
note: there should be one more ass guitar in the choreography liste below.

everyone, you seriously have to come to this show. and you have to tell me when you're coming!!! renata gets brownie points for saying WHEN she's coming, but loses some for not know how many tickets she needs. dusty has brownie points because he scoffed at me when i thought he wasn't coming, and was like "of COURSE i'lm coming to seee my favorite megan" and made me feel loved. but he loses a few for having no clue about when he's coming and whether he needs more than one ticket. and stuart loses brownie points for not only not knowing what's up, but for confusing me beyond belief (history repeats the old conceits... i'll give you a dollar if you tell me what song that's from. kismet and stuart are not allowed to answer.) and... andrea and aric get points ... because i love them.

i just e-mailed devin. but i hit send to early. so it's a very short and not terribly informative e-mail. so i e-mailed him again. it's a little longer and a little more informative.

i felt very popular. i got home from work and like four boys had called me. of course... one was chad... so that doesn't count. and one was my uncle... so that doesn't count. but two of them were legitimate boys. hehe. i amuse myself. work today was crappy. as usual. at least nicole wasn't there. so i didn't cry all night. *sniffle* and i didn't have to go to rehearsal tonight. my dad called me at work to tell me chad called and my dad's like "uh, i'm not exactly sure what this means, but chad said there's a change and you aren't called tonight. does that mean you don't have to come?" i was like "geez dad, learn the terminology." my dad and i are building "rocky's womb"... it's awesome. ask me and i'll draw you a picture. it's so damn cool. i designed it. because i'm just that awesome.

i'm going to bed now. because i have to work at nine tomorrow morning. nyaaaah. goooodnight.


i fixed my watch. kind of. it just needs buttons and it'll be good as new. i'm terribly impressed by how well it withstood being run over.

if anyone needs to know the choreography for Hot Patootie... its' as follows.

step one: fosse fosse fosse (start with your right foot)
step two: ass guitar with your left hand jazz hand with the right
step three: do the west side story "snap n stroll" as your cross
step four: repeat ass guitar
step five: do the space invader as you cross.
step six: repeat.

this is just how we wrote it all down. it's hilarious. "am i ass guitaring correctly?" but chad's gonna take the space invader out, because we all look like we're crazy "up with people" dancing. we got lots done, even though riff didn't get there til late (his gramma died, so he's... really sad. but he came anyway, so that he wouldn't just be sitting at home and being sad) and derek (brad) didn't get there til late, but he had the closing show of annie, AND he gave a curly fry, so he's 100% forgiven. though, he showed me his underwear... i was shocked. (he thought today was the day that him and tiffany had to actually do their scenes in just their underwear, so they could get used to it, and their costumes wouldn't be a total shock. so he had new banana repuplic underwear. very nice.) he's prolly gonna read this, and be appalled that i'm discussing his underwear. actually, i doubt he'd be appalled... aaaanywho...

my twin is finally rehearsing with us (he hasn't been at a rehearsal until today. so it was our first meeting! woo!) he's great, his name's whitney, and he's already getting everything figured out (he had to learn time warp, sweet transvesite, hot patootie and charles atlas song today. plus all sorts of music and blocking. wow.).

so, that's the story of rehearsal today. ryan (riff) and devin (rocky) and i went out to big mike's after rehearsal. and they made fun of me because i eat slow. i should add a rocky page... with like... the cast list, and such, so that i'm less confusing (and less confused myself.) i think i'm gonna do that! actually, i'm gonna ask erin to help me do that! yay! though, i think i understand what i need to do, but i wanna ask erin so i don't destroy anything. yeah. i'm gonna go to sleep, cuz i've got class... and voice lessons and... i work, AND have rehearsal tomorrow. and then i work, and have class AND rehearsal on tuesday (and i have to pick up devin on tuesday...) and wednesday...i only have class! and thursday... i only have class and work! and friday i only have class! and saturday... i think all i have is set construction stuff... and... sunday i only have rehearsal! woo!
ah. rob, last time you called my house was the 20th. so, if you're calling and calling and calling and no one's answering.... problem's on your end.

i lost my fucking watch today. but i found it. but it had been run over. and now i'm crying. because i can never keep anything nice. i'm so irresponsible, and that's why my dad didn't want to buy me a nice watch for my birthday, because i'd just lose it. just like i lost my phone, and my ring, and my coat, and anything else of value that i own. i'm so disorganized, and irresponsible, and vain, and petty, and stupid, and i could really go on for hours. i'm so upset. i was pissed when i lost my phone, but this is seriously too much. why do i always have to be such a fuck up when it comes to this kind of thing? goddammit.


