so, we had a tiny gathering tonight. it was tiny because no one likes me *sniffle* but, nicole and emily and casey and erin and i had SO much fun. and i home luke and nate had fun, because i like them. they were great. we watched a movie, and played mariokart, and... just hung out. it was good times. other than that... i didn't do anything today, except work. which sucked. and i got dressing alll over myself. OH... i got a package from kait today! it's a video of yaz's last on bway, and it has SCOTT HUNT as mark. *swoons* it's so random, like, he hasn't gone on as mark for almost two years, and suddenly... there he is! and yaz as maureen (so good, but... i love her mimi so soooo much, that i was like "but, but... mimi!") so, yeah, i've been being a rentnerd all day. i got it in the mail at like... 5:30 when i got home from work, and i was like *postpones showering until finished with first act* then, emily and casey came and we watched some more of it... then erin came, and we all reverted back to the real world. much much fun, but i hate our dog. seriously. like, i have to go tackle him (literally) because even though he's harmless, he will hurt himself trying to get to people to knock themover and lick them. *sigh* tackling dogs while wearing skirts isn't very fun, but i did it ^_^ oh, speaking of things i did today... i took an entire FULL boat of trash out, all by myself. and it was heavy, and big, and hard to push, and i did it! i was soooooo proud. like, wow. very proud. aaaanywho, i'm really tired. and... i should do stuff tomorrow. like clean. and stuff. so, i'm off to bed ^_^ nighty!!
ok, i'm posting because erin wanted me tooo. we're all hanging out, if you're not here you REALLY suck. *RAWR* (notice the capital letter ... they mean i'm angry. yeah.) aaah, yeah, i don't have much to say, i'm just humoring erin ^_^ we're all gonna go watch run lola run upstairs. so, you can all e-mail me and tell me how cool i am. i hate nicolas cage. that has more to do with the conversation i'm having in the real world, as opposed to the conversation that i'm having with myself here ok, that's enough, my computer went crazy, we're gonna go watch the movie now, toodle pip.
can i just make it clear to everyone that i called tim last night, JUST like we discussed? i was like "well, i work until 10 or 10:30. and he's like "call when you get off work" so i did, at 10:05. and i talked to his mom, who was very nice, but had no idea where he was. ...then i go to the movies with emily today, and tim's like "hey!! you didn't call me!!!" so i whipped out my phone, and was like "hmmm, recent calls? let's see, i called... TIM. at .... 10:05. and i talked to tim's mom for... one minute and fifty two seconds. yup." ok, just so that's clear.
tomorrow is saturday, and i'm have an impromtu gathering at mi casa. anyone who wants to come is invited.... so long as i like... know you. yeah, so, call me, or comment or email me, or something, but... sometime tomorrow evening... til late. yeah, it'll end up being just me and erin watching scream (i LOVE that movie) but, hey, you can come watch scream too if you like... but yeah, it'll be fun! i promise! come!
i bought a book for monologues for women, from contemporary works. since, i have grown to hate my classic monologues book *kills shakespeare* i mean REALLY, every damn play "a case of mistaken identity?!" "they JUST missed eachother?!" and i'm like *hits head against wall*. anywho. i also bought a smurfette shirt. i heart it.
tomorrow is saturday, and i'm have an impromtu gathering at mi casa. anyone who wants to come is invited.... so long as i like... know you. yeah, so, call me, or comment or email me, or something, but... sometime tomorrow evening... til late. yeah, it'll end up being just me and erin watching scream (i LOVE that movie) but, hey, you can come watch scream too if you like... but yeah, it'll be fun! i promise! come!
i bought a book for monologues for women, from contemporary works. since, i have grown to hate my classic monologues book *kills shakespeare* i mean REALLY, every damn play "a case of mistaken identity?!" "they JUST missed eachother?!" and i'm like *hits head against wall*. anywho. i also bought a smurfette shirt. i heart it.
hey, did you know if you hold dr. pepper in your mouth for awhile... it'll taste like sour milk? i didn't either, then luke told me to try it, and beingthat i'm stupid, i did. bleeeach.
la laa laaa la laa. (quick, what song am i la-ing?) hee. aah well. today... first, i got up early to go to my rescheduled voice lesson... it was raining like a mo, and i got drenched on my way in. but, on the way out, marie's son was going out too, with an umbrella. she was like "HEY! escort megan to her car." then, to me "and they say chivalry is dead!" and her son's just like "yeaah, well, chivalry's just a little sleepy." i was amused. ^_^ then it stopped raining, and i went jogging. then it started raining again and i got all wet, and my pink shirt became a transparent shirt, and i was sad.
then, i took my sister to see lilo and stitch. and it was actually really really good. and then we shopped for awhile, and i bought s candle, and a bobbing head cow (coolest damn thing ever, i LOVE it.) and an air freshener for my car (my car smells so good it gives me a headache...). then i came and sat around at home, and did that name thingy, then i talked to erin, and we decided to go to the mall, so we power shopped for 40 minutes, and i got a candyland shirt (wooo!) and sunglasses (i have like, eight pairs now...) and a pretty turquoise bra at victoria's secret. and we looked for matching underwear for like, 10 minutes. but we didn't find any that were even close. *sniffle* then we went to target, and got ice cream to eat during the movie (we went to scooby doo. don't make the same mistake.) and i ran back to panera to get spooons, then i went and waited by our meeting place at the theatre (tim being our meeting place). tim was kind enough to model my sunglasses, and proved that he could be a model in the sears catalogue (look for him! he's going to be in the underwear section.) then, we went to scooby doo. which had a few entertaining moments, but was, overall, awful. then we walked out, then we decided we wanted to go back in and watch the bourne identity. so we watched the last 40 minutes of that (matt damon! wooo!) the we went out, then we wanted back in... the we went out again, then i called tim and talked for 12 minutes, then we went home because tim sucks *hisses at tim*. imagine... we could have gone to copyworks (open 24 hours!) or wal mart. but no, copyworks was too racy for tim. now i'm at home. wearing my new shirt and my new bra, and my sunglasses (it's a little tough to see, but i'll deal.) and, i'm REALLY friggin tired. so, i think i'm gonna go to bed, even though it's not that late. and, ben and i have a lunch date tomorrow, so i really MUST get my beauty sleep!
then, i took my sister to see lilo and stitch. and it was actually really really good. and then we shopped for awhile, and i bought s candle, and a bobbing head cow (coolest damn thing ever, i LOVE it.) and an air freshener for my car (my car smells so good it gives me a headache...). then i came and sat around at home, and did that name thingy, then i talked to erin, and we decided to go to the mall, so we power shopped for 40 minutes, and i got a candyland shirt (wooo!) and sunglasses (i have like, eight pairs now...) and a pretty turquoise bra at victoria's secret. and we looked for matching underwear for like, 10 minutes. but we didn't find any that were even close. *sniffle* then we went to target, and got ice cream to eat during the movie (we went to scooby doo. don't make the same mistake.) and i ran back to panera to get spooons, then i went and waited by our meeting place at the theatre (tim being our meeting place). tim was kind enough to model my sunglasses, and proved that he could be a model in the sears catalogue (look for him! he's going to be in the underwear section.) then, we went to scooby doo. which had a few entertaining moments, but was, overall, awful. then we walked out, then we decided we wanted to go back in and watch the bourne identity. so we watched the last 40 minutes of that (matt damon! wooo!) the we went out, then we wanted back in... the we went out again, then i called tim and talked for 12 minutes, then we went home because tim sucks *hisses at tim*. imagine... we could have gone to copyworks (open 24 hours!) or wal mart. but no, copyworks was too racy for tim. now i'm at home. wearing my new shirt and my new bra, and my sunglasses (it's a little tough to see, but i'll deal.) and, i'm REALLY friggin tired. so, i think i'm gonna go to bed, even though it's not that late. and, ben and i have a lunch date tomorrow, so i really MUST get my beauty sleep!
Your first name of Megan gives you the desire for responsibility and takes you into practical pursuits. You would excel in work of a technical nature where concentration and attention to detail are important. Whatever you undertake, you have the patience and determination to do well. You feel a sense of security in positions of responsibility where progress is made through systematic, step-by-step procedures. However, you lack vision and you could become too involved in technical details, system, and routine. You do not readily adjust to changes in your routine. You find it difficult to be spontaneous and fluent in verbal expression, and are prone to make rather direct comments that are not accepted in the way you intend them. Home and children are important to you, and you desire a settled environment. There is a tendency to assume more than your share of duties, and others could impose on your good nature, thus over-burdening you with responsibilities that could cause you to worry. A fondness for heavy, rich foods could, through overeating, cause you to suffer through intestinal and digestive troubles.
The name of Meg creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words. You have a deep, artistic, and creative side which shows through a love for music and literature. Writing is a more natural mode of expression for your deeper thoughts and feelings than the spoken word. You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest. However, you prefer to avoid routine, monotony, and mental tasks. You enjoy the out-of-doors and find your greatest peace and relaxation from the beauty and harmony of nature. You prefer to limit your friendships and associations to those who share your interests and appreciate your quiet, refined ways. Others often find it difficult to understand you. Your feelings tend to build up within you and, if you cannot release them through a creative, constructive channel, you could suffer with frustration, moods, and much inner turmoil. This name causes tension in the region of the solar plexus, as well as the heart and lungs. Health problems would centre in those areas of the body.
i like that these sorta contradict eachother. ^_^
The name of Meg creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words. You have a deep, artistic, and creative side which shows through a love for music and literature. Writing is a more natural mode of expression for your deeper thoughts and feelings than the spoken word. You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest. However, you prefer to avoid routine, monotony, and mental tasks. You enjoy the out-of-doors and find your greatest peace and relaxation from the beauty and harmony of nature. You prefer to limit your friendships and associations to those who share your interests and appreciate your quiet, refined ways. Others often find it difficult to understand you. Your feelings tend to build up within you and, if you cannot release them through a creative, constructive channel, you could suffer with frustration, moods, and much inner turmoil. This name causes tension in the region of the solar plexus, as well as the heart and lungs. Health problems would centre in those areas of the body.
i like that these sorta contradict eachother. ^_^
*SIGH* ok. the review.
krystal (mimi)
on friday, LMC was really lacking energy... but... it was a little better on saturday... i dunno, that's prolly kevin's fault as well. but damn, this girl if BUFF. she has a six pack... she's just so solid. like, i wanna be that buff. it's crazy. oh, at the end of LMC on friday, she spun around to walk off, after waving her stash in roger's face, and instead she FLUNG it into the air... the rushers were all giggling. she didn't even look back at it though. i was so amused. it's like "i took all that time to get it back... but... i think i'll just chuck it at roger now." heeehee. her OT rocks, if only because she's a dancer by nature... her kicks are just ... wow. full splits on each one. rivaling dom actually. OH! during OT, when she does the little "checking my make up thing" (she mimes checking her hair and make up in a compact) she does this little chin pat thing. and i was SO amused. because i used to have a friend who always did that. like, patting your chin with the back of your hand is supposed to help keep you chin from getting saggy? or soemthing? but yeah, it was cute. aaaaaahm... overall i liked her 100% more than cedar falls. leaving cedar falls i was asking why everyone was raving about her, but now i see.
kevein (roger)
does he smoke? because... his voice is all raspy and annoying when he's mid range, but it's GREAT when he's really singing out... *shrug* he always has the same facial expression of... vague confusion and concern. i think he's taking a page out of manley's book of "how to be angsty". alas. he still looks like shaggy from scooby doo. cut your damn hair kevin! oh, omg. during SOL, when he's clapping, he like... dances and jives along with the music, it's HILARIOUS. ask me to demonstrate the next time i see you, and i will. it's SO funny. del was imitating him one night, and i almost died laughing. heeheehe. yeah, overall... nyah... *shrug* someone claimed that his overacting was an endearing quality but i disagree. he's overactor of the year in my book.
david (mark)
cute, nerdy (in real life too... he had a gameboy advance shirt on when i saw him before the show), but... but... he has a goatee. *booo hiiissss* the goatee looks very good on david, but i think it's satan on mark. but that's just me. still, very very good. oh, when roger asks "are you talking to me?" and mark says "not at all" david did this little pointing to the camera thing, like "duh roger, i'm narrating my film." it was so cute. oh, he took off his glasses when he was sitting by himself during WY. i was like "awwwwwwww poor mark *sob*" oh, i LOVE the way he narrates. like, when he does the "close on roger" etc etc. i love love it. oh oh!!! at the end, when he comes in the projector, he slides across the stage on his knees. there was an audible "awwwww" from the rush seats. AND, at the end, when mimi's dying, right before roger sings your eyes, and maureen and joanne hug... he hugs himself, and he looks so scared and helpless. i wanted to run up and comfort him (and curtis and scott are the only people who have evoked the "must go comfort mark" part of me.)
