S MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. oh wow. i can't believe it. tomorrow and i'm done with high school. forever. holy shit. wooow.

i'm all awestruck now. i'm going to bed. goodnight.
aaaaaaagh. it did work. but now the backspace is taking the term 'backspace' a little too litterally and reviewing all the websites i was just at. damn you backspace key!
... i just wrote a biiiig long thing. and right before i hit "post and publish" i was like "i remember the last time i put this much effort into a post... blogger ate it. and apparently it just did it again. like... i hit post and publish and it just all disappeared. it wasn't THAT Long... *sigh* fuck you blogger.
*cries* no one can figure out this damn math thing. so, if anyone wants to comment... if they know how to make recursion equations into function formulas.... (see, core plus is stupid... so those aren't even the real terms to describe what it is i'm doing. bah.) *SIGH* I'll try to find keith and brian and dave in a few minutes.... and if they aren't any help, i'm going to have to go talk to ms. henke AGAIN during 6th hour (which is chemistry) i'm going to cry, i hate math so so so so much. *rawrs at math*

ok, i'm fine. hey, i just saw nic a few minutes ago. and i was just whining how i never see him. he was in the journalism room. i only talked to him for like... 2 minutes. but still, and least i know he still exists. *swivels in ms. hamm's nice swivelly chair* i went to sweets and treats today... yaaay candy. oh, and rob, i got your message, but i was already eating with heather, and i had stuff to do/people to meet back at school... and my battery was dying, so i didn't call back. sorry. *sigh* i wish you'd get off work early on days that i could actually come hang out with you during the time you're off. alas. oh well, just let me be for like... a week more, and then school will be over, and you can come back. *nod*
i have a coating of sugar in my mouth... it's kind of gross. like... it's a red cherry flavored coating from my lollipop. mmmmm cherry lollipop....

i'm gonna go... even though i dont' have anything to do right now... until i find keith. but keith went out... so i should prolly just go sit down by the band room and wait for him to come back. dammit all. after school today, i need to reclean part of my room, since it got messy when i took my desk apart... and put up my bookshelf and such. i like the new set up much much more though. it's just that i have a bunch of random stuff that i dont' know what to do with....

i'm gonna go wait for keith. it's either thundering right now... or the class room above me is moving desks around...


skanky (aka brian w.) is going to try to help me with my math problem that is awful and EVIL tomorrow during lunch. yaaay. let's all bow down and worship skanky. i hate math. baaaaah. i feel like i'm not making sense when i explain the problem to brian. because i'm kind of stupid... so i'm not sure if i'm even explaining the situation right... but he says he gets it... but he could be lying, because i said i'd do ANYTHING if he figured this out for me....

you know who i never see anymore? (you could insert ANY one of my friends' names here and be correct... which is REALLY sad. i miss everyone SO much...) anywho... nic. i NEVER see nic any more. like, not even in the hallway... or driving, i used to see him driving ALL the time. *sniffle* nic, if you're reading this. i miss yooooou.

i hate school. and i hate what it's doing to me right now. it sucks. and i hate what it's doing to rob. it's really frusterating. i'm so tired.... i'm so strung out... i'm lonely (like i said... i miss my friends)... i really just want to get done with everything... get good grades... and have the summer to work and go to KC, and just hang out with my friends. i miss everyone (don't worry rob, you're one of my friends... this doesn't all mean i want to hang out with them and not you. please don't get all paranoid.) *sigh sigh sigh*

i'm going to go work on lines for case of the crushed petunias, since we're presenting tomorrow. and i *think* i know them all.... but those are famous last words.
i'm so confused by this your-site.com e-mail password switch... they're like "we'll send the new password to you account right before we change all the passwords." so.... what if i don't read my mail in that little window of time, eh? bah. i'm sure kait or someone is clever and such and will figure out what the new frowl password is. or, they'll send it to renata... who's in new york... and no one willl be able to access mail until she comes back... or i could hack into her account and save the day. she's given me her password like... a milion times, but i don't actually remember it now. *sigh* oh well. ok, i'm going to work right now, so i'll talk to y'all later. *is southern* byee.
incrediblystupidchempaper.doc is now on a disk and ready for printage. woooooo. hoooooo. and now for studying the ever exciting world of.... CORE PLUS INTEGRATED MATHEMATICS!! woooooo!! *parties*

