
i need to go to bed. because.... i really really do. or i am going to end up with four hours of sleep to last me til like... five am tomorrow.

but.... first....

spent the morning with my little sister, took her shopping and such.... then, went to work (and put in my two weeks notice. ah!) and then got off work and came home to hang out with caleb and jason. which i did for like.... eight hours. they were both so drunk when they finally went to bed. highlights were the discussion of caleb's sleep eating disorder (i sleep walk and he sleep eats, we were charming children to have around at night.) and caleb harrassing the dog all night. he took a series of pictures on his digital camera that just crack me up. and then, another series of him feeding the dog carrots and apples (bo really likes fruits and veggies. he's a dog with a well balanced diet.) one quote of the evening that stuck in my head is "caleb is not a pleasent smelling creature"

in other news, auditions for H2$ were announced today. i have to have a prepared song and a prepared DANCE. prepared song AND dance?! i have to prepare a dance? *cries* stupid jerks.

ok, i'm going to bed now. oh, and everyone should go read rob's blog, because he posted super nice things about my blog. *sends super love to rob*


why why why am i so busy that i abandon my beloved blog?! and neglect my email?! and neglect my computer in general?! aaaaaaaaaah.

so, i'm really tired, and not going to remedy any of the problems i just mentioned. i will, however, relate the high point of my evening.... when i locked my keys in my car at the gas station. i stopped to get some twizzlers (mmmmm. twizzlers) and there were some questionable characters inthe parking lot. so i locked my doors, which i don't usuallly do. so, the door locking distracted me, and i left the keys in the ignition. and got out and then, the SECOND i slammed the door, i was like "fuck me. my keys are in there..." but luckily i had my phone, so i called ben, and he came and took me home to get my keys. oh how i heart ben. it was goodtimes (noodle salad).


dude, it's been so long since i blogged. yet i'm exhuasted. i have so so so much to do. but off work tomorrow! yay! maybe more then, eh?


random post that is really just to abiba and pavlina. we neeeeed to hang out. NEED to. i miss my babies. we could totally do a sleepover at mi casa if that works for you girls. call me!!!


*is ill* i so don't know what's wrong with me. i'll be fine, then i'm like "hmmm, i think i'll pass out now." i'm just glad this wasn't happening this weekend.

speaking of this weekend..... here comes the super bonus rant!!!

first, the car ride there. kismet and i were talking about the katie todd song that starts with "heading out to where they can't pronounce my name" or something to that effect, and we were like "who can't pronouce katie todd?!" so, we started refering to her at catty toad. i wish she'd been at the chi-town show, i heart her. aaaaah what else? some quotes maybe?

"basketballs aren't people"
~chad (i'm not sure what we were talking about....)

"dude, that's the best part of the song! i oughta learn that!"
~stu, at the white box sound check

"we're driving a lawnmower!"
~rob re: his car

"wouldn't it be cool if you could just inhale your penis with your pelvis? we wouldn't need sex change operations"
~stu re: who know what.

"it would be a chakra-meter"
~stu or marci... i don't recall.

aaaaah what else should be in the bonus? oh oh oh oh oh! marci's sex story. fucking hilarious. i still laugh thinking of it. ok, so.... we were discussing our first encounters with "where babies come from" and marci said that when she was in about.... fourth grade her brother (~3rd grade?) overheard her mom giving her sister the sex talk, and he came downstairs all excited and was like "LET'S MAKE A BABY!" and marci was like "hmmm, i don't think that's a good idea." though, we suggested an alternate ending of "so we had sex, and it was GREAT!" which lead to a very interesting discussion.

oh, the highlight of saturday "which is red and which is green?" "the top is red, the bottom is green" "those are both blue! the right and left are the red and green!" oooooh rob. my sweetie pie, he cracks me up so so so much.

ok, i'm going to go back to being lightheaded and listening to bree sharp... but before i do.... let me say, i got some great presents. i got taboo (i LOVE that game. we are SO playing in rockford/chicago on the 17th/18th. duuuuuuude. and scruples. we neeeed to get scruples) and hat/scarf/gloves combo. and enough giftcards/$ to get the new warm coat i wanted. (so i won't have to take rob's on our next roadtrip) aaaaand what else? *thinks* some knee socks. and a big book about musicals (i'm such a theatre nerd) aaaaaand *looks around* some frames! which i put all my GREAT pictures in. ok. right, back to the resting.
you know how i said i thought something was wrong and i was getting sick over the weekend? (EVERYONE asked me if i was ok at least once. stuart asked if i was sick like... every hour.) aaaanyhow, my suspicions were confirmed when i fainted at work today. boo. it was scary. i'm ok now though.

i got pictures back. there are some nice ones. which i will post as soon as i get the scanner going. there are lots of REALLY nice ones. ok, i still don't really feel so great, so i'm going to take a nap before my familia does the presents thing. hey, happy gift day everyone!
STU: THE WEEKEND II coming to a theatre near you...

alrighty. where to begin? how about the beginning... that seems like a nice place to start. yes it does. so, i spent saturday morning running around paying bills and picking stuff up and dropping stuff off and running errands, so, i didn't leave iowa city until 11. but i was supposed to be at kismet's at 11:30, so i was late *sniffle* but, i got there, and we found out rob and chad were running late too, so we didn't leave right away. so, we fiiiiiinally get on the road. and head for rockford. i was SO excited about seeing everyone. i was such a dope on the way there i'm like "maaaaan, i'm so excited!!!" *two minutes later* "man! i'm SO excited!" and so on and so forth for like... the entire trip. so we get lost. but then we stop for gas and remedy the lostness.

after becoming unlost we get to barnes and noble (where we were meeding chad and rob) and go in (you know, it really goes without saying that we went in... we didnt like... peer through the windows trying to find them.... uh, anyhow...) we found chad right away, and had to wander around for awhile to find rob. but we did. and all was well in the world. well, not all. but.... some. we went to the children's section and rob was going to read us the lorax, but he just wanted to look at the pictures and ask questions that would have been answered had he read the book. THEEEEEEN we found stuart and MARCI! who i am in love with. she's so so so so so so soooooo great. i could gush on and on about marci for pages. but i'll try not too. we hung out at barnes and noble for awhile... then.... we went somewhere. but i dont' remember where. we may have gone to the white box.... which is where he was playing that night.... but i dont' think we did? but we had to have.