i love how my printer always scares the crap out of me. i'm like *clicks, Print* ... *printer makes noise as it starts printing* and i'm like "AAAH! *jumps*" you think i'd expect it to start printing... and it wouldnt' scare me. but it always does. aaah i just printed something else, and i jumped AGAIN. i'm such a nerd.

hey matt, i lost your number. i assumed i put it in my pocket... but... the pants i was wearing last night didn't have any pockets, so... call me, and don't take it personally if i don't call you. i'm still looking for it though!

rehearsal was awesome today. staged sweet transvestite. hiiiiilarious. and worked scenes 1-3. oh dear lord, it's going so welll! yay!

just jumped again. stupid printer.


alright. i just had to mention this.... everyone needs to convince renata that there are lots of pirates in iowa. especially around grinnell.
first renata, get the hell out of my heating ducts! ^_~ and, why were your parents like "megan's in a show! will it suck?" i feel sad. there's a lady who's involved with the show who TOTALLY reminds me of your mom. she's my pseudo-susan. and, isn't it "knock three times on the pipe if the answer is no"? so, are you rejecting me renata? (anyone who totally doesn't get that, read the comments for the last post. and comment yourself while you're there!)

kismet, my pet, they aren't extending the show. *sniffle* so, sadness ensues. you can all come sans mister davis (that makes me laugh. calling stu "mister davis" seriously made me giggle out loud.) aaaaah, i'll post it here when tickets go on sale.

dude, does everyone know rob's roomate james? no, none of you do. ha. well, he has a kick ass website, and i dont' remember the address. but i gave him THIS addresss. so, james, my pet, would you comment and tell me your site addy? puhleeeease?

so, uh, enough talking to specific people. today, let's see. theatre craft, which i was actually on time to (yeah!) i built a corner of a platform. and it was like "whee, this is fun, not like i didn't build these for EVERY show in high school." i love that class, but sometimes i feel like it's theatre craft for inbred chimps "now class, this is a screwdriver.... and this is a hammer..." "jim? what should i use with these nails??" "a hammer." "oh, okay." but, i'm getting off topic. anywho, after that i went to my anthropology lecture, and i looked everywhere for tricia. because i wanted to sit by her, but i couldn't find her, so i settled on sitting behind emily. oh, and the film we watched almost burned down the business school. very exciting. then i went to cafe Z with my dad for lunch. and it was INCREDIBLE. so good. oh my god. and not that exspensive. like, it was $30 including tip for the two of us. for some of the best food i've ever eaten. yeah. then i had masterpieces. which was a joke. and made me want to leap off of a tall building. but, i didn't. then i worked at my dad's for awhile. long enough to get all dusty. (speaking of dusty..... i miss him.) and then... i came home and fell asleep. then i went to dance.... and was accosted by all the greeks who were like... standing outside the union... then i went to the java house, and ran into matt (one of the people i've met at good old java house. not the accountant i was talking about last time... i think the only ones who would know him would be emily and kismet... remember? emily started her story without me because i was talking to him? it was last wednesday...) and we ended up hanging out until like... just now. and now i'm home. and the walls/ducts are still making noise. i'm a wee bit frightened. the end.


so, rocky rehearsal tonight. rosetints my world. wooo. oh god, derek and tiffany are SO funny as brad and janet at the beginning. and... everyone's so much fun. to use an old sonic term, michele is seriously sex on a stick. chad'll be like "we need something sexy for magenta here..." and she's just like "BAM!" and there it is. wow. great stuff.

i'm not gonna really talk about rehearsals here, because... the show's gotta be top secret, yo. but, i will say... tickets go on sale soon, $16, $13 for students, $12 if you order from me. and schedule is as follows.....

30th -preview - 7:30
31st -opening - 7:30

1st -two shows -7:30 and 10:30
2nd -two shows - 7:30 and 10:30
7th -show - 7:30
8th -two shows - 7:30 and 10:30
9th -two shows - 7:30 and 10:30

it's gonna be an incredible show, PLEASE try to make it. tickets are going to go very quickly, so if you are going to trek in to iowa city for the show, pleeeease tell me soon, so i can get an idea of what ticket orders will be like.

i can already tell the final quotes section from rocky is going to be HILARIOUS. "brad, please use your indoor voice!" "you all need to smack your asses in unison. let's try it one more time." "is that a wireless mic in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" "foot up the butt, foot up the butt!"