hehehe, crazy experimental, integrated mathematics... that turned out to SUCK... and is being cut from the curriculum. yay for wasting four years of highschool on crappy math.
ok, i'm typing up this "movie report" for chemistry. and it damn well better get an A. it's SO easy... but uh... has NOTHING to do with chemistry. we watched a movie... called 'day one' about the building of the atomic bomb.... and now we're writing essays on it. i'm like "hello.... this is social studies homework... wtf?!" and she's like "*nasally annoying voice* it has to do with atoms, it's chemistry! i'm going to go sit at my computer for the rest of the class period, or maybe i'll wander out of the room and go get a soda." and... i really couldn't tell you HOW atoms work in the atom bomb... they're there. i imagine at some point they split... but that was prior knowledge... so... whatever.... and i always thought that the whole atom bomb thing was more physics related... am i wrong? someone smart jump in here and tell me all about it. anywho, ms. buckwalter is one of the worst teachers i've ever had. and she's always like "i have ADD, it's hard for me to teach." and i'm like "if you cannot teach for 50 minutes at a time, due to your ADD, perhaps you should switch jobs." i'm sure she's very smart when it comes to chemicals and atoms and such... but.... she's consistantly 10 minutes late for class... and she disappears for lengths of time in the middle of class... she's just crazy. < / rant >


i was just telling ben how i was trying to hang up a shelf...

me: there's this shelf i have... that i REALLY want to put up right now. but it involves hammering
me: *sigh*
me: i tried to hammer quietly for awhile
me: but that didn't work so well.
ben: that doesn't work very well
ben: get out of my brain!!
me: sorry, sorry
me: *extracts self from ben's brain*
me: i felt very primitive while i was hammering.
me: because i don't have a hammer
me: so i was using a big rock.
ben: haha
ben: cavewoman
me: a cave woman who needs a shelf to put her lamp on.

i was amused.

Find your emotion!

hehehe. RAWR! i'm anger! *rawrs some more*

You are 60% evil! [?]

More evil than good, eh? You waver between good and evil. Mostly evil, but sometimes you do some good...sometimes. You're quite the good/evil mixture!

emiloy (cousin emiloy) need to take this.. yeah. and yay me for being well balanced! woo!

went to graduation parties all weekend. i skipped LOTS of them though. because i don't like people. especially certian people. not people who were having the parties, but people who were attending the parties. but not... *sigh* now everyone who was at a party with me over the weekend is going to be like "ah, megan hates me." or maybe not. they prolly don't care. they prolly think i'm stupid and annoying. well i think YOU'RE stupid and annoying *goes and sulks*

in other news, rob's home! yaay! *celebrates* unfortunately my life is not my own, it is ruled by outside forces, and i was unable to see him *sniffle* but he left me daisies on friday, and i felt loved. oh, andrea left me daisies today. but she picked them in erin's garden... erin said she could... it was very thoughtful, but not quite as thoughtful and lovely as the flowers from rob.

i got a new bookcase today. it's big. and it's above my desk, which means that my wizard of oz cut outs that WERE behind my desk are now in the closet. so the life sized cast of wizard of oz doesn't watch me while i'm at my desk anymore. it's so lonely *sniffle*. actually, i have some rubber duckies, and beanie babies (shut up, i think they're cute.) and a furby, and picalina (my baby doll) aaaand, some alice dolls watching me. they'll keep my company. there's also a bug trying to get in through the window screen. he'll keep me company too! *basks in love of beanies, dolls, furby and bug*

andrea just told me that they sabotaged the dip at josh's party, in my honor. i'm so touched.

i have to work tomorrow. dammit all. jan called and was like "can you work tuesday?" and i was like "sure!" only, i thought tomorrow was monday. so dammit all. at least i don't work thursday. that would suck. "last day of school!!! woooohooo! *party for an hour* bye guys, i've gotta work." i bet we'll be busy too. drill team members eating there because it's "healthy" *laughes very very very hard* panera. healthy... hehehe. they all order ic mochas. hello, made with half and half. ew.

i'm really tired. (i initially typed "i'm really dirty" then i was like "*pause* no... i'm not actually. *backspace*"), so... later.


take the emo quiz
.created by jessi

so much for the actually making that last post make sense. oh well. i'm sure you can all figure it out. panera flooded, i went home, went and watched movies with ben. that's about it... if you can't figure out the rest, you're a moron.