the white box was so so so so awesome. mike tarrolly owns it... it's a performance space and his house and i LOVE it. we looked at pictures, talked, made rob blush, stu did sound check (the stage was seriously a piece of plywood on some two by fours. covered with a rug. but it was cool. we went to .... the place.... cafe patou? was it? and ate dinner. you could draw on the table!! with crayons! on the tables!!! (this was very exciting for me) so, we all drew (except kismet) and rob and chad and i played tic tac toe a few times. and chad and i played the dots game... and he beat me SO bad. SOOO bad. and it took forever for out food to get there, but our waitress was SO GREAT. oh my god. and so funny. she brought a basket of bread and stuff and rob took it to get a roll or whatever, but the put it right in front of him, and she goes "you know, i brought that for everyone" we CRACKED up. she kept apologizing about the food being late, and like... cursing the kitchen for being slow. but, i loved her. oh, and i knocked my diet coke over *sniffle* it made me sad. but it was as we were leaving, so it was ok. or something. i'm just telling myself it was ok.

THEN. show time. so, here comes the setlist!

flower of a zero - the lyrics were correct tonight. go stuart.
sexy messiah - the lyrics were terribly not correct. it was pretty funny. the sexy messiah was blowing kiss to the disco ball. i hoped that he'd compensate by singing "giving it up for the mystic misfit" but he didn't. *sulk*
wizard - with rob's hat. he dedicated it (the song, not the hat) to tom petty. (it was a tom pettyish hat.) ok, i just LOVE this song. "fuck off sucker."
bell - "music... and something that approaches lyrics"
anesthesia, necrophilia
and she was - told a story about jerry (morrison... isn't it? from the talking heads? or is it harrison...? doh. i could check, but i'm lazy) aaaanywho, he was at a show in san fran. and apparently jerry stood like... silent through this whole song.... but had an irish friend who loved it? (this is the condensed version. it's difficult to relate the story in typing. i'll just leave it at that... and say that stuart's imitation of the irish friend started a trend for the weekend....*irish/scottish accent* "it's fucking great!" "what did jerry think?" "fuck him! it was fucking great!") stu was just like "well, i always like david byrne more anyway." (me too, me too.)
jonah - this was renata's request. aw.
atavistic viking - before the show, mike told us a story about him and stu and someone else getting a flat tire in the middle of a desert, and stuart wondering around playing the guitar part for this. it created a wonderfully amusing image for me.
nothing in between
seven wonders of the soul
only changing drugs
sugar bullets
kid mystic
savoring samsara

some random quotes/notes:

"bree sharp's opening for me tomorrow... i dunno..... do you think i could take her? *fighting stance*"

"i make thunder with my feeet!! you must obey me!!"

i have some EXCELLENT pictures of this to scan and put up before i give them back to stuart. wait, they aren't of THIS show, but the one before that he played there. and they are GOOD pics. so, i'll put them up. oh god, and marci cracked me up like four times over the course of the night. but i dont'n entirely remmeber why. i miss her laugh, it's so fun. i should like... sneakily record it next time i see her ^_~ and rob and i had some very very nice but short heart to heart talks. *sniffle*

afterwards we were going to go to country kitchen (it was right next to our hotel) but.... i ended up staying in the room and taking a short power nap. which was much needed. i was having issues. headache.... everything ache. i'm gettin sick. i was sickish all weekend. but i still had fun. but, rob made fun of me, because when he got home (well, back to the room) i was curled up in a ball, sleeping on top of the covers at teh very top of the bed. but then i woke up. and we talked some more, then kismet and chad got home. and we went to sleep, only really we played a game (well, not so much a game...) but we'd all name a food, then we'd all discuss the food. sno-caps were a major topic of discussion. eventually we were all so tire'd we'd crack up at anything. "oats" "*we all laugh hysterically*" i learned that chad is ridiculously funny. hilarious. i love it.

next morning, it becomes apparent that we all got only 2 or 3 hours of sleep. but we get up and go to chicago. we switch cars, so that chad and i can talk, and kismet and rob can talk.... but i fell asleep immediatly in the car. defeating the purpose. i woke up right when we got to chicago, where i watched all the jets landing at o'hare. and was amazed by them. i felt like i was like.... five years old "look at the airplanes!!" so we went to uncommon ground and had drinks and talked with marci and had GOOD times and met seth and his girlfriend and sat by the fireplace and it was great. then lisa and craig and emily FINALLY got unlost and got there. so we went to schuba's for soundcheck and the show. so, watch it, because another setlist is coming.

first, bree sharp. fuck me, but she's great! i loved her so so so soo much.

so, setlist for her... incase any bree sharp fans happen by....

walk away
suday school and cigarettes (slippin away)
"get away" (?)
not your girl
galaxy song
don dilego, her guitar player guy played a song here.... "late all the time" i think it's called. very nice.
dirty magazine
lazy afternoon
everything feels wrong
little drummer boy
faster faster

dirty magazine and faster faster.... i LOVE. maaan.

and then... it was time for stuart. actually, at this point, bree came back to the merch table and i mostly ignored stuart and talked to her. *hangs head*
but, i DID write the setlist and such.

anethesia, necrophilia
wizard - "this song is kind of like my hotel california" he gave away the hat tonight (well, that night) "later i'll give away my pants!"
sugar bullets
rockstars and models - sam joined him for this song. (i love sam!) and stuart mentioned that his drummer was there (i assume matt? i LOVE matt.) ... "i have my bass player here. and i just saw my drummer. he doesn't have his drums with him though. man. he told me that he was out of town this weekend, and then i find him over by the bar. drummers are like that."
doppelganger - "do you mind if we have a rehearsal? i know you paid to see a show, but we really need to learn this song."
nothing in between - the debut of the "shut up stuart" sign. goodtimes.
savoring samsara - "c'mon e string! we need you for this song!"
stephen's exhibition - this was bree's favorite. *nod*
kid mystic
fall awake
universe communion
atavistic viking
your house

goodtimes. then we all went to stuart's brother's house. and i was so tired. i swear, something was wrong with me this weekend. i can normally do the no sleep thing without a problem. but this weekend i was sick as hell at the end of the day. thankfully chad is a massage therapist and he got rid of my TERRIBLE headache. *loves chad* everyone wanted me to do a monologue, but instead rob and kismet and i fell asleep on the couch. actually, kismet didn't. i dont' remember anything. i remember being in a pile of people. then apparently kismet got up so her and stu could discuss how cute rob and i are. and i think rob woke up at like.... 4 or something and went to a real bed (we were on a REALLY small couch) and i seriously didn't even move until chad covered me up the next morning with the biggest best comforter ever. then i kept sleeping but was warmer. i dont' even know if i had a blanket the night before. i was all curled up in rob's coat. i spent a lot of time in rob's coat. it was warm. then we all had coffee, and talked about the screenplay, and stuff, and then... *sob* we all left.