bridget (joanne)
she had these crazy hair extension things. they looked good when they were down, but when they were up... well. let's just quote del... "the octopus that was on the SAM's head has got bridget!! noooooooooo!". i LOVE her. alot of people seemed to not like her. i love her though, her tango is GREAT. and she moves with the poise and purpose of a dancer, it really added a lot to the character i though, a physicality that you don't usually see. i love how droll and vaguely cynical she is. oh, and joanne's cellphone is always this giant white thing... it's the ghettoest phone in the whole world. joanne needs a new phone.
jordan (maureen)
her hair... looked fake. i'm sure it wasn't. but... it looked bad *shrug* she's dating david... and it was kind of obvious. which was alittle annoying. oh god, thursday... HNY, her pants were falling off of her ass. seriously, you could see like, her thong and a few inches of crack. really, it wouldn't have been out of character for maureen to pull up her damn pants. bah, i dunno, it was like "wow, could you copy other maureens a little more please? don't be original or anything..." i didn't like her... bah.
ok, i'm bored of typing. fare thee well.
krystal (mimi)
on friday, LMC was really lacking energy... but... it was a little better on saturday... i dunno, that's prolly kevin's fault as well. but damn, this girl if BUFF. she has a six pack... she's just so solid. like, i wanna be that buff. it's crazy. oh, at the end of LMC on friday, she spun around to walk off, after waving her stash in roger's face, and instead she FLUNG it into the air... the rushers were all giggling. she didn't even look back at it though. i was so amused. it's like "i took all that time to get it back... but... i think i'll just chuck it at roger now." heeehee. her OT rocks, if only because she's a dancer by nature... her kicks are just ... wow. full splits on each one. rivaling dom actually. OH! during OT, when she does the little "checking my make up thing" (she mimes checking her hair and make up in a compact) she does this little chin pat thing. and i was SO amused. because i used to have a friend who always did that. like, patting your chin with the back of your hand is supposed to help keep you chin from getting saggy? or soemthing? but yeah, it was cute. aaaaaahm... overall i liked her 100% more than cedar falls. leaving cedar falls i was asking why everyone was raving about her, but now i see.
kevein (roger)
does he smoke? because... his voice is all raspy and annoying when he's mid range, but it's GREAT when he's really singing out... *shrug* he always has the same facial expression of... vague confusion and concern. i think he's taking a page out of manley's book of "how to be angsty". alas. he still looks like shaggy from scooby doo. cut your damn hair kevin! oh, omg. during SOL, when he's clapping, he like... dances and jives along with the music, it's HILARIOUS. ask me to demonstrate the next time i see you, and i will. it's SO funny. del was imitating him one night, and i almost died laughing. heeheehe. yeah, overall... nyah... *shrug* someone claimed that his overacting was an endearing quality but i disagree. he's overactor of the year in my book.
david (mark)
cute, nerdy (in real life too... he had a gameboy advance shirt on when i saw him before the show), but... but... he has a goatee. *booo hiiissss* the goatee looks very good on david, but i think it's satan on mark. but that's just me. still, very very good. oh, when roger asks "are you talking to me?" and mark says "not at all" david did this little pointing to the camera thing, like "duh roger, i'm narrating my film." it was so cute. oh, he took off his glasses when he was sitting by himself during WY. i was like "awwwwwwww poor mark *sob*" oh, i LOVE the way he narrates. like, when he does the "close on roger" etc etc. i love love it. oh oh!!! at the end, when he comes in the projector, he slides across the stage on his knees. there was an audible "awwwww" from the rush seats. AND, at the end, when mimi's dying, right before roger sings your eyes, and maureen and joanne hug... he hugs himself, and he looks so scared and helpless. i wanted to run up and comfort him (and curtis and scott are the only people who have evoked the "must go comfort mark" part of me.)
bridget (joanne)
she had these crazy hair extension things. they looked good when they were down, but when they were up... well. let's just quote del... "the octopus that was on the SAM's head has got bridget!! noooooooooo!". i LOVE her. alot of people seemed to not like her. i love her though, her tango is GREAT. and she moves with the poise and purpose of a dancer, it really added a lot to the character i though, a physicality that you don't usually see. i love how droll and vaguely cynical she is. oh, and joanne's cellphone is always this giant white thing... it's the ghettoest phone in the whole world. joanne needs a new phone.
jordan (maureen)
her hair... looked fake. i'm sure it wasn't. but... it looked bad *shrug* she's dating david... and it was kind of obvious. which was alittle annoying. oh god, thursday... HNY, her pants were falling off of her ass. seriously, you could see like, her thong and a few inches of crack. really, it wouldn't have been out of character for maureen to pull up her damn pants. bah, i dunno, it was like "wow, could you copy other maureens a little more please? don't be original or anything..." i didn't like her... bah.
ok, i'm bored of typing. fare thee well.
wooot! so, yay for dusty's pictures, which i blatantly stole and resized and put up here. it took me like two hours. which was silly. it should have taken five minutes, tops, but everyone in the world was iming me. and i was like *flail*. it's tough being so popular. ^_~ but yeah. bow down to dusty, he is the crazy digital camera man. wooooo! i'm gonna call him that now. i'm not gonna be like "hey dusty, goin to the stu show?" i'm gonna be like "hey crazy digital camera man, you goin to the stu show?" yeaaah.
work was crapppy today, but funny. this guy came in and ordered a large drink ($1.35) with a mall discount ($1.22) and then whipped out his credit card, and iwa slike "oh crikeys, i'm not doing that, just take the damn cup, and get out!" and, then this guy came in and ordered and i was like "are you a mall employee? or are you just dressed up?" (he worked at younkers, which was why he was all dressed up. i'm smart like that. not many people go shopping in suits.) and then, at pretzel maker, they told me they didnt' do mall discounts anymore. and i was like "well, ok, that's fine. but the next time you come to panera, i'm not giving you a discount." and they all laughed. and i was like "no, seriously" and wandered off. i mean really. "no free refills" they're so damn exspensive,a nd now they won't give a 10% discount. HA! i'm boycotting them.
my foot's asleep *sob*
ok, enough blogging. i'm downstairs, and this is the noisest keyboard in the whole world. and it's driving me mad. maybe i'll post more when i go upstairs. but yeah. bye.
work was crapppy today, but funny. this guy came in and ordered a large drink ($1.35) with a mall discount ($1.22) and then whipped out his credit card, and iwa slike "oh crikeys, i'm not doing that, just take the damn cup, and get out!" and, then this guy came in and ordered and i was like "are you a mall employee? or are you just dressed up?" (he worked at younkers, which was why he was all dressed up. i'm smart like that. not many people go shopping in suits.) and then, at pretzel maker, they told me they didnt' do mall discounts anymore. and i was like "well, ok, that's fine. but the next time you come to panera, i'm not giving you a discount." and they all laughed. and i was like "no, seriously" and wandered off. i mean really. "no free refills" they're so damn exspensive,a nd now they won't give a 10% discount. HA! i'm boycotting them.
my foot's asleep *sob*
ok, enough blogging. i'm downstairs, and this is the noisest keyboard in the whole world. and it's driving me mad. maybe i'll post more when i go upstairs. but yeah. bye.

it's jessie and me! but we're just fake sleeping so dusty could take our picture...shhhh, dont' tell.

loook! renata and i match! and look! i heart del. she's so funny. ^_^

me, del and renata. we're sleeping in formation. go us! i love love love this picture. look at my dirty feet and my dorothy pajamas (actually, you can't see my pajamas... but i'm wearing blue gingham pj pants. they look dorothyish to me *shrug*)

i don't think i really look like this.... *Shrug* i was playing flute on my sprite bottle.

this is the "let's look up megan and dusty's noses!" picture. but i like it anyways. dusty was sitting a chair and i was.... looking over his head? kissing the back of his head? something? and he took this. yeah.

this is henrie, who i loved, in one of the rare moments where he wasn't photosynthesizing or standing on a giant building ledge taking pictures.

this is just before buying tickets on saturday. i love this picture overall. and this is my favorite picture of me. ever. dusty, i love you. you're an A+ photographer! woooo woo!
wow, dusty's KC pics... are fab. go see
lalaa. i'm home from work. and i typed my review of the saturday show, but i'm only posting it if people request it, otherwise i'll just post it on the boards ... later.
i meant to call rob today. and i forgot... but... i guess i do have an excuse, i've been hella busy all day... and long distance... and ... *flail* oh well, life will go one, no one will be deeply changed as a result of me not calling.
dusty's uploading pictures, only he's being all slow about it. *shakes fist at dusty* hurry up! oh, and come to iowa city for the stuart show on the seventh! you can sleep on our crazy fold out bed. yeeeah. i have yummy cream soda right now, so i'm in a pretty good mood. la la la. i'd be in an even better mood if dusty were done uploading pictures! *RAWR*
um, i'm gonna go... because... i'm distracting dusty from his uploading by whining about stuff.. i wonder if del's on.... *looks* she is she is!!! *goes to harrass del*
i meant to call rob today. and i forgot... but... i guess i do have an excuse, i've been hella busy all day... and long distance... and ... *flail* oh well, life will go one, no one will be deeply changed as a result of me not calling.
dusty's uploading pictures, only he's being all slow about it. *shakes fist at dusty* hurry up! oh, and come to iowa city for the stuart show on the seventh! you can sleep on our crazy fold out bed. yeeeah. i have yummy cream soda right now, so i'm in a pretty good mood. la la la. i'd be in an even better mood if dusty were done uploading pictures! *RAWR*
um, i'm gonna go... because... i'm distracting dusty from his uploading by whining about stuff.. i wonder if del's on.... *looks* she is she is!!! *goes to harrass del*

awwww i woke up from sleeping, and saw how cute dusty looked, so i was like "renata! take a picture!" and she took this, which is not at all the angle i wanted *frowl* i think some other people took pictures too, because he was so damn cute. i'll just have to find them.

woooo, it's henry and dusty (back row) and ali and jessie and me! yaaaay!

del took SO many pictures of me... and this is the only one i have of her *sniffle* and i don't seem to have any of renata. wtf?!
woooooo quotes!!
del: that guy's helmut makes him look like a penis
me: i think it makes him look like a nazi
del: hmmm, a nazi penis on a motorcycle...
"brass Arrrrrrrrrrrr-madillo. with and eye patch!"
"hey! there's a gift shop in the llama!"
"aaarrrr, i plundered the soda!"
"yeah, what about my enormolously large hat?!" (enormolous is now part of my everyday vocab ^_^)
"in my comp II class *pause* well, my comp II class for inbred chimps..."
del: i went the the mall, and there were four stores *gets distracted by finger*
renata: wow, what a small mall
del: aaaah, my pinkie malfunctions
renata: you pinkie made muffins?!
megan: she said her thinking malfunctions...
del: no.. my pinkie... it malfunctions
megan: *writing on wall of handicap ramp*
renata: Z!! for ZORRO!
megan: actually, i'ts an M. for MEGAN!
"hey! abdul's here!"
renata: remember the flash!!
del: like, remember the alamo.
"nose transfer!"
"free the kansas city two!!"
"i didn't know NATO made pizza ovens..."
"they aren't berries, they're rasp-conglomerates"
"while i was looking out my window naked.." (del fulfilled her life long dream of looking out the window of a highrise naked)
del: *ranting* APPARENTLY in kansas city, you can't buy water ANYWHERE and only handicapped people can use the drinking fountains!
random guy walking by: *burst out laughing*
del renata and megan: *hide heads in embarassment*
del: *imitating skanky ass tara* *fake drunk* daavid. i'll give you a *pause* *pulls quarter out of bra* QUARTER if you'll call out, and let curtis go on as mark *stumble*"
megan: *laughing* *as david* "who the hell's curtis?! get away from me skanky drunken tara! get away!"
renata: why are you afraid of centaurs?
del: i was bitten by a centaur as a child.
"del, let's be logical. if captain planet weren't there, where would the monkey have come from?"
megan: *wearing reid's FBI hat* look, dusty! i'm in the fbi!
dusty: yeah? what's it stand for?
megan: the federal bunnies of investigation, obviously.
del: that guy's helmut makes him look like a penis
me: i think it makes him look like a nazi
del: hmmm, a nazi penis on a motorcycle...
"brass Arrrrrrrrrrrr-madillo. with and eye patch!"
"hey! there's a gift shop in the llama!"
"aaarrrr, i plundered the soda!"
"yeah, what about my enormolously large hat?!" (enormolous is now part of my everyday vocab ^_^)
"in my comp II class *pause* well, my comp II class for inbred chimps..."
del: i went the the mall, and there were four stores *gets distracted by finger*
renata: wow, what a small mall
del: aaaah, my pinkie malfunctions
renata: you pinkie made muffins?!
megan: she said her thinking malfunctions...
del: no.. my pinkie... it malfunctions
megan: *writing on wall of handicap ramp*
renata: Z!! for ZORRO!
megan: actually, i'ts an M. for MEGAN!
"hey! abdul's here!"
renata: remember the flash!!
del: like, remember the alamo.
"nose transfer!"