i'm such a java house groupie these days. i seriously can't study unless i'm there. look for me guys, i'm alway sitting at teh front counter, looking out the window. i've met someone new every time i've been there since school started. it's awesome. and everyone thinks it's so cool that i'm doing theatre. like, to me... that's just how life is. and will be, forever. but... like, this guy tonight... accountant or something, jsut like... BLOWN AWAY when i was like "oh, i'm a theatre major, but i'm doing a comm. theatre production of rocky horror right now..." i felt very special.

our house has been making some creepy noises lately. i thought it was the cat, like crawling around in the walls (he does that sometimes) but... he's sleeping on my shelf... so... something ELSE is crawling around in the heating ducts. i put put boxes in front of all my heat vents. so that whatever it is doesn't wildy burst into my room. so the moral of all that is... if you never hear fro me again.... whatever it was that's in the walls got me.


ok, so kyle... i'm sorry but i'm not going to be your asm twin. because... i guess i'm doing ensemble in the show now? crazy shit. so, you should all come see me.

in other news, stu in minneapolis yesterday. fooking awesome. band show, katie todd opening (could she be any sweeter?? i don't think she could.) much fun had by all. high lights included ...

~the big intimidating bartender
~matt (stu's drummer) wearing stu's "i just wanna rock" shirt
~me ROCKING the merch table (yeah, i was a cd selling machine. woooo me.
~meeting damon! from dream usher! oh my god! he's so great. hi damon!
~meeting rob the street team coordinator!! also an awesome guy. wooonderful.
~lunch at tak shing's chinese today... mmm.
~stuart singing "whip it" at lunch (complete with glasses and minor dance moves)
~stuart dropping an owl down my shirt (it was a little metal owl on a necklace, and he was trying to put it over my head... but somewhere it all went terribly wrong, resulting in a very cold owl in my shirt.)
~bonding with kismet, YAY road trips!!
~the awesome hostel where we stayed (wonderful wonderful place)
~aaaand... lots of tickets, parking and speeding ^_~

i'm off to bed now, because i've gotta meet with chad (director) tomorrow, and then pick up devin (rocky) before rehearsal... at either two or four. so, i'll talk to everyone later! love to kismet! muchos gracias for everything this weekend!


kyle!! i love you too!! and it WOULD rock if we were asm AND toast twins.

paulina's in on the *wink wink*s regarding josh *nod* boy, kyle.. you'd be in too if you'd seen this guy. dude, he's so going to find this, and like, come up to me at rehearsal and be like "so, you think i'm hot." and i'll be like "yes. *stares*" actually i'll be like "ooh my god! i'm so embarrassed! *hides*" no. i think he knows i think he's hot. i'm not too subtle. example: "*rawr!* i mean... hi josh..." naaah, i'm kidding. ok, moving on....

had some big java house meetings today. ran into rob, met two of his friends... it was cool... then kismet and emily came. THEN... this guy came in, and he looked SO familiar, but i couldn't figure out how i knew him... and he comes up and is like "you're the theatre girl!" and i'm like "yes, yes i am....?" and he's like "we talked... like... the second day of classes... you were sitting in the window, and i was sitting in the window too, and we talked for like... a half hour!" only, like, we never told eachother our names... it was so random. so, his name's matt. (and, i'm still megan. not meagan.. *coughchadcough*) and it was neat. we talked for along time again. goodtimes.

it's late, and i'm tired. goooodnight.


la. little things seem to be done going wrong. but my PHONE is gone! im' gonna shoot myself, i'm so mad. there's NO where except my car that it could be. even ryan (riff in rocky) SAW me grab it when i got in the car. so like, unless abby ganked it... it HAS to be in my car. and it ISNT' *sob sob* so. news. i'm assistant stage managing rocky horror show at city circle. i'm hella HELLA excited about it. it's gonna be great. i love tech so so so much. i always forget, and am like "ACTING! i want to be and actress!" then, i'm like "eeh... tech..." but as soon as i start, i'm like ":yaaaaay!"

gonna be a great show, lots of neat people in the cast, josh madigan is doing sound design (*wink wink* abi... "uh, i have to... um... go over to the sound table... to uh... give this flash light to josh!" "translation: i'm going to walk over there and stare at josh some more") so. yes. minneapolis on friday. woo wooo! *gasp* friends is on! i have to go!


it's incredible how so many little things can all go wrong all at once.


i'll just tell this as i told dusty because i'm really upset ...

i was on my way home from dance, and i'im driving down my road, in the middle of nowhere, and i see an animal lying in the middle of the road... normally i just make an effort to not run whatever it is over... but it looked like a cat, so i slowed way down, because i could see it's white stomach... and *my* cat has a white stomach, so i was worried... but then i saw it was grey spotted ... and it was my best friend from like... elementary's cat... so, i took him back up to her mom's house, and he was still breathing, but he died before she could call the vet or anything...and he was like 13 years old. i remember when they got him, and he was just a kitten...