only rob and chad didn't leave! they had lunch with me and kismet at a pizza place! and it was GREAT. and, AND.... there were charlie brown peanuts sticker in the sticker machine. i got like eight of them. simple pleasures man, simple pleasures. the charlie brown stickers made my day. (well, not really, rob and chad staying and such made my day... but the stickers were cool.) then we had LONG goodbyes. and then we went our separate ways *sob sob sob* but chad would call for a status report every so often. they should be getting home soon! maybe they ARE home.... hmmm.

anywho, i worked when i got home. panera is so terrible. "hey, let's only have four people working two days before christmas! that's a good idea!" we ran out of everything... it was like "what kind of bread would you like your sandwich on? we have.... half a croissant, some pumpernickel, and two slices of wheat." and i'm so serious. we had to shut down sandwich line due to no bread. but, we listend to bree sharp while closing. so it was ok. but what's not ok is.... i work like nine hours tomorrow. so i need to go to bed, so i can get up to go to work. GOODnight everyone! thanks and love to the stuart peoples. i love you all so much, this weekend was VERY nice, and i really really can't say how much i love you guys. *mwah!*


last post for real! i'm off! byee!!
today at work... was hell. i was so stressed i was actually crying hysterically while laughing. and not like... laughing so hard i cried. and i had a napkin fiasco and covered every surface of sandwich line with napkins. we had ticket times of ten minutes at one point. non stop line. fucking people.... and such. ryan cracks me up though, so it's ok. but then, i randomly closed sandwich line by myself. and i was like "whaat?" but all that's done with. and now i have nothing to worry about except mailing my bills tomorrow, and going to rockford and chicago. and packing. and laundry... and. and and... *freaks out* no, i'm ok.

hung out with devin today, hamburg for breakfast/lunch, and village in for dinner. good times. and he let me have this pictures that chris took of him studying in the hallway, and it's a kick ass picture. i'll show rob and kismet (and anyone else who wants to see it) in rockford. it'll be almost like he came along. only less likely to climb unstable structures and scare the living daylights out of me. (sidenote: living daylights? what am i? sixty years old?) ok, on that note, i think it's time for me to go to bed. so alas, alas.... no more updates until monday! now guys, no giant "let's hate megan" commentathons this time, ok? last time i left town this became a breeding ground for nastiness. none of that. i will be back monday, and then i will have TWO new stu (tu nu stu) rants. and there will be rejoicing.

oh, and..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!


first... I GET TO SEE RENATA *AND* ROB ON SATURDAY!!!!!!! and, this means that kismet and renata get to meet! (and rob and stu and such...) i'm sooooooo haaaaaaaappy.

dude. ok, theo's java club in rock island, FUN time. stuart was so on, he was rockin, it was good to see him. and it will be good to see him this weekend too. so, setlist/rant. i promised the monktalk list i'd do it, so heeeeere it comes baby.

flower of a zero - mmm, it was "brother digs fingering his bible" and "mother's down bingen' in the basement" i was like *flail*
savoring samsara - "you think the new cord is better because it works!" his guitar cords were having some issues, and drew suggested stuart use the NEW guitar cord thingy.... but it was an idea not readily accepted.
sugar bullets - the guitar cord had further problems, and he FINALLY changed to the new one. everyone applauded when he replugged it in... "later i will be plugging in all sorts of things! *wild applause*"
wizard - i LOVE this song.
human girl - guess what, i love this song too! who'd have thunk it.
away in the manger - "away in the manger inventing some stuff, our little boy edison had it so... rough..."
nothing in between - "you're so agile, moving about the room, have you considered a career in spelunking?" re: drew sneaking back to his seat and running into a bunch of stuff.
eight days in the lotus
sexy messiah - the prelude to this song was pretty crazy. i dont' recall the exact order.... though, i believe... first he took my water bottle. which is square... btw. and was like "square must be the shape that makes you most thirsty" and... how the shape that made him most thirsty couldn't be formed due to euclidean geometry? or somesuch? well. yes, then he was like "square bottles are prolly really good for throwing...." and i kind of hid because it looked like he was winding up for a throw... and he's like "no no, i won't....." and i was thankful.... you know, i don't think all that happpened first. i think he asked what song i wanted to hear first. and i said sexy messiah. and that's when he took my water bottle, and drew all sorts of attention to me and made me blush. (lesson for rob!)
atavistic viking - "yeah, well it wasn't funny if you lived in greenland!" re: laughing at him.
surfaces - apparently the first time live? what?
chow down - i don't know exactly what went wrong where. but there was confusion. and kismet and i were cracking up. as was stu. it was pretty funny.
universe communion
and she was again, with the humoring megan. there were ALL these requests. and i was like "ahem, and she was." and it was so.

sidenotes: stuart was in such a "let's humor megan" mood tonight. seriously. dunno what the deal was with that, but i'm not complaining. also, he promised puppies to anyone who came to the rockford and chicago shows. and as initiative to sign up for the mailing list. "if you can't pick up your puppy this weekend, we'll mail it to you!" another sidenote... we got lost, and travis is our savior. he came and found us. and led us back to theos. but on the way, he seriously almost drove off the road. like, he went to exit but we weren't at the exit. and when we asked him what the deal was, he's like "well, it happens." aaaaaah travis.

alright. i'm spent. goooooodnight loves!


ok, hey *nina* call me. uhmm... i... my phone number... is.... in the comments on your lj. yeaaah. i'll be in chicago sunday. the show we're going to is 21+, but we totally have to meet up sometime. seeeeeriously.

