
heeeey, it's me with pink hair. why are pictures always crappy?! grrr. renata, i want them to be all clear *cries* well, i'll bug you about it when i get home from work.

aww. i hate how my eye always squints shut a little when i smile. grrrr.

you can hardly see my hair.... but i figured i'd post it anyhow. i look like a flight attendent... or a barbie doll...

ok, it's hard to see in these pics, i dunno why, but my hairs actually ALOT brighter than that. booo computers.
these are the most random quotes... i just now found like five slips of paper with quotes jotted down on them....

"i'm not a big god fan, but i prayed all the way home."
~angela, re: london mini cabs~

clancy: people call me "tough guy" for a reason.
random person: oh? what's that?

"is there someone stuck to my head?!"

megan: you sucked it in!! you're brilliant!
andrea: except for the fact that i'm eating bubbles...
jill: yeah, that can't be too smart
~discussing andrea's brilliant bubble eating technique.~

"tom and the corkscrews... it sounds like a swing band"
~someone at angela's goodbye party ...re: our manager~

ryan*smoking a cigarette*: does anyone have a cigarette? anyone?
kristen: uh, ryan, you already have one...
ryan: *pause* i want TWO!

luke y.: *getting ready to leave*
jon: hey man, don't forget your pizza bag...
luke: thanks. *gets pizza bag, gets distracted by conversations... gets ready to leave again...walking out w/o pizza bag....*
jon: no, really! don't forget your pizza bag!

"i'm gonna tell cory i slept with you!"
~jon, re: sleeping next to me at angela's~ (cory being mistah k, his roomate and my teacher...)

"it's raining... hard..er...ish...ly."
~erin, describing the rain~

"i can see it in your eyes! all 90 billion of them!"
~nate, re: the fear in the flies eyes.~


i have neeeew pink hair! tips, just like *nina* suggested!

at work today, doug was second base and i was first (if you've got two people on sandwich line, you get to pretend it's baseball... or something, first base does the bottom half, second does the top.) aaanywho, we were racing, to make a sierra turkey (asiago foccacia, onions, field greens chipotle and turkey..) and i was winning. and we were having a grand time. then suddenly... disaster struck! i got all dizzy and sick, and had to run off to the back to sit down. i was SO close to throwing up right then. *sigh* i have no idea what my problem was there...

la la la. i think luke and i are gonna go to a movie this weekend. what should we go see? (i'd see austin powers again... if only to see shaun. awww shaun. that's the coolest thing in the whole damn world, you go shaun!!)

oh hey, back track to work again. i broke my nail off. the one that i cracked whilst pouncing on renata (the rabbit)... i've been taking such good care of it, so it wouldn't break off and destroy that finger... but alas, while we were closing tonight... snap. it made me quite sad.

i work tomorrow!! yeah yeah! dude, dusty and i have been text messaging eachother on our phones all day. it's great fun. i sent him one at like... 4 am yesterday, and we've been conversing all day. it's just one more thing to live for. and one more thing to make me smile. so what if no one called me.... i have a message from dusty! wooo!
i have more mail!! i love getting mail. and comments. i love getting comments. my toast twin left me a comment! woooo!

i'm seriously dying from smoke inhalation from being around eli. maaaan. *cough cough* he's not allowed to smoke around me anymore, i made that clear today. *cough cough* i took allie to pancheros for lunch, and i now i have zero money. damn. i should have saved five dollars for dinner tonight. doh doh doh. wait, allie has five bucks... woo!

i wrote out an i.o.u. for allie, now i have five dollars! woooooo! hey, i'm in the middle of writing an e-mail, and i keep getting distracted. thus, i'm posting this, and abandoning the blog for a bit.
i feel better now. i ate some chocolate, and some toast (kyle and i are toast twins...) and before that, like RIGHT after i blogged, i was cleaning, and something made me mad, and it sent me over the edge and i threw stuff around for a good 10 minutes. so everything in my room is a little ... ravaged. but, i talked to dusty and henrie for along time, and they made me feel better. and kyle, because kyle made me laugh like eight different times. (kyle: "i wish you had a cam so i could see yours!" megan: "lol, out of context, that's SO bad") and i talked to kismet, who made me feel better. everyone's sooo nice. kismet was right, a lot of people love me, and i should always remember that. < / sappy moment >

i just got an e-mail from luke, first i was all happy, because i had mail, then i was even HAPPIER because it was from luke. but then i was sad because i missed seeing him on his last day... and because he's sad. and now dusty's sad because i'm sad. *sigh* luke said he'd stop by and see me on wednesday. which makes me a little happier. because he has a cd for me... and maybe we'll get to eat dinner together (we used to always eat together on break... even though the first time i asked to sit with him, he said no. and i sat with him anyways.) *sigh sigh sigh*

del and i are discussing commercials that we enjoy. and del imed ME. she never does that. i have to im her, and trick her into talk to me. i'm trying to get her to get her butt in motion and post some KC pics. i don't think i'll work though.


i'm in a terrible mood and i want to throw myself off a building. i hate people.
i was gonna blog last night, then i got online, and henrie distracted me. then, it was raining really hard, and started storming REEEEALLY bad... so i shut down my computer and went to hang out downstairs, in an area where i wouldn't injure myself if the power went out (which it almost did... like three times.) so, that's why i didn't blog yesterday. but dude... at work... it was hilarious... i was SO tired. but i'd had a cherry coke, and four shots of espresso over ice. so i was SO jumpy and hyper and talking really fast. jenny kept making fun of me because i was stuck on registers, and like, i was taking two orders for every one chris took. admittedly i've been there a lot longer than chris... and am just better at registers, but i didn't forget any cups, or drinks... and i called out all the paninis, i was quite speedy. there was a line the entire time. from 11-2:20 i stood in one spot and did registers, didn't go anywhere... just like, over to the counter to get lemonade, like 3 feet away. oh, and once i ran to the back and got cups for lemonade.. because the people who weren't busy didn't bother to restock anything at all, because apparently they're stupid. oh, and mike was really late. so when he got there, and we saw him come in EVERYONE was like "NICE OF YOU TO JOIN US!" and we were making fun of him, it was great. really. and i burned my finger REALLY badly on the soup. *sob* stupid piece of shit soup thing. i HATE it.

today is my only day off. i work tuesday, 4-cl... wednesday, 4-cl, thursday 3-cl, friday 3-8, saturday.... 12-5? i think? and sunday? uh... 10-3? i need to check the weekend hours, cuz i usually don't work then. jared's gonna be in town this weekend, i told him to brave the yuppies at come visit me at panera. hopefully i'll have pink tipped hair by then.

