well, what should i blog about first?!
i'll blog about stuart first. since... that's what happened first.
anethesia, necrophilia: new song... stuart sent me the lyrics a loooooong time ago, (well, like... two weeks... but that's long in my world.) and i was like "ooh, bitchin." then, he played it tonight, and i was like "this is so familiar.... it seems like i've.... OH!" and i realized why it was familiar... yeah, it was cool.
sugar bullets: woo, i was flailing at erin in a "i like this song" kind of manner. and she was all confused... but yeah, i like this song ^_^
windmills and wheatfields
immanence (((these two (immanencse and inventions) were added to the list at a later date after david was thoughtful enough to enlighten me... i'm SO confused.... by... all this... i swear he played... i... am so confused *sigh* but, we love david, because he gave me a disc of the GREATEST STU PICS EVER. wooo! so yes, thank you ^_^)))
universe communion: nate was duly impressed by the cool guitarness in this song.
swim: my mom had already had like... two beers, and was a wee bit tipsy... and this song made her all terribly sad. and she had to go to the bathroom to compose herself... and i was like "*sigh* you're far too emotional." but, it was sad...
seven wonders of the soul
chow down: aka architecture... he was like "i'm going to play a song i haven't played in a long time... but people really want me to play it..." and i was like "*GASP* only changing drugs? no... i really don't think he would..." then, he played this, and i was merry, because i hadn't heard it in some time.
bell: many thanks to kismet for pointing out how deeply confused i was with the lyrics to this song... and... the title... and just how deeply confused i generally am. woo.
8 days in the lotus: nate and thomas were quite amused. as was i.... just... "break away in overtime! slap shot from the blue line! DAVIS SCORES!! ENGLIGHTENMENT
WINS!" *continues being terribly amused*
and she was (talking heads) WOO. i was in the bathroom... then i came back and he started this, and i was like *full body flail* it was a flail of happiness though.
amsterdam: it's a true story *nod*
savoring samsara: i have a shirt that says savoring samsara! i'm so special!
doppelganger: i have a shirt that says doppelganger too! woo!
fault lines
transpersonal cowboy
jonah: (renata's favorite song! woo!)
even the devil (is god)
kid mystic: the lady behind us requested this... and like... had been talking crazyloud all through dresden... and jenny and angela and jessica and i were like *grrrrr* she was like "I WAS GONNA
WAIT!!" it was hella annoying.
elizabeth ascends
WWIII: with a crazy little beginning... very fun.
eclipse: i actually wrote "elipse" in my book... but that's not the song...
your house
sexy messiah: he played this RIGHT after clancy was like "what's that song? about the second coming? and stuff? is that human girl?" and i wasl ike "noooooooo, that's sexy messiah!" then stuart played it, and i was like "aha! see?"
human girl
dream usher i think? i don't actually remember, i wrote dream usher down... but i have this vague inkling of doubt... that maybe it wasn't... and i'm crazy.
nothing in between: yay! (erin and i like this song...)
psycho killer: this was his encore... that he played before... he left... so it was a pre-encore... and such.
THEN i drove erin back to her car. then we went home. and i was like "hmm... wait... where's my notebook?!" and proceeeded to have a panic attack when it wasn't ANYWHERE IN MY CAR. (see, my notebook has all my audition info, all my important numbers, my stuart sets, my journal... my entire fecking life, on paper. and... it was lost... not only could ANYONE read it... but... *i* couldn't read it ... and... i was freaked out.) SO.... i go inside and call the mill, where the entire waitstaff searches EVERYWHERE. and they're like "we don't see it! sorry!" but then, this one waitress is like "was it blue? and thick? like REALLY thick?" and iwas like "*sniffle* yeaaah, really thick... with graph paper... and... a plain blue cover..." and she was like "i remember seeing it, i know what you're looking for..." and i was like "when did you last see it!?" and she was like "well, it was on stuart's table... but it's not there now... maybe he has it?" so i called and left stu a voicemail that was like "*high pitched panic voice* stu it's meg, i lost my journal! i think maybe you or kismet or emily has it?! and... i don't... and... uh... call me." so then i drove back to town, to see if like... maybe i HAD picked it up and stu didn't have it... and i'd dropped it outside my car or soemthing... but it wasn't there, and i was freaking out...
THEN my phone rang, and i dropped it, because it scared me. then i picked it back up, and it was stuart, and ... and... HE HAD MY JOURNAL! (actually, kismet had it... but yeah, he knew she had it... and where she was...) so, i drove out to his hotel to meet up with him and kismet, and i'm like "ok, room 210, stuart's car in front of it..." so i see a sliverish station wagon in front of like... 214, so i climb the confusing stairs and am like "ok, 216, 214, 212, 211.... what the hell!?" and... that's all, no 210... and i'm distressed. but then i see emily flailing at me. and i run over to where room 210 is cleverly hidden. *nod* the people in 211 were prolly like "why is there a blonde girl in front of our door muttering "211? 2 fecking 11?! bloody hell..."" but yeah, so... i got my notebook, and stuart randomly insisted i have a book... and... that we all go to perkins... but i was like "i'm far too traumatized to go to perkins." and they were like "don't worry, we won't let you lose your notebook again" but i came home, because i didn't want to randomly ditch renata. but then, before i made it home, i stood and talked to emily and kismet forEVER. then i went home.
then, i'm driving down mormen trek, and like... am in the middle of town, by the gas station... and DEER runs out in front of me. so i screech to a halt, and lean out the window and scream "what the feck do you think you're doing?! i'm in the middle of town! you stupid deer!" and it looked at me, and i honked at it, and shook my fist in a menacing fashion... and it leisurely wandered away, well i considered to swear at it... and then... i actually went home. and now i'm home. and renata wants my computer, so i have to leave, and i don't really have anything else to say... so... i will leave. but yes, that is my story of the evening. very stressful.