well, i'm at devin's but he's in the shower. but, i'm late picking him up, so one would assume he would have showered already. but apparently not. opening night tonight! aaaaaaaaah! and yes kyle and abi, i'm the one in a black shirt and jeans (well, whitney's wearing the same thing... so... i'm the girl... but i assume you figured that out.) i'm so so so so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for tonight. but, i feel really bad about having not blogged for so long. oh, and... renata.... *i* had a dream about me and tim currry. only in my dream, tim curry came to the show. and he didn't like us. crazy shit. ok, devin's back (well, not quite, but i can hear him outside. ok, now he's here. so i'm gonna go.
i was gonna sit down and type a nice long blog... but now i'm not going to because i have to go to dress rehearsal. and my dearest r3t2... i am very able to help with stu stuff. i'll email you soon.
la. i'm killing time. i dont' like this keyboard. so, disregard any typing errors. they aren't my fault.
did everyone go read the article? because... if you didn't, you need to go do that NOW. before you read anymore here. my fingers are really cold. i'm wearing a really ugly outfit because i had to wear it for the filming we were doing today. grrr.
we had load in all day today. well, we really only had to be there for 3 hours each, but i came at 8 and helped till about 3. got so so so much done. i painted, i put legs on platforms, i assembled walls, i hung lights, i carried in giant boxes of props, i hung a gigantic sheet of black plastic on the wall... good times were had by all. tiffany and i were working on the plastic, and i was like "i don't feeel good... i just feel... ugh." and she's like "are you feeling done in? like you couldn't win?" (the opening lines of toucha touch me.) and i was terribly amused. also, i got to ride in derek's sexy jeep liberty. which had 1642 miles on it. niiice. and a heated seat. i was like "ah, i love you derek." i could live in his car. oh, speaking of derek, his co-coach was looking for a girlfriend for him, and pointed me out. and he's like "uh, she's 12 years younger than me.. veto." but i'm gonna call him in ten years.
we have cue to cue tomorrow (i originally typed cute to cute. i was like "awwwwwwwwwwwwww.") aaaaaaaaand tech rehearsal, AND we're preforming at the alley cat at... ten. i think. during the drag show. come see us, it's gonna be hella sexy.
you know, i could type a lot more if i didnt' have to put up with this terrible terrible keyboard. it's driving me nuts. like, the keys feel... like they stick. and if you touch the space bar for more than a billionth of a second you end up with TONS of spaces. on an entirely unrelated note... i need to update. like... everything. and i want to put my resume up. any maybe my head shots. ok. this keyboard is getting to be way toooooo much. so, i'm going. goooooooooooooooooooodbye.
did everyone go read the article? because... if you didn't, you need to go do that NOW. before you read anymore here. my fingers are really cold. i'm wearing a really ugly outfit because i had to wear it for the filming we were doing today. grrr.
we had load in all day today. well, we really only had to be there for 3 hours each, but i came at 8 and helped till about 3. got so so so much done. i painted, i put legs on platforms, i assembled walls, i hung lights, i carried in giant boxes of props, i hung a gigantic sheet of black plastic on the wall... good times were had by all. tiffany and i were working on the plastic, and i was like "i don't feeel good... i just feel... ugh." and she's like "are you feeling done in? like you couldn't win?" (the opening lines of toucha touch me.) and i was terribly amused. also, i got to ride in derek's sexy jeep liberty. which had 1642 miles on it. niiice. and a heated seat. i was like "ah, i love you derek." i could live in his car. oh, speaking of derek, his co-coach was looking for a girlfriend for him, and pointed me out. and he's like "uh, she's 12 years younger than me.. veto." but i'm gonna call him in ten years.
we have cue to cue tomorrow (i originally typed cute to cute. i was like "awwwwwwwwwwwwww.") aaaaaaaaand tech rehearsal, AND we're preforming at the alley cat at... ten. i think. during the drag show. come see us, it's gonna be hella sexy.
you know, i could type a lot more if i didnt' have to put up with this terrible terrible keyboard. it's driving me nuts. like, the keys feel... like they stick. and if you touch the space bar for more than a billionth of a second you end up with TONS of spaces. on an entirely unrelated note... i need to update. like... everything. and i want to put my resume up. any maybe my head shots. ok. this keyboard is getting to be way toooooo much. so, i'm going. goooooooooooooooooooodbye.
Hey! everyone should go read the article that was in the press citizen!!
listening: wake me up before you go go... ( i don't know who it's by. wham maybe? dont' they do that one song? the WOOOOHOOO one? uh, but anyhow...)
rehearsal was hella fun... and we were all the paper today. and it was awesome. load in on saturday! woo. i'm so tired. i'm going to bed. i can't remember the quotes i wanted to remember. dammit all. i should have written them down. i know ryan said one. and derek said one. and OTHER ryan said one. crazy stuff.
rehearsal was hella fun... and we were all the paper today. and it was awesome. load in on saturday! woo. i'm so tired. i'm going to bed. i can't remember the quotes i wanted to remember. dammit all. i should have written them down. i know ryan said one. and derek said one. and OTHER ryan said one. crazy stuff.
listening: i'm gonna be a supermodel, jill sobule. (thaaaaaaank you devin ^_^)
i really don't have anything to say. but i AM gonna be a super model. because i'm young. and i'm hip. and so beautiful.
i really don't have anything to say. but i AM gonna be a super model. because i'm young. and i'm hip. and so beautiful.
ooh abi. that comment made me laugh so hard. a goy and a birl. booooooooooooooooooorn to cleeeeeeeeeeeeeean. good times.
listening: ahoooot tonight. ("aaahoooot tonight, what is she canandian??" "yes, yes she is.") (and yes, its a boot with dom. dooom. "i love doom's nose ring!" i'm glad it's dom and not saycon. because we all know that "satan disregards all that is mimi." *laughs to self* ok. enough. THIS is why i never do 'listening' it gets so distracting.)
r3t2 it is. i have been set straight. thank goodness. and hey! he's coming to iowa city on the 17th! yes he is, dont' pay any attention to anything he says otherwise.
abi, deja vu? is it what i think it is?! maybe i'm just weird and it has nothing to do with that.... uh. but if it does... *Shudder* are you going to hamm's show? are you coming to my show? we need to have a sleep over!! whenever i do stage makeup now, i'm always like "*sings* iiiiii have a nooooose!!!!... *sniffle* i miss abi."
rehearsal last night was so fucking awesome. first time with the band. like, i've never seen a first time with the band go so well. we were good! we didn't suck! and then we all went to the vine. where stefanie drank... like one drink. and was dropping stuff and giggling. and derek paid for everything. even though everyone tried to give him money. so i wrote "i *heart* brad" on his jeep when we went outside. he's like "i love brad. AWWWWWW." i do though. especially when he's running around in his underwear with a cowboy hat and safety goggles. everyone had costumes last night. except me and whitney and michael (dr. scott). whitney and i were the gap twins. (jeans, black t shirts, new balance sneakers...) and when we were with michael, we were the all american family. though, we got to see some of our costumes ... they're all almost done. OH god that reminds me. if you won't come to the show to see me... come to see michele (magenta)'s costume. wow. ok, i'm really cold and kind of hungry. so i'm going to go away.. and possibly find somewhere warm to read my book (re-read. bill bryson, sunburned country.... SO funny)
r3t2 it is. i have been set straight. thank goodness. and hey! he's coming to iowa city on the 17th! yes he is, dont' pay any attention to anything he says otherwise.
abi, deja vu? is it what i think it is?! maybe i'm just weird and it has nothing to do with that.... uh. but if it does... *Shudder* are you going to hamm's show? are you coming to my show? we need to have a sleep over!! whenever i do stage makeup now, i'm always like "*sings* iiiiii have a nooooose!!!!... *sniffle* i miss abi."