ok... so tired. quick run down, i'll try to elaborate tomorrow sometime.

went home early
got flowers from rob
but rob was already gone (okoboji)
called andrea
i hate bowling
called ben
rented movies

yes, so i'll try to come back tomorrow during the day and turn that into a narrative of some sort.


mister clancy just sent me a LOVELY poem in response to my question if he would be at the stuart show at arts fest....

then I will be there.
I will not be square.
I'll see the man without hair.
I'll bring laughter to share.
I'll keep a look out for a bear.
He won't cause a terror.
I like Stuart, I care.
A 2:00 in the afternoon show is rare.
I hope the audience doesn't scare.

mister clancy is a wonderful wonderful lanky man.
ok, have to do this... just cuz....
listening: to the second moulin rouge soundtrack.... which i bought with my lunch money (and yesterday's lunch money... and some change) today. WOO.

in other news... i MISSED my first anniversary! i'm such a loser. so, uh... as of may 14th, my blog's a year old. crazy stuff. i never would have thought i could keep this up for a year. oh well. *throws confetti* yaaay.

i don't remember what i did today. i really don't. uh... my grandparents got here... we got pizza. i'm getting sick... *sniffle sniffle* uh... OH! keech and i had our acting and movement presentation thing. and he COMPLETELY forgot a line. and i was like *gasp* "you look like you want to go somewhere" thinking he'd be like "yes, i want to go to cypress hill." instead, he skipped the whole correspondence part, the whole "live live live!" part... the whole cemetary part... and went to the VERY end and was like "i want to go to highway 77. but the important thing is... we didn't just stand there and look stupid. like EVERYONE else in the class who's forgotten lines. they stare at eachother until hamm is like "ok, you're stupid. get off stage." it's so painful to watch people who don't know lines. ow. it hurts to think about it. ow.

rob came over this evening as well. it was nice. we watched friends, and frasier, and will and grace. and i was all sickly and boring. sorry rob. OH! i didn't even show you my room. which is SPOTLESS. ok, i'm bored of blogging. OH, heeeather. i'm sorry... but i can't go out to lunch with you tomorrow, it's grandparent's day/family day at my sister's elementary. and i said i'd go eat lunch with everyone. surrrry. (sidenote: heather doesn't have a computer, i don't know WHY i'm telling her this here *sigh*)... i dunno. i'm going out there... at 11? maybe? hopefully i'll be back to school in time to sit around in hamm's room doing nothing for awhile. ok, i'm bored. i'm gonna go read other peoples' blogs who are more interesting than me. bye.


i meant to update last night, but instead i cleaned my closet some more. it's like... clean now. i actually put all my shoes in it, and like... hung up my clothes, and moved a couple storage things in... it's so cool. but the rest of my room is all cluttered now. well, it was cluttered before. it was incredibly MESSY as well. at least now my laundry basket is in the closet, and all my shoes (30+ pairs) are in my closet, aaand, i totally just zoned out. i was all typing, then i looked back over my shoulder and totally lost track of what i was talking about.

i have to work tonight. i really don't want to.... i think i'm closing sandwich line... but hopefully i'll actually get to do bakery. i can be done by 9:30 if i get to be i bakery... speaking of getting done early, i wonder where ryan is. he's the king of closing SUPER fast closing. and I'M the king of redundancy redundancy. woooo.

i'm in hamm's room working on... well, nothing. because i'm an awful awful person who never does anything. speaking of not doing anything... there was this HUGE assembly for like... senior recognition. and i had to go up onstage and get my little certificate and my check and such. it was fun and exciting. i didn't trip or ANYTHING (unlike a certain emily who RUINED her sister's wedding by tripping! *evil cackle*) speaking of a certain emily (two sidenotes: i keep saying "speaking of" and i typed "cretin" instead of certain both times...) anywho, emily... she's coming to iowa for graduation!!! *pause* !!!!! that deserves lots of exclamation points.

alex was just in here. i think he read my blog sometime last night/today. the comments on my last real post make me think that. if so. hi alex! you have cute hair! he was just in here. doh. there i go with the redundancy again *sigh*

*sneeze* (yes, i actually did just sneeze...)