"free the kansas city two!!"
"i didn't know NATO made pizza ovens..."
"they aren't berries, they're rasp-conglomerates"
"while i was looking out my window naked.." (del fulfilled her life long dream of looking out the window of a highrise naked)
del: *ranting* APPARENTLY in kansas city, you can't buy water ANYWHERE and only handicapped people can use the drinking fountains!
random guy walking by: *burst out laughing*
del renata and megan: *hide heads in embarassment*
del: *imitating skanky ass tara* *fake drunk* daavid. i'll give you a *pause* *pulls quarter out of bra* QUARTER if you'll call out, and let curtis go on as mark *stumble*"
megan: *laughing* *as david* "who the hell's curtis?! get away from me skanky drunken tara! get away!"
renata: why are you afraid of centaurs?
del: i was bitten by a centaur as a child.
"del, let's be logical. if captain planet weren't there, where would the monkey have come from?"
megan: *wearing reid's FBI hat* look, dusty! i'm in the fbi!
dusty: yeah? what's it stand for?
megan: the federal bunnies of investigation, obviously.
AHHH!! i'm back! *parties* had a blast! ^_^ the line was sooooo fabulous. ok... i'll... just start from the very beginning, even though renata and del have it totally covered in their blogs. but... oh well, i want to give my side of the story too ^_^
so, my mom and i get into town at like... 10:00 on thursday night, i call renata and discover that they're still in st louis... like, four hours away.. and i'm like "eh..." so i watch charlies angels on HBO and begin to attempt to make myself pretty for their arrival (because i want del and renata so bad, i had to be HOT! ^_~) so, then, they get there, and they're down in the lobby, so i come down the elevator (of our AWESOME hotel, which is like... RIGHT next to the theatre, like... it took thirty seconds to get from the line to my room.) and del and renata are hiding behind a giant flower arrangement right in front of the elevators, and we all celebrate and hug and such, and the night staff of the hotel laughes at us... then, we head out to the theatre to set up camp.
we get there, and begin a brief argument with a security gaurd about the fact that it's illegal to camp out in KC. but the theatre had like... gotten a permit the last two years that rent was in town... but this year, the security people were like "NO SLEEPING OUT!! RAAAAWR" and del's like "well, someone... called and... i think they said it was ok? and... the box office said...but i mean, i didn't call, but i think i know someone who did..." and i'm like "I called the box office, they said that we could camp out and it wouldn't be a problem. i was ASSURED that this would be ok..." so, she told her supervisor that it was ok, and all was good ^_^ (and no, i didn't actually call the box office. blaah) so we set up camp in our awesome fort (aka the handicap ramp) and party for about an hour, then renata passes out.. and del and i try to sleep for like... 10 minutes. so, we leave renata with all our stuff and start wandering around. now... i have this weird thing... that happens ALL the time. street lights go out when i walk under them. like, ALL the time. so i manage to somehow put out like... five different street lights, and del's freaking out... it was funny. we took all sort of pictures (like me pretending to get crushed by a falling light post thingy) and we looked at the carving things on the out side of the theatre... and there are three of them, and the one in the middle was this guy, sitting in a big throne thingy (these were all... grecian? roman?) and he's got a scroll in one hand, and an owl sitting on the arm of the chair... and he's got his hand up like he's gonna bitchslap the owl. so we laughed merrily and threatened to owlslap one another. heeehee.
then, we were all awake and hanging out and such.. and well, the sign on renata's birthday present from me said "happy birthday of doom" and del said it aloud and renata thought she said "happy birthday abdul!" and was like "who the hell's abdul?!" so then, this guy, jon, comes walking across the street to get in line, and we're all like "ABDUL'S HERE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and we confused him horribly. but, it was all ok, because he gives really good backrubs. and kept me company whilst i trekked around getting food for people.
eventually more people started showing up, including this group of guys who were just GREAT. Boyd (whose name i only remember because he was on team doom.... more about team doom later...) and the other two who were SO fun. but... being that it's me, and i had been awake for about 22 hours when they got there, i forgot their names *sniffle*. so, i brought everyone mcdonalds (stupid mcdonalds didn't open til almost 7am, which was skanky...) and we eventually began playing cranium... and we all TOTALLY bonded. we were so into it. even though our team (TEAM DOOOOM) lost by like... tons... there were all these great questions that we missed, like... scrambled names of world leaders ("aaand, times up, answer is, 'nelson mandela'" "WHAT?! NOOOOO WAY." "pshaw he's not even a world leader anymore! is he?" "hrmph. i hate nelson mandela" (we also hate moss... and clouds. cirrus, stratus? nimbo something or another?!! wtf?!) and, there were these humdingers, where a team mate had to hum a song, and the rest of the team had to guess it... and boyd's getting ready to hum this song, and he hums TWO notes "hmmm HMMMM" and renata and i are immediatly like "WILD THING!!" and we totally got it right. ^_^ but then, we were doing a pictionary type question, and boyd was drawing, and we were guessing, and he's like... drawing people switching noses and i shout out "NOSE TRANSFER!" and he gave me this look like "what the hell?!" (it was plastic surgery, and we got it. goooo team doom!) then renata's mom brought cake and we all sang... oh, somewhere before we started playing cranium, ali got there, and dusty got there. i had just gotten back from mcdondalds when dusty got there, and i seriously looked at him straight on, and thirty seconds later i spun around and was like "DUUUUSTY! *glomp*" i heart dusty ^_^ *waves to dusty* aaaah, i went and took a shower at like... 7am (this was pre cranium as well...) and was super refreshed, but then around 11:00 i realized that i'd been awake for 26 hours, and i decided to take a nap. so i took like... a 40 minute nap... and something woke me up... but later, jon gave me backrub, and i just zonked out for liek, two hours.
aaaaah, then jesse and company got there (jesse, kinsey, kayla and henry? did i get them all right?) but the line was full, so we were all sad. but, the bought seats and all was good. i heart henry btw, he was SOOOO funny, and he reminded me of caleb. he was just sooooo amusing. and yay for jesse, she's been at the past three rent stops i've been at. so we've bonded ^_^ i totally didn't know she was coming, it was a happy surprise to see her though ^_^
ok, so show that night... i reviewed it, not NEARLY as throughly as i reviewed the saturday matinee (which was at 5:00... wtf, who has a matinee at five??) but, i'll post both those later, because... while they were SOOOOOO MUCH better than cedar falls (like, wow. cedar falls... i was like... "uh... welcome to the community theatre version of rent. bah." but they are SO improved, and david (mark) was so cute. del loves him to death, and while he WAS fabulous... i was still like "nyaaaah you have a goatee!" but really, VERY good. sooooo much better than drunkenmark of cedar falls. yeah. ^_^
next day we get in line around.... 5am, and we're behind about... 8 people? 5 of them were jesse and company (including dusty) and, i just SLEPT for like, five hours. it was SOOOO great. i really needed sleep. then abdul came back and hung out... and... stuff... and... i'm gonna just post this, and type the quotes, and maybe come back with reviews later tonight... but prolly tomorrrow sometime.
so, my mom and i get into town at like... 10:00 on thursday night, i call renata and discover that they're still in st louis... like, four hours away.. and i'm like "eh..." so i watch charlies angels on HBO and begin to attempt to make myself pretty for their arrival (because i want del and renata so bad, i had to be HOT! ^_~) so, then, they get there, and they're down in the lobby, so i come down the elevator (of our AWESOME hotel, which is like... RIGHT next to the theatre, like... it took thirty seconds to get from the line to my room.) and del and renata are hiding behind a giant flower arrangement right in front of the elevators, and we all celebrate and hug and such, and the night staff of the hotel laughes at us... then, we head out to the theatre to set up camp.
we get there, and begin a brief argument with a security gaurd about the fact that it's illegal to camp out in KC. but the theatre had like... gotten a permit the last two years that rent was in town... but this year, the security people were like "NO SLEEPING OUT!! RAAAAWR" and del's like "well, someone... called and... i think they said it was ok? and... the box office said...but i mean, i didn't call, but i think i know someone who did..." and i'm like "I called the box office, they said that we could camp out and it wouldn't be a problem. i was ASSURED that this would be ok..." so, she told her supervisor that it was ok, and all was good ^_^ (and no, i didn't actually call the box office. blaah) so we set up camp in our awesome fort (aka the handicap ramp) and party for about an hour, then renata passes out.. and del and i try to sleep for like... 10 minutes. so, we leave renata with all our stuff and start wandering around. now... i have this weird thing... that happens ALL the time. street lights go out when i walk under them. like, ALL the time. so i manage to somehow put out like... five different street lights, and del's freaking out... it was funny. we took all sort of pictures (like me pretending to get crushed by a falling light post thingy) and we looked at the carving things on the out side of the theatre... and there are three of them, and the one in the middle was this guy, sitting in a big throne thingy (these were all... grecian? roman?) and he's got a scroll in one hand, and an owl sitting on the arm of the chair... and he's got his hand up like he's gonna bitchslap the owl. so we laughed merrily and threatened to owlslap one another. heeehee.
then, we were all awake and hanging out and such.. and well, the sign on renata's birthday present from me said "happy birthday of doom" and del said it aloud and renata thought she said "happy birthday abdul!" and was like "who the hell's abdul?!" so then, this guy, jon, comes walking across the street to get in line, and we're all like "ABDUL'S HERE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and we confused him horribly. but, it was all ok, because he gives really good backrubs. and kept me company whilst i trekked around getting food for people.
eventually more people started showing up, including this group of guys who were just GREAT. Boyd (whose name i only remember because he was on team doom.... more about team doom later...) and the other two who were SO fun. but... being that it's me, and i had been awake for about 22 hours when they got there, i forgot their names *sniffle*. so, i brought everyone mcdonalds (stupid mcdonalds didn't open til almost 7am, which was skanky...) and we eventually began playing cranium... and we all TOTALLY bonded. we were so into it. even though our team (TEAM DOOOOM) lost by like... tons... there were all these great questions that we missed, like... scrambled names of world leaders ("aaand, times up, answer is, 'nelson mandela'" "WHAT?! NOOOOO WAY." "pshaw he's not even a world leader anymore! is he?" "hrmph. i hate nelson mandela" (we also hate moss... and clouds. cirrus, stratus? nimbo something or another?!! wtf?!) and, there were these humdingers, where a team mate had to hum a song, and the rest of the team had to guess it... and boyd's getting ready to hum this song, and he hums TWO notes "hmmm HMMMM" and renata and i are immediatly like "WILD THING!!" and we totally got it right. ^_^ but then, we were doing a pictionary type question, and boyd was drawing, and we were guessing, and he's like... drawing people switching noses and i shout out "NOSE TRANSFER!" and he gave me this look like "what the hell?!" (it was plastic surgery, and we got it. goooo team doom!) then renata's mom brought cake and we all sang... oh, somewhere before we started playing cranium, ali got there, and dusty got there. i had just gotten back from mcdondalds when dusty got there, and i seriously looked at him straight on, and thirty seconds later i spun around and was like "DUUUUSTY! *glomp*" i heart dusty ^_^ *waves to dusty* aaaah, i went and took a shower at like... 7am (this was pre cranium as well...) and was super refreshed, but then around 11:00 i realized that i'd been awake for 26 hours, and i decided to take a nap. so i took like... a 40 minute nap... and something woke me up... but later, jon gave me backrub, and i just zonked out for liek, two hours.
aaaaah, then jesse and company got there (jesse, kinsey, kayla and henry? did i get them all right?) but the line was full, so we were all sad. but, the bought seats and all was good. i heart henry btw, he was SOOOO funny, and he reminded me of caleb. he was just sooooo amusing. and yay for jesse, she's been at the past three rent stops i've been at. so we've bonded ^_^ i totally didn't know she was coming, it was a happy surprise to see her though ^_^
ok, so show that night... i reviewed it, not NEARLY as throughly as i reviewed the saturday matinee (which was at 5:00... wtf, who has a matinee at five??) but, i'll post both those later, because... while they were SOOOOOO MUCH better than cedar falls (like, wow. cedar falls... i was like... "uh... welcome to the community theatre version of rent. bah." but they are SO improved, and david (mark) was so cute. del loves him to death, and while he WAS fabulous... i was still like "nyaaaah you have a goatee!" but really, VERY good. sooooo much better than drunkenmark of cedar falls. yeah. ^_^
next day we get in line around.... 5am, and we're behind about... 8 people? 5 of them were jesse and company (including dusty) and, i just SLEPT for like, five hours. it was SOOOO great. i really needed sleep. then abdul came back and hung out... and... stuff... and... i'm gonna just post this, and type the quotes, and maybe come back with reviews later tonight... but prolly tomorrrow sometime.