rehearsal last night was so fucking awesome. first time with the band. like, i've never seen a first time with the band go so well. we were good! we didn't suck! and then we all went to the vine. where stefanie drank... like one drink. and was dropping stuff and giggling. and derek paid for everything. even though everyone tried to give him money. so i wrote "i *heart* brad" on his jeep when we went outside. he's like "i love brad. AWWWWWW." i do though. especially when he's running around in his underwear with a cowboy hat and safety goggles. everyone had costumes last night. except me and whitney and michael (dr. scott). whitney and i were the gap twins. (jeans, black t shirts, new balance sneakers...) and when we were with michael, we were the all american family. though, we got to see some of our costumes ... they're all almost done. OH god that reminds me. if you won't come to the show to see me... come to see michele (magenta)'s costume. wow. ok, i'm really cold and kind of hungry. so i'm going to go away.. and possibly find somewhere warm to read my book (re-read. bill bryson, sunburned country.... SO funny)
i swear to god i blogged last night. but... it's not here... maybe i didn't. um.
and rob to the third, wouldn't it be r2t3? not r3t2? or maybe stuart flipped them around to mess with us. it's a possibility. no one except us and kismet know what i'm talking about. hehee.
hey, they're taking pictures at rehearsal tonight! whitney and i coordinated our outfits again. and there's gonna be a HUGE article about us in the press citizen 'GO' section on thursday.
total sidenote: i love that luke always says 'czech ya later' it amuses the hell out of me. i'm gonna go call devin because he's ignoring my im.
and rob to the third, wouldn't it be r2t3? not r3t2? or maybe stuart flipped them around to mess with us. it's a possibility. no one except us and kismet know what i'm talking about. hehee.
hey, they're taking pictures at rehearsal tonight! whitney and i coordinated our outfits again. and there's gonna be a HUGE article about us in the press citizen 'GO' section on thursday.
total sidenote: i love that luke always says 'czech ya later' it amuses the hell out of me. i'm gonna go call devin because he's ignoring my im.
listening: good person inside, jill sobule.
i heart jill sobule. however. i don't have a copy of "i wanna be a supermodel" which i neeeeeed.
i'm really sleepy. i think i'm going to take a nap until 1, theni'll go to masterpieces. aka art history for inbred chimps. (the people from del's comp sci class should all come meet my masterpieces lecture) i'm wasting valuable nap time... and i don't think i have anything to say. oh, i could relate my embarassing underwear story from rehearsal....
aah. well, see i wasn't wearing underwear yesterday. and then i got to rehearsal and micheal's like "megan sweetie come here!" and michael's the the costume man. so i'm like "oooh fuck." because i just KNEW he wanted me to try on my tear away pants. so i go in to the dressing room, and he's like "try these on!" and hands me a pair of pants. and i'm like "*cough* i'm not wearing any underwear." and him and whitney just started CRACKING up. whitney's like "oh my god, you're so dirty!" and i was embarrassed. so, they both left so i could try my pants on in privacy.... and whitney's waiting outside, and he's like "what, did you just forget to put on underwear this morning?!" reeeally loud. so later, ryan's like "so, you forgot your underwear, eh?" aaah, it was goodtimes.
in other news, i compiled a quotes page for rocky. i don't think i'll put it up til later though. and i'm gonna give everyone a copy at the cast party.
i heart jill sobule. however. i don't have a copy of "i wanna be a supermodel" which i neeeeeed.
i'm really sleepy. i think i'm going to take a nap until 1, theni'll go to masterpieces. aka art history for inbred chimps. (the people from del's comp sci class should all come meet my masterpieces lecture) i'm wasting valuable nap time... and i don't think i have anything to say. oh, i could relate my embarassing underwear story from rehearsal....
aah. well, see i wasn't wearing underwear yesterday. and then i got to rehearsal and micheal's like "megan sweetie come here!" and michael's the the costume man. so i'm like "oooh fuck." because i just KNEW he wanted me to try on my tear away pants. so i go in to the dressing room, and he's like "try these on!" and hands me a pair of pants. and i'm like "*cough* i'm not wearing any underwear." and him and whitney just started CRACKING up. whitney's like "oh my god, you're so dirty!" and i was embarrassed. so, they both left so i could try my pants on in privacy.... and whitney's waiting outside, and he's like "what, did you just forget to put on underwear this morning?!" reeeally loud. so later, ryan's like "so, you forgot your underwear, eh?" aaah, it was goodtimes.
in other news, i compiled a quotes page for rocky. i don't think i'll put it up til later though. and i'm gonna give everyone a copy at the cast party.
listening: i kissed a girl, jill sobule
i never do "listening" anymore. maybe i should make an effort to do that... hmmm. i think i will! *gasp* how exciting this all is!
so, today i slept til like.... 2:30. with rehearsal at three. so i was minorly late getting devin. and my hair was all wet all day. and i had to come home and take a shower again so i could dry my hair so it would look right for the movie thing. but then we didn't film today. whatever. ANYhow... rehearsal today was good times. we didn't run the show, which i thought we were gonna do, but... *shrug* we did scene 9 and scene 10 (eddie's teddy and the floorshow) and the orgy for the floor show is looking a lot better, as is the "pulling someone into your pelvis" dance. my favorite quote of today was "look happier guys! you're having an orgy! orgies are fun! i mean... i've READ that orgie's are fun." chad's so funny. stefanie was like "oh god we should be keeping track of all this" and i was like "i AM!!" maybe i'll give everyone a nice little copy at the end of the show. also, scott (dr. frank) wasn't wearing his high heels today, so he was dancing around... and we determined that "dr. frankenfurter is.... THE LORD OF THE DANCE!"
i kind of want to blog about something really terrible and crappy that happened on friday morning, but i really only shared it with people who are very close to me, because i've come to think of death as a very private thing. this death especially. so, i'll leave it at saying that... if you're around me and i suddenly become very sad... that's why. i've been a little mood swingy since it happened.
all that aside, i'm going to bed now, i'm so exhausted.
i never do "listening" anymore. maybe i should make an effort to do that... hmmm. i think i will! *gasp* how exciting this all is!
so, today i slept til like.... 2:30. with rehearsal at three. so i was minorly late getting devin. and my hair was all wet all day. and i had to come home and take a shower again so i could dry my hair so it would look right for the movie thing. but then we didn't film today. whatever. ANYhow... rehearsal today was good times. we didn't run the show, which i thought we were gonna do, but... *shrug* we did scene 9 and scene 10 (eddie's teddy and the floorshow) and the orgy for the floor show is looking a lot better, as is the "pulling someone into your pelvis" dance. my favorite quote of today was "look happier guys! you're having an orgy! orgies are fun! i mean... i've READ that orgie's are fun." chad's so funny. stefanie was like "oh god we should be keeping track of all this" and i was like "i AM!!" maybe i'll give everyone a nice little copy at the end of the show. also, scott (dr. frank) wasn't wearing his high heels today, so he was dancing around... and we determined that "dr. frankenfurter is.... THE LORD OF THE DANCE!"
i kind of want to blog about something really terrible and crappy that happened on friday morning, but i really only shared it with people who are very close to me, because i've come to think of death as a very private thing. this death especially. so, i'll leave it at saying that... if you're around me and i suddenly become very sad... that's why. i've been a little mood swingy since it happened.
all that aside, i'm going to bed now, i'm so exhausted.
so, today we've been shooting the film thing all day. it's pretty cool. and i threatened them, if they don't behave devin's gonna beat them to a bloody pulp! not really though. well, maybe really. it's up to devin. i'm talking to annnndreeeeeeea.
megan: i've seen aric TWICE this week
megan: and he darted me BOTH times
andrea: oh you lucky you
andrea: i want to watch!