and, in closing, i heart dusty. even though he was online when i got on, and we talked for like, four minutes... then he left *sob*


(to the tune of 'ch-ch-ch-chia!')... m-m-m-megan! seriously. i was sitting here in emily's basement, and i see my name typed... and that's the FIRST thing that pops into my head. then, i wanted to play mariokart, and i accidentally referred to it as chiakart. i don't know why i have chia on the brain.

dusty called me tonight, but i was like, getting ready to go to eli's so i was upstairs, and i hear all this "your phone's ringing!!!!" so i run down, and i see i have a missed call from dusty... and so i called him back, and we had a WONDERFUL conversation. easily the highlight of my night. and, dusty's friend told me to go to colorado springs with dusty in two weeks. i was like "uhh... i don't think i can?" but i wish. i need me some jessie. and some henrie. my little ear cuff guy thingy is named henry (with a y though...) random sidenote... whatever.

i'm waiting for my nails to dry. i really want to go to bed, being that i work at 10am tomorrow... and that's like... three hours earlier than i usually wake up. shiiiiiiit that's gonna suck. but i neeed money. like, i have four dollars. it sucks. i was gonna play pool, but then i painted my nails. that had nothing to do with the rest of this paragraph really... it's just that everyone is playing pool and i'm not. because my nails are wet. i REAAAAAALLY wish they were dry. i neeeeeed sleeeeep. maybe i could just stay up like... all the way through... it would be a 24 hours awake kind of deal... i got up at 3 today.... and i work 10-3 .... *ponders* i'll just have to be sure not to get too comfy tonight. otherwise there's no way i'll get up. i'm gonna skip the morning shower, because i took a looooooooooooooooong bubble bath after work tonight. last night. whatever. i'm seriously gonna sleep like...4-1am tomorrow. talk about fucking up my sleep schedule... or, i could stay awake til like... 8... then i'd be able to actually sleep a night. it mightnot be that bad, i mean, think of KC. that was a 27 hours awake... and, then like, an hour nap... then two more hours up... then like, a four hour nap. hmm maybe if i stay up and alert, take a shortish nap, and a HOT shower right before work... i could totally do it. YEEEAH! (to see how well this plan works.... come see me at work tomorrow at 10. haaa. )

i wish my nails would drrry!!
i had all this great stuff i was gonna blog about that happened last night. but, i was SO tired when i got home (at 5am) that i just went to bed. i ended up working for like... two and a half hours... and they gave me 2 movie passes for my troubles. and iwas like "that's really nice... only... i get into movies free cuz of erin..." but, alas. well, stilll, a VERY nice gesture. i'm surprised. ok, i have to go to eli's. il'l be back soon.


went to see austin powers tonight... it was a lot funnier than i thought it would be. like, A LOT. i liked it. and, AAAAND... shaun earl is one of the dancers in the opening sequence!!!!!! (people who actually pay attention to the boards prolly know this... but, i didn't, and i was SO excited when i saw him... like, i was all flailing and pointing and making a scene.)

also, went out with eli tonight (eli being the guy i met at big mikes) much fun. ^_~


*flails about*

i went to big mikes just now, to get a sandwich. and the guy at the counter was SO cute... and we talked for awhile... about laundry... and the fair, and rabbits. and he used to show rabbits... and i was like "aww, we have a dutch (renata), a mini lop (nancy) and a mini rex (wesley)" and he's liek "AWW i love rexs! they're so soft." and *i* love rexs! so, we talked for awhile... and he was like "well, i'll try to make it out to the fair... and i was like "ok, cool... i'll prolly be in the rabbit barn... with... the rabbits..." (note how cool and suave i am.) so, he asked my name, and i told him, and we talked about maybe seeing eachother at the fair on friday (only now do i remember that the fair ends thursday... whatever.) so, i left, i drove like... a block. then turned around and parked at the gas station and began SEARCHING for a pen ( i found on in the trunk) so, i wrote down my name, and my number, on a piece of graph paper from one of my notebooks (from spain, that erin gave me!)... and turned around and went back... adn was like "hey.... if i dont' catch you on friday... give me a call..." and like, RAN away. *sigh* and erin's like "SEE!?! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BIG MIKES!!" because she was talking me into it... yeah... anywho...
so, i'm feeling a bit better today. yaaay.

i went to the fair, to watch rabbit judging, which took just under SIX HOURS. but, it was fun. i think we got a total of four blue ribbons, two of which were first place, and a red ribbon. and one of those was second place in like "best rex fur" or something. rabbit stuff doesnt' make sense to me... whatever. my job was mostly to get soda and stuff, and keep an eye on my sister. and hold on to her rabbits while she was showing other rabbits... and to like, take the rabbits back to their cages when she was done... yeah. then, allie was taking renata back to her cage, and she dropped her... and renata TOOK OFF. and like, hid underneath all this stuff, and i just sat back and watched allie like... freaking out... then finally i went over and was like "dammit allison, hang on to your rabbits." and grabbed renata. (like really grabbed her/pounced on her.) and in the process got entirely covered with sawdust, hurt myself and broke a nail. there was like, a big crowd watching allie try to get it, so they all watched me grab her... and i hand her to allie and look down and i'm liek "well damn. *pause* I BROKE A NAIL!" *sniffle*

but, renata won a blue ribbon (two actually, one was first place, and one was just a blue ribbon.) i have four reaally long but not very deep scratches on my right hand. all from nancy. who HATES going into or coming out of her cage. grrr. they hurt. at least they aren't on my face... allie has like, a zillion on her arms, and like, four on her face. because... i dont' know... she was holding nancy at eye level?

yeah. well, in other news.... DUSTY GOT A BLOG! (welll, a public one anyway) i added him to my links. i added jessie too. since i've been meaning to do that forever.

in other other news.... i work tomorrow 4-close. and on friday 3-8. (three to eight? what the hell...) i have a list of potential jobs... i need to call a few places, and talk to my dad... and stuff.