i managed to sneeze on rob at prom. and he was BEHIND me when i sneezed. i was like "what the hell... how did i manage that?" i actually had something to talk about here... but i got distracted sneezing and such. anywho. if i go home right after work to clean (which is a possibility, sorry rob... but my room/house HAS to be spotless before my grandparents get here tomorrow.) but, if i go home to clean, i'll try to post before i get totally immersed in cleaning... or in falling asleep. ok. yeah, bye.


blogger looks so pretty on a mac. *sigh* i want a g4. they're sexy (i know *nina* agrees with me here...)

so, where the hell have i been?? i'm all not updating and such. i have both happy and angry rants about prom to post. but i'mm going to refrain from saying anything at all. maybe i'll just scan some pictures, and discuss the whole situation then.

i actually had so much to say when i got home from work last night, but i ended up having to write this friggin HUGE thing for ap english (ok, it wasn't really huge at all. it was just boring and crappy.) then i had to work on some other stuff for ap english as well... i gave my short story presentation today for AP and i think it went... ok. yeah.

but yeah, at work last night, i was like... working sandwich line and it was crazy and crazy. blaaah. and AND my pants broke *sob* i was like... pulling up my pants because they were way too big, and i was consistantly very close to losing them... so i was like "ooh, i'm just pull them up with these handy belt loops. so i did so... only i ripped the right belt loop off, and i was like "oh dammit all." then, twenty mintutes later (i typed "twenty miniatures later" three times before i got it right) i pulled them up with the left back belt loop and ripped that off. *sigh* lifes' so hard.

this morning ms. hamm told me that there was a guy in her freshman english class who thinks i'm ilke... the hottest girl in the school, and i was like "ooooh, how cute." and he just came in to hamm's room (where i am right now) and was like "hi... hamm... i uh... need to staple my paper..." and she was like "heeey, alex how're you doing?" and he's like "hehehe, gooood." it was cute. ok, i'mm bored. bye.



outline... is coming along. i'm going overboard on the plot part. because... i confuse myself if i dont'. it's only 5pts out of 50... same with author info. but i still feel like its' important to set up everythign else. i keep getting distracted. and... it's late. *Whine* and... i have NO clue what i'll do if i have to present tomorrow....
i'm SO tired! wooohoo! i'm also SO caffienated! woooohooo!

i'm writing an outline for ap english, i worked like... 6 hours today... i burned myself on the soups like nine times, because the stupid heater thing is broken and feels the need to BOIL all of our soup... and then i'm like "AH! THE SOUP'S BOILING! *flails about* *soup splashes arm* MARIN! AAAH I'M DYING!" marin commented that she's like pepe le peu (spelling?) and is all calm and collected even when the situation is all crazy... and i'm like the cat, who's always freaking out. i think she's right. i'm soooo tired! i'm not gonna get to bed until like two. two thirty. at least. but tomorrows friday, so i dont' care. oh, marin also pointed out that while preparing one order, i said "dammit all" three times and "what the hell" four times. and, when i started to empty the soup thing, i said "holy fucking shit" because someone had jammed a roll between the drain and the pipe that the water comes out of, so boiling water was exploding everywhere. very stressful.

in response to earlier comment about why i'm complaining... i'm complainging because i'm tired. and school sucks! and i think rob's mad at me! and i'm tired! and i HATE homework. especially crazy homework. so, i suppose she's right in saying "stop complaining, it's ur fault u don't sleep!!! duh." she is quite right. kudos to her. i suppose i should put a disclaimer somewhere. "being that this is my web page, i can complain however much i want to. if i want to shoot myself in the foot, and then bitch about it, i can." that's the nice thing about having a blog. yes. the not nice thing is people who im me and are like "ur hott, u should get a webcam." which always confuses me. because i dont' have pictures here. only like... occasionally. and i make an effort to put up dorky pictures. *shrug*

i think i'd go see star wars again. it was that good.

i dont' have a shirt on. just a bra. i dont' actually remember when i took my shirt off... but i know for a fact i had it on when i sat down to type this. i think i'm losing my mind. *puts on a shirt, to avoid being obscene*

ok, back to homework! yeeeah ap english outline! woooohooo! *falls asleep*


*is dead* i'm so exhausted. *sniffle* want to hear my schedule since... monday? ok. monday morning, i get up at 7, go to school, etc etc. go to work, go to rob's, come home around 11:15. home work til... 12:30? ish? tuesday, get up at 6, school, don't have to work, but have to run all over campus getting all sorts of stuff done. home, clean downstairs for awhile... help dad with his giant bonfire, spent a few hours actually lounging around with rob at home... then... off to the movie. home around 3am, up til about 4. wednesday.... up at 7... school, work... JUST got home. this is the first time in a long time i haven't gone to rob's after work. i'm just so tired. i can't do anything.... i need to sleep. monday night... 5.5 hours of sleep, tuesday night 4 hours of sleep... tonight.... *thinks* 11-7:45. YAY! sleep! ok. goodnight. i had so much to say, but i'm so tired i can't even remember.
guess where i've been for the past... three hours or so....