ok, so i know there are some glitches in the new layout... but... it's a work in progress. and i'm working on it! and so's erin!! but yeah, let me know what you think, it's all thanks to erin, who i a GENIUS. *hearts erin* i'm goign to make an "erin shrine" page. devoted to her awesomeness
i'm on my way to kansas city tomorrow... but i'll keep very indepth notes, so that there will be a WONDERFUL post when i get back... while i'm gone, you all need to make sure to spread some stuart love, and don't get hurt or anything. if you're nic, you suck because you were supposed to come along to KC. if you aren't nic... uh... you don't suck.
ok, i'm gonna go and pack for KC. but i'll still be on aim. so yeah. but really, COMMENT on the new layout, tell erin how incredibly awesome it is.
i'm on my way to kansas city tomorrow... but i'll keep very indepth notes, so that there will be a WONDERFUL post when i get back... while i'm gone, you all need to make sure to spread some stuart love, and don't get hurt or anything. if you're nic, you suck because you were supposed to come along to KC. if you aren't nic... uh... you don't suck.
ok, i'm gonna go and pack for KC. but i'll still be on aim. so yeah. but really, COMMENT on the new layout, tell erin how incredibly awesome it is.
this is for chelle ^_^
renata: there were some people i met there that i know are going to be life long friends.
renata: are.. any of the sf people lifelong friends?
megan: chelle!
renata: ooh yeah!
renata: yay chelle.
megan: hehee
megan: aka michael
renata: ... what?
renata: *is lost*
megan: chelle
megan: =
megan: michael
megan: socks...
megan: *waits for it*
renata: but... what? i don't remember that?
megan: you HAVE to know wht i'm talking about
megan: you moron
renata: OH!
megan: lol
renata: *hyperventilates*
megan: *laughing reeeeally hard*
renata: socks.. you had to say socks
renata: *can't breathe*
megan: lol
megan: i'm like "oooh my god, how can you not know what i'm talking about?!"
renata: haha
renata: there were some people i met there that i know are going to be life long friends.
renata: are.. any of the sf people lifelong friends?
megan: chelle!
renata: ooh yeah!
renata: yay chelle.
megan: hehee
megan: aka michael
renata: ... what?
renata: *is lost*
megan: chelle
megan: =
megan: michael
megan: socks...
megan: *waits for it*
renata: but... what? i don't remember that?
megan: you HAVE to know wht i'm talking about
megan: you moron
renata: OH!
megan: lol
renata: *hyperventilates*
megan: *laughing reeeeally hard*
renata: socks.. you had to say socks
renata: *can't breathe*
megan: lol
megan: i'm like "oooh my god, how can you not know what i'm talking about?!"
renata: haha
i'm talking to renata's friend adam. who speaks german *rawr*
i went out to coffee with luuuuuke today. i heart luke, he smells nice, he always says nice things to me, he's funny and he can give really good backrubs (or, he can put ice down your shirt.... *grrrrr*)
work today.... was mediocre... i haven't felt very good at all today. it's sucky. but, i went to victoria's secret, and got two 34b bras (SEE, i know what size i wear... damn target and their crazy bras.) laaaaaa kansas city on thursday! wooooooooooo!
daaaaamn. matt damon is SO fecking hot.
i got stuart a feature in the daily iowan! go meeee. and yay jessica! (person who's writing it.) aaaah, i also got an e-mail from stuart with lyrics to a new song... i always feel so loved when i get to read new songs before anyone else. woooo. it's snazzy (snazzy's not quite the right word... but... yeah.) *swivels in chair*
tomorrow's my last day in iowa city before kc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that just deserved a lot of exclamation points.) i have to stop by rob's after work so we can have a breif "yay, six months" type thing. we'll just have to wait until we're both back in town. i think that's the easiest thing. sincei have a million things going on now. stupid... stuff.
i went out to coffee with luuuuuke today. i heart luke, he smells nice, he always says nice things to me, he's funny and he can give really good backrubs (or, he can put ice down your shirt.... *grrrrr*)
work today.... was mediocre... i haven't felt very good at all today. it's sucky. but, i went to victoria's secret, and got two 34b bras (SEE, i know what size i wear... damn target and their crazy bras.) laaaaaa kansas city on thursday! wooooooooooo!
daaaaamn. matt damon is SO fecking hot.
i got stuart a feature in the daily iowan! go meeee. and yay jessica! (person who's writing it.) aaaah, i also got an e-mail from stuart with lyrics to a new song... i always feel so loved when i get to read new songs before anyone else. woooo. it's snazzy (snazzy's not quite the right word... but... yeah.) *swivels in chair*
tomorrow's my last day in iowa city before kc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that just deserved a lot of exclamation points.) i have to stop by rob's after work so we can have a breif "yay, six months" type thing. we'll just have to wait until we're both back in town. i think that's the easiest thing. sincei have a million things going on now. stupid... stuff.
megan: i was downstairs just now
megan: and, i thought i saw a lion
renata: lol
renata: i'm guessing you didn't?
megan: but it was just a balloon that's lost it's momentum and was like... hanging out by the floor
megan: it SCARED me so bad
renata: haha
renata: pooor megan
megan: i was all jumpy on the way upstairs
megan: and like... i kept spilling my lucky charms
renata: *is amused*
renata: *amused at megan's pain*
renata: maybe the lion is after your lucky charms
megan: i SWEAR it looked like a lion!
renata: maybe it's CHRISTIAN!
megan: could be
megan: AH!
megan: ... what?
megan: christian's a lion?
renata: no.. but. he's a leprechaun
megan: *SO confused*
megan: lol!!
megan: i get it i get it!
renata: so.. he might want your luckuy charms..
megan: brb, i'm laughing reeeally hard and i have to pee
renata: ooor your lucky charms
renata: lol
renata: okay
megan: heeehee
megan: and, i thought i saw a lion
renata: lol
renata: i'm guessing you didn't?
megan: but it was just a balloon that's lost it's momentum and was like... hanging out by the floor
megan: it SCARED me so bad
renata: haha
renata: pooor megan
megan: i was all jumpy on the way upstairs
megan: and like... i kept spilling my lucky charms
renata: *is amused*
renata: *amused at megan's pain*
renata: maybe the lion is after your lucky charms
megan: i SWEAR it looked like a lion!
renata: maybe it's CHRISTIAN!
megan: could be
megan: AH!
megan: ... what?
megan: christian's a lion?
renata: no.. but. he's a leprechaun
megan: *SO confused*
megan: lol!!
megan: i get it i get it!
renata: so.. he might want your luckuy charms..
megan: brb, i'm laughing reeeally hard and i have to pee
renata: ooor your lucky charms
renata: lol
renata: okay
megan: heeehee
[ series 1 - general]
-- Name : megan
-- Birthday : feb. 14th
-- Birthplace: far far away.
-- Current Location : iowa
-- Eye Color : green
-- Hair Color : blonde
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : aquarius
-- Font : it depends on my mood
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music: stuart
-- Cartoon: daria
-- Color: greeen
-- Slushy Flavor: purple
-- Magazine: cosmo, or utne reader (like... polar opposites of eachother...)
-- TV Show: real world / friends
-- Song : nothing in between
-- Language : ...german, i LOVE hearing german
-- Spice Girl : baby
-- Food & Beverage : chinese aaaand, soda
-- Subject in School : theatre
-- Ice Cream Flavor: hmmmm peanut butter chocolate
-- Roller Coaster: any
[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase : "oh dear god"
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : "don't hit your head on the fan" (bunk bed...)
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : thinking of what i want to dream of
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : face, hands, nose
-- The Best Name for a Butler : jeeves, of course
-- Your best feature : *shrug*
-- Your bedtime : 3-4am
-- Your greatest fear : snakes. and failure
-- Your greatest accomplishment : not being shy anymooooore
-- Your most missed memory : san fran with renata
[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : generally. there's the occasional "i took a shower at 11 last night and now it's 8 am and i'm late..." kinda thing
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : all the time
-- Do you think you've been in love? : yup
-- Want to go to college? : yes
-- Like(d) high school? : yes
-- Want to get married : who knows what i will want
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : yup
-- Believe in yourself? : sure
-- Have any tattoos/where? : waaant, a cow jumping over the moon, with "leap of faith" in latin underneath
-- Have any piercings/where? : six. three in each ear
-- Get motion sickness? : occasionally
-- Think you're a health freak? : nope
-- Get along with your parents? : as much as a kid my age does.
-- Like thunderstorms? : yeah, i'm gonna get struck by lightening standing out there watching them
[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : ha.
-- Number and Names of Children : Adena, Stuart (hee..) and, my dad and i decided i should name a child Ozma.
-- Where do you see yourself at age 25? : kyle says... "N Y fucking C" (well said kyle, well said. i agree)
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : uh, colorado?
-- How do you want to die? : in my sleep
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : a teacher
-- What country would you most like to visit? : *shrug* australia right now.
[ series 7 - opposite sex or whatever]
-- Best eye color? : blue
-- Best hair color? : brown, blond- or the best: brown and blond (agree with kyle... again.)
-- Short or long hair? : short. long is gross (again...)
-- Best height? : around 6foot (again...)
-- Best weight? : i like my boys skinny, what can i say?
-- Best articles of clothing? : jeans
-- Best first date location? : a park
-- Best first kiss location? : somewhere unexpected
[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : last ngiht
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : however long it takes me to find it
-- What's on your mouse pad? : clouds
-- How many schools have you gone to? : two elementary schools, one jr. high, one high school
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : dark green
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? : music, books, brad pitt (lol, agreed)
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : i honestly don't know.
-- Name : megan
-- Birthday : feb. 14th
-- Birthplace: far far away.
-- Current Location : iowa
-- Eye Color : green
-- Hair Color : blonde
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : aquarius
-- Font : it depends on my mood
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music: stuart
-- Cartoon: daria
-- Color: greeen
-- Slushy Flavor: purple
-- Magazine: cosmo, or utne reader (like... polar opposites of eachother...)
-- TV Show: real world / friends
-- Song : nothing in between
-- Language : ...german, i LOVE hearing german
-- Spice Girl : baby
-- Food & Beverage : chinese aaaand, soda
-- Subject in School : theatre
-- Ice Cream Flavor: hmmmm peanut butter chocolate
-- Roller Coaster: any
[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase : "oh dear god"
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : "don't hit your head on the fan" (bunk bed...)
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : thinking of what i want to dream of
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : face, hands, nose
-- The Best Name for a Butler : jeeves, of course
-- Your best feature : *shrug*
-- Your bedtime : 3-4am
-- Your greatest fear : snakes. and failure
-- Your greatest accomplishment : not being shy anymooooore
-- Your most missed memory : san fran with renata
[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : generally. there's the occasional "i took a shower at 11 last night and now it's 8 am and i'm late..." kinda thing
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : all the time
-- Do you think you've been in love? : yup
-- Want to go to college? : yes
-- Like(d) high school? : yes
-- Want to get married : who knows what i will want
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : yup
-- Believe in yourself? : sure
-- Have any tattoos/where? : waaant, a cow jumping over the moon, with "leap of faith" in latin underneath
-- Have any piercings/where? : six. three in each ear
-- Get motion sickness? : occasionally
-- Think you're a health freak? : nope
-- Get along with your parents? : as much as a kid my age does.
-- Like thunderstorms? : yeah, i'm gonna get struck by lightening standing out there watching them
[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : ha.
-- Number and Names of Children : Adena, Stuart (hee..) and, my dad and i decided i should name a child Ozma.
-- Where do you see yourself at age 25? : kyle says... "N Y fucking C" (well said kyle, well said. i agree)
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : uh, colorado?
-- How do you want to die? : in my sleep
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : a teacher
-- What country would you most like to visit? : *shrug* australia right now.
[ series 7 - opposite sex or whatever]
-- Best eye color? : blue
-- Best hair color? : brown, blond- or the best: brown and blond (agree with kyle... again.)
-- Short or long hair? : short. long is gross (again...)
-- Best height? : around 6foot (again...)
-- Best weight? : i like my boys skinny, what can i say?