i HATE this nail polish. i painted my nails at 8:30. they're dry to touch, but like, if you push on them, the nail polish dents. it's the crappiest thing ever. two coats should not make that big of a difference! i mean REALLY! i've discovered that i can't look at my fingers while i'm typing. it's waaaay too confusing. i have to look at what i'm typing on the screen. or, if i'm typing FROM something, i can look at that. (this relates to what i was talking about because i was looking at my undry nails... and i was typing WHILE looking at my undry nails... and... confusion ensued.)
i'm dying. i have the plague. i went to be early, i was feeling good... now, i'm not. at all. it's like the flu i got back when i was gonna go to spiderman with erin. i feel soooo sick. blaah.

maybe it'll go away and i'll be better tomorrow. but i don't know. i reeeeally hope so. i'm talking to dusty... if he says anything really funny, and i start laughing... i swear to god i'll throw up. that's how yucky i feel.

i don't have any interesting news.. or anything. i worked today. i felt reallly sick. but not sick like i feel now. sick like... i hadn't eaten enough sick. then i had some rice and chicken. then i had some ice cream...ugh, i don't want to talk about what i've eaten. eeew.

i need more hours at work. i need money *sniffle* i need a different job. i'm serious about it now. i've always been like "i hate panera, i wanna quit" but... but... luke y. put in his two weeks notice a few days ago... and... angela's gone... and jessica's leaving, and today was kristen's last day... ash is gone... *sigh* i need a job before i quit though. tomorrow i will actively begin looking. well, technicallly today. but... i will not stay at panera any longer when all the people i love are quitting, and... everything's such a joke. i mean... really, jenny's worked there for olike, 2 and a half years, and makes 17 cents more than i do. i've worked there for a year, and i make 5 cents more than someone just starting. bah. BAH! i quit, i really do. my dad knows like... a zillion people. i bet he can help me think of somewhere i can work.... somewhere that is clean. where, i can go to work, and come home clean. as opposed to ... going to work and coming home COVERED in coffee, and sauces, and salad dressing... yuck. *sniffle* i'll miss pantera... but... i need something else.

dusty says he's gonna start a blog! *is excited*


OH MY GOD! guess who nic works with!!! ok... well, renata and co. are going to be the only ones to appreciate this... but... he works with RENTGOD'S SON!! *pause for emphasis* OH MY GOD! small world man.

i'm talking to nic and dusty. two of my FAVORITE people to talk to. whenever i'm like "i'm talking to nicandordusty" it's followed by "i LOVE nicandordusty!!!"

i went to the mall with emily and erin and abi today. much fun had by all. tim was supposed to call me tonight. but he didn't *loud sobbing* actually, i went out with ben though. i had cheese bread, and donuts. and milk. GOOOOOODtimes.

ok, so that was my day. i can't bring myself to type more... because... nothing reallly blog worthy occured. i bought some belts. that's blog worthy. id idnt' have any belts... but now i do.


today's the first day of the johnson county fair! woo! everyone should go and see our rabbits! they're in the rabbit barn (duh)... they're being shown by my little sister, allison, and her 4-h group is the liberty livewires... and the rabbits are wesley, renata, and nancy. you should all go see them! abi and i are going to go see them... today sometime. if my sister ever answers her damn phone... *Grrr*

i'm SO hungry. *sob*

i'm talking to henrie. he said he'll come hang out with me since no one else wants to. *sticks tongue out at everyone else* i'll show you, i'll hang out with henrie! he's cooler than all of you! except emily, because emily invited me to a movie night on saturday. however, the rest of you are fired.

jane and i are rating the characters from friends. we're losers. but, just incase your'e wondering... from favoritest to least favoritest.... rachel, chandler, phoebe, joey, ross, monica. jane however says it's chandler, phoebe, ross, rachel, joey, monica. poor unloved monica.

oh my GOD! do you know henrie just told me?? no, you dont... ANYwho, anne landers is dead, but her column's still running... ooooh creepy. it really is! it's advice from beyond the grave. something smells really bad in here... like... eew. maybe i should go... so i can try to locate what smells so bad...


jared has just informed me that i am the greek goddess of dorks. yay!

i kind of want to run to walmart... but i think that the fabric section is prolly closed or closing by now. and since fabric/ribbon is what i need to get... alas. there's always tomorrow. but i don't know if i work tomorrow... *flail* whoo knows. i could always call and ask cindy... or just go to the mall tomorrow around noon and check... i kinda hope i work, cuz like... i need the hours, and luke works on mondays... oh, i have luke's nametag... so i have to go in tomorrow around noon so i can stick it back in our locker before he notices it's gone.

i'm thinking of sorta kind redoing my room. which is why i need to go to walmart. see, i need some dark blue and some light blue... (like, light blue tulle(ish) kinda...) ribbons. to hold my curtains back. and like, some fabric to make into like, table clothes for my strangely shaped thing that need to be covered with something. see, my room is still all hippyish. back from when i thought i was a hippy... ("look, i'm a hippy! i have sandals!") ... i later discovered that i am not a hippy. ("you're too enegertic to be a hippy")... ANYwho. it could be a nice room, it has potential. and since i've decided to live here for at least a year.... i might as well make it nice..

i'm such a sloth this weekend. i've done nothing but mope around. and eat... and read... and sleep. but moping really encompasses all of those. do you know who i miss? caleb. i dunno why i suddenly am like "*SOB* i want caleb baaaack" dude, he left behind some of the coooolest hiking boots... but his feet are like, three sizes bigger than mine. damn you caleb! damn you and your big feet.

alright. that's enough of me talking without having anything to talk about. thank you, and goodnight.
erin and nate just left. *nod* and jessie, thank you for the comment, it made me smile and i needed to smile *nod* we helped eachother out ^_^ there has been a huuuuuuuuge lack of comments lately. and i've been feeling VERY unloved in the real world... and thus, the lack of comments here makes me feel even MORE unloved. if that's at all possible. *sulks* *siiiiiiiiigh* sometimes life is crappy. but... i'm not going to dwell, because i know exactly where that will lead me. so... i'll focus on happy things. like the fact that i used lip gloss (balm...) and loose glitter to make the best eyemake up ever. but... i don't have anywhere to go with my beautiful new eye makeup *sob*

or my PERFECT fingernails. pink glitter. beautiful. even my right hand. and my nails are growing out (in a fit of... angriness towards my never ending vanity, i vowed to never grow my nails out for the purpose of painting them.... but i missed having them long SO much... that i've been growing them out again. again, my vanity reigns over my life. alas.) it's really bright in my room. it was because my umbrella lamp was aimed into my eyes. i fixed it though.

i don't have anything to say. how depressing. *SIGH* i miss dusty *sniffle*

Lola Rennt (Run, Lola, Run) Symbolism: Clocks

what movie symbolism are you? find out!