this blog entry is dedicated to ROB. rob to the power of three. yeeeeeeeeah. i bought him a present at vortex today (though, i think i'm just going to make him a subliminally suggestive altoids tin or somesuch, because i LOVE those.) let's see. i told rob about the past two days on the phone (dude, my phone actually called him. it surprised me so much that i didn't know what to do when he answered.) and we talked, but only for 20 minutes, because i was with ben and brian in laura's dorm room. and they were making fun of me. and brian pointed out that my shoes come untied when i talk on my phone. hee. we had goodtimes tonight. i talked to devin's roomate on the phone for like... five or ten minutes. it was really funny. chris cracks me up so so so so so much. and i told him he looks like tulio (from road to el dorado) and he thought i said coolio. so we discussed coolio for awhile. and he was like "megan! you have to help me look like coolio!" but i told him i couldn't because... he's a skinny pale white boy. and coolio is not so much. gooooood times. and brian said he's going to leave an incriminating comment here. grrr skanky. also, we met skanky's friend (he only has one.) whose name was jonathan. and he was really really funny. we all watched joe dirt. which was SO bad. just about as bad as it was when i saw it this time last year.... and then we channel surfed. it was actually quite quite fun. i hope to hang out with them all again soon (them being brian(skanky), ben, kris and jonathan.) dig it.

it's SO bedtime. because i SO have to work at 10. ha, i'm stupid. goooodnight! oh hey, for people who are considering making the quad cities trek tomorrow, we are leaving from my house at like... 4:45. so devin... i will prolly actually get picked up by ben, then we'll drive in and get you. and i dunno if chris is coming or not. he said he was gonna, but he hasn't called. jos showed some interest in coming, but i dunno, it'd be awkward (jos is my buddy from dance. we went to sarah's party tonight. and ended up talking in a corner by ourselves (well, with chris, another guy from class) all night. we had a few forays into the party... but eh. oh oh oh!! candie was tehre! and she just got the lead in the next show at dreamwell! go candie!! i'm gonna go see her, and patty o'keebler needs to come with me. alright. bedtime for real now.


hey, frowl totally isn't working. it won't like... let me do anything. so i know this won't go through. but i need renata before i can fix it *sob* i can't get my mail or anything either. grrr. oh well. and yes rob, feel free to leave suggestive comments.


ok, so that post is from last night.

i'm on my first cherrybomb from java house for today. it's quite tasty. my masterpieces final went pretty well, and i'm studying for anthropology right now. then i'll be done.

all has gone as planned today. yay for that. i'm so tired though. much more tired than i was at all yesterday. boooo. not fair.

rob3t2, you need to blog so i can leave you suggestive comments. get on that! speaking of rob... i get to see him on saturday! yaaaay exciting. and kismet!! and chad? i don't know chad. but i think i get to see him on saturday. yay yay yay! oh hey, get to see stuart too. teehehe. rob and i did that last night too. i'm always doing that. forgetting about stuart *hangs head* ... anywho. this weekend will be rocking. ben and i are going to the quad cities show on thurs. then coming back home.... then i'm going BACK to the quad cities... on friday? i guess? aaand then onward to rockford and chicago. i really don't know any of the details on it though... we need to discuss. things. such as where we're staying. and i need to get in touch with *nina* yes. ok, well i'm off. buhbye.
blogger is having some issues. (no more magazines for blogger, it has enough issues! teehee)

so, today. i didn't sleep during those two hours last night. i just couldn't. you know? like, i knew if i fell asleep i would never wake up. it's like this summer, when i was at emily's and had to work at ten. and like... just stayed up all night. that was good times. and i had a pretty good day at work too. well. it's just like that. so, i got up at noon yesterday, and have been awake ever since. wooohoooo! everyone keeps telling me to go to sleep. but i'm feeling ok.

i've had three double shot cherrybombs from the java house today. well, i'm having the third right now. studying for masterpieces is going pretty ok. well, kinda. i've got a billion flash cards, but only like... half of what i need. and the goal is to go to bed at 10:30. so, i really seriously need to stop blogging and get on it. but i'm taking a break. i went to java house for coffee, and then came back and did a few more questions on the study guide (which has a billion typos on it. it's a study Quide.) and then i was like "i want to blog!" so i did! and i put a neutrogena mask thing on. so that i won't look too terrible tomorrow.

speaking of tomorrow.... if all goes as planned..... it should be....

wake up: 6:00
get up: 6:30 (i always do this. wake up a half hour early, listen to my alarm stereo dealie.... then get up a half hour after it started)
breakfast: (gotta feed the brain...) ~6:45
leave house: ~6:45(going to eat on the way....and make a stop at the java house)
get to art building: (this means actually inside the lecture hall... so... between leaving and getting there... is parking. which is going to be SUCH a bitch, that's why i'm going early....) 7:00-7:15...
final: 7:30! should only take an hour, hour and a half tops. this is masterpieces after all. nothing too complicated. memorize your dates and four things about each building.... use complete sentences.... and you're good. so, i should be done by 9. after that... i'm sure itll be time for another coffee.... and it's back to good ol studying. since my anthropology final is at 2:15. so, 9-12 is study time.... i'm meeting devin for lunch somewhere.... then.... after lunch is "outline my essay for the final" time... then it's time to go.... and then.... i'm done with finals. and hopefully erin and nate and devin and i can all go out. i totally don't see erin and nate getting along with devin for some reason. i dunno. i guess i'm just so used to it having been just the three of us all summer (well, sometimes tim. but he doesn't count because he's a big doof. *pause*i think he reads this sometimes.... hi tim! shave your head! i heart you!)


a. it's six am. i have to get up in two hours to go hear devin sing in church and go to brunch with his parents. fuck me.

b. the downstairs computer is broken, so my parents have welcomed themselves into my room to use my computer. they have also welcomed themselves into my desk drawers to look at all my bills, all my journals and anything else they feel they might enjoy. yeah. guess which door in the house is now going to be locked.

c. spent the last like... 12 hours with ben. i missed him so much.

d. i'm going to go now, so that i can pick out what i'm gonna wear tomorrow (in two hours) and make sure it's not like... wrinkled beyond all recognition.


stupid fucking blogger isn't publishing anything. (wait, i'm trying to say 'fuck' less. doh.) ok, stupid fecking blogger.

i... hit a rabbit on the way home. from the java house/movie/jenny's/pancheros. and it died. and i cried. but i'm ok now.

so, not to dwell on the rabbit slaying *sob* i'm going to discuss my evening.