-- Best articles of clothing? : jeans
-- Best first date location? : a park
-- Best first kiss location? : somewhere unexpected
[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : last ngiht
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : however long it takes me to find it
-- What's on your mouse pad? : clouds
-- How many schools have you gone to? : two elementary schools, one jr. high, one high school
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : dark green
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? : music, books, brad pitt (lol, agreed)
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : i honestly don't know.
i... *pause*... don't remember what my first topic was... i had one. i was all prepared... but now i dont' remember. *Shrug* anywho.... i was just whining to erin's comments that she needed to get online... and like...five seconds later she got on. i can summon erin at will ^_^
i keep opening my blog so i can be like "awwwww bart's so hot. *pause* awwwwwwwww curtis is so sweet." should i grow my hair out again? (random subject change..) i kind of want to after looking at that picture (and other st paul pictures... which are all available at time fies... *points to left side under *neeeeato** ) i miss having my hair that long. i mean... it's not TERRIBLY short... maybe....three inches below my shoulders? i dunno. i don't think i actually have any pictures of me with my hair down at the length it's at now. and *right* now it's in french braids ... i've just been showering and braiding it all week, because of work... and stuff. OH. work, that's what i was gonna talk about.
work was ridiculous. i volunteered to work... so, i should have been extra... no... we were STILL a person short. like... if i hadn't come... all hell would have broken loose and angela would have killed angie... and... it would have been bad. even with me there, it was still bad. but i saw melissa, from the movie theatre! yay! and, i got salad dressing in my eye, and was like "ow! shit! ow! balsamic in my EYE!" and angie's like "megan, stop screwing around" and i was like "oh, SORRY angie, i'm having SO much fun with all this dressing in my eye, you're right, i'll just calm down." then i was all grumpy, and i still couldn't see... then soup splashed and burned my arm *sniffle* but that happens every day... so... i was ok with it. still, it was sad.
curtis and bart are so cute. and looook! renata and i have matching shirts! *points* yaaay! ... and, i really am that blurry in real life... .... heeey, erin and i are discussing plans to go to st paul to see rent sometime during the july 17th - august 4th run. YAY! *is super excited* renata, now you HAVE to come. AAAND, and(!) i just talked to dusty (from cedar falls, nic, missy... you know who i'm talking about...) and he's gonna be in KC! *jumps up and down* emily (my cousin) and i named a donkey dusty once,.... whenever you petted him, big clouds of dust would come out of his coat... dusty from cedar falls isn't like that though ^_^
i have more to say, but i want to talk to people and read some blogs. so, toodle pip ^_^
i keep opening my blog so i can be like "awwwww bart's so hot. *pause* awwwwwwwww curtis is so sweet." should i grow my hair out again? (random subject change..) i kind of want to after looking at that picture (and other st paul pictures... which are all available at time fies... *points to left side under *neeeeato** ) i miss having my hair that long. i mean... it's not TERRIBLY short... maybe....three inches below my shoulders? i dunno. i don't think i actually have any pictures of me with my hair down at the length it's at now. and *right* now it's in french braids ... i've just been showering and braiding it all week, because of work... and stuff. OH. work, that's what i was gonna talk about.
work was ridiculous. i volunteered to work... so, i should have been extra... no... we were STILL a person short. like... if i hadn't come... all hell would have broken loose and angela would have killed angie... and... it would have been bad. even with me there, it was still bad. but i saw melissa, from the movie theatre! yay! and, i got salad dressing in my eye, and was like "ow! shit! ow! balsamic in my EYE!" and angie's like "megan, stop screwing around" and i was like "oh, SORRY angie, i'm having SO much fun with all this dressing in my eye, you're right, i'll just calm down." then i was all grumpy, and i still couldn't see... then soup splashed and burned my arm *sniffle* but that happens every day... so... i was ok with it. still, it was sad.
curtis and bart are so cute. and looook! renata and i have matching shirts! *points* yaaay! ... and, i really am that blurry in real life... .... heeey, erin and i are discussing plans to go to st paul to see rent sometime during the july 17th - august 4th run. YAY! *is super excited* renata, now you HAVE to come. AAAND, and(!) i just talked to dusty (from cedar falls, nic, missy... you know who i'm talking about...) and he's gonna be in KC! *jumps up and down* emily (my cousin) and i named a donkey dusty once,.... whenever you petted him, big clouds of dust would come out of his coat... dusty from cedar falls isn't like that though ^_^
i have more to say, but i want to talk to people and read some blogs. so, toodle pip ^_^
someone just imed me and was like "why don't you put your picture in your blog? it must be because you're ugly." and i was like... "*pause*.... *warn* *block*" and now i'm all sad. *cries.* well, fine. *rummages* ok, fine.... so i don't have any pictures of me not looking like a moron....no, really..... i don't. *sniffle* well, here's renata me and bart. renata's the one with the purple hair... bart's the guy... and i'm the blonde.
i dont' really look like that anymore.... do i? *Shrug* but, look! renata and i have matching shirts!! and isn't bart hot? *rawr* he's a stage manager, just like me!!!! (random girl: you were SOOOOO good! ...bart: oooh, um... i... well, i'm not who you think i am..... random girl: *looks confused* ... renata: oh bart, don't be modest, you're the best roger ever!.... *hoarde of teenyboppers descend, yelling "ROGER! ROGER!"* ... bart: awwww jeeeeeeeze...)
well, whatever, here's curtis, his cuteness makes up for everything else. *giggle* he's just so cute! i miss him. ~_~

i dont' really look like that anymore.... do i? *Shrug* but, look! renata and i have matching shirts!! and isn't bart hot? *rawr* he's a stage manager, just like me!!!! (random girl: you were SOOOOO good! ...bart: oooh, um... i... well, i'm not who you think i am..... random girl: *looks confused* ... renata: oh bart, don't be modest, you're the best roger ever!.... *hoarde of teenyboppers descend, yelling "ROGER! ROGER!"* ... bart: awwww jeeeeeeeze...)
well, whatever, here's curtis, his cuteness makes up for everything else. *giggle* he's just so cute! i miss him. ~_~

*sigh* I... am feeling angsty. and i dont' want to post about it, because i'll say too much, and it will lead to much unhappiness. i'll just leave it at.... i'm hopefully going to have 60 hours on this next paycheck. yaaay. still, even though that's like $425.... i only end up getting like... $380. bah. *shrug* we shall see. i'm sure KC will be fine. i figure... anywhere from $60 to $100 on tickets... prolly $150 if we end up shopping together.... so... all should be ok.... mom's along, so food is taken care of... gas is taken care of... but you never know how much ends up going into the postcards/snacks/random catergory....
i'm so stressed right now. i just want to run away to kansas city and never talk to anyone except renata ever ever again. actually... i want to run off to san francisco last year. i want the same people, even the skanky ones, and the same cast... and i just want all my extended rent family back. i miss chelle, and ryan, and REANTA (renata's evil twin, best friends with meagna) and... i miss people saying "OH my GOD! you guys are the curtis cregan girls! *yells to friend* megan and renata, the curtis girls, are here!!" i miss having fun... *sniffle* wait, this was going to be not angsty... oh well. hey, nic, if you're reading this, do you still want to come to KC? you're very welcome to tag along....
i need to quit panera, jan is leaving.... and... i need out of that stupid place. i love most of the people i work with, but i cannot handle the ones i dont' love. and... w/o jan, the managers are going to be absolutely useless. and i'm getting fucking sick of the stupid hats. so... uh, if you work somewhere that's hiring, let me know....
last night was really fun erin. seriously. i hadn't laughed so hard, or been so into a movie in a long time. and... i LOVED melissa and katherine (am i spelling that right?) .... good times, really. even if aerodynamic!tim wasn't any fun. he's still sexy with all his hair gone. *rawr* (see, rawr in lowercase is like.. good. RAWR in uppercase is evilangryrawr... yeah.) yeah, thank you thank you thank you for bringing me along again ^_^ let me know whenever you need to raid panera. ahh.... yeah. i think i'm gonna be working tomorrow and sunday... possibly not sunday (resulting in only 55 hours -_-) i'm supposed to be there 1-5... but...i'm sure it'll be 1-6... and then angela and i will go to bennigans to drown our sorrows in food. yaaay. ok, i need chocolate. goodbye all
i'm so stressed right now. i just want to run away to kansas city and never talk to anyone except renata ever ever again. actually... i want to run off to san francisco last year. i want the same people, even the skanky ones, and the same cast... and i just want all my extended rent family back. i miss chelle, and ryan, and REANTA (renata's evil twin, best friends with meagna) and... i miss people saying "OH my GOD! you guys are the curtis cregan girls! *yells to friend* megan and renata, the curtis girls, are here!!" i miss having fun... *sniffle* wait, this was going to be not angsty... oh well. hey, nic, if you're reading this, do you still want to come to KC? you're very welcome to tag along....
i need to quit panera, jan is leaving.... and... i need out of that stupid place. i love most of the people i work with, but i cannot handle the ones i dont' love. and... w/o jan, the managers are going to be absolutely useless. and i'm getting fucking sick of the stupid hats. so... uh, if you work somewhere that's hiring, let me know....
last night was really fun erin. seriously. i hadn't laughed so hard, or been so into a movie in a long time. and... i LOVED melissa and katherine (am i spelling that right?) .... good times, really. even if aerodynamic!tim wasn't any fun. he's still sexy with all his hair gone. *rawr* (see, rawr in lowercase is like.. good. RAWR in uppercase is evilangryrawr... yeah.) yeah, thank you thank you thank you for bringing me along again ^_^ let me know whenever you need to raid panera. ahh.... yeah. i think i'm gonna be working tomorrow and sunday... possibly not sunday (resulting in only 55 hours -_-) i'm supposed to be there 1-5... but...i'm sure it'll be 1-6... and then angela and i will go to bennigans to drown our sorrows in food. yaaay. ok, i need chocolate. goodbye all
ooh, this is just for renata... i should just e-mail her.... but whatever. my mom says that we're leaving thursday, so we need a hotel for thursday night, friday night and saturday night. and it's all good if we all just get one room. aaaaah... yeah. so, e-mail me and we'll make reservations. CLOSE to the hotel, and *NICE* hotel otherwise my mom will freak out. also, how many shows? i don't really care about this cast, i'd be happy with two or three... and then we can just hang out. (this sounds weird... i don't really like this cast, so let's only spend $60 apiece on shows *nod*) ah, so yeah.... reservations and a time schedule type thing is neeeded. and, i bought your birthday present today ^_^ (Well... part of it. i already had part of it... but now i think i have all of it. yeah.) okie. for real, bed.
ok, so midnight showing of 'the bourne identity' .... first... matt damon is fecking hot. second... DEAR GOD.... what a suspenseful movie. i'm still shaking and making little flaily gestures and stuttering and gasping everytime a car drives by, or the floor creaks... *deep breath* go see it. holy shit. i was like... on the edge of my seat, or preparing to jump under my seat and hide. and, franka portente (i think that's how it's spelled? anywho, lola from run lola run) is in it, and is incredible. i hated her hair in the last scene... but other than that... wow. and... just. wow, matt damon... *rawr* and... great movie.... and.... wow. i can't even begin to talk about my day... the movie just like.. blows work out of the water. even though work was really funny.... well, maybe i'll mention a *little* about work. angie was flipping out, as usual... kristen squirted mandarin orange syrupy juice stuff ALL over herself, funniest thing in the whole goddamn world. i was laughing SO hard. then, she tripped over a pan of water that was draining from the panini machine, and nearly flooded sandwich line... and jenny evans just turned around and goes "god kristen.. *pause* you're fired." good times. we did such a kick ass job closing... seriously, we should have been out at 9:30. but we had to stand around while angie pretended that she was important and managerly. but, nyeh, extra half hour on the clock, it's all good ... also, i gave seth my friday hours, because he asked for them... but then, today he called and was like "uh... will you work friday?" and i said yes, because i do need the money. this next paycheck has ... i think.... 39 hours on it (which is for two weeks... but... still.) and... i'll do a 4-10ish shift tomorrow... so... yeah, i get paid the friday that i go to KC... so i'll be all rich. wooo. ok. i'm going to bed.
work today was WRETCHED. i wanted to kill SO many people. namely angie. but... also some customers... and jennie for awhile. just that... jennie doesn't know how to be a manager... and she's teaching angie how to be a manager. angie is already on such a power trip.... dear god. i mopped bakery, and she came over to check it and left big dirty footprints, then she's like "*gasp* you need to re mop, this is an AWFUL job, look at all this dirt!' and i was like "oh, sure.... *restrains self from killing her with a spoon*" and then.... i got there at like 2:30, and i worked until 7:00 w/o a break.... and i was getting all sick, and woozy and thought i was going to die from low blood sugar, so for like the fourth time i went back and was like "JENNIE, please come cover registers so i can *not* die." but, it's all good now. since i'm not at work, and there aren't any stupid mall people at my house.... oh, clarissa and her mom came by, and her mom was flipping out because we were out of paninis. and i was like "uh... they go bad after they've been in the steamer for so long.... i could *get* one for you if you really wanted... but it would be REALLY nasty. then she got on her cell phone and was ranting for awhile... then she came back over and was like "i don't think you're really out. you always seem to run out at eight, when you close at NINE!" and i was just like .... "uh... well, have a nice night." that's generally my response to people when they get all angry.... it's better than "I REALLY DON'T CARE, I'VE BEEN BEING NICE TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALL DAY, PLEASE GET OUT OF MY FACE." so... we had a really fast close... because the giant storm scared all the intelligent people away from the mall. so it was slower. and for some reason we had two people in bakery... and like... two in sandwich line... and there were two people in front right up to close... so we were out of there at like.. 9:30. at like... 9:02 this crazy lady who works in the mall and comes in a ll the time came running in up to the gates and was like "PLEEEEEEEEEEASE DON'T DUMP OUT THE COFFEE YET!!!" i let her in and gave her a free cup of coffee, because she was funny.... just because she was so crazy.