erin and nate are over... they're watching the others. in the other room. oooh creepy. but i wanted to blog and check my mail. so hi ^_^


para jessie ^_^ ... this prolly looks crappy and blurry, for reasons unknown. but i have a bigger, higer quality version if you want it... just give me until my e-mail stops malfunctioning.

this keyboard sucks. and i'm reeeally in a bad mood.
aaah, nothing's working. i'm terribly confused.

went to see two gentlemen of verona at riverside. there was a lot of good acting. that's all i'll say about it.

other than that.... i have nothing to say. i'm not in a good mood, don't ask why. i'd have SAID why if i knew, or if i cared for you to know.
oh... and...

dusty! i heart you. at like.... 4am, i'm like "I HAVE TO CALL DUSTY!" so i did. and i told him he was gorgeous. then he's like "now you have to apologize alot." so i did. i believe we have a new tradition. ("if you do it more than once, it's a tradition!") yaaaah. i need to call marin...
i just got an im that was like "my! you're up early!" and in reality... it's more... "my! you're STILL up?"

we had a goodbye party for everyone who's leaving panera *sniffle* good good times. ryan showed up at one point... maaaaan, that boy was drunk. my gooodness. like, everytime there was a lull in the conversation, he's like "HEEEY! LET'S CHUG A BEEER!" and we're all like "aaah, no." then, he's outside smoking, and he's sitting on the metal stair railing, and like, really slowly sliding away from everyone. and we're like "ryan? you're sliding...." and he's like "SHIIIIIT!" and he'd come back up. then slide back down.

also, at one point, angela and i decided to go outside, and EVERYONE followed us. except john, who was in the bathroom. so like, he comes out and the ENTIRE party is gone. i ran into him on my way back inside, and i'm like "hey!" and he's like "did you guys intentionally wait for me to go to the bathroom so you could ditch me?!" i was terribly amused.

i have quotes tooo... but, i'm sleeppy. so i'm gonna go to bed. yes.


henrie just imed me! i feel so loved.

i don't have anything else to blog about... sorry. didn't do much today. went shopping with angela. went to a movie with emily and brian (brian being emily's little brother, who's damn cool.) then... we went and got cheese fries. well, i got cheese fries, everyone else made fun of me for getting cheese fries. *shrug* and i decided that i no longer like steak n shake's shakes. blaaah. i'm gonna have to get orange freezes from now on. mmmm i want an orange freeeze...


i have part of anethesia, necrophilia (newish stu song) stuck in my head... but just the VERY end...

ane-rock n' sthesia roll a'
c'mon, c'mon you know you wanna cuz
Godhead gives good phenomena

mostly just the "necro-coca-philia-cola" part. but... i'm amused.
there's a picture of me in KC.... that dusty took... and if you look close... you can see my thong *sob* how terribly embarrassing. yet amusing.
oooh my god. i'm having the most hilarious conversation with dusty. i was supposed to meet him in his backseat at 11:40, but i forgot. sorry dusty! i'd come yet tonight... but i need to be home before noon ^_~. also, dusty and i decided to have wild sex the next time i'm in ames. *terribly amused* ANYwho. i bet no one else is amused, because no one else took part in our conversation. except dusty. maybe dusty's amused. i heart you dusty!

i don't heart pan(t)era however. but, we're having another party at angela's. it's for all the people who are going away... to school and such. so, everyone should come. well, if you're a panera person that is.

i'm wearing my alice sweatshirt, because it's cold in my room. it's the first time i've worn it in aaaaaaaaaaages. i'm also wearing socks. i haven't worn socks in ages either. i'm also talking to scott! i haven't talked to scott in ages!! wow! and i'm talkign to ABI!! who i have missed dearly. it's sooooo nice to be talking to her, i haven't talked to her in AGES! and i'm talking to dusty, who i talk to almost every night.... hee.

i'm going shopping wiht angela tomorrow, i'm excited. i wanna go shopping with abi sometime soon too. and erin! OH! erin and nate stopped by panera today. awwwwwwwwwwwwww. angela and i were busy making "timmy tomato man" (who was initially named tommy tomato man... but we thought our manager (tom) wouldn't like that. so we named him after tim.) and "sourdough head steve" so seriously... they were the coolest things ever. then i dropped timmy. and angela yelled at me, but we reconstructed him. hehehe. stever looked like a muppet. made from a sourdough roll... and he had blueberry eyes... and sprouts for hair... and a roasted pepper tongue. and timmy... had a tomato body, gouda legs, onion arms, feta eyes, sprout hair... and a cucumber smile. oh, and a cheddar jacket. someone from panera is prolly gonna read this and be like "i should fire them! and flip out about dress code!" but hey, angela's leaving in like... two days. and i'm leaving.. in like. as soon as i find a job i think i won't hate. but, we put them on plates, and left a little note for the openers about timmy and steve.

feck. ben just called. and i missed it. i was about to type "there's a really weird noise coming from my purse..." then i realized that my cell phone is on vibrate... whoops.

kismet's trying to talk me into abandoning the real world for stuart shows.... i'm always so tempted. but i CAN'T! don't tempt me! i may actually break down and go!! i need to remain in iowa city. bah.


dude, i'm talking to nic for the first time in AGES. i miss him soooo much.
for being as fast as it is... ben's computer is being slow. except for the backspace key, which is out of control. it's all speedy, and wants to delete everything. i just bandaged ben's burn (apparently... he was reaching into a pizza oven and... decided to hit his elbow? yeah.) he's making fun of me *sob* ben's dog is shredding paper. she's sooo cute. *GASP* i thought i chipped a nail, and it scared me, but i didn't *whew* okie! heeey beau, i lost your new blog address, and i need it so i can link to you.... yeah.


stolen from *nina* who apparently stole it from renata or del....