i met paulina and the java house on mormon trek (my favorite place in the whole world. well not really at all. nevermind) anywho. we talked and talked and talked. and then abi got there, and she ran up behind me and hugged me and it SCARED me so bad. ooooh my god. bad abi. but she came with kathleen and priyanka. and we all hung out for like ten minutes. then priyanka took kathleen home, and abi and paulina and i hung out. and we called patrick kepler, and we discussed stuff. and had a wooooonderful time. then priyanka and her CUTE little brother (who hates gymnastics.) came back to get abi. so abi left. paulina and i hung out for awhile longer. then i realized that if i was gonna make it to a movie, i needed to move my ass. so i like... ran off. and paulina and i had nice goodbyes, and she made me feel so loved. *feels so loved!* then i called zak and dan, and jenny and we agreed to meet at coral ridge to go see 'they' .... dont' EVER make the same mistake. it was TERRIBLE. nuff said. though, we hung out with nate and joe in the hall afterwards. and i think i saw derek and debra leaving, but i was perfroming for raleigh and brett and ben s. from west high. like i ran into them, and stood and talked to them for ever. and i was showing them like... part of an audition piece, and didn't want to interupt myself. (all three of them were in acting and movement last year... i heart them) dude, i think i've got a good audition piece in mind for ... my next audition. whenever that may be. it's gonna kick. ANYwho.

then we all went to jenny's house, in north liberty, and met her crazy roomate (well, one of seven crazy roomates) and i decided i wanted their cat, allie. (they called her allie cat. it was the cutest thing ever.) and the roommate we met works at a dude ranch in colorado in the summers! that's by PV! crazy shit.

then we went to pancheros. but jenny disappeared. i guess she just decided not to come. *Shrug* but dan and zak and i enjoyed ourselves. and then i was gonna go see their place, but i would have had to walk from the parking lot. and i was cold. so i didn't. so i drove home, killed a rabbit, and am now blogging. i really am upset about the rabbit. i SLAMMED on my brakes. but it's slick outside.... and i felt my car hit it. and i was like.... sooooo sick to my stomach. blech. i feel awful. i killled a deer once, with my car. and it was more traumatic because it was so big and all over my car and such. the rabbit.... i thought about going back... so see if it was ok. but then i was like "what if it's like.... completely destroyed. i won't even beable to sleep... so i spared myself for once. ok. blogger had better fecking publish. or i'll kick its asss.


haven burton is like... the sexiest woman alive. looking through old rent links today, and just had to say that.


googlism.com cracks me up

megan is the devil
megan is the best
megan is an angel
megan is a loser
megan is green
megan is a cool chick
megan is leaving
megan is a rat
megan is so offended
megan is thrown to the ground
megan is here with all of us
megan is my pride and joy
megan is admiring the sky
megan is listening to us today
megan is king for a day
megan is the cutest baby
megan is hardly average
megan is straight into this acting stuff in a big way
megan is becoming
megan is confident that everyone can master the basics of floral arrangement
megan is passionate
megan is very precious
megan is happy to oblige
megan is still a little unsure of what to do
megan is on stage
megan is no longer so frantic
megan is the young adventuresome woman who stows away on the pirate ship as the captains boy
megan is being featured on many canadian tv guide
megan is proud to serve in our nation's military and is excited about sharing opportunities for women in the service
megan is the very first to actually mention and discuss it
megan is already the number one ranked female surfer in the united states

my favorites are in bold. ^_^

blogger wasn't working. so i couldn't blog. now devin's here, so i have to go, and blogger is working. it makes me oh so grumpy.


listening: into the wood, last midnight

i hate it when my nails chip the day after i do them all nice. grr. so, in other words, i'm touching up my nails. this would be so much easier if i'd just get fake nails.... but... i like natural long nice nails better. so i guess i'll just suffer through keeping them from breaking. i'm doing a good job.

i'm wearing my new shoes. they are so great. and warm. yay warm! dude, this guy from my dance class knows derek. like, he saw a rocky horror picture, and was like "he looks familiar...." and i was like "he's a gymnast.." (because jos, the guy from my class... is a gymnast too...) and jos is like "oh my god, i see him in the locker room all the time! i only recognized him because he's in his underwear in this picture." i was QUITE amused. dance today ran really long, because we all hung out for like forty minutes after class. and ate walnuts. and were like "i'll miss yooou!" i think some of us are taking the same class next semester (i might, but i don't like it being on wed. the only way i'll be able to do it is to switch my voice lessons to wed.... so that all my afternoon evening extraey stuff will be on the same day, so i'll have time to work ...

i'm going to be up late working on my rhetoric speech tonight (the paper will be tomorrow night....) the speech doesn't need much. and the paper is based on the speech.... i just need an outline of the speech for tomorrow. i've got enough stuff that goes with my topic and i could just stand up and do it, but we have to turn in an outline. so, you know.

i ran into jeff tyler today. did i mention that? well i did. and he asked me to come see his band at the greenroom. but i forget when. (does everyone remember jeff? from panera? with the nice car? yeah, him.)

i cannot wait for everyone to get home. break's almost heeeeeeere!
today was my last day of masterpieces lecture (woohoo!) and of theatre craft *sniffle*

so, this morning i had a couple things to finish for theatre craft, so i got up early and did them... and got distracted.... and was minorly late (like five minutes. i'm always five minutes late.) and then i parked, and was like... sprinting inside, then realized i hadn't put money in my parking meter. so i ran back, and put some quarters in, and ran back in (and you could see all this from the windo of the class room. i was like "doh!") so then, i get to the door, and the steps are all slippery, and i couldn't open the door because i was sliding on the ice. and i'm like "aagh." then i get to class, and jessica's like "gap girl's here! yay!" and i was like "huh?" and she's like "well, you look like you should be in the gap commercials, and i didn't know your name at the beginning of the semester, so i'd just call you gap girl." and i was like "oh..." and sat down, and jim (the theater) was like telling us horror stories about the final, and how hard it's gonna be. then he turned around and wrote on the board in big letters "no final" and put his coat on and walked out. we were like "wooohoo!" so then i went to anthropology, and then to my dad's and we went to fin and feather to get my boots back (they broke, so we sent them to the company... remember?) but my boots weren't back yet. BUT, there was a pair just like the ones i have only in like... earthtones (mine are blue and purple) and they were on sale! so my dad got them for me. so when my old boots come back i'll have TWO pairs. and they'll match everything, and it'll be great. then we went and got gas for my car, and checked the oil, and discovered like... a nest in the engine of my car. something has been living in there. i was like "hmm... how peculiar." i was scared a mouse would jump out when i was removing all the grass and such. but none did. i also got the into the woods cast recording. and some potato chips.