renata and i are making kansas city plans *is SO excited* maybe KC will end my irritable streak. that would be nice. i'd stop biting peoples heads off... and hating everyone. and trying to be a recluse... and failing... but yeah. we're gonna go to the show on friday for sure... and saturday (if only because the shows are at 5:00 and 9:00 ... what the hell kind of matinee is at five?!) and... maybe sunday? who knows... and i'm going to st paul (july 17th- aug 4th) for sure. yay mall of america! i'm really not too excited about this tour though. it's teh scab tour... i don't know who anyone is.... i'm only gonna compare them to my beloved bennies *sniffle*.... *sigh* oh well, i get to see renata (it's been a YEAR since i've seen her!!! i could like... have been pregnant and have a 3 month old kid, and she WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW.)
i told renata that work was fun, except for all the incompetent people... and she's like "same with life." i was amused.
i have some upcoming ammendments to the stuart section... but i'm lazy, so you'll all just have to WAIT. bwaha.
i'm gonna go now, because renata's waiting for me to finish blogging so she can go read it. ta.
renata and i are making kansas city plans *is SO excited* maybe KC will end my irritable streak. that would be nice. i'd stop biting peoples heads off... and hating everyone. and trying to be a recluse... and failing... but yeah. we're gonna go to the show on friday for sure... and saturday (if only because the shows are at 5:00 and 9:00 ... what the hell kind of matinee is at five?!) and... maybe sunday? who knows... and i'm going to st paul (july 17th- aug 4th) for sure. yay mall of america! i'm really not too excited about this tour though. it's teh scab tour... i don't know who anyone is.... i'm only gonna compare them to my beloved bennies *sniffle*.... *sigh* oh well, i get to see renata (it's been a YEAR since i've seen her!!! i could like... have been pregnant and have a 3 month old kid, and she WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW.)
i told renata that work was fun, except for all the incompetent people... and she's like "same with life." i was amused.
i have some upcoming ammendments to the stuart section... but i'm lazy, so you'll all just have to WAIT. bwaha.
i'm gonna go now, because renata's waiting for me to finish blogging so she can go read it. ta.
7 Things:
7 things i'm afraid of:
1. snakes.
2. being alone
3. being lost
4. being stalked
5. fish
6. being a bad person
7. failure
7 things that make me laugh:
1. my friends
2. me
3. ash at work. he's so funny without meaning to be
4. looking at pictures
5. reading renata's blog
7. dill
7 things that make me cry:
1. feeling unwanted
2. hurting myself
3. getting hurt
4. hurting someone
5. death
6. anger
7. loss
7 things I love:
1. my family/friends.
2. 70 degree days
3. music
4. a good book
5. computers
6. sleeping/waking up
7. rob
7 things I don't understand:
1. myself
2. people
3. social structure
4. life
5. death
6. love
7. depression
7 things on my desk:
1. computer
2. mini trash can of pens
3. stereo
4. lots of photos
5. my furby
6. notebook
7. some stuart cds
7 facts about me:
1. i have blonde hair
2. i love graph paper ^_^
3. i eat *way* more than i should
4. i secretly want to have twins someday
5. i confuse the hell out of myself...
6. i love looking beautiful
7. i will be famous.
7 things to do before I die:
1. broadway
2. write a book
3. have a family
4. live in australia, england, and new york city ^_^
5. found a charity
6. build my dream house
7. figure out who i am.
7 things i'm afraid of:
1. snakes.
2. being alone
3. being lost
4. being stalked
5. fish
6. being a bad person
7. failure
7 things that make me laugh:
1. my friends
2. me
3. ash at work. he's so funny without meaning to be
4. looking at pictures
5. reading renata's blog
7. dill
7 things that make me cry:
1. feeling unwanted
2. hurting myself
3. getting hurt
4. hurting someone
5. death
6. anger
7. loss
7 things I love:
1. my family/friends.
2. 70 degree days
3. music
4. a good book
5. computers
6. sleeping/waking up
7. rob
7 things I don't understand:
1. myself
2. people
3. social structure
4. life
5. death
6. love
7. depression
7 things on my desk:
1. computer
2. mini trash can of pens
3. stereo
4. lots of photos
5. my furby
6. notebook
7. some stuart cds
7 facts about me:
1. i have blonde hair
2. i love graph paper ^_^
3. i eat *way* more than i should
4. i secretly want to have twins someday
5. i confuse the hell out of myself...
6. i love looking beautiful
7. i will be famous.
7 things to do before I die:
1. broadway
2. write a book
3. have a family
4. live in australia, england, and new york city ^_^
5. found a charity
6. build my dream house
7. figure out who i am.
i remembered the secondly!!!!!!!!
chris. the guy who's name i forgot was chris. i remembered it midday today, and suddenly just said "CHRIS" really loud. ... yeah, but anywho, chris ruled, and i love him to death, and hope to see him again. ok, that is all.
chris. the guy who's name i forgot was chris. i remembered it midday today, and suddenly just said "CHRIS" really loud. ... yeah, but anywho, chris ruled, and i love him to death, and hope to see him again. ok, that is all.
i have *so* much to say. i just hope i don't get all carried away with one particular thing. first thing's first, stuart stuff... the new songs were, in order... sexy messiah, and nicola (i already said something about sexy messiah... whihc you all noticed... unless you're stupid. but whatever.) and... i had two more things about stu.... what were they?! damn it all. maybe i'll remember later. uh... yeah... prolly not.
secondly... i don't remember what the secondly was! what's wrong with me?!
ok... fine, my day. i took allie to hills at 1, and had to go get her at 4. i cleaned the bathroom between 1 and 4... and talked to erin on the phone. then after i got allison, we (allie and my dad and me) went to design ranch (super cool store) and my dad bought me graduation presents. they all rule. like... these great little purses, and a trash can that is just.... damn spiffy, and a mini trash can to hold all my pens... and... some ..... other stuff. yeah. then, we went out and got chinese.. which was good... then... i took allie shopping. ok, now... here's the crazy bra story. if you don't want to hear about my bra then stop reading... and if you REALLY realllly REAALLY want to hear about my bra.... there's something wrong with you., anywho... i went to victoria's secret, and tried on some bras, all 34b, because i wear a 34b, sometimes even a 32b. but... gennerally 34. so i try some on, they all fit, but the sales girls are smothering me... and they keep trying to measure me, and i'm like "get away!" and then like... four sorority girls with boys came in and started being all loud, and i got all claustrophobic and had to run away. so i didn't buy a bra. so, later at target, i see this bra, and it looks comfy and like it would be very nice under tight shirts.... so i just buy it, because it's not too much, and it's a 34b, and i *know* that i wear a 34b. so, i get home, and put it on, at like... the smallest hooks (girls know what i'm tlaking about here...) andit's SO small. i nearly got stuck. so i twist around to see the tag... it's the right size.... i'm like... what the hell.... so i put the hooks on the biggest setting, and now it fits.... except for the cups. ... they're WAY too small. and i'm like "uh, i'm TOTALLY not a c cup... what is WRONG with this bra??" so... i just sort of... adjust... and it ends up fitting ok. so, i try a few shirts on ... and it's like... the BEST bra in the whole world. like... i love it soooooo much. yeah, weird shit.
so, now i'm back at home. and i'm out of chocolate. i should not be out of chocolate. not at this time of month. someone may die before the night is over. just don't do anything to piss me off, and you should be safe. unless you're just vaguely annoying or self centered or greater than thou... then i'll just have to kill you.
a piece of my nose just peeled off. i think it was just like... dry skin... since i'm not sunburned... but still... i worry when stuff like that happens. my lightly tanned shoulders are peeling as well. i'm really not a sun person.... anywho, i'm bored with this, and i want to go play with my new toys from design ranch... so, bye.
secondly... i don't remember what the secondly was! what's wrong with me?!
ok... fine, my day. i took allie to hills at 1, and had to go get her at 4. i cleaned the bathroom between 1 and 4... and talked to erin on the phone. then after i got allison, we (allie and my dad and me) went to design ranch (super cool store) and my dad bought me graduation presents. they all rule. like... these great little purses, and a trash can that is just.... damn spiffy, and a mini trash can to hold all my pens... and... some ..... other stuff. yeah. then, we went out and got chinese.. which was good... then... i took allie shopping. ok, now... here's the crazy bra story. if you don't want to hear about my bra then stop reading... and if you REALLY realllly REAALLY want to hear about my bra.... there's something wrong with you., anywho... i went to victoria's secret, and tried on some bras, all 34b, because i wear a 34b, sometimes even a 32b. but... gennerally 34. so i try some on, they all fit, but the sales girls are smothering me... and they keep trying to measure me, and i'm like "get away!" and then like... four sorority girls with boys came in and started being all loud, and i got all claustrophobic and had to run away. so i didn't buy a bra. so, later at target, i see this bra, and it looks comfy and like it would be very nice under tight shirts.... so i just buy it, because it's not too much, and it's a 34b, and i *know* that i wear a 34b. so, i get home, and put it on, at like... the smallest hooks (girls know what i'm tlaking about here...) andit's SO small. i nearly got stuck. so i twist around to see the tag... it's the right size.... i'm like... what the hell.... so i put the hooks on the biggest setting, and now it fits.... except for the cups. ... they're WAY too small. and i'm like "uh, i'm TOTALLY not a c cup... what is WRONG with this bra??" so... i just sort of... adjust... and it ends up fitting ok. so, i try a few shirts on ... and it's like... the BEST bra in the whole world. like... i love it soooooo much. yeah, weird shit.
so, now i'm back at home. and i'm out of chocolate. i should not be out of chocolate. not at this time of month. someone may die before the night is over. just don't do anything to piss me off, and you should be safe. unless you're just vaguely annoying or self centered or greater than thou... then i'll just have to kill you.
a piece of my nose just peeled off. i think it was just like... dry skin... since i'm not sunburned... but still... i worry when stuff like that happens. my lightly tanned shoulders are peeling as well. i'm really not a sun person.... anywho, i'm bored with this, and i want to go play with my new toys from design ranch... so, bye.
you know the song "who are you?" by... the who... i think? i just suddenly remembered... back in the day.... rachel and i used to think it was "true orange" like... "trruuuuuuuue orange! doot doot doot doot!" yeah. i rmembered that and it made me smile *smiles*
i've been reading/commenting in del's blog... and... it seems there's a lot of people who are all "get over the fear of snakes. it's just a snake..." but.... uh... you can't just be like "ok brain, snakes are harmless. glad we worked that out." i KNOW snakes won't hurt me. i know fish won't hurt me, i know crowds won't hurt me.... but all of those things TERRIFY me. seriously. even thinking of snakes... and i shiver. people have phobias. it's ok. let's not freak out. *is freaking out about it all...* but... i dunno. it's all suddenly looked down upon to hate snakes? what? *sigh*
hey, lyrics to the first new song i mentioned..... the disco ball one. i e-mailed stuart... and he said........
sexy messiah
she's coming she's coming
down to the planet
check it out
all the light will bake your body
she's got big watts of love
so bad ass
back at last
praise the fucking lord
baby god
five feet tall
jumping off of the wailing wall
as acolytes somersault
on a blue green disco ball
i'm dating i'm dating barbiesattva
gotta lotta prada prana
i will i will freak all beings
till they're free and shit like that
she gave the world
her only girl
to dance the dead awake
that's my sexy messiah
doing a flip off the wailing wall
that's my sexy messiah
giving it up for the disco ball
that's my sexy messiah
doing the splits off the crucifix
that's my sexy messiah
blowing a kiss to the mystic misfits
She's coming down now
She's coming down now
I know she's only saving souls
but i guess i like it
I know she's only saving souls
I know she's only saving souls
but i like it
but i like it
i like it, i like it,
she's only saving souls
rock on.....
ok, i just had the feeling that htere were bugs on my face... and i flipped out. but there weren't, and i'm ok now. good deal. anywho, lovely e-mail from stuart, he always makes me feel so loved. ^_^ ... ah, and work today... bah, boring, lots of people especially for a monday night. i guess there's a soccer tournament? and like... four buses of high school soccer players came... and they were all very dense.... and didn't understand the concept of "for here or to go?" but... whatever.
renata just sent me a picture someone drew of a horse in mimi's out tonight costume. i'm rather frightened. i need to change my imood. and schedule my orientation, and reschedule a dr.'s appt, and... finish my thank you notes. my computer just started making a weird noise. it's.... not very loud..... but it's VERY weird.... uh.... bryan? fix it? *flails* it just now started. it sounds like a spaceship. ben's car makes spaceship noises sometimes.... it sounds like that.... like that... and like our refridgerator.... ok. i'm gonna go.... because i think my computer's going to explode.
sexy messiah
she's coming she's coming
down to the planet
check it out
all the light will bake your body
she's got big watts of love
so bad ass
back at last
praise the fucking lord
baby god
five feet tall
jumping off of the wailing wall
as acolytes somersault
on a blue green disco ball
i'm dating i'm dating barbiesattva
gotta lotta prada prana
i will i will freak all beings
till they're free and shit like that
she gave the world
her only girl
to dance the dead awake
that's my sexy messiah
doing a flip off the wailing wall
that's my sexy messiah
giving it up for the disco ball
that's my sexy messiah
doing the splits off the crucifix
that's my sexy messiah
blowing a kiss to the mystic misfits
She's coming down now
She's coming down now
I know she's only saving souls
but i guess i like it
I know she's only saving souls
I know she's only saving souls
but i like it
but i like it
i like it, i like it,
she's only saving souls
rock on.....
ok, i just had the feeling that htere were bugs on my face... and i flipped out. but there weren't, and i'm ok now. good deal. anywho, lovely e-mail from stuart, he always makes me feel so loved. ^_^ ... ah, and work today... bah, boring, lots of people especially for a monday night. i guess there's a soccer tournament? and like... four buses of high school soccer players came... and they were all very dense.... and didn't understand the concept of "for here or to go?" but... whatever.
renata just sent me a picture someone drew of a horse in mimi's out tonight costume. i'm rather frightened. i need to change my imood. and schedule my orientation, and reschedule a dr.'s appt, and... finish my thank you notes. my computer just started making a weird noise. it's.... not very loud..... but it's VERY weird.... uh.... bryan? fix it? *flails* it just now started. it sounds like a spaceship. ben's car makes spaceship noises sometimes.... it sounds like that.... like that... and like our refridgerator.... ok. i'm gonna go.... because i think my computer's going to explode.
set list
kid mystic
fall awake
sugar bullets
nothing in between
savoring samsara
*new* i heard this song AGES (well.. maybe ... 6 months) ago... and it was unfinished. but, it's FAB. and i LOVE it. and i don't know the title. i need to e-mail stuart and ask for the title and lyrics. it had something about a girl... and a blue green disco ball. and it ruled.