the movie theeeeatre. seeing star wars episode 2....

i have SO much caffiene in my system, i didn't want to fall asleep... because like... staying awake from 6:30 am until 3:00am isn't really my forte. but dear god, it was sooooooo worth it. it was so much better than i expected it to be. i love erin so so so so so much for being kick ass and taking me to the private employee screening. dude. *is shaking from caffiene*

i wasn't really too terribly excited about going... like ben and erin are iming going "i'm so excited!!" and i'm like "i kinda want to take a nap..." but it was awesome. i had lots of fun. i need to go do incredibly fun stuff more often.

renata! dude! r2 was great. everytime he was on screen i thought of you.... and how i'd gloat to you about how i got to see it tonight. bwahaha.

anywho, it's like.... 3am, and i'm exhausted and i have like... a zillion things to do tomorrow.... like everyday. but tomorrow moreso. ok, goodnight.


aaah, i was reading my notebook (which has like...twice as much stuart stuff from last night) and i was like *sigh* stuart is a great great man. so SO amusing. and so much more.

anywho. you may wonder WHY i record EVERY detail for every stuart show and every time i see rent and... my day to day life... it's because my memory is non existent and it depresses me when i forget everything about everything i do. i could not tell you what i wore to school today... seriously, i have no idea. i could tell you what i wore to work.... but that's just because i'm still wearing it.

*sigh* it's actually kind of depressing. especially when my friends remember more about me than i do. rob does that all the time. he remembers WAY more about what i do than i do. it's nice to have someone who keeps track of me.

i'm rambling and ranting and such. so i'm going to go to bed. goodnight.


stuart show tonight. rawr to people like keith, and such. i hate you now. sorry, we can never be friends again.

effing great show. especially the second set. so, set list.

sugar bullets
eight days in the lotus
nothing in between
fall awake
i discovered another me
human girl
seven wonders of the soul
stephen's exhibition
kid mystic
universe communion
and she was (WOOHOO)
psycho killer
rockstars and models
oliver's army
fault lines
barbie performed by 'stu 2' this dude from the audience who was surprisingly awesome.
your house
asshole world renown with stu 2.

some random quotes....
"i discovered another me ... then i dropped a bunch of trays in the kitchen"
~just as he started that song, JUST as he started, someone in the kitchen dropped a giant stack of trays and there was this HUGE crash. very amusing.

"have i been playing sad songs? mean songs? sorry, i must have confused mothers day with motherfuckers day"

"very catlike... most folk musicians. little known fact."
~re: sneaking around on stage

"michigan? MAN that's a cool shaped state!"

"here's a song about michigan. it's very metaphorical"
~re: kid mystic

"is your mom here tonight? does she have a favorite song? *long pause* so, she has a favorite song, but it's not by me. hmm... well, are you dannish? no? do you know anyone who's dannish? have you been to dennmark? hmm..."
"hey! she likes danishes!"
"perfect! you'll love this song."
~re: atavistic viking

"you never realized how lucky you could be.... until you broke the string of d."
~amsterdam and broken strings.

"you know what's the SADDEST song in the world? *plays the opening of 'sweet home alabamna'* big wheels *sniffle* keep on *sniffle* turning *sniffle sniffle*"

"*playing with the ceiling tiles* hey! what're you doing up there!?"

pam: stuart, are you playing with the ceiling?
stuart (who had been playing with the ceiling): no! no, i wasn't, i was just... uh, tuning my guitar. yeah.