When was the last time you...

today, when i was lighting a sparkler for my sister, and it scared me, so i screamed and ran away. then realized i'm a dork, and laughed about it.
just a few minutes ago talking to dusty.
i *felt* like crying last night, but i haven't REALLY cried since road to perdition
Bought something?
*thinks* i rented movies today... but... i haven't BOUGHT anything... since.... i *think* when i went shopping with erin, i don't know though.
i'm ALWAYS dancing. but, i dunno when the last time i danced WITH someone was.
Were sarcastic?
i'm CONSTANTLY sarcastic.
Talked to an ex?
like, five minutes ago.
Watched your favorite movie?
today actually.
Had a nightmare?
can't remember.
Last time for everything...
Last book you read?
walk in the woods, by bill bryson. reread it. and i'm reading american gods right now.
Last movie you saw?
road to perdition
Last song you heard?
"don't feed the plants" on the little shop of horrors movie soundtrack.
Last time you showered?
this morning.
Last thing you ate?
*long pause* i have NO idea.
Do you...
not anymore.
Do drugs?
Have sex?
yes. (don't look so shocked. ~_~)
Sleep with stuffed animals?
three cows.
Live in the moment?
i try!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
*sigh* no, but... there are so many things happening all of a sudden.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?
Believe there is life on other planets?
Remember your first love?
no, i just suddenly forgot him! duh, yes.
Still love him/her?
not in the same way.
Believe in miracles?
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?
i don't know. maybe? prolly not.
Like the taste of alcohol?
so long as it's girly alcohol
Have a favorite candy?
skittles (the purple and red ones) aaand... PEACH SMINTS! (they're technically not candy. but still)
Believe in astrology?
Believe in magic?
Believe in God?
i don't believe in... god our heavenly father... blah blah... but, i believe there's something/one greater...
sometimes. when i feel really hopeless
Go to church?
Have any secrets?
who, ME?! no, none. *makes a face*
Have any pets?
bo the dog, dill the cat, allison the sister.
Have any piercing?
three in each ear... sooooon one in my belly button (when i get paid!)
Have any tattoos?
not yet.
Hate yourself?
sometimes. really, i just absolutely abhor myself. but not right now.
Have an obsession?
you're my obsession. *evil cackle* you might say... rent.
Collect anything?
aaaaall sorts of stuff.
Have a best friend?
i have like... three
Have any bad habits?
i'm SO vain. i prolly think this blog is about me. waaait.... but really, i'm VERY vain.
Care about looks?
we JUST covered this. very much. no matter what, your appearence is what people first see (not online... but, in the real world...) and... yeah.
Believe in witches?
what? no.
Believe in Satan?
i don't think he has a pitchfork and pointy tail... and hooves and stuff...
Believe in ghosts?
Have a second family?
Trust others easily?
yes. i didn't used to. now i do *shrug*
Like noise?
Take walks in the rain?
Kiss with your eyes closed?
yes. unless i'm caught by surprise. ((agrees with *nina*))
Sing in the shower?
Own handcuffs?
Have any scars?
SO many. it looks like i got into a knife fight.
What is your greatest extravagance?
clothes, shopping, material things.
What is the sound you love most?
laughter, voices singing together.
What do you regard as the lowest depths of misery?
Boxers or briefs?
*shrug* prolly boxers.
What is your motto?
"i'll try being nicer if you try being smarter."
What is your favorite curse word?
What is your most treasured possession?
i dunno?
If you are not the winner, would you rather be the runner-up or just take your ball and go home?
runner up.
i called dusty last night (well, night before last... when i posted last) to return the favor (of late night drunkeness)... i was gonna be like "you are GORGEOUS." then apologize a lot ^_^ unfortunatly i got bored waiting for him to answer and hung up. however, he e-mailed me let me know that he's... in indiana? i think? and that's why he hasn't been around. it's good to know that he's not like... dead. i was concerned. hi dusty!

ok, this is from renata's blog and it just amused me to no end: "yay for megan's blog having arrows! *gives erin a cookie*" yay erin! you are very deserving of cookies and other good things.

my wall is making weird noises. like, it's either coming from allison's closet, or outside. *looks out window* nothing out there... *goes to allie's room* aaaha! my dad's installing shelves in her closet. it's all good.

*swivels in chair* life's confusing sometimes. things can be SO unexpected. i know *i'm* confused beyond all belief...


"kiss my fucking frog"

"are you praying or being a moron?"

"that doesn't make you smarter than us, it makes you sober"

"*long pause* obsolete?"
"uh... that's german for shut the fuck up."

"a monkey and a lioness..."
"a camel!!"
"NO! a cat!"

"maybe we could do better if you weren't chasing the cat on your HANDS AND KNEES"

"the options are roll again, roll again, or destroy the game board."

"it says oblivious!"
"obvious! *long pause* ok, fine, you're right, oblivious."

"isn't that nantucket?"
"shut the hell up! you aren't on their team!"

"how in the hell is you waving your arms in the air supposed to make me think "solidarity"?!"

"WHO was fucking napolean!?"

"campaign glass"

"i want a pocket jenny. where you push a button and it spits out funny phrases."

"you spew in my car, and i spew you out the window."

trivial pursuit at angela's. wonderful time had by all. especially jessica. angela and i kicked ass on the lit and theatre questions, unfortunatly, we never got them, jenny and jessica did. life's so hard.


first, i need to shower erin with praise, for fixing stuff... and stuff. ^_^ *showers erin with praise* i just found a big permanent marker. good times. ooh, i could use it to make praise filled things for erin. i do enjoy using permanent markers... and erin is deserving of praise filled things....

so, yeah, in response to "who's stupid enough to keep a diary online?" LOTS of people. and it's not like i'm divulging huge secrets... or like, confidential cia infomation... AH! a bug just flew up my nose... why are theere bugs i my room?! *flail* but uh, anywho, yes, it's all harmless randomness like "a bug just flew up my nose." so, while i'd say "bite me" i think perhaps that might be a bit inappropriate. so, i won't DIRECTLY say bite me. .....

there are like four places i'm looking at applying to for jobs... since i'm sick of working at pantera. speaking of pan(t)era, jenny evans is the funniest damn person alive. "welcome to the moron show! starrring jessica!" our mini work party was fun. even if it was small, i had *lots* of fun. i wish i could have stayed. and, i'm working on sections for who's who. like... yeah. i was going to go more into more detail... then i didn't.

kyle! my e-mail won't send to you. and i never got an e-mail from you! but i love you, i love love love you. don't feel poopy. everyone go visit kyle!!. sidenote: kyle's erin isn't the same person as my erin. just to clarify. and dude, kyle's journal is way cooler than mine. *is depressed*


I'm the pink Doc Marten...
I'm sassy and always in touch
with my feminine side

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

big surprise there...