"i heart darting you!" goood times.
i'm also listening to rent! wow! i haven't done that in a loooong time. i'm also enjoying a lollipop. i sent stuart an email today about lollipops, and rob to the power of three. (to be known from here on out as robttpot... or maybe robttt (rob to the third)) i just don't like rob3. it doesn't look good. i'm gonna get going, i'll leave you with these. . . .
"Ok, Jad and Branet, you're stage left."
"be more impressed, frank grew him... from like... a bean." re: rocky
"you look like a bunch of grazing cows! i need less cows, more sensual."
megan: i've seen aric TWICE this week
megan: and he darted me BOTH times
andrea: oh you lucky you
andrea: i want to watch!
"i heart darting you!" goood times.
i'm also listening to rent! wow! i haven't done that in a loooong time. i'm also enjoying a lollipop. i sent stuart an email today about lollipops, and rob to the power of three. (to be known from here on out as robttpot... or maybe robttt (rob to the third)) i just don't like rob3. it doesn't look good. i'm gonna get going, i'll leave you with these. . . .
"Ok, Jad and Branet, you're stage left."
"be more impressed, frank grew him... from like... a bean." re: rocky
"you look like a bunch of grazing cows! i need less cows, more sensual."
oh my god! i forgot! i saw marin today! panera marin who moved away to go to school! i randomly decided to go find luke, and i'm wandering around currier with devin (who wasn't wearing pants, but that's another story) and so i find luke, and marin's there! and i'm like "aaah!!" and we hug and gossip and hug and such. marin! oh i missed her soo much, i can't believe i left this out of my first post. sheesh! and some girl in the hall was all rude and bitchy and asked me and devin if we were high, because we were just walking around because i had no clue where luke's room was. i felt quite insulted. since i dont' drink, or smoke anything at all, or do anything even remotely bad. i'm such a straight edge, no kidding.
one more thing.... we were doing notes after the run tonight... and i must say, notes are my favorite part, because chad can never remember exactly what his notes mean... so he's like "hmmm 'great sword.'*thinks...* what does that mean... *thinks* OH! great job on sword of damocles everyone, it's looking nice. ok.. 'don't enjoy riff...' hmmm OH! brad, you're afraid of riff, you dont' want him. so... don't be so into him... etc etc" it's so funny. "more touching!" "ass smack!!!" i should compile a list of just the actual notes, they amuse me so so much (and yes, i realize i'm the only one who's amused, but it's my page and i can do what i want. *sticks tongue out in a defiant manner* ^_^)
one more thing.... we were doing notes after the run tonight... and i must say, notes are my favorite part, because chad can never remember exactly what his notes mean... so he's like "hmmm 'great sword.'*thinks...* what does that mean... *thinks* OH! great job on sword of damocles everyone, it's looking nice. ok.. 'don't enjoy riff...' hmmm OH! brad, you're afraid of riff, you dont' want him. so... don't be so into him... etc etc" it's so funny. "more touching!" "ass smack!!!" i should compile a list of just the actual notes, they amuse me so so much (and yes, i realize i'm the only one who's amused, but it's my page and i can do what i want. *sticks tongue out in a defiant manner* ^_^)
dude! does everyone remember stuart's new street team guy? i blogged about him a looong time ago, his name's rob (rob to the power of three) and he's awesome, and i'm going to run away to canada with him? (ok, i made that last part up... but, everyone remembers, right?) well, i gave him my website address back when i was in minneapolis, and he emailed me today and said all sorts of nice things about it. it was a wonderful end to my day... and i had a very good day over all, so i will go to bed a happy girl tonight.
so, my good day. let's see, i got up nice and early and went to work, oh, and speaking of work... i'm missing two pairs of my work pants. how did i manage to lose two pairs of pants?! what the hell?! grrr. i hate when stuff like that happens. but i did buy the best polo shirt ever in the little boys department at walmart. it's the only polo i have now that isn't like... big enough i could make a tent and live in it. ANYhow... i worked. i don't remember much except i danced for tricia... and.. oh! i made this GIANT phone in order all by myself. 25 sandwichs. and i labeled everything so nice. but no one appreciated my beautiful bag labeling, and pickle spear wrapping. *sniff* it was gorgeous.
sidenote: dusty got my letter/card/rocky tickets today! yay! and he fully appreciated the giant lip print on the back ^_^ (i found a real stamp, btw, i didn't just draw one.)
so, after work coby came over and decided whether or not they wanted to use my room to film. and they do. and it's so messy (actually not really that bad... but... still) aaand, i need to organize my cds. they're exploding everywhere. too many tooooo many. and like.. i have giant stacks of papers and binders and scripts and magazines all over the area around my desk. that needs to get tidied too.
theeen i went to class. rhetoric to be precise. and this guy... who is so bizarre... but in a good way... came into class like a half hour late. because he was watching the sopranos. i was like "uuh. no." but, he said he's gonna come to see rocky horror. so i forgive him for being tom greenish.
THEN (boy i had a long day), i went and got devin, and we went and got our pictures taken by the crazy photographer, who kept saying he wished my and whitney were his children. and we were like "what? you want incestuous teenage twins? weird." and whitney had a minor clothing crisis (we coordinated what we were gonna wear, but his pants were in des moines, and his shirt was dirty... but it didn't really matter.)and was late, and very flustered, but we were the best... seriously...everyone took ten minutes except us. we were just like... so beautiful and perfect it took like three. yeeeah us. then chad was like "GO STRAIGHT TO REHEARSAL!" and everyone went and got food first. like, EVERYONE. i got there with my burger king, and everyone else had arby's and subway. so we all ate our disgusting fast food in a big cluster out in the "audience" and then... *drumroll* ... we began our first full run of the show. and it was TERRIBLE. oh god. i couldn't have screwed up more! why is it that the first run is always so terrible? so ridiculously awful? uuuuugh. i couldn't even do the time warp right. ANYone can do the time warp right, the dance is in the freaken song!! grr.but, we survived, made it through. it'll go better on sunday. *sigh*
then devin and me and his roommate and someone named steve hung out and celebrated chris's (roommate) birthday. and ate cheese cake. it was quite amusing. QUITE. and now i'm going to read for a bit, then go to sleep,so i can go to my stupid freaking masterpieces discussion tomorrow morning. blaaah. oh, hey i wore my new grey sweater today. it's beeautiful. ididn't wear my tights though. i'll let you know when i do ^_^
i'm sure i had more to say, but this has already been a very indepth account of today, it wore me out. so i'm going to bed. gooodnight!
so, my good day. let's see, i got up nice and early and went to work, oh, and speaking of work... i'm missing two pairs of my work pants. how did i manage to lose two pairs of pants?! what the hell?! grrr. i hate when stuff like that happens. but i did buy the best polo shirt ever in the little boys department at walmart. it's the only polo i have now that isn't like... big enough i could make a tent and live in it. ANYhow... i worked. i don't remember much except i danced for tricia... and.. oh! i made this GIANT phone in order all by myself. 25 sandwichs. and i labeled everything so nice. but no one appreciated my beautiful bag labeling, and pickle spear wrapping. *sniff* it was gorgeous.
sidenote: dusty got my letter/card/rocky tickets today! yay! and he fully appreciated the giant lip print on the back ^_^ (i found a real stamp, btw, i didn't just draw one.)
so, after work coby came over and decided whether or not they wanted to use my room to film. and they do. and it's so messy (actually not really that bad... but... still) aaand, i need to organize my cds. they're exploding everywhere. too many tooooo many. and like.. i have giant stacks of papers and binders and scripts and magazines all over the area around my desk. that needs to get tidied too.
theeen i went to class. rhetoric to be precise. and this guy... who is so bizarre... but in a good way... came into class like a half hour late. because he was watching the sopranos. i was like "uuh. no." but, he said he's gonna come to see rocky horror. so i forgive him for being tom greenish.