*new* i *think* i've heard this??? i don't know WHY i think this. but... yeah "falling from the moon, rising from the.... " tune? tomb? something. it was hard to hear where i was sitting.
rockstars and models
once in a lifetime (talking heads)
infinity hymn
universe communion
atavistic viking
all just because
so, i sold merchandise. good time. only i was way on the side of the stage. but it was fun. sold about one full box of cds... and 15 shirts. good times. afterwards we all meandered over to the atlas. and fun was had by all. i even brought my mom along to the atlas, because she loves stuart. and wants to live vicariously through me... and because i wanted someone to pay for me. but yeah, we all just had salads... and some desserts... good times. i enjoy stuart VERY much. but, whenever he hugs me, i feel like i'm two feet tall. i never recall how freaking tall he is. on another note... it always astounds me when people are CERTAIN that the elvis costello songs and talking heads songs are stuart songs... crazy stuff. ok. i'm tired. and i've had kind of a sad/boring/draining/downer sort of night (my magna karma spins were "angst" "sparkling personality" and "dull existence" all of them managed to be true.) i looked fookin great, and i was in a chatty happy charming mood. but... was stuck in a dull existence. *shrug* maybe it's just pms. we shall see.
kid mystic
fall awake
sugar bullets
nothing in between
savoring samsara
*new* i heard this song AGES (well.. maybe ... 6 months) ago... and it was unfinished. but, it's FAB. and i LOVE it. and i don't know the title. i need to e-mail stuart and ask for the title and lyrics. it had something about a girl... and a blue green disco ball. and it ruled.
*new* i *think* i've heard this??? i don't know WHY i think this. but... yeah "falling from the moon, rising from the.... " tune? tomb? something. it was hard to hear where i was sitting.
rockstars and models
once in a lifetime (talking heads)
infinity hymn
universe communion
atavistic viking
all just because
so, i sold merchandise. good time. only i was way on the side of the stage. but it was fun. sold about one full box of cds... and 15 shirts. good times. afterwards we all meandered over to the atlas. and fun was had by all. i even brought my mom along to the atlas, because she loves stuart. and wants to live vicariously through me... and because i wanted someone to pay for me. but yeah, we all just had salads... and some desserts... good times. i enjoy stuart VERY much. but, whenever he hugs me, i feel like i'm two feet tall. i never recall how freaking tall he is. on another note... it always astounds me when people are CERTAIN that the elvis costello songs and talking heads songs are stuart songs... crazy stuff. ok. i'm tired. and i've had kind of a sad/boring/draining/downer sort of night (my magna karma spins were "angst" "sparkling personality" and "dull existence" all of them managed to be true.) i looked fookin great, and i was in a chatty happy charming mood. but... was stuck in a dull existence. *shrug* maybe it's just pms. we shall see.
stuart show today... good times. i did merchandise with kelcey (random girl...) and flynn (sp.?) and the guy who's name i forgot who was 'stu2' at the last show. fun was had by all. and now i have a new shirt. two new shirts. yes. i will not be reviewing/analyzing/giving the setlist until later tonight. because iwant to actually transfer everything from the scrap of paper in my pocket to my journal before i get too carried away.
but, i'll just say, great quick little show. very fun, good exsposure. went and hung out with the street team group and stuart's friends and stuart at the atlas, good times. will write long rant about show and activities that followed .... only later.
arts fest was *way* fun. i got two new rings. and a new earring thingy, and 2 stuart shirts, and i got to wander around and it was fun, and i saw rachel (corbett) and danley. and... frank... who ihaven't seen in like...two years (actually, i saw him driving like... two days ago... but that hardly counts. yeah. the onlly thing that would have made it better would have been.... if three guys named ed had been there (i'm sure there were three guys there... named ed.... but i'm talking about the jugglers. i LOVE them dearly.... and one of them was a student of ralph's (director i've worked with) and is great, and it's so so sooooo fun to hang out with them. ANYwho.) ok. i'm gonna... go.
but, i'll just say, great quick little show. very fun, good exsposure. went and hung out with the street team group and stuart's friends and stuart at the atlas, good times. will write long rant about show and activities that followed .... only later.
arts fest was *way* fun. i got two new rings. and a new earring thingy, and 2 stuart shirts, and i got to wander around and it was fun, and i saw rachel (corbett) and danley. and... frank... who ihaven't seen in like...two years (actually, i saw him driving like... two days ago... but that hardly counts. yeah. the onlly thing that would have made it better would have been.... if three guys named ed had been there (i'm sure there were three guys there... named ed.... but i'm talking about the jugglers. i LOVE them dearly.... and one of them was a student of ralph's (director i've worked with) and is great, and it's so so sooooo fun to hang out with them. ANYwho.) ok. i'm gonna... go.
a moth flew in my ear. oh dear god. scariest thing to happen to me in like.... months. i fell off my chair, batting wildly at my head.... terrible terrible stuff.
gaaah. i need help with this whole crowd anxiety thing. seriously. i was gonna go downtown at 6... then i was like "no, i'm tired" so i stayed home... and then at 8 i thought about going.... but didn't. then FINALLY at like... 9... i took a video back and drove downtown. i almost hyperventilated while walking through the crowd in front of the mainstage.... it was crazy. but i'm ok now.
i have a mud mask on. woooo. i love mud masks. i don't want anyone to be like "i read your blog, that's so cute that you use mud masks!" because i will hate you. seriously... i'm not cute, i'm not droll. i'm not here for your passing amusement. well, maybe i am... but it's friggin stupid of you to TELL me that you find me amusing in that bland observing kind of way (sorry, but people have been doing this lately... starting sentences with "i read in your blog that.... .....that's SO cute!" and i'm like .... "go away.") ANYwho. i'm tired, and my skin is dry, and i'm mildly depressed... (might go back on anti-depressants... boooooo.) i dunno why. summer? everyone's leaving? i feel like i'm stuck in a little box? *Shrug* could be anything. could be that my lamp is so friggin bright that it is burning out my eyes. *adjusts lamp* why did it take me til now to notice that? nyah.
my mud mask is almost dry. yaaay. that i means i can go wash it off. and i'll feel all clean. and my evil evil pores will be partially purged of their evilness. ok. i'm bored now. just remember... STUART ON SUNDAY AT 2:00 you all have to come. NO excuses. seriously.
i have a mud mask on. woooo. i love mud masks. i don't want anyone to be like "i read your blog, that's so cute that you use mud masks!" because i will hate you. seriously... i'm not cute, i'm not droll. i'm not here for your passing amusement. well, maybe i am... but it's friggin stupid of you to TELL me that you find me amusing in that bland observing kind of way (sorry, but people have been doing this lately... starting sentences with "i read in your blog that.... .....that's SO cute!" and i'm like .... "go away.") ANYwho. i'm tired, and my skin is dry, and i'm mildly depressed... (might go back on anti-depressants... boooooo.) i dunno why. summer? everyone's leaving? i feel like i'm stuck in a little box? *Shrug* could be anything. could be that my lamp is so friggin bright that it is burning out my eyes. *adjusts lamp* why did it take me til now to notice that? nyah.
my mud mask is almost dry. yaaay. that i means i can go wash it off. and i'll feel all clean. and my evil evil pores will be partially purged of their evilness. ok. i'm bored now. just remember... STUART ON SUNDAY AT 2:00 you all have to come. NO excuses. seriously.

Which monkey are you?
DUDEmanSWEET. i haven't said that in *long* time. but ... i wanted the monkey erin got... because it said "actions speak louder than words" which made me get out my tick tick boom cd. (kudos to those who know what i'm talking about!) but... i like this monkey waaaaaay better. i 'm going to write that on my panera hat. "i'll try being nicer if you try being smarter. heeheheeehe. speaking of panera, i burned the fuck out of my finger today. while trying to make a panini sandwich while arguing with this bitchy lady who wanted to sample EVERYTHING even after she had her meal. "i don't like my soup. can i try a different one?" "no. go to hell." ... anywho.
STUART.... is at arts fest this weekend. at 2:00 (2:30 according to some *craaaazy* schedules... but yeah, come at 2.) the word on the street is...... he's gonna have a band. i haven't seen stuart with a band ...in.... prolly two years. i'm SO excited. you should ALL come. everyone. even all my friends from like... illinois... and indiana... and new york *looks pointedly at kait*, aaaaaand yeah! and all you iowa city people.... you have NO excuse not to be there. it's free.... it's stuart.... just come.
i found my bikini top today. i've been looking for it for quite some time. i'm not sure how it got separated from the bottom... but i've wanted to go swimming twice this summer, and have not gone because i only have the bottom of my bathing suit (which is acceptable in all the *good* countries... but america.... iowa? no.) but now i have it. though.... it's a little odd... it's seriously made for people who have breasts in the shape of three sided pyramids.... i don't know anyone like that.... so i think the swimsuit company may have miscalculated the whole... appeal to the mass public thing.... *pause* i work tomorrow. 2-5. just because ryan needs to go hang out with his friends and see strippers and get drunk and stuff. he was scheduled 4-cl. and he asked me to work. and i said 'hell no.' so he switched with kristen.... and then asked me to work THAT shift (10-5) and i said no again... then today.... i was like "what time do you want to get off tomorrow?" and he said two.... so... i said i'd come in at two and finish the shift. because i'm a nice person *nod*
i'm sorta tired. but i'm gonna go read some blogs... talk to some people online... just generally be a nerd. *nod* i'll see y'all later.
halloo. ben's party was today. wooo ben. his puppy rocks. even though she's teething, so she's an evil little monster. for some reason... evil little monster made me think of nic. even though he's not an evil monster. *shrug* whatever. maybe it's that i saw nic at ben's... while the puppy was being a monster. yeah. after my appearence at the party, bryan and erin and i went to the mall and wandered around, and bryan bought me the BEST journal in the whole world. i'm so excited about it. it's like.... HUUUNDREDS of pages. all graph paper *is ecstatic* and... dude. i'm just.... SO excited. i can't even express it. thaaaaank you bryan ^________^ (see, big smile, really happy.) yeah. bryan and i talked a lot too. like, a conversation we should have had...like... a year and a half ago. but.... yeah.
so now i'm home. and i'm e-mailing rob (hi rob!) and i'm talking to LOTS of people (no one EVER ims me... what the hell. why is everyone talking to me?!) yeah.... i'm gonna go and wash my face with my super cool anti aging stuff (i'm getting little wrinkles by my eyes.... and being that i'm VAIN as all hell, i'm not going down without a fight. i'm fucking 18, i will not look old.) so.... yeah... wash my face, brush my hair. go to bed. because bryan's coming over to teach me how to play trivial pursuit tomorrow morning.
shit. i have laundry downstairs... oh well....... i'll get it tomorrow. i'm gonna go to bed now. yeah. sleepy. maybe i'll talk to some people awhile longer... but i'm gonna wash my face now... yeah. goodnight.
so now i'm home. and i'm e-mailing rob (hi rob!) and i'm talking to LOTS of people (no one EVER ims me... what the hell. why is everyone talking to me?!) yeah.... i'm gonna go and wash my face with my super cool anti aging stuff (i'm getting little wrinkles by my eyes.... and being that i'm VAIN as all hell, i'm not going down without a fight. i'm fucking 18, i will not look old.) so.... yeah... wash my face, brush my hair. go to bed. because bryan's coming over to teach me how to play trivial pursuit tomorrow morning.