i've calmed down a bit... just a bit. but yes, chelle, you need to dye your hair now! heehee. and *nina* i ALMOST did just the tips! then like, everyone talked me out of it. so it's highlights. and awwwwww *is saddened by unfulfilled KC plans...*

i have glittery tear trails all over my face. but luckily, i have waterproof mascara. i cried a lot. like, crying for everything, it was very cathartic. because... since i've ceased being a manic depressive mess of a person... i don't cry. like, i don't REALLY cry, i stay perky. so it was very nice to just cry, and to have an excuse, and i'm all better now.
first thing... happy thing... i have pink hair.

second thing... sad thing... went to see road to perdition tonight. so so so sad. i don't want to do anything except sit and cry.


i've been talking... to people... and... i'm thinking that.... when we dye ben's hair.. maybe i'll dye mine.... pink highlights? not permanent or anything... but... *shrug* maybe? give me some feedback on it... like, it'd be out pretty quickly... but... if i did like it, i could always do it again... *shrug* i'm thinking like, hot pink, not powder pink... or maybe blue? like, teal or light blue... like, sky blue. not royal. *shrug* and wouldn't ben look good with RED hair? like, red red. or maybe like mark's in empire records? maybe? hmmm
i missed going to lunch with missy today! i'm SO sorry! i had a doctor's appointment, and i went to it, and was like "now, i'll just go down to... oh... it's 2. " and i feel SO awful... oooh my god. like, i want to shoot myself. missy i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry! i totally forgot i had a follow up appt. for my stomach thing today. sorry sorry sorry. i will make it up to you somehow, i promise. god, i can't believe you're leaving so soon. it really started to sink in that you're moving today... *sigh*

so, after all that... i hung out at home, took a bath (bath, not a shower, wooo!) then went to the mall, hung out with heather, talked to melissa and tim and joe and other movie theatre folk... talked to heather, went to work, woooorked, met up with tim, ran around in the rainstorm, tim came over, we watched empire records, and clerks. (i hadn't seen clerks in a loooong time. i enjoyed it very much.) yeeeah, and now i'm talkign to ben, well i was, he left. we're going to the terrapin tomorrow, and then we might dye his hair. *nod* i'm sleepy... and cold. so i'm gonna go now... byee.


i went shopping with erin today! and i was gonna go hang out with tim tongiht, but i didn't call him til two hours after i said i would, because i'm an awful person. i feel bad about it now, sorry tim! but he's oot and aboot with friends, so it's all ok, it's not like i promised to hang out and now he's stuck at home... i'd feel terrible if i'd done that... but anywho, we went shopping, and i got some reeeeeally cute flip flops.and a tank top AND a hoodie that i've wanted for like... ever, and it was the last one, and it's sooooo soft, and it's light blue... and yay! and it was on SUPER sale. and like, dude... erin got the coolest fecking pants in the whole world. they are damn hot. it i weren't hella cheap, i'd go buy some. i might actually overcome my cheapness and buy some anyways.

all in all it was a good malling experience. much fun had by all.

i'm gonna go downstairs and upload some of the stuart pics that david sent me. they are hella fab.
updated some stuff, as promised. more to come.

i can't find my watch. i ALWAYS lose it. *sigh* well, i guess i'll just be perpetually late.

renata went home today *sniffle* erin and i are going to go malling to make ourselves feel better about renata having left *sob*. i need to call her *does so* la la, phone's ringing.... *turns music down* *phone's still ringing* ooh, someone just answered, i thought it was erin, but it wasn't. but, it didn't sound like her mom or renee... hmmm.. i think it was her mom. i'm waiting for erin to come to the phone now. *swivels* woo! ok,i'm meeting erin in front of the theatres at five. we're going to go to gap to get sparkly lotion, because it's on sale. and because it smells nice, and it just in general a good thing. *nod* speaking of sparkly lotion, i'm going to put some on. *nod*

my comments weren't working earlier, and i was distressed. it's not like anyone ever comments anyways *glares at everyone* but still. yeah, i really need to update them. so they match and stuff and are updated. my little sister was just asking if she could watch one of my movies, and she was standing outside the door whispering "megan? megan?" and i was like "WHO'S SAYING MY NAME *flail*" then i realized it was her, and i calmed down. HEY! i found my watch. *parties* it was on the floor, next to the garbage can (which is the cutest garbage can ever. i should take a picture. it's just SO cute.)

i'm gonna go... and put sparkly lotion on, and paint my toenails. *nod*
*clutches notebook* i will NEVER lose it again, i swear.

so, today... we went to see powerpuff girls, with nate and tim.. only nate and tim didn't come. alas. i think tim was supposed to call me back, but he didn't, and i really don't remember if he was supposed to... no worries. then we went to terrapin, then we..... went somewhere else? oh, wal mart, to buy spray conditioner that erin promised would make my hair stop frizzing. then we went to nate's and watched cowboy bebop (WOO!) and then we went and got rice, and i saw aric, and he was like *makes the "i heart darting you" signal* and i was like "oooh aric, you can dart me ANYtime." ((this is just included for andrea, because i know how amused she will be.... heee "andrea likes to watch." god, that was soooo long ago...)) now i'm at home. and i'm trying to fix my e-mail. because it's apparently possessed by some evil being who wants to make sure i don't make contact with jessie, or stuart, or david, or rob, or cory! (it let me send dusty two e-mails though... tricky stuff..) aaanywho. i'm going to actually update stuff tomorrow!! *GASP* i know, the quotes, the who's who, the stuart set lists, EVERYTHING! maybe i'll even make my comments window match the rest of the site. speaking of comments, stuart, since you just asked for the addy, humor me and leave me a comment ^_^ alright, i'm off to bed. goodnight all.


well, what should i blog about first?!

i'll blog about stuart first. since... that's what happened first.