THEN (boy i had a long day), i went and got devin, and we went and got our pictures taken by the crazy photographer, who kept saying he wished my and whitney were his children. and we were like "what? you want incestuous teenage twins? weird." and whitney had a minor clothing crisis (we coordinated what we were gonna wear, but his pants were in des moines, and his shirt was dirty... but it didn't really matter.)and was late, and very flustered, but we were the best... seriously...everyone took ten minutes except us. we were just like... so beautiful and perfect it took like three. yeeeah us. then chad was like "GO STRAIGHT TO REHEARSAL!" and everyone went and got food first. like, EVERYONE. i got there with my burger king, and everyone else had arby's and subway. so we all ate our disgusting fast food in a big cluster out in the "audience" and then... *drumroll* ... we began our first full run of the show. and it was TERRIBLE. oh god. i couldn't have screwed up more! why is it that the first run is always so terrible? so ridiculously awful? uuuuugh. i couldn't even do the time warp right. ANYone can do the time warp right, the dance is in the freaken song!! grr.but, we survived, made it through. it'll go better on sunday. *sigh*
then devin and me and his roommate and someone named steve hung out and celebrated chris's (roommate) birthday. and ate cheese cake. it was quite amusing. QUITE. and now i'm going to read for a bit, then go to sleep,so i can go to my stupid freaking masterpieces discussion tomorrow morning. blaaah. oh, hey i wore my new grey sweater today. it's beeautiful. ididn't wear my tights though. i'll let you know when i do ^_^
i'm sure i had more to say, but this has already been a very indepth account of today, it wore me out. so i'm going to bed. gooodnight!
it's hump day! happy hump day everyone!
i haven't been spending money at all lately...but today... *hangs head* i bought a new sweater. AND a new pair of tights. *sniffle* my dad bought me new shoes too. but since i didn't spend anything on those i get to enjoy them guilt free. see, what happened is.. well.. you know my beloved vasque hiking shoe things? that i wear EVERY day? well, one of them broke. like, a metal lace holder thing fell off. and ripped the outside. so we took it back to the store... since they're only a month old, and they were like... ninety dollars. and they said that we have to send them all the way to vasque, like the actual company. and they'll either fix them or send new ones. but, it'll take two weeks. and i didn't have any shoes (i actually have 33 other pairs. no exaggeration... but none are suitable for biking and walking all over the place... well, my skechers are... but they're falling apart... all three pairs. stupid crappy skechers.) SOOO we went to famous footwear. but they were hella exspensive. so we went to kohls, and the shoe i got were on sale for $40. and we'd looked at the same ones at the other place for sixty. so really, we were saving money, not unnecessarily spending it... yes.
i'm still room cleaning. it's not much fun. boooo messy rooms. boooo. but i'm making some head way. it would help if it weren't freezing in here. it's hard to clean while wrapped in a down comforter. anywho, back to cleaning.
i haven't been spending money at all lately...but today... *hangs head* i bought a new sweater. AND a new pair of tights. *sniffle* my dad bought me new shoes too. but since i didn't spend anything on those i get to enjoy them guilt free. see, what happened is.. well.. you know my beloved vasque hiking shoe things? that i wear EVERY day? well, one of them broke. like, a metal lace holder thing fell off. and ripped the outside. so we took it back to the store... since they're only a month old, and they were like... ninety dollars. and they said that we have to send them all the way to vasque, like the actual company. and they'll either fix them or send new ones. but, it'll take two weeks. and i didn't have any shoes (i actually have 33 other pairs. no exaggeration... but none are suitable for biking and walking all over the place... well, my skechers are... but they're falling apart... all three pairs. stupid crappy skechers.) SOOO we went to famous footwear. but they were hella exspensive. so we went to kohls, and the shoe i got were on sale for $40. and we'd looked at the same ones at the other place for sixty. so really, we were saving money, not unnecessarily spending it... yes.
i'm still room cleaning. it's not much fun. boooo messy rooms. boooo. but i'm making some head way. it would help if it weren't freezing in here. it's hard to clean while wrapped in a down comforter. anywho, back to cleaning.
blogger's being weird. booo. but, ah, yeah. long day, pretty good. until i got terribly ill. at which point it started sucking. i hate being sick. and i'm SO sick. like, my stomach's all cramped. and my head hurts. and it sucks. so at rehearsal i was all sad and sick and useless. it wasn't fun. i felt like a little kid, in a bad, helpless, shouldn't be here sort of way. i get really moody when i'm sick too. so i was all deeply sad. but, we ran act 2. and it was good, despite me not being good. i'm going to bed. i was gonna eat something, because all i've had today was a smushed croissant after work, but i think i'd throw up if i ate anything. i even got an extra blanket for my bed, because i'm SO coold. i'm very excited about sleeping.
gooooodness i had a busy day today!
i just found this little piece of paper, and all it says is "bananas "i missed my turn five times!" and "i can't talk! a bum's yelling at me, i'll call you back."" aaah good times. that was the night andrea and i went to whiteys to say hi to aric after the mary kay party, and then we went to austin powers. and i spilled banana shake on my foot while we were running, and we thought the bum was gonna eat our ice cream. *sniff*
anywho, that had nothing to do with my day. let's see. i had class, then i saw this poster about looking for a lead for a student film project thing. and it was like... a picture of reese witherspoon, and a description of the part. so i called and left a message. then i had a meeting with a lady about being in a night of play readings in theatre B next weekend... and then i had class, and voice, and then i took a nap, until the guy called me back about the film thing, then i went and met him, and it sounds like i'm gonna do it! woo! only, i have to clean my room because they want to shoot some of it with me sitting at my computer typing away ^_^ since i do that so very often. (no sarcasm!) then, i went to rehearsal, and we ran act 1. and the first time, it was TERRIBLE. but the second time it was pretty good. then everyone except me went out to the alley cat. and i went to devin's to give him the full run down of the rehearsal he missed. oh, i also went to pan(t)era to discuss my schedule with jan. and then i saw keith! (aka kieth, and teeth) and laura! and we had sooo much fun. and we were sooooo loud. i felt kind a bad about it. but aaah. hehe. it was great. and keith and i reminisced about all our goodtimes, like when he opened the door to the journalism room and i ran into it. (i was walking down the hall talking to nic or something, and keith opened the door, but didn't come out... and i was like *SMACK* it was hilarious.)
and then, devin protected me from the fierce jungle cat outside of currier. i was frightened for my life. i seriously had such a good day... i'm so tired, and still have lots to do... but it's ok, because i had a good day ^_^ oh, all the boys in devins hallway all randomly came out to look at me. i was walking down the hallway, with my shoes half off, and they're all randomly like "wow! a girl! we don't get many girls in this hall!" and i was so intent on walking without my shoes, that i didn't notice until i was like... almost gone. then i turned around and was all confused and they laughed at me *sob*
but, uh, anywho, very good, very productive day. lots of commas in that sentence. i need to go to sleep, or clean, or something.... goooooodnight!!