hey curtis is online!! *doesn't im him*

*sigh sigh sigh* i miss my friends. i miss having firends, you know? i've always had SO many people around me. and now they're all around... but away. *sigh* i just wanna like... go to the alley cat with some people. ah well, as soon as break comes ^_^
me and curtis-the-duck (named for curtis the man. get it? it's funny. because curtis played the man. teehee. ok, it's late. and i'm getting tired. obviously.) that's a link to time fies. i was too lazy to actually put the picture in. boo. but it cracks me up. (has anyone noticed that everything seems to crack me up lately? and i dig everything. crazy.)
ok. only one more rent post, i swear!

renata, remember how shocked curtis was as asia sf???? "all of them!?! you're sure?!" (sidenote: asia sf is a restaurant in san fran where we ate dinner with curtis for renata's birthday... and all the waiteresses are drag queens. and apparently curtis had NO idea... cracked me up.)

and, i look exactly the same now as i do in the iowa city pictures. i was only 16 then! ah! i was only 14 the first time i saw rent. i was 14 the first time i saw stuart too! what a monumental year that was. god i'm so young. it's always such a shock to me when i realize i'm only 18. but seriously... i look exactly the same now as i did the first time i met scott hunt. (he was my first rent meeting, and i was head over heels in love with him....) my hair's shorter now... and i take more care not to look like a moron.... but other than that... no changes.

curtis seems to climb things a lot. i'm looking at pictures... and he's like... in trees... on sculptures... crazy. also... he's so geeky looking in some pictures, and so hot in others. i totally see him as doody in grease. i would love a boot of that. maaan. i bet misty has one.... and... curtis in the motorcycle helmet.... funny stuff.

another memory.... the night when dom's candle went out... so when it came time for jeremy to blow it out... so she could say "what'd you do with my candle"... he reached out and snapped in half... or... when maggie's drumstick broke during OTM. and the mic didn't work... so she did the reverbs herself... and her zipper was down.... aaaaah goodtimes. oooor OR! when curtis's stash had a hole in it. and he's all being the man. all bad ass (as bad ass as cute little curtis can be) and takes out a stash and shakes it at haven.... and sugar goes flying everywhere. and he's all "*shake shake* *pause* *confused look* *shake* *angrily shoves stash back in pocket*" ... or, my favorite mimi moment... one of karmine's first shows... "we must regret, or life is yours to miss." she just got this look like "fuck. that's not right at all." *big sigh* i miss the bennies.

in addition to all of that last post....

curtis's sparkle hands... "the opposite of war isn't peace..... it's creation... *sparkle hands*"

and del wants to polka with curtis. "he'd be like "we light candles...." and i'd leap onstage and bellow "no we don't! weeee POLKA!""

and... abdul. oh god. ooooh god.
it's that time again... time for me to get distracted and look through all my rent stuff and write a long sappy blog entry about how much i love rent and people and the vibe that surrounds the whooooole thing.

this rant is specifically on the OBC. (that's "original broadway cast" for you stu folks who dont' know what i'm talking about.... see, the only people who seem to read my blog are rent folks and stu folks. ANYwho.) i was just looking through my obc picture program ("buy a program from me! i'm canadian!" "*sob* ryan's selling more than me because he's canadian. this isnt' faaaaaaaair" awwww san fran) and i was struck by how gorgeous these people are. idina menzel... fucking beautiful.... daphne... oh GOD daphne. i don't think there could be anyone more striking that daphne rubin-vega. her hair... her face, her body. her voice (some people don't dig it.... but i do. oh so much. just talking about it and i'm like "must listen to goodbye love again" or sci fi double feature....) man.... daphne is just such a fox. what's she up to? isn't she like... 35 now? man. oh and anthony rapp ("you can't have a crush on anthony, he's gay." "but.... adam's married, just as unavailable...and YOU have a crush on HIM."). and adam pascal (sure he has an ego the size of a small car, and is as dumb as a brick... but SO attractive.) like, the pictures of adam and ant doing rent... like... in each other's faces, rocking out. i'm just like *swoooon* i dunno if there's any other markroger duo that evokes that kinda reaction from me. i mean... sure i love josh, i love jeremy... i loooooooooove scott (more scott rant coming. don't worrry renata ^_^) but *shrug*.

and the second gen. cast on bway... jim... marcy... (oh GOD.... i'd forgotten how much i LOVE marcy.) maaaan, norbert leo butz... that whole group... and then... the angels... who were nice and all, but i never had a connection to them (see, my first rent show was the bennies... the angels were maybe.... 6 months from closing? maybe a little more.... but after seeing the bennies, most of the stuff i was reading was broadway. i loved the broadway boards, lived for the broadway boots... my third (i think?) rent show was broadway... yaz as mimi and NORBERT as roger ... and it refueled my love of the broadway cast(s).... then after that it was pretty much the closing benny cast that was "my cast") the bennies. though, the bennies and the early broadway casts will always be my favorites. yaz.... fucking rocks. karmine... wow. *sigh sigh* i always get all bad with my language when i get excited about how great people are. i should be careful. stuart does the same thing i've noticed. listen to him talking about something he's REALLY into. he gets vulgar, just like me. doh. but...back to my random rant.... the marks/mark understudys (follow the man!) remain my favorites.... *loooong sigh* curtis... (aawwwww curtis!!!!!!), scott... i still have his sock. hehe. and all my scottographs. *hearts them all* awww. and anthony... i treasure my anthony napkin (he signed a napkin for me at the chicago aids walk... like.. AGES ago.) awww and jim. aw jim. aawwwwww. *pause* aaaaw. and even matt caplan. i harbor a lot of bitterness towards matt. because he's neither scott nor curtis.... but i still heart him lots. (this cracks me up. i should harbor bitterness towards EVERYONE who isn't scott or curtis. hee.) and what'shisname?! the guy! *pause* chad!! i love chad. oh my god, my yaz's last vid... aw. chad's more of and Mmmmm than an "aw" but still. and so. i'll let this end my randomness. i was going to continue and talk about san francisco. and such. but i realize that no one except like... renata and del are following all that im saying. especially because i didn't use too many last names (sidenote: i love dean too. him and chad are my broadway boys who i love dearly.) i really don't have anything of any content to blog about. i just needed a break from all my school work.. and rent was on the stereo.... i happened to pick up my big black rent book.... and some photo albums....and the rest is history. i'm going to go to time fies and curtiscregan.com and look at pictures now *sniff* hey, you should all go too! because there are many amusing pictures (just don't look at st. louis. i look like a moron in all those... san fran and minneapolis are the best. iowa city too.)