~anethesia, necrophilia: new song... stuart sent me the lyrics a loooooong time ago, (well, like... two weeks... but that's long in my world.) and i was like "ooh, bitchin." then, he played it tonight, and i was like "this is so familiar.... it seems like i've.... OH!" and i realized why it was familiar... yeah, it was cool.
~sugar bullets: woo, i was flailing at erin in a "i like this song" kind of manner. and she was all confused... but yeah, i like this song ^_^
~windmills and wheatfields
~immanence (((these two (immanencse and inventions) were added to the list at a later date after david was thoughtful enough to enlighten me... i'm SO confused.... by... all this... i swear he played... i... am so confused *sigh* but, we love david, because he gave me a disc of the GREATEST STU PICS EVER. wooo! so yes, thank you ^_^)))
~universe communion: nate was duly impressed by the cool guitarness in this song.
~swim: my mom had already had like... two beers, and was a wee bit tipsy... and this song made her all terribly sad. and she had to go to the bathroom to compose herself... and i was like "*sigh* you're far too emotional." but, it was sad...
~seven wonders of the soul
~chow down: aka architecture... he was like "i'm going to play a song i haven't played in a long time... but people really want me to play it..." and i was like "*GASP* only changing drugs? no... i really don't think he would..." then, he played this, and i was merry, because i hadn't heard it in some time.
~bell: many thanks to kismet for pointing out how deeply confused i was with the lyrics to this song... and... the title... and just how deeply confused i generally am. woo.
~8 days in the lotus: nate and thomas were quite amused. as was i.... just... "break away in overtime! slap shot from the blue line! DAVIS SCORES!! ENGLIGHTENMENT WINS!" *continues being terribly amused*
~and she was (talking heads) WOO. i was in the bathroom... then i came back and he started this, and i was like *full body flail* it was a flail of happiness though.
~amsterdam: it's a true story *nod*
~savoring samsara: i have a shirt that says savoring samsara! i'm so special!


~doppelganger: i have a shirt that says doppelganger too! woo!
~fault lines
~transpersonal cowboy
~jonah: (renata's favorite song! woo!)
~even the devil (is god)
~kid mystic: the lady behind us requested this... and like... had been talking crazyloud all through dresden... and jenny and angela and jessica and i were like *grrrrr* she was like "I WAS GONNA CALL YOU! BUT THEN I DIDN'T. BECAUSE I THOUGH THAT MAYBE I SHOULD WAIT!!" it was hella annoying.
~elizabeth ascends
~WWIII: with a crazy little beginning... very fun.
~eclipse: i actually wrote "elipse" in my book... but that's not the song...
~your house
~sexy messiah: he played this RIGHT after clancy was like "what's that song? about the second coming? and stuff? is that human girl?" and i wasl ike "noooooooo, that's sexy messiah!" then stuart played it, and i was like "aha! see?"
~human girl
~dream usher i think? i don't actually remember, i wrote dream usher down... but i have this vague inkling of doubt... that maybe it wasn't... and i'm crazy.
~nothing in between: yay! (erin and i like this song...)
~psycho killer: this was his encore... that he played before... he left... so it was a pre-encore... and such.

THEN i drove erin back to her car. then we went home. and i was like "hmm... wait... where's my notebook?!" and proceeeded to have a panic attack when it wasn't ANYWHERE IN MY CAR. (see, my notebook has all my audition info, all my important numbers, my stuart sets, my journal... my entire fecking life, on paper. and... it was lost... not only could ANYONE read it... but... *i* couldn't read it ... and... i was freaked out.) SO.... i go inside and call the mill, where the entire waitstaff searches EVERYWHERE. and they're like "we don't see it! sorry!" but then, this one waitress is like "was it blue? and thick? like REALLY thick?" and iwas like "*sniffle* yeaaah, really thick... with graph paper... and... a plain blue cover..." and she was like "i remember seeing it, i know what you're looking for..." and i was like "when did you last see it!?" and she was like "well, it was on stuart's table... but it's not there now... maybe he has it?" so i called and left stu a voicemail that was like "*high pitched panic voice* stu it's meg, i lost my journal! i think maybe you or kismet or emily has it?! and... i don't... and... uh... call me." so then i drove back to town, to see if like... maybe i HAD picked it up and stu didn't have it... and i'd dropped it outside my car or soemthing... but it wasn't there, and i was freaking out...

THEN my phone rang, and i dropped it, because it scared me. then i picked it back up, and it was stuart, and ... and... HE HAD MY JOURNAL! (actually, kismet had it... but yeah, he knew she had it... and where she was...) so, i drove out to his hotel to meet up with him and kismet, and i'm like "ok, room 210, stuart's car in front of it..." so i see a sliverish station wagon in front of like... 214, so i climb the confusing stairs and am like "ok, 216, 214, 212, 211.... what the hell!?" and... that's all, no 210... and i'm distressed. but then i see emily flailing at me. and i run over to where room 210 is cleverly hidden. *nod* the people in 211 were prolly like "why is there a blonde girl in front of our door muttering "211? 2 fecking 11?! bloody hell..."" but yeah, so... i got my notebook, and stuart randomly insisted i have a book... and... that we all go to perkins... but i was like "i'm far too traumatized to go to perkins." and they were like "don't worry, we won't let you lose your notebook again" but i came home, because i didn't want to randomly ditch renata. but then, before i made it home, i stood and talked to emily and kismet forEVER. then i went home.

then, i'm driving down mormen trek, and like... am in the middle of town, by the gas station... and DEER runs out in front of me. so i screech to a halt, and lean out the window and scream "what the feck do you think you're doing?! i'm in the middle of town! you stupid deer!" and it looked at me, and i honked at it, and shook my fist in a menacing fashion... and it leisurely wandered away, well i considered to swear at it... and then... i actually went home. and now i'm home. and renata wants my computer, so i have to leave, and i don't really have anything else to say... so... i will leave. but yes, that is my story of the evening. very stressful.


Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna


blogger wasn't posting... but now it is. renata and i finished watching waynes world, then went to steak n shake again, and walmart. laaa.... *swivels* i LOVE my new shirt ^_^ and i love dusty, even if he did call me last night drunk off his ass... i still heart him ^__^ i miss everyone in IC! and i've only been gone like... two ... three days. but, i come home tooooooooooooooooooooooooomorrow!

renata burned me a copy of 'pure eighties' ... i'm HELLA excited.... it's fab. *listening to tainted love* i actually have tainted love on cd... happy music vol. II (and if you're gonna bitch about it not being happy music, you can go feck yourself, ok?) i just bit my tongue. oh the pain, the agony. *dies* OH! curtis e-mailed us today! he's gonna be on b'way covering people's vacations! woooot! and... stuart e-mailed me yesterday! i feel so loved. *basks in love* dude, i LOVE this song ( obsession... by... animotion. dude.)

renata has some rubber cement on her desk. i think she was getting high earlier. oh, she says it's the new kind that smells bad and is less likely to make you high. well, damn. there go my plans for this evening. ^_~ ok, enough. goooodbye.
renata's downstairs watching waynes world. aaaaaaaaaaaaand... i'm up here, blogging. so, tooooday, we went out for chinese with miriam and talia. then miriam and renata and i went shopping in downtown normal. we went to this store... uh... called like... *pause* uh... oh, 'what's up tiger lily' or something. (it reminds me of 'what's the story, morning glory?' only not.) and... they were like "it's all so exspensive... so we left, and went... to garlic press, where i bought some blush. then we went to... another place, and then another place... then we went back to the tiger lily place, and i bought a tank top (it's SO great, it's black, and it has little hook and eye closure things alll up the front.... like instead of buttons. i love it.) then renata and i went to von maur so i could stock up on urban decay since iowa city von maur is oftentimes satanic. then we got sandwiches, then we returned movies and got new movies, then we .... *thinks* stopped at the gas station, then we drove back to renata's (she lives in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.) like, seriously.... a good 30 miles from normal. crazy stuff.

i'm looking at renata's rent calender. i don't have one... because it's broadway cast... and while... yeah... *shrug* i don't really know them. *sob* i miss the bennies!