i just found this little piece of paper, and all it says is "bananas "i missed my turn five times!" and "i can't talk! a bum's yelling at me, i'll call you back."" aaah good times. that was the night andrea and i went to whiteys to say hi to aric after the mary kay party, and then we went to austin powers. and i spilled banana shake on my foot while we were running, and we thought the bum was gonna eat our ice cream. *sniff*
anywho, that had nothing to do with my day. let's see. i had class, then i saw this poster about looking for a lead for a student film project thing. and it was like... a picture of reese witherspoon, and a description of the part. so i called and left a message. then i had a meeting with a lady about being in a night of play readings in theatre B next weekend... and then i had class, and voice, and then i took a nap, until the guy called me back about the film thing, then i went and met him, and it sounds like i'm gonna do it! woo! only, i have to clean my room because they want to shoot some of it with me sitting at my computer typing away ^_^ since i do that so very often. (no sarcasm!) then, i went to rehearsal, and we ran act 1. and the first time, it was TERRIBLE. but the second time it was pretty good. then everyone except me went out to the alley cat. and i went to devin's to give him the full run down of the rehearsal he missed. oh, i also went to pan(t)era to discuss my schedule with jan. and then i saw keith! (aka kieth, and teeth) and laura! and we had sooo much fun. and we were sooooo loud. i felt kind a bad about it. but aaah. hehe. it was great. and keith and i reminisced about all our goodtimes, like when he opened the door to the journalism room and i ran into it. (i was walking down the hall talking to nic or something, and keith opened the door, but didn't come out... and i was like *SMACK* it was hilarious.)
and then, devin protected me from the fierce jungle cat outside of currier. i was frightened for my life. i seriously had such a good day... i'm so tired, and still have lots to do... but it's ok, because i had a good day ^_^ oh, all the boys in devins hallway all randomly came out to look at me. i was walking down the hallway, with my shoes half off, and they're all randomly like "wow! a girl! we don't get many girls in this hall!" and i was so intent on walking without my shoes, that i didn't notice until i was like... almost gone. then i turned around and was all confused and they laughed at me *sob*
but, uh, anywho, very good, very productive day. lots of commas in that sentence. i need to go to sleep, or clean, or something.... goooooodnight!!
dusty and i are going to run off to mexico. because we're both bored, and dusty's not in the crevasse (emily and kismet and dusty know what i mean) and we're cold. so, goodbye cruel world! i'm off to mexico! .. we only have $28.75 between the two of us... so... we may not get too far. like... missouri maybe. missouri's no where near as good as mexico. crap.
anyone who knows me really well will know that i will not go out without mascara. it's my one essential make up item. (i actually have like... three. but whatever.) so, i misplaced my FAVORITE mascara (maybelline, full and soft) so i went to buy a new thing of it, and there was this big display for this new stuff, lash expansion. so i bought some. and i HATE it. it's sticky, and too thick, and tooooo much and impossible to take off, and like, it flakes. it doesn't smudge but it flakes. and i get the flakes in my eye. grrrr. but, i'm going to have to give it one more chance tomorrow. alas, alas.
i just remembered that i used to have a shirt that said "tie me to the bedpost" and i loooved it dearly... and now i dunno where it is.
work work work. bah.
my foot's asleep.
my throat hurts.
i missed my exit on the way home and visited hills. i hadn't been there in a while. very nice. i drove home the back way. and saw all sorts of wild life. two raccoons, a skunk, two cats, a rabbit and a deer. it was like... a nature hike, and i didn't hit any of them.
in other news, missy is apparently in iowa, and didn't feel the need to let me know. i am officially not speaking to her (at least until she calls me) maaan, if she's only here for this weekend, i'm going to kick her.
my foot's asleep.
my throat hurts.
i missed my exit on the way home and visited hills. i hadn't been there in a while. very nice. i drove home the back way. and saw all sorts of wild life. two raccoons, a skunk, two cats, a rabbit and a deer. it was like... a nature hike, and i didn't hit any of them.
in other news, missy is apparently in iowa, and didn't feel the need to let me know. i am officially not speaking to her (at least until she calls me) maaan, if she's only here for this weekend, i'm going to kick her.
i'm soooo bizarre sometimes. i just put an empty garbage can on my head. (it's one like the one i gave yoooou renata!) like, i had just cleaned out my trash cans. and i'm passing the mirror, and i just put it on my head .... liike, "geee i wonder if i'll look good like this?"
i looked quite nice, if you're wondering.
i looked quite nice, if you're wondering.
life is much sadder than it was last time i posted. i am no longer on a speeedy computer, renata didn't come, and i have to go back to work tonight. and my entire family just went out to eat without me. i don't know WHY i didn't go along... i was cleaning my room, doing laundry, ironing stuff... and, i decided to put on a t shirt, so i could wash the work shirt i was wearing. so i change... and my mom walks into my room, and i'm like "hey, i'm changing, hang on." and she's like "oh, did your dad ask you if you wanted to come?" and i'm like "what?" because... i didn't even know dad was home. and she's like "oh, we're going out to eat." so i'm like "aaah, sure, gimme a sec" so she leaves, if finish changing, and as i walk downstairs i see them pulling out and driving away. and i'm like "fine. fuck you." and now i'm in a terrible mood. my own family hates me! *sob* (well, i'm not too terribly fond of them either. eh.) so, i went upstairs and threw my purse at the wall as hard as i could (i tend to be frighteningly violent when pissed off...) and it broke my compact. but at least it was just my cheap compact i carry around with me. still, seven years bad luck... eh, i've broken lots of mirrors... what's one more little one? so after that, i violently sorted laundry for awhile... and then got online when i wore myself out being violent and throwing stuff. ah. and, on top of everything, i have to go BACK to work tonight. i already worked today, but they're stupid and have ended up with like... two closers. on a saturday, with a homegame. times like these make me question the intelligence of management.
oh, this comment made me laugh ... "how hard are your classes relative to thousands of struggling students?" i read it twice... and i'm like... i imagine that my classes are a little more difficult than struggling students. but i've never taken a struggling student... maybe they're really difficult. i'm a theatre major. it's not rocket science (literally) i think whoever posted that is like... swamped my incredibly difficult classes. and feeling some bitterness towards those of use with no use for math and science. i even said i wasn't complaining. or, maybe they're an english major, and having terrible troubles, because they're incoherent.
i don't want to go to chelsea. ooooh noooo it does not move me. even though i've seen the mooovie *sings* i love elvis costello. who else loves elvis costello? let's see a show of hands...
elvis costello hit on my mom once. i can't imagine why. but.. i guess he's pretty weird. and, my dad partied with john mellencamp, and lynard skynard... and... some other people *vague gestures* ... and paul simon broke our chair.
megan: i have your tickets in a nice little envelope with a pretty card, buut i don't have a stamp
dusty: aaawww
dusty: just draw one on
dusty: or, OR
dusty: tape $0.34 to the envelope
i heart dusty. i had soooo much more typed. but aol swallowed it. and i was irate. grrrrrrrr.
oh, this comment made me laugh ... "how hard are your classes relative to thousands of struggling students?" i read it twice... and i'm like... i imagine that my classes are a little more difficult than struggling students. but i've never taken a struggling student... maybe they're really difficult. i'm a theatre major. it's not rocket science (literally) i think whoever posted that is like... swamped my incredibly difficult classes. and feeling some bitterness towards those of use with no use for math and science. i even said i wasn't complaining. or, maybe they're an english major, and having terrible troubles, because they're incoherent.
i don't want to go to chelsea. ooooh noooo it does not move me. even though i've seen the mooovie *sings* i love elvis costello. who else loves elvis costello? let's see a show of hands...
elvis costello hit on my mom once. i can't imagine why. but.. i guess he's pretty weird. and, my dad partied with john mellencamp, and lynard skynard... and... some other people *vague gestures* ... and paul simon broke our chair.