shit. i have laundry downstairs... oh well....... i'll get it tomorrow. i'm gonna go to bed now. yeah. sleepy. maybe i'll talk to some people awhile longer... but i'm gonna wash my face now... yeah. goodnight.
woo. i worked today, 3-close. goooodtimes. no, really. i swear. ryan and kristen and i had trash olympics. it involved seeing who could throw the trash bags into the compactor from farthest away. kim had a brush with a crazy guy in big glasses who was being all obscene. it took mall security thirteen minutes to get there. and by then we were like "thanks tubby... you've been no help whatsoever."
i bought a new hello kitty steering wheel cover for my car today. it's bright pink. and cool. but you can't really tell it's hello kitty. the old one, was light blue and was very obviously cute hello kitty. but this one... it's more difficult to tell... i dunno, it's on for a trial basis right now. i would also like to announce that my car is sparkling clean. and doesn't smell bad anymore. i bought this lysol stuff... and it's super cool and... *pause* why would ANYone care about this?? what the hell.
in stuart news..... arts fest is this weekend. he will be playing at the mainstage at 2:30 on sunday, and EVERYONE should come. arts fest rocks on it's own.... and add stuart to the mix... hell, it's positively orgasmic. which reminds me... i need to e-mail this guy about stuart pictures. like... i got his e-mail address MONTHS ago. and i haven't contacted him. whooops. so... hey. let me know if you're coming out to the show, and i'll come hang out with you or something. it might be cool to hit the java house before or after, so yeah, be in touch, it'll be a big ol party.
i'm updating aim right now. it's terribly exciting. not really though.
tomorrow's laundry day. i'm so excited. i really am. i miss having clean clothes. i'm getting down to the very bottom of my wardrobe. so i've been rather unfashionable the past few days. all i have left are shorts. but i'm a lazy bum and i haven't shaved my legs in like... years. (a week actually. but i'm blonde. so it doens't show too much.) being blonde rules.
there was more too what i was going to say just there... but i got distracted with the blondness and how much it rules and such. *plays with watch* i'm bored. i get bored really easily, but i don't stay bored. so, for now... i' m off to the next task that demands my attention. whatever that may be.
i bought a new hello kitty steering wheel cover for my car today. it's bright pink. and cool. but you can't really tell it's hello kitty. the old one, was light blue and was very obviously cute hello kitty. but this one... it's more difficult to tell... i dunno, it's on for a trial basis right now. i would also like to announce that my car is sparkling clean. and doesn't smell bad anymore. i bought this lysol stuff... and it's super cool and... *pause* why would ANYone care about this?? what the hell.
in stuart news..... arts fest is this weekend. he will be playing at the mainstage at 2:30 on sunday, and EVERYONE should come. arts fest rocks on it's own.... and add stuart to the mix... hell, it's positively orgasmic. which reminds me... i need to e-mail this guy about stuart pictures. like... i got his e-mail address MONTHS ago. and i haven't contacted him. whooops. so... hey. let me know if you're coming out to the show, and i'll come hang out with you or something. it might be cool to hit the java house before or after, so yeah, be in touch, it'll be a big ol party.
i'm updating aim right now. it's terribly exciting. not really though.
tomorrow's laundry day. i'm so excited. i really am. i miss having clean clothes. i'm getting down to the very bottom of my wardrobe. so i've been rather unfashionable the past few days. all i have left are shorts. but i'm a lazy bum and i haven't shaved my legs in like... years. (a week actually. but i'm blonde. so it doens't show too much.) being blonde rules.
there was more too what i was going to say just there... but i got distracted with the blondness and how much it rules and such. *plays with watch* i'm bored. i get bored really easily, but i don't stay bored. so, for now... i' m off to the next task that demands my attention. whatever that may be.
lalala. i didn't have to go to schoool today *frolics about*
i went to work though. i went in at 2. because tom said we had too... important meeting... so.... it turns out not to be important AT ALL. and it was a total waste of time. so i just ran home and picked up some stuff and went back to work. so i worked 6 hours instead of my usual 4. but it was ok. i shut my apron strings in the cash register. and it was double knotted in the back, so i could move at all. so i stood by the register for like five minutes... it was sad.
i'm really tired. so i'm gonna go to bed. since all i'm doing right now is sitting here eating the very last of my mannicotti. mmmmm. cheeesy. ok. now i'm done with the mannicotti. and i'm eating croutons. i'm gonna go to bed. i'm sleepy.
also... this is important. ATTN FROWLERS!! i figured out the e-mail situation. so, yeah. get in touch with me or nina or del. i sent them the info too, but they're both idle, so i dunno... but yeah. get in touch, and we've got the passwords fixed.
i went to work though. i went in at 2. because tom said we had too... important meeting... so.... it turns out not to be important AT ALL. and it was a total waste of time. so i just ran home and picked up some stuff and went back to work. so i worked 6 hours instead of my usual 4. but it was ok. i shut my apron strings in the cash register. and it was double knotted in the back, so i could move at all. so i stood by the register for like five minutes... it was sad.
i'm really tired. so i'm gonna go to bed. since all i'm doing right now is sitting here eating the very last of my mannicotti. mmmmm. cheeesy. ok. now i'm done with the mannicotti. and i'm eating croutons. i'm gonna go to bed. i'm sleepy.
also... this is important. ATTN FROWLERS!! i figured out the e-mail situation. so, yeah. get in touch with me or nina or del. i sent them the info too, but they're both idle, so i dunno... but yeah. get in touch, and we've got the passwords fixed.
in response to a comment..... i'm going to the university of iowa. (which is right here in my hometown. yeah, exciting i know.) aaand, thank you kaaait! ^_^ i'm soooooooooooooo (insert lots more o's here....) jealous that renata gets to meet you! *whine* i want to meeeet you! *spins in chair*
i'm a *weee* bit drunk. hee. i don't drink. really, i don't. but it was my graduation party, and my mom was all whining about how the punch was gross unless you put champagne in it. so i put some in, and it was good, and she just let me keep drinking it. sooo. i'm a bit giggly, and VERY willing to talk about anything. and i kind of want to run and frolic about. but i won't. because i'd prolly fall over. i've been told that i'm VERY fun when i'm drunk, but not too coordinated. *Shrug* so yes. be forewarned that this may not be the most coherent post in the world.
lots of people came to my graduation party! yaaay! people don't hate me! most of them were actual adults. but some west high people came, and i love them *nod* and i have a graaand total of.... $925 dollars. woo! i feel so rich. i actually have $895 now. because i spent $20 on thank you cards, and $10 on picture frames. dan gave me the coolest picture.... it's from a few years ago... back when we were like... best friends. and we were doing this trust thing... where you fall back and the person catches you.... and until like... this year during alice, i wasn't able to do it. i always freaked out and tried to catch myself. and it's a picture of me moving my foot to try to catch myself, but dan's all ready caught me. it's just a really nice shot. i don't know who took it... but it's really cool, so i got a frame and put it on my dresser. i mean, my desk.
i like the new moulin rouge soundtrack. woooot.
i'm going to bed. goodnight... aaand, I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOOOOL ANYMORE! *parties*
i'm a *weee* bit drunk. hee. i don't drink. really, i don't. but it was my graduation party, and my mom was all whining about how the punch was gross unless you put champagne in it. so i put some in, and it was good, and she just let me keep drinking it. sooo. i'm a bit giggly, and VERY willing to talk about anything. and i kind of want to run and frolic about. but i won't. because i'd prolly fall over. i've been told that i'm VERY fun when i'm drunk, but not too coordinated. *Shrug* so yes. be forewarned that this may not be the most coherent post in the world.
lots of people came to my graduation party! yaaay! people don't hate me! most of them were actual adults. but some west high people came, and i love them *nod* and i have a graaand total of.... $925 dollars. woo! i feel so rich. i actually have $895 now. because i spent $20 on thank you cards, and $10 on picture frames. dan gave me the coolest picture.... it's from a few years ago... back when we were like... best friends. and we were doing this trust thing... where you fall back and the person catches you.... and until like... this year during alice, i wasn't able to do it. i always freaked out and tried to catch myself. and it's a picture of me moving my foot to try to catch myself, but dan's all ready caught me. it's just a really nice shot. i don't know who took it... but it's really cool, so i got a frame and put it on my dresser. i mean, my desk.
i like the new moulin rouge soundtrack. woooot.
i'm going to bed. goodnight... aaand, I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOOOOL ANYMORE! *parties*
nyaaah. emily's sleeping, so i feel really bad being online and such. bu i also REALLY felt the need to update. i was all laying (lying?) in bed, trying to fall asleep, and all i could think about was blogging. i'm soooooo nerdy.
anywho, graduation was tonight. i would just like to say... if you are one of the morons who had a sign on your back, or air freshener on your tassle or any other stupid moronic "look at me" sort of thing... you're an idiot. yeah. you're self centered, and no one thought you were funny. they all thought that whatever it was you did was unclassy and stupid. well, i did at least. yeah, that's all.
sidenotes about graduation.... i ran up to zac, all excited "niiiic! *pause* uhh... zac...." *sigh* will i EVER learn?! ... bryan (yes, bryan rennekamp.) you were the only person i saw who looked damn good in his graduation gown. i don't know how you did it, but you looked all distinguished and educated. it made me feel all proud that at least a few people from our school know how to behave in public. ... aaaahm, there were lots of others, that i was thinking about while i was trying to sleep... but now i don't remember them.
we went to ground round afterwards, even though i didn't want to. and rob didn't eat anything... i think it was because he didn't like what he had last time he was there... so... he's never going to eat there again? i dunno. he said it was because he ate with his parents... but that had to have been like... five hours ago. and, he said that his roommate, (not cory, but tasha) thinks that i dont' like her! and i love tasha! she's so funny. and cool, and i feel like she's a way better person than i am, because she's all cool without being spazzy and material like me... and she gave me a whiteys gift certificate and card for graduation, which is SO nice. and i have ALWAYS liked her... and i feel bad for like... sending out dislike vibes... *sniffle*
lots of people didn't come to graduation. because they're too good for us. yeah. whatever. i sorta feel like it's lame to not participate even if you're in town and such... danley came. even though he graduated after first tri. *sigh* ok, i'm gonna check my rainbow brite mail... and then go to bed. because i can't check my real mail because your-site.com sucks ass. i really ought to e-mail them. but i can't, because i dont' ahve my e-mail address *frowls* ok, bed.
OH!!! my graduation party is 1-5 tomorrow. but i feel like no one's going to come, because i was bad about passing out invitiations, and there are tons of parties at the same time, and i'm pretty low on peoples' priorities... so, PLEASE come, anyone and everyone is invited, bring friends.... please, i'll feel so lonely if no one comes *sniffl sniffle*
anywho, graduation was tonight. i would just like to say... if you are one of the morons who had a sign on your back, or air freshener on your tassle or any other stupid moronic "look at me" sort of thing... you're an idiot. yeah. you're self centered, and no one thought you were funny. they all thought that whatever it was you did was unclassy and stupid. well, i did at least. yeah, that's all.
sidenotes about graduation.... i ran up to zac, all excited "niiiic! *pause* uhh... zac...." *sigh* will i EVER learn?! ... bryan (yes, bryan rennekamp.) you were the only person i saw who looked damn good in his graduation gown. i don't know how you did it, but you looked all distinguished and educated. it made me feel all proud that at least a few people from our school know how to behave in public. ... aaaahm, there were lots of others, that i was thinking about while i was trying to sleep... but now i don't remember them.
we went to ground round afterwards, even though i didn't want to. and rob didn't eat anything... i think it was because he didn't like what he had last time he was there... so... he's never going to eat there again? i dunno. he said it was because he ate with his parents... but that had to have been like... five hours ago. and, he said that his roommate, (not cory, but tasha) thinks that i dont' like her! and i love tasha! she's so funny. and cool, and i feel like she's a way better person than i am, because she's all cool without being spazzy and material like me... and she gave me a whiteys gift certificate and card for graduation, which is SO nice. and i have ALWAYS liked her... and i feel bad for like... sending out dislike vibes... *sniffle*
lots of people didn't come to graduation. because they're too good for us. yeah. whatever. i sorta feel like it's lame to not participate even if you're in town and such... danley came. even though he graduated after first tri. *sigh* ok, i'm gonna check my rainbow brite mail... and then go to bed. because i can't check my real mail because your-site.com sucks ass. i really ought to e-mail them. but i can't, because i dont' ahve my e-mail address *frowls* ok, bed.
OH!!! my graduation party is 1-5 tomorrow. but i feel like no one's going to come, because i was bad about passing out invitiations, and there are tons of parties at the same time, and i'm pretty low on peoples' priorities... so, PLEASE come, anyone and everyone is invited, bring friends.... please, i'll feel so lonely if no one comes *sniffl sniffle*