and on a side note... i've always been offended when people peg me as a "maureen" ... but... much to my dismay.... they seem to be right. *sniff*


classes are ending, finals are coming. i'm so busy. don't expect too terribly much over the next week and a half. but then... break! and all the new parts of the site will go up! (all... two of them... and include the new who's who as a new part.) and i'll just generally make sure this doesn't suck anymore. off to bed i go. exhausted ugh.


went to see into the woods at west high today. very nice. there were SO many people who were terrible actors though. i understand that they need NEED the right vocals... but that doesn't mean they should entirely sacrifice acting... *sigh* abi was FABULOUS though. i laughed so hard when she popped out of the wolf. also, jamie did an AWESOME job as the witch. and nick kanellis. ooooh nick. i've never met anyone who has that kind of talent and determination. (i mention nick all the time in here. seriously, if you look through the archives, he's everywhere. he found my site once just searching for his name. i was quite amused.) but he was SO good. i want to see him in a show with a cast that rocks at least half as much as him... oh, and ryan overton was REALLY funny as the narrator. he cracks me up. "mister bojangles..." "ryan shut up." "but..." "shut up."

also had coffee with paulina and casey at java house, good times. and am now looking for a new auditon piece. (that's what i'm doing right now at this very moment. i found one from a sondheim show... a part that is written for someone older but the monologue doesn't make mention of it... and... *shrug* i dunno. no real decisions, if anyone has an suggestions, lemme know. alright, i'm gonna go eat dinner, because my dad mad like... the best dinner ever tonight. well, he's still making it, so i'm gonna go steal some of whatever's cooking and prolly be back for a bit.... then go eat, but that's really not the point. the point is i'm done blogging for now. toodle pip.


rob, you will be glad to know i dropped a whooooole bunch of stuff off at the crisis center today. every christmas i give them a bunch of the cute exspensive and oh-so-fun things i have needlessly gathered over the year. i always feel like cher, in clueless when i go there. "now, these are banana repuplic sweaters... so they're dry clean only... but if you're REALLY in a pinch, hand wash cold.. and these, well i bought them at a store in colorado that just sells purple clothing, but i bought the wrong size... and then altered them... so they're REALLY size 3, not size 8.... and THESE...." it's like when cher is bringing her skies down to give to the people in.... somewhere very warm. and her dad's like "honey... i don't think they need your skies...." and she's like "daddy, they lost everything. that includes sporting equiptment!" *sigh* i can be such an airhead. and then i get all bent out of shape when people think i'm an airhead. boo. but, some cute picture frames, some stuffed animals (lots of stuffed animals. i always seem to forget that i'm 18 years old, and accumulate a million teddy bears every year) and a handful of hello kitty stuff. *sigh* i've had a rough evening, but i'm alright now. and thinking about how some little girl is going to get my pink ty teddy bears for christmas makes me happy.


my rent hat is no longer enormoulously large. i sewed it like... before rocky started. because i felt silly wearing it when it was so tall i could like... put a poodle on my head and it would still fit.

my coat idea worked wonderfully. it's so great. i even fixed the holes in the pockets (anyone who actually hangs out with me a lot (i.e. devin...) knows that i was forever putting my keys in the pocket with the hole... THEN both pockets got holes, and i kept losing my keys in the lining of my coat.... or like... putting something big in my pocket (like a can of pepsi) and having it disappear into the lining. so frusterating. but they're fixed!!!

i downloaded SmartFTP because CuteFTP was like.... cute sure.... but an airhead. and i love the new one so much more. renata, you should get it. or maybe your copy of cuteftp is working ok.... mine was being really stupid. aaanywho. i'm gonna go.
so, i got home from devin's, it was late, i needed to go to sleep. but then.... i think.... you know, my black and white speckly coat is not NEAR warm enough. it would be SO great if there were another layer. so, i undertake the task of adding another layer. it was actually quite successful in the end. i only need to sew the lining, and hit a few spots to attatch the new layer to the shell and to the lining. it's going to be a wonderful coat now. i'm terribly excited. there's this gap coat i want sooooo bad. that our gap doesn't have... it's only online. but i don't have any money, so i can't get it *sniffle* and i'm always so cold... devin makes me wear his coat when we're together because otherwise i shiver and my teeth chatter and i'm just generally miserable. but now that my old coat is warmer, and i got gloves and an ear band thing... i will be warm(er)! and.... if this all fails.... i'll start begging people for spare change for my "new camel colored medium length wool coat from the gap" fund. now there's a noble cause if i've ever heard one. hey rob, did you find out the ages of the girls? in the family you were discussing? do let me know dear.

the end. . . . . for now.


i am so tired.

complete physical exhaustion. i hope tonight's not like last night. i went to sleep wanting dreams, anything to make the amount of time asleep tangible. it felt like i woke up two seconds later, 7 am. exhausted. bone tired. i didn't have to get up until 8. so i check that my alarm's set and go back to sleep... hoping for those dozing dreams... that ease you into waking up... but... two seconds later, bam. it's 8. *sigh* non stop today. and now back to bed.

rob, my pet, i fulfilled your request (kind of). so, you and anyone else.... pictures are uploaded, from stu: the weekend, but not pretty yet.... no captions. you can still look. and email me, suggest what YOU want the caption to be ^_^


two things:

abi, your comments made me laugh so hard. nose, noise.. it's all the same ^_^ and i will SO be there. possibly with pavlina, possibly with joshy. we shall see. (i'll try to bring you joshy AND paulina. wouldnt' that be the best?? ^_~)

and stuart commented. i was like "hey someone commented! *excitement*" because i love comments. i'm so needy, i desire feedback. and then i'm like "doot doot doot... check my comment" and THEN i'm like "i don't know a stuart, a new random person! yay!" then... i'm like *pause* i do too know a stuart.... " i just wanted to share my thought process of totally forgetting stuart for a moment. oh, and stu, don't worry, i told my dad all about saul williams, i'll keep you updated.
i just talked to rob3t2 for like... four hours. it was a very very nice discussion. this blog entry is dedicated to him, so he can read it at work tomorrow. hello rob (and chris, right?).