*GASP* fastball just came on winamp! i love this song (you're an ocean) ... yeah. so, i'm returning to iowa tomorrow... midday. and i'm bringing renata. yeah, so ... people... we need to do something on saturday night (and everyone needs to go to see stuart on sunday!!!!!! *sends out immense amounts of stuartlove* all of you, GO. the mill, 7, sunday. you know the drill.) i should go back downstairs and watch the movie with renata, but i LOVE all her mp3s. my upstairs computer doesn't even have a sound card. *sniffle*

i just flipped out, cuz i though that there was someone behind me. and i was like *FLAIL* ... but... there wasn't. i think my new theme song should be "i wanna be a supermodel" by jill sobule. it's just a fun song. *dances in swivel chair* ... my phone hates illinois. it's being all bitchy *slaps phone* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanywho. i'm gonna go back downstairs.
laaaala. i'm listening to material girl. but it's the barenaked ladies. CRAZY. i wish it were madonna. i find that i'm more like madonna than the barenaked ladies. but.... it's still... a good song. yes.

today... we went to panera, then we went and watched "anatomy" at adam's house. and... ok, gretchen may have been slutty... but ARENT' WE ALL!? and hein... was a stupid fuck. I HATE HIM. he's a fecking evil emo, and i hate him and everything he stands for. *frowl* death to hein!! (actually... he died. but... still, turning gretchen into a display?! reaaaally, what the hell was he thinking.) aaah, then we went to rob's house. and i LOVE his mom. and all his random plants (they had as many plants as WE have. and our house is like... a jungle. i just heard that rob hates barenaked ladies... well rob, i HATE YOOOOOU. *ahem* aaaaaaanywho.

after rob's we went to trina's. trina is one of the most beautiful people i have EVER seen. like, i couldn't hang out around her for extended amounts of time, i'd go crazy and be like "I'M SOOOOOO UGLY" *throws self off of building* .... ANYwho. we played taboo. ("mark's mom wears one!" "SWEATER!" .... aaand... countless other HILARIOUS quotes. i enjoyed myself very much.) then, we went to the "golf field" as rob called it. i've never been on a golf course. there was a mini sandtrap next to where we were sitting. oh, we were there watching fireworks... not just sitting or something.... anywho....

then... stuff, and renata and i went to steak and shake. and it was GREAT. (renata would like to make it clear that it's "steak N shake" .... she's SUCH a loser. i mean... uh... hi renata who's sitting behind me reading this!! ^_^ ) yes. now, we're in her room, listening to barenaked ladies. and now... i'm leaving. GOOOOOOOOOOD bye!


heeehee. i'm talking to adam, pretending to be renata. renata LOVES porn. ^_^

so, i'm in normal. renata and i are having much fun. i was a ninja mark's mom earlier. much fun. we went shopping today... because i somehow forgot to pack pants. (shut UP!! i think i left them in the dryer....) so, anywho, i bought some pants... two pairs. after i vowed not to buy anymore jeans, being that it's july... and i have like 12 pairs (no exaggeration...) so, now i have two new pairs of pants. and some scarves for my hair, and LOTS of socks. and i bought this GREAT thing of lip gloss, it's urban decay (my favorite makeup!) and it's called "swf" *terribly amused* aaand, i bought... some other stuff as well. *nod* oh, the lady at deb (deb being this RANDOM store that iowa doesn't have. renata says it's skanky... it was. all the ad's were these girls that were all provocotive... and it said "want it... need it... have to have it." and iw as like "that's a little inappropriate...." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWHO....) the lady was SO stupid and couldn't figure out my damn socks. so my receipt is like... a foot long with all her mistakes on it.

ok, that's all, i'll leave you with some quotes. "i'm SO sparkly! and i'm SO happy to be wearing pants!" ..... "Ooooh Eeee Oooh you look JUST like buddy holly!! OH! and with my flippy hair... i look just like mary tyler moore!!!" ^_^


*sheepish look* jessie, your e-mail refuses to send. it's a problem on my end... but... uh, yes, it's on it's way.
i am writing jessie an e-mail RIGHT this minute. because she told me too. and you'd have to be a fool to ignore jessie.

jessie, your e-mail is very random... since... i don't know what to write, since you obviously read my blog... you already know everything! aagh!

*is in a good mood* as i told dusty... i have flippy hair and purple pants... life doesn't get any better than this. although... ash no longer works at panera *Sob* i always wanted to call him ash ketchum. but... he didn't like that. yeah... now i'm sad. *sniffle*

tomorrow is a crazy day... technically TODAY is a crazy day. i've got work, then i've got movies, then i've gotta sleep, THEN i've gotta drive to normal! sheesh! i don't actually have to drive to normal until wednesday... but technically one of the movies will also be taking place on wednesday... so... yeah. i need to do laundry too... otherwise i will have no clothes to wear in normal. alas. OH! i meant to mention WHY my hair is flippy.... i got it cut! it's soo cute! i heart it! wooo. okie, i'm spent. goodnight ^_^


my eyes hurt. oooow. like... it's too light. i mean bight. imean... BRIGHT. dammit all.

i went shopping today. didn't by anything good. because there was NOTHING good to buy. alas. my head reeeeally hurts.

good times were had by all tonight. a crazy guy at pancheros said i was gorgeous. i was like "uhh... *runs away*" and then he asked me and tim if tehre were any good parties. and we were like "no." boji likes tim... i dunno why. he didn't try to knock him over at all. crazy stuff.

i have so much to blog about... yet... my head hurts so much i can't focus. i'm just reeeeeeeeeeally tired. yeah. and i have to get up at like, 9am tomorrow. so, i'm going to bed. yeah.