megan: i have your tickets in a nice little envelope with a pretty card, buut i don't have a stamp
dusty: aaawww
dusty: just draw one on
dusty: or, OR
dusty: tape $0.34 to the envelope
i heart dusty. i had soooo much more typed. but aol swallowed it. and i was irate. grrrrrrrr.
so, the story of my theatre craft test.
class starts at 9:05
i wake up at 9:05
i get to class at 9:17
i didn't study at all
i'm soooo panicked
it's the easiest test i've ever taken. i finish in time, i'm like...95% sure i got an A.
fascinating story, eh?
in other news, i went to see Miss Saigon at hancher tonight. it was... eh. very well produced, very beautiful lights, the woman who played kim was very beautiful, fit the part perfectly... but... overall the show was just lacking. i really think it was the script. it was bland... and... eh. i felt like the engineer was too big of a part. it shouldn't be his story. it's like they're trying to make him to miss saigon what the emcee is to cabaret. only it didn't work.. the guy playing the engineer was great though. but i got the feeling he was prolly a lot like shaun earl. very good, but very much autopilot.
i got to see two of my costumes for rocky today. oh dear god. i was talking to chad, when i hear devin and micheal (dr. scott, and also the costume guy) giggling in a dressing room, and i'm like "what the hell?" and they're laughing at how skimpy my costume was *sniff* it's all sliver and metal and sparkly and i get a fabulous beeeeautiful jacket that goes over it and is LOOOOVELY. and my corset... for... the floor show, i think. is beautiful. and it fits soooo perfect. michael said they didn't think they'd be able to use it on anyone, because it's so small. but it fits! dude, when michael asked my weight, and i told him (130) he was like "damn! you're a solid little thing!" and i felt all buff. *is buff*
did i tell about the mysterious gash on my leg? i dunno what it's from. but it's big, and there's a bruise, and part of the bruise looks like a music note. i'm mystified. i'm also supposed to be writing a "paper" for masterpieces. haa. one page. stupid stupid stupid. i got an A on the test... and like... i should have gotten a low C. but, i'm not complaining. i just thought college would be challenging...
class starts at 9:05
i wake up at 9:05
i get to class at 9:17
i didn't study at all
i'm soooo panicked
it's the easiest test i've ever taken. i finish in time, i'm like...95% sure i got an A.
fascinating story, eh?
in other news, i went to see Miss Saigon at hancher tonight. it was... eh. very well produced, very beautiful lights, the woman who played kim was very beautiful, fit the part perfectly... but... overall the show was just lacking. i really think it was the script. it was bland... and... eh. i felt like the engineer was too big of a part. it shouldn't be his story. it's like they're trying to make him to miss saigon what the emcee is to cabaret. only it didn't work.. the guy playing the engineer was great though. but i got the feeling he was prolly a lot like shaun earl. very good, but very much autopilot.
i got to see two of my costumes for rocky today. oh dear god. i was talking to chad, when i hear devin and micheal (dr. scott, and also the costume guy) giggling in a dressing room, and i'm like "what the hell?" and they're laughing at how skimpy my costume was *sniff* it's all sliver and metal and sparkly and i get a fabulous beeeeautiful jacket that goes over it and is LOOOOVELY. and my corset... for... the floor show, i think. is beautiful. and it fits soooo perfect. michael said they didn't think they'd be able to use it on anyone, because it's so small. but it fits! dude, when michael asked my weight, and i told him (130) he was like "damn! you're a solid little thing!" and i felt all buff. *is buff*
did i tell about the mysterious gash on my leg? i dunno what it's from. but it's big, and there's a bruise, and part of the bruise looks like a music note. i'm mystified. i'm also supposed to be writing a "paper" for masterpieces. haa. one page. stupid stupid stupid. i got an A on the test... and like... i should have gotten a low C. but, i'm not complaining. i just thought college would be challenging...
"stop cracking!!" (in regard to derek cracking various joints)
"i gotta do it! just call me rice krispie - i snap crackle and pop!"
"young man, are you popping out of your shorts?!"
"again, the focus is on chad's sweatpants in this scene"
another note... hot patootie choreography... there's now a pee wee herman move instead of the space invader/mars attacks moove. it's so so so much better. except well all laugh while we're doing it. we just need to settle down. i'm tired. and cold. and have to go study for my theatre craft test (AAH!!). aaaaaand goodnight.
"i gotta do it! just call me rice krispie - i snap crackle and pop!"
"young man, are you popping out of your shorts?!"
"again, the focus is on chad's sweatpants in this scene"
another note... hot patootie choreography... there's now a pee wee herman move instead of the space invader/mars attacks moove. it's so so so much better. except well all laugh while we're doing it. we just need to settle down. i'm tired. and cold. and have to go study for my theatre craft test (AAH!!). aaaaaand goodnight.

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh well. i told nic i was working out and going on a MINOR diet in preparation for rocky. and how he's all "aaah! don't diet!" but, i assured him it wasn't a "let's lose weight!" diet, but a healthy, "stop eating nothing but candy bars and eat some real food" diet. nic... you HAAAAAVE to come see me in rocky!!!!! pleeeeeeeease! i'm very excited about my resolution to not eat junk food all the time. i used to be so good about eating real food. and now suddenly since school started, i'm like ... "eeeh, i won't eat breakfast..." but then i'm hungry so i'll eat a snickers and have a soda. so... i'm goign to eat breakfast now, and NOT eat a candy bar at 11. yay! ok. i'm off to bed. my leg hurts.
del IS coming to see me in rocky!!! wooo!
okie, if you're still deciding when to come... or if you haven't gotten tickets yet (if you told me a date, but haven't given me $, you don't have tickets. i need money before i can get them for anyone.) anywho, here's who's coming when...
Oct 31st, 7:30 - no one ~_~
Nov. 1st, 7:30 - Luke Y. and two of his friends, Tricia and her husband and brother, Jan and Jennie (two of my pan(t)era managers), aaaand DUSTY!!! and dusty's friend who i don't know. (this particular night/time is three tickets from being sold out... so... yeah.)
Nov 1st, 10:30 - some more of the panera bread gang, Jenny (JE!), Luke M, Ryan, Ash, and Amy (still tickets available for this one! c'mon panera people! ... angela and nic... and katie and chris... you've gotta make it...)
Nov. 2nd 7:30 and 10:30 noooo one
Nov. 7th, 7:30 - no one *sniff*
Nov. 8th, 7:30 - i'm not sure... i have two tickets for this night, but i haven't checked to see who's they are, and i'ts not coming to me off the top of my head.....
Nov 8th, 10:30 - RENATA AND DEL!!!
Nov. 9th, 7:30 - no one
Nov. 9th, 10:30 - ANDREA AND ARIC!!
had a wooonderful rehearsal tonight. ryan wasn't there though. so i was sad *sniffle* i miss my riff. we started looking at some costume stuff... and all i have to say about that is... i'm gonna be doing some serious butt crunches before we open. whoooooa! also, i found a couple quotes that i had written down long ago...
"EEEEEEW michele eats her boogers! i don't wanna be your incestuous sibling anymore!"
"*during the janet and frank sex scene* YET FRANK!"
"ah, that's a typo... it's "YES! frank!" "
"oh c'mon...yet works... yet, yet, ooooh yet!"
"smile brad, you like it." (in regards to the blocking for the "mental mind fuck" line of planet schmanet....)
"every period is an orgasm... wait..."
"ever dash!"
"yes, every dash is an orgasm, let us know that."
"i'm wearing underwear, really i am!"
okie, if you're still deciding when to come... or if you haven't gotten tickets yet (if you told me a date, but haven't given me $, you don't have tickets. i need money before i can get them for anyone.) anywho, here's who's coming when...