for those of you who knew me in elementary... and even like, jr. high and a little bit of high school.. it was rachel's cat, hermie. it' REALLY sad. i keep thinking i'm ok... and i just start crying. jenny (rachel's mom) said she'd only let him out like... five minutes before. it's SO crappy. *sigh*


i'm so tired. and vaguely cranky. and, about the stuart set list, they will be a while in coming... as i forgot what i did with them. they're ... somewhere, i'm sure. but... i dunno where, prolly a pocket. of the jeans in the wash.. crap. i would blog lots. like, about all that stuff i mentioned last post... but i'm in a bad mood. since school started, i have NO time to myself. really, no time... period. and, i'm working, and now i'm changing jobs, and EVERYONE wants to hang out, or wants a favor (no favors. no one gets a favor. i dont' care who you are, or what you want... NO favors. i've done more than enough in the past week.) i just want to sleep. but i CAN'T. *sob*


i have lots to blog about. two new stuart set lists. an account of my weekend, including the details of the following...

~spath the plant
~hour long layover in altoona
~"don't worry, i *promise* i'll play chow down." *grr*
~sleeping in the crevasse
~"there will be no hammering this morning."
~perkins (times two. adam, and josh)
~the amazing disappearing travis (or, the amazing never showing up in the first place travis)
~my monologue's public debut
~guys shaving armpits.
~aaaand more!!!

however, i'm off to bed for now. because i'm SO tired. oh god. goooodnight.


so guess what i did tonight! i met rockapella. yeah. you read that right. i met rockapella. YEAH. it was awesome. there's a whole story to it, but i've been so hella busy planning stuff and going to school... and just going insane... i just don't have time to blog it all. but yeah. it was AWESOME. one of them was like "hey, are you meg?" and i was like "uuh, yeah..." and he's like "soome guy at the cd signing in the lobby said to tell you hi. um... rob. does he have a crush on you or something?" and iw as like "Ah! oh! that's my boyfriend. hehe. yes. hm." and i told scott leonard that i have "spike lee does it a cappella" on a tape alongside saturday morning cartoons. that's just how long i've been a fan. he was like "wow. that's from a loooong time ago, how old were you then?" and i was like. "um.. seven, maybe six." it was SO cool. they sang carmen sandiego. and the folgers song, and shambala, and long cool woman in a black dress, and i am your man, and pretty woman, and stand by me... and... use me, and moments of you... and let's get away from it all... and... yeah. TWO encores. i didn't write a set list. but... that's just me remmebering off the top of my head. oh, and here comes the sun. and summertime blues. and smile in my heart from you. but dude, barry's gone. the new guy's awesome though.

in other news..... i was looking out the window at rob's house, spying on the frat boys, (acutally, spying on two lit up, empty rooms) when SUDDENLY.... a naked guy walks into one of the rooms. i'm like "AAAAAAAAH!" so i ran into james's room and was like "AAH!" and he thought it was hilarious. and was like "hey, hope you learned your lessson, don't look out our windows!!" then i ran back and checked on the guy... and he'd put on a shirt and boxers, so i told james about it. and promised further bulletiens as events warrant.

rob's birthday was nice. yaaay happy birthday yesterday! i'm so tired. tomorrow i've got class at 8:30. gooooodnight.,


first, a rough draft soundtrack of me. inspired by travis. (no, not kismet's travis.)

and she was - the talking heads
sexy messiah - stuart davis
pixie - ani
hope - rem
giving in - stuart
veronica - elvis costello
other side of summer - elvis costello
even the devil is god - stuart
wildflowers - tom petty
louder than words - ttb (corny.. but i *love* that song)
human girl - stuart
never give up on the good times - spice girls


next, something i read that made me laugh out loud.... it's from a valid press review. do your research people!

"Fatone portrays his character in a very different mode than Adam Rapp, who originated the role."

i'm sure a few people get why that's funny. anthony. anthony rapp originated the role. *adam* pascal played roger. as someone on the boards said "and i suppose anthony pascal was the obc roger?" hmm does anthony have a brother named adam? who wrote a book? or is that phillip? or wait... i think phillip rapp played saxophone at my high school. but he kinda looked like anthony. hrm. how confusing.

stuart this weekend. DOUBLE stuart. woo. which reminds me, i need to e-mail him about saturday evening. i'll go do that now.