"i should fly out at the audience and knock some shit over."

randomperson: play i need!!
stuart: ok! i'd like to rename this song 'i need'" *plays inventions*


i just took my nail polish off. i have like... a little jar 'o nail polish remover. and it works so well. yay.

ok, let this be the official notice to everyone: STUART IS AT THE MILL ON SUNDAY. yeah, if you're surprised by this, you obviously dont' pay enough attention to me. so, everyone go. i'm getting tickets for me, and ben. and that's it. so, you all need to like... go buy tickets. i'm totally into getting tickets for people, the only problem is... i always end up paying a good $80 for people who are jerks and don't pay me. or pay be like... four dollars. so, the moral of the story is... go buy your stuart tickets. also, make sure you're attentive to your table and your name getting written in. because the last two shows, the mill has fucked everything up royally. i love the mill, i love the people at the mill... but there're maybe two people who are total boneheads and never record tickets sales right. i get pissed off when we pay nearly $40 for a table, and the people are like "uh, we have it down that you bought tickets, but we booked someone else to sit in the table we sold you tickets for. sorry.

ok, i'm calm. anywho. i'm pretty sure there're gonna be lotsa people there. so get there at 6 (i think it's 6?) when the doors open. otherwise you will end up sitting with all the angsty smokers in the corner, and you will only be able to see the light bouncing off or stuart's guitar and head. so. yes. go buy tickets. or, if you want to come, and are afraid of the mill, or don't know where it is or whatever, comment here or e-mail me, and i'll be nice and help you.l



i really don't remember what i did today... uh. school. obviously. then i came home, and got a voicemail from rob that was like "i'm off work early!" and i was all excited, but my mom said i had to do graduation invitations before i could do anything. so i did. i should have just gone to rob's house right after school... but my mom was in an awful mood as it was, so that prolly wouldn't be a good idea. but you know. i only got to see him for a little bit. alas. life goes on and i'll see him tomorrow.

erin and i went to see spiderman tonight (which is why i didn't get to see rob at all). i needed to go out with erin though. we haven't done anything in aaaages. i was supposed to meet her at the movie theatre at 6:20... and i got there at 6:13, so i walked over to panera and talked to my manager about big things. and it was cool. then, i went back to the theatre at like... 6:25. and asked this guy (tim, who i'll elaborate on later) if he'd seen erin. and he said no. but then casey and missy came. and i talked to them for a bit. then erin got there. then we talked to all the movie theatre people at the concession counter thing. and erin works with nice people. .... i just totally lost my train of thought *sigh*..... oh, ok... the movie. was great. i've met tobey maquire... and he was really nice. and it was cool to see him being spider man. he's so cute. (kim, who i work with... was like "he isn't cute at ALL!!" and i was like "*sniffle* he is too.") so, it was awesome. i'd see it again (which is surprising). then, afterwards we talked with all these people erin works with. and i would like to say that tim is a big jerk. and i'm gonna start a tim hate page now. it'll be like my stuart page, only HATE. uh. yeah... her manager's cool. i felt famous. it scares me when people know me before i know them. like when i met someone at panera and they were like "you're megan. like, curtis cregan. rent. renata. you're megan." and i was like "oh... yeah... *runs and hides in the backroom*" so. yes. i had more to say, but i'm tired.

i lost my aida cd. it's really sad. i have the case and everything. i'm listening to a tape of it that my mom made like... two years ago. i have this craving to listen to it. it's weird. my back really hurts. i don't know what i did. but it REALLY hurts. a lot. and i've been trying to fix it all day, and it's not working.

i made up all the tests and quizzes i missed while i was violently ill last week. but i have a lot of math homework to do. i don't understand what we're doing and it's very frusterating.

it was all stormy on the way home, and when i was running around in the wind, i felt like dorothy from the wizard of oz. (i initially typed... "the wizard of ox" ... the wonderful wizard of ox!) ok, enough. goodnight.



sidenote: i have a charlie brown christmas ornament that broke... and like... all i have left is the head. and it's sitting in a candy bowl on my desk. so it looks like charlie brown like... sunk into my candy bowl and is peering out over the edge. teehee
renata bit me today *sniffle* stupid renata.