Oct 31st, 7:30 - no one ~_~
Nov. 1st, 7:30 - Luke Y. and two of his friends, Tricia and her husband and brother, Jan and Jennie (two of my pan(t)era managers), aaaand DUSTY!!! and dusty's friend who i don't know. (this particular night/time is three tickets from being sold out... so... yeah.)
Nov 1st, 10:30 - some more of the panera bread gang, Jenny (JE!), Luke M, Ryan, Ash, and Amy (still tickets available for this one! c'mon panera people! ... angela and nic... and katie and chris... you've gotta make it...)
Nov. 2nd 7:30 and 10:30 noooo one
Nov. 7th, 7:30 - no one *sniff*
Nov. 8th, 7:30 - i'm not sure... i have two tickets for this night, but i haven't checked to see who's they are, and i'ts not coming to me off the top of my head.....
Nov 8th, 10:30 - RENATA AND DEL!!!
Nov. 9th, 7:30 - no one
Nov. 9th, 10:30 - ANDREA AND ARIC!!
had a wooonderful rehearsal tonight. ryan wasn't there though. so i was sad *sniffle* i miss my riff. we started looking at some costume stuff... and all i have to say about that is... i'm gonna be doing some serious butt crunches before we open. whoooooa! also, i found a couple quotes that i had written down long ago...
"EEEEEEW michele eats her boogers! i don't wanna be your incestuous sibling anymore!"
"*during the janet and frank sex scene* YET FRANK!"
"ah, that's a typo... it's "YES! frank!" "
"oh c'mon...yet works... yet, yet, ooooh yet!"
"smile brad, you like it." (in regards to the blocking for the "mental mind fuck" line of planet schmanet....)
"every period is an orgasm... wait..."
"ever dash!"
"yes, every dash is an orgasm, let us know that."
"i'm wearing underwear, really i am!"
exciting day. went to see vin diesel in triple x with devin. (oh god, vin diesel... i want him so bad.) then, i was driving out to seth's and nearly got terribly lost. but then i turned around, and got unlost. (seth lives like... on the other side of the world. so i didn't really know my way around so much.)
paaaavlina my darling, i won't know my rehearsal schedule til tomorrow, but i'll e-mail you asap. (we're gonna take aerobics classes together! yay us!)
i'm going to go to bed. because i don't want to discuss work today... because it sucked... and... i didn't really do much else. OH! "the womb" (for the show) is nearly done. dog's barking... if it's because someone's here to see me... i'm gonna kick them in the head. don't come to my house when you need to talk to me people. if you can't get ahold of me... email me... and wait. don't come stalk me. seriously... people show up at my house at like 4 am, and are like "dude, you didn't answer your phone." and i'm like "because i was sleepy and didn't want to talk to you, dumb ass. hey funny, i still don't wanna talk to you. beat it." ok. bed. right, gooodnight.
paaaavlina my darling, i won't know my rehearsal schedule til tomorrow, but i'll e-mail you asap. (we're gonna take aerobics classes together! yay us!)
i'm going to go to bed. because i don't want to discuss work today... because it sucked... and... i didn't really do much else. OH! "the womb" (for the show) is nearly done. dog's barking... if it's because someone's here to see me... i'm gonna kick them in the head. don't come to my house when you need to talk to me people. if you can't get ahold of me... email me... and wait. don't come stalk me. seriously... people show up at my house at like 4 am, and are like "dude, you didn't answer your phone." and i'm like "because i was sleepy and didn't want to talk to you, dumb ass. hey funny, i still don't wanna talk to you. beat it." ok. bed. right, gooodnight.
ok, i lied, i deleted those comments. because i can. and being the terrible person i am... i did. fuuuuck off.
a sweatshirt as a costume for being the bad guy in an acting class at kirkwood is not a life or death situation. fuck off. oh, and "etidorhpa" the people who read this page regularly are my friends, who DO care about my ego centric, bitchy live. "What does that say about you? You seem very selfish and ego-centrical, this guy is your boyfriend, why don't you listen to him and believe what he says? Is it because of a guilty conscious? Have you been lying to him? Don't be such a bitch, be a girlfriend if that's what you are supposed to be." well, heeeeeey guess i don't WANT to be a girlfriend. maybe that's why we agreed to NOT be doing that right now, reeemember that? guess not. anything else anyone has to say about this can be emailed to me, and i will handle it personally. i'm going to continue my blog with updates from my life. because i'm doing pretty damn good right now.
hey, speaking of bitches, i saw kristin today.
oh and kyle, sweetie pie, toast twin, leadintheshow twin, usingstuart'scellphone twin... thank you. and anonymous... thank YOU! and, thank you to all the darling people who i don't know who read my blog. you should all e-mail me. kyle was a darling anonymous person who reads my blog, and look at the status he rose to. all because he imed me.
i feel really sick to my stomach now. but, i'm not going to delete the past comments, or the past post. because, it's MY journal, and that was how i was feeling last night. i make no apologies, and even after having slept on it, i'm still pissed. bite me bite me bite me.
ok, that all said and done, i went to the city vs. west football game tonight. it was cool to see everyone (SOOOOO many people.) oh!!!! and nic young was there. and it was so funny, i was talkign to jenny evans, and i'm like "OH MY GOD NIC!!" and i get all ready to run over to him then i'm like "wait, nic's at drake, it's zac." then, i saw he was wearing a "young republicans" sweatshirt (grrr) and was looking DAMN foxy. and i'm like "well, maybe it IS nic..." and jenny said it was. so i ran over and we hugged for like thirty seconds. i missed him so so so so so much. and i admired his earring, and he told me the story of getting his car towed. and i told him to stop drinking, and he said he'd stay sober tonight. and i was like "yyyyeaaaaah, right." someone should call him and see how he's doing with that. AND... he's gonna be in town for rocky. fuck me sideways i'm just so thrilled.
and i saw aric, mister AP. and, i forgot to tell him i heart it when he darts me. and andrea likes to watch (i heart nic and andrea like sisters!) anywho, aric gave me $$ for tickets, and him and andrea are gonna come see me on closing night!! SO thrilled! (i'd say fuck me sideways again... but i dont' want to be redundant) and i'm gonna do everything i can to sit on aric's lap at some point while i'm oot and aboot harrassing audience members (same goes for nic. and everyone i know who's coming). ah, i also saw dooooouglas weiss (i always sing "wise up, doug weiss" whenever i see him. i enjoy telling him that he's "as sensual as a pencil" so, he needs to see the show so he will understand WHY i sing that...) and i saw patrick reed. who was just like "*chuckle* megan." and did his little patrick thing. i love him so much. seriously, i would marry patrick reed. he's just so darn hilarious. and cute. *big exaggerated wink*
i saw lots more people, but i don't remember... oh, camille, and brittany, and doran (*gasp*) and josh, and like a billion others. grace and holly and everyone. only they all seemed sorta disappointed that i was around. so i was like "nyaaah, i'll go hang out with aric, he'll hug me and spin me around in circles!" which is exactly what happened.
did i mention that devin was along for all this? he was. but he's a city high fan, so there was tension (well, not really tension, since i didn't care...b ut whatever) and he wore my markscarf, and looked very stylish. and he got to meet everyone, and hang out with jenny for awhile while i was busy reunioning (is that a word?) with nic. jenny was like "hello rocky, it's good to see you again." since, when he walked into pan(t)era with me, she was like "that's rocky. right there. yup, has to be." and then, aric was like "that'd better be blond hair under there!!" (devin was wearing a bandana) and we assured him that it was.
i just talked to luke (marin's luke) for like fifteen minutes determining if "my frank" and "frankie" were the same person. they are. and he's not really MY frank so much. (unless he'd like to be *wink wink*) but, in terms of our conversation it made sense. how many franks are there running around iowa city, especially ones my age, who lived here, then new mexico, and now go to SHAC. it should have taken less than 15 minutes for us to figure this out.
now that i feel all wonderful and happy i'm going to sleep. gooooodnight.
hey, speaking of bitches, i saw kristin today.
oh and kyle, sweetie pie, toast twin, leadintheshow twin, usingstuart'scellphone twin... thank you. and anonymous... thank YOU! and, thank you to all the darling people who i don't know who read my blog. you should all e-mail me. kyle was a darling anonymous person who reads my blog, and look at the status he rose to. all because he imed me.
i feel really sick to my stomach now. but, i'm not going to delete the past comments, or the past post. because, it's MY journal, and that was how i was feeling last night. i make no apologies, and even after having slept on it, i'm still pissed. bite me bite me bite me.
ok, that all said and done, i went to the city vs. west football game tonight. it was cool to see everyone (SOOOOO many people.) oh!!!! and nic young was there. and it was so funny, i was talkign to jenny evans, and i'm like "OH MY GOD NIC!!" and i get all ready to run over to him then i'm like "wait, nic's at drake, it's zac." then, i saw he was wearing a "young republicans" sweatshirt (grrr) and was looking DAMN foxy. and i'm like "well, maybe it IS nic..." and jenny said it was. so i ran over and we hugged for like thirty seconds. i missed him so so so so so much. and i admired his earring, and he told me the story of getting his car towed. and i told him to stop drinking, and he said he'd stay sober tonight. and i was like "yyyyeaaaaah, right." someone should call him and see how he's doing with that. AND... he's gonna be in town for rocky. fuck me sideways i'm just so thrilled.
and i saw aric, mister AP. and, i forgot to tell him i heart it when he darts me. and andrea likes to watch (i heart nic and andrea like sisters!) anywho, aric gave me $$ for tickets, and him and andrea are gonna come see me on closing night!! SO thrilled! (i'd say fuck me sideways again... but i dont' want to be redundant) and i'm gonna do everything i can to sit on aric's lap at some point while i'm oot and aboot harrassing audience members (same goes for nic. and everyone i know who's coming). ah, i also saw dooooouglas weiss (i always sing "wise up, doug weiss" whenever i see him. i enjoy telling him that he's "as sensual as a pencil" so, he needs to see the show so he will understand WHY i sing that...) and i saw patrick reed. who was just like "*chuckle* megan." and did his little patrick thing. i love him so much. seriously, i would marry patrick reed. he's just so darn hilarious. and cute. *big exaggerated wink*
i saw lots more people, but i don't remember... oh, camille, and brittany, and doran (*gasp*) and josh, and like a billion others. grace and holly and everyone. only they all seemed sorta disappointed that i was around. so i was like "nyaaah, i'll go hang out with aric, he'll hug me and spin me around in circles!" which is exactly what happened.
did i mention that devin was along for all this? he was. but he's a city high fan, so there was tension (well, not really tension, since i didn't care...b ut whatever) and he wore my markscarf, and looked very stylish. and he got to meet everyone, and hang out with jenny for awhile while i was busy reunioning (is that a word?) with nic. jenny was like "hello rocky, it's good to see you again." since, when he walked into pan(t)era with me, she was like "that's rocky. right there. yup, has to be." and then, aric was like "that'd better be blond hair under there!!" (devin was wearing a bandana) and we assured him that it was.
i just talked to luke (marin's luke) for like fifteen minutes determining if "my frank" and "frankie" were the same person. they are. and he's not really MY frank so much. (unless he'd like to be *wink wink*) but, in terms of our conversation it made sense. how many franks are there running around iowa city, especially ones my age, who lived here, then new mexico, and now go to SHAC. it should have taken less than 15 minutes for us to figure this out.
now that i feel all wonderful and happy i'm going to sleep. gooooodnight.
i'm really put off right now. so i prolly shouldn't even type this... but... i had this sweatshirt of rob's which he NEEDed for a costume for his acting class at kirkwood. and i brought it over to his house this morning, only i didn't actually, i brought him MY grey fleece sweatshirt. so, i get home, and his truck's here. and i'm like... uh, what the fuck. so, i guess he needed it badly enough to come and rummage through my room. to me, there is nothing you can need badly enough to do that. i feel like my privacy is totally violated by both my parents and rob. i'm pissed. seriously, near tears. i come back to my room, and everything's moved... (yeah, it's messy, but you can tell that everything's all shifted around..) and the lights are on... and i meet right as i walk through the door. i'm seriously VERY upset. gr. and i had a really intresting day to blog about... but now i don't want to because i'm so fucking angry. i dont' know that i've ever been this pissed off towards rob. and i know he's gonna be like "i dont' see what the big deal is." but... it IS a big deal to me. especially right now. am i overreacting? gr.
crazy shit man.... life is full of crazy crazy crazy things.
saw frank burdick romero today. i hadn't seen him in a looong time (actually, i remember blogging about the last time i saw him...) i actually saw him like three different times. it was funny. i stood and talked with him for a long time, and it actually sounds like he's coming to rocky horror. had plans to go before i even started ranting and raving. aaah, had lunch with paulina... good times. had dance... stuff. and stuff. and stuff. and then i came home and took a really long bath to make myself feel better. and now i'm in my pajamas. all ready for bed. aaand... i used some new lotion on my legs. and it's the best lotion in the whole world. i heart it.
saw frank burdick romero today. i hadn't seen him in a looong time (actually, i remember blogging about the last time i saw him...) i actually saw him like three different times. it was funny. i stood and talked with him for a long time, and it actually sounds like he's coming to rocky horror. had plans to go before i even started ranting and raving. aaah, had lunch with paulina... good times. had dance... stuff. and stuff. and stuff. and then i came home and took a really long bath to make myself feel better. and now i'm in my pajamas. all ready for bed. aaand... i used some new lotion on my legs. and it's the best lotion in the whole world. i heart it.
hey to everyone who's ordered tickets... you all rule.
busy night. crazy rehearsal stuff going on. (bah!!!) and... stuff. hung out with whitney for a bit, hung out with devin... and... really got nothing productive done at rehearsal. which was WAY crappy. so... when sunday rehearsal comes, it'll have been a week since we had a good solid rehearsal. like ryan said... we're gonna forget everything. maan.
dusty gets a dollar because he knew that i was making an elvis costello reference!! i heart dusty. i never talk to him anymore. dusty i miss you! i can't wait for the show to start, because i have tons of friends coming into town for it. wooo!
i was listening to madonna earlier... and now i have "Vogue" stuck in my head.
i need to call rob. but i'm falling asleep. i'll call him tomorrow. i dunno when he has class. or work. hey, i have to meet pavlina for lunch at china star tomorrow. i'm excited.
busy night. crazy rehearsal stuff going on. (bah!!!) and... stuff. hung out with whitney for a bit, hung out with devin... and... really got nothing productive done at rehearsal. which was WAY crappy. so... when sunday rehearsal comes, it'll have been a week since we had a good solid rehearsal. like ryan said... we're gonna forget everything. maan.
dusty gets a dollar because he knew that i was making an elvis costello reference!! i heart dusty. i never talk to him anymore. dusty i miss you! i can't wait for the show to start, because i have tons of friends coming into town for it. wooo!
i was listening to madonna earlier... and now i have "Vogue" stuck in my head.
i need to call rob. but i'm falling asleep. i'll call him tomorrow. i dunno when he has class. or work. hey, i have to meet pavlina for lunch at china star tomorrow. i'm excited.