*amused by above statement* the dog tried to eat wesley, so wesley kicked his water bowl over, then sat in it. they're very intelligent creature, rabbits. yeeeah.

i so had something to say when i opened this. it was important! aaaagh!! oh, this isn't it... but... yeah. i went to riverfest/riverside arts fair/criterion. yaaay bike races. it was sooo fun. i love the bike races... we've gone every year for like... the past... 8 years? but, it was fun. despite allison spending the entire time whining. it's so funny though... at the bottom of the library hill (washington st.? maybe? the back of the university library is at the bottom... yeah) anyhow, the bike races goe down that hill, and there's always like... hay bales at the bottom and ambulances and stuff. because there are always huge crashes there. well... people are apparently incredibly STUPID. so they sit there. like, on the edge of this planter thing. EVERY YEAR. and then the bikes crash at some point, and like 10 bicycles and riders go flying into the hay and shrubbery and the annoying people sitting there. also, people are always wandering across the course. like... duh. it's fenced off for a reason. at one point, the pace car (the car that drives just ahead of the leaders and runs over pedestrians so they don't get in the way) started honking and like, the announcers are all yelling "GET OFF THE COURSE!!!" and there's this family of random foreigners with small children standing in the middle of the street. *sigh* just standing there. do you normally stand in the middle of a street? no... so... why now? *shrug* people are stupid.

i still don't remember why i opened this ... i know i had something to say. oh well.


stupid.... freaking.... quotes.... *rawr*

i have updated the damn things... and they keep just... disappearing. stupid.. grrrr... so mad at them....

*stomps off*
guess who didn't throw up at all today!!! mee!! woooohoo!

but i still can't walk around without getting exhausted. i did laundry today (which NEEDED to be done, desperately. since i spend 100% of my nonexistant free time with rob, nothing ever gets done anymore.) and i was carrying the laundry down the stairs, and i'm like "la la la la..." and i get to the landing and i'm like "ok, far enough for now." so i left in there and went to lay down for awhile... then went back like... a half hour later and moved it the rest of the way to the laundry room. THEN after two loads of laundry (i need to do like... five. i have a lot of clothes...) the power went out. and i was like "well, damn." so, i sat in the kitchen and drank sprite with my dad by kerosene lantern light. while my sister wandered around being annoying.

speaking of my annoying sister.... she got rabbits today. for 4-H (it's like... a farm club? maybe? i dunno, she's showing rabbits at the county fair...) anywho, i got to name them. so, their names are..... Wesley, Nancy, aaaand.... Renata! (renata's the cute one.) well... they're all cute. but wesley and nancy are like... the same colors. and renata's black and white, and is constantly trying to escape. yup.

at any rate... tomorrow's the last day of riverfest! woo! i've been sick all weekend *sniffle* so i haven't been able to go. but it doesn't matter, because the bike races are tomorrow, and that's all that's important. riverfest is nothing compared to artsfest.... but still, it's fun, and traditional, and there's the little art fair thing... which is always neat... but... arts fest.... has stuart this year. wooohoo! and, like.... maybe three guys named ed. the best juggling trio ever. *nod*

ok, i'm sleepy, and it's late... and i forgot to take any of my meds. dammit all. now i have to go back downstairs and fight with the stupid childproof prescription bottles. *sigh*
i JUST now noticed this "and stuart since me a very amusing e-mail. which i made me laugh, which was good" i'm obviously on a lot of anti flu medicie. *sigh*
i'm still siiiiiiick. it suuuuucks.

i was looking through the kohls catalog thingy, and like.. none of the models are very pretty... and a lot of them have really ugly teeth. *shrug* maybe it's a new approach to marketing... maybe they'r in league with OWNX!! kudos to anyone who knows what i'm talking about.

nyaah, i'm gonna go lay in the sun until my dad gets home.
still dying *Sniffle*

but abi sent me the sweetest get well card thingy. awwww i love abi. and stuart since me a very amusing e-mail. which i made me laugh, which was good. but the laughing made me nauseus. which wasn't good. anywho... rob's out of town, so i feel less guilty about not being able to spend time with him.... but kind of sad that i'm so ill i can't use this time productivly. like, cleaning and hanging out with my friends, who i've all but abandoned... especially renata. *loves renata*

i'm going to bed, because i'm not very alert... or... anything. but thanks for all the get well comments, they made me feel loved. i'd give you all hugs, but then i'd infect you with my terrible disease.. so... uh... i'll just say thanks. thaaanks!


hello all. i don't know if i mentioned, but erin invited me to the midnight screeening of spiderman tonight. i was very excited. however, some of you my notice that it's around 12:45, thus, i should be there. i am not, because i have the flu, this is the most sick i have been in years. i have been awake since 4am yesterday morning. at first, i threw up every hour on the hour. it was kind of weird. but since i wasn't eating anything, it was just water. and, i was bulimic for almost a year, so throwing up doesn't bother me so much. but the rest of this REALLY does. the whole, "i'd come downstairs and get myself some water, but i don't think i can walk down the stairs..." then, my parents were gone all day, and i was scared i was gonna die while they were gone.... then they got home, but left for my little sister's 4-H thing... so i worried i was gonna die again (it's that bad, i can't do anything, i'm going to get dehydrated and just pass out and no one wll find me *sniffle*) but rob came over and kept me company, despite my warnings that i had the plague, and he was going to catch it and it would ruin his weeekend. he's so sweet. nyaaah, i'm going to attempt sleep one more time. wish me luck.


renata, i love your mom. and you, of course. and my ladybug pez dispenser. *eats pez*

from renata's blog: "oh, so, i was sitting downstairs watching the simpsons, and my mom calls in from the other room "renata, do you want to score?" so i figured i'd probably misheard... ".... do i WHAT?" "do you want to SCORE? on friday?" "what are you TALKING about??" "for scholastic bowl! do you want to score at the metcalf tournament! .... oh! i guess that did sound kind of weird..." rofl. it was quality."

i choked on my water giggling, that like, made my knight. doh, night. *sigh* i'm going to bed.


when i reread my posts, i'm always like "i don't talk like that... what the hell. i swear, i'm far more witty in my blog than i am in real life. it confuses me.
bleeaaaagh. i have had a bad day. *sniffle*

but... whatever, riverfest and road races this weekend. you should all go, if only to see the spectacular bicycle crashes where the riders just hop up and keep going. aaah, and stuart. but that's NEXT weekend. so, yeah, buy your tickets, and such. aaaand, for all you stuart people (ben, clancy etc etc.) go *here* for an awesome interview with ken wilber, who is a friend of stuarts. stuart has appeared in a few of his books, the only one i remember right now though is 'one taste' anywho, there's actually a character in the newest one named... stuart davis. so yeah, it's an interesting read.

i'm exhausted. i don't fully know why, but i have been absolutely drained for the past few weeks. i miss yoga. it helped so so so much. alas. only a month until summer... only a month until i can be me again!!
ok. well. i tried to fix some stuff. not much success, because i'm stupid. but whatever. i fixed some non working things, and just generally fixed some of the crappy html... also, i changed all referrences to "cory" in the quotes to "mistah k." because i thought he'd like that.

on a slightly random note, i think the whole "how many posts appear on the page at a time" thing is working better. it used to vary ALOT from computer to computer. *shrug* looking at my website on other compters makes me sad because it sucks soooo much. *sniffle*
nyah. ok, maybe this will work. i notice that my four most recent posts weren't showing up on the page. so i was like .... wtf, and i came to look and see if i forgot to publish or something... but... no... only one of them is here. i hate you blogger. i hate you!!! *Sniffle* my template sucks, and my front page won't archive right, and blogger hates me *sob sob sob*. it really reaaaally pisses me off.

anywho, i worked today. we have all these new people. i don't think i like them. three of them are from west, one of them is cory's roommate (and only works during the day), and one of them is mysteriously never there. but the three from west.... james is cool... amy and whatshisname... nick? i dunno.... they're a wee bit annoying. oh well. i'm a wee bit annoying as well (understatement...)

has anyone ever noticed that santa is an anagram (is that the right word?) for satan? hm... "i'm going to leave satan some cookies" "let's go sit on satan's lap at the mall!" "what are YOU going to ask satan for christmas?" there's an entire david sedaris essay that touches on this... and it has made me want to become and elf at macy's. so i too can work for satan. i mean, santa.

i bought some NADS today. not like... the driving simulator, but like, the hair removal stuff. it's nice. like, you use it like you would use wax, but it doesn't hurt or burn or anything. i've had it before, but you used to have to order it off tv, but now other places have it. it's nice. kind of sticky and a little messy, but very nice. and it allows me to have smooth legs without cutting open veins with my razor. which is always a good thing.

tomorrow is wednesday. i have TONS of stuff to do by like... now. shit shit shit. i hate essays. i hate formal letters. raaaawr. *sigh* oh well. i work tomorrow. i HAAAATE working tuesday, wednesday, thursday. i'd prefer monday, tuesday, wednesday. i need to rework my schedule. but not now. because i'm going to bed. goooodnight.