first, to abi. thank you for the comments! and i will BE there. i haven't emailed joshy yet. i lied about going to email him. but i'll do it RIGHT now. i really did just email him now. then i got really distracted and emailed devin. i'm in such a good wonderful mood. i'm so sick, and physically i feel awful... and well... mentally i may be a little blurred by antibiotics... but the codeine from this morning has gotta be gone by now. right now i contain fruit, water, and antibiotics. oh my god, my prescription cost $90 today. i almost cried. and i need to work... because i have bills and such to pay every month, you know? and since i've been so sick i haven't been working.... and... i'm not going to have enough money, and i'm goign to have to dip into savings... and i HATE doing that... because my savings is pathetic at best. *SIGH*

in other news, i'm auditioning for 'how to succeed in business without really trying' (from here on known as H2$) at ICCT. which is a very elitest theatre group.... difficult to break into, you know? (aren't ALL theatres difficult to break into? isn't that the big impossibility of theatre? it's a constant battle to get your foot in the door and sell yourself, sell yourself, sell yourself. *sigh* ANYhow..) i don't know much about it. but i'm going to start looking into it a little more. and see if i can get some info about the director (she's a friend or marie's... i discovered that today. and was told that if i can work for ms. hamm and come away 100% happy with her... i'll be able to deal with this director no probllem.... see, i have a fear of directors hating me... yeah.) but... i want to do this show so bad. just to be in the ensemble and sing chorus and dance. just to DO something.... since UI is.... making me quite sad. boo.

i want to discuss rob and my discussion. but... at the same time, i don't want to share it with anyone, because it was such a lovely conversation that i just want to internalize it and remember. and so, off to bed i go. to enjoy my sweet lucid nondual dreams. *blows goodnight kisses to all* goodnight.


blogger is being a jerk!!!!
hey there joel canadian stranger of doom! your friend of death should come check me out, maybe we're like... long lost siblings. wouldn't that be freaky?

so, i need to go to voice, like... right quick. but my voice is shot due to respiratory infection type thing anyways... so i'll type my quick little story. i was on the ramp to get on the interstate, and there's this truck... with two guys in it... and the guy in the passenger seat is looking at me, and like, dives down when i look over at him. which i found very amusing and started laughing. then he's all mouthing at me "i know you, i know you!" and i'm like .... i don't think so... for a second i thought it was matt doran. but it wasn't. so anywho, they're from indiana... (license plates) and this guy holds up a piece of paper with his cell number and this note that is like "i know i've met you somewhere, you are my dream girl, please call me." and i'm like "dude..." and then it was my exit. crazy stuff. though, according to his sign, his name IS matt. wouldn't that be funny if it WAS matt doran? and like... he'd just gone completely nuts? i think that would be hilarious. but it's not. it's some guy from indiana. ha. ok, i have to go to voice now, i wish rob3t2 would email me... because i haven't talked to him since thursday. *sniffle*


blogger is being shady. so is aim. *shakes fist at them* grr. hey know what? i think into the woods opens at west this thursday! first non hamm play at west in yeeeeeears. could be interesting. i'm going, pavlina, you wanna come? support our dear abi? i could call joshy and see if he wants to come..... dude, i might do that, i haven't seen him since opening night of rocky... and i bet he'd come. and then abi would be like "*swooon*" and it'd be great. *goes to call joshy* maybe i'll just email him. that seems easier. *goes to email joshy*

i just posted on rob's blog to fix blogger's problem, which patrick alerted me to ("megan, i think i broke your website..." ... but it turned out to be blogger) so, go read rob's blog for a special appearence by ME!

and hey, i'm so glad my blog is back to normal... and there aren't hoardes of people i dont' know hanging around and being mean. hoardes of people i don't know are fine but... i'd prefer they not be hostile. they should all rock, like kelly anne.

oh, rob3t2, that picture of us is sexy, i would have a double for you, but stuart stole it in cedar falls. so you'll have to take it up with him. he also kept hinting that he thought we should hook up, but i should keep going devin too. he's like "megan, i can't belive you don't agree with me! devin AND rob. lots of hair, and bald... it's a great idea. besides, look at you two all cute. you've gotta!" and i was like "stuart... i dunno..." and he was like "*steals pictures*" and i was like "hey!" then we finished our pizza. and them emily got up on the table. and we all clapped and whistled for her. and the thneed was there. and so was kismet and abby and dave-from-ames it was goodtimes. and stuart made me blush like a billions times. he's like "it's just so easy!" it was terrible *sniffle*

anyhow, pictures from that will be... coming as soon as the downstairs computer stops making scary noises. hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was a big group punk monk blog in the punkmonk section of stuartdavis.com? (speaking of, the new road journals are up, go check em out) like, we could all discuss and such. and it would rock. i should talk to matt (is that his name?) about that. but... the one time i talked to him, and made like... an html suggestion back when everything was all overlapping and weird at sd.com, he was really not receptive. oh well, i'll try again. maybe i intimidated him and he was like "aaah!"... or not....

there's a rocky horror party this weekend. i'm SO excited. i can't even begin to describe how excited i am. i miss everyone so much. i'm finally getting over it, and this weekend's going to make it all come rushing back. i'll fall in love with derek again, and have a blast with everyone, and steffanie and i will be dirty, and i'll miss everyone SO much the next day. last time i had to leave at 11 to go meet up with my beautiful kismet and roberto3t2, but they won't be waiting for me when i get hom ethis time, so i'll stay for longer. (stay for longer? nice... way to be an english major.)
test one two three?

anything but that.
an ammendment to the colorado rant: my cousin patrick is a genius and a stud. and he kicked everyone's ass at foosball, and would have kicked everyone's ass at pool.... if he'd had some chalk. "sir, i don't think you understand what i am saying. *gestures to self* scientific expert. *gestures to yokel* yokel. please step aside *climbs into gigantic dented blazer* and takes off*"

*blazers rock, and broncos don't. just so you know.
hey hey.... the preview finally surfaces.... the real stuff will come once it's all cropped and purty.


so, colorado.

wednesday: this was the first of my mom's days off, but my sister still had school. so we compromised and my mom and dad and i spent the morning packing and putting stuff in our van and getting all ready to go, then we went and picked up allison at school, and headed west. we drove from about noon until 6:30, then we stopped at our hotel in kearney nebraska, which is always full of yokels. wednesday night was no exception, we had a poolside room and these kids kept throwing golf balls at our door, until i took the situation into my own hands. i waited by the door, and the next time one hit, i ran out and grabbed it and ran back in. then they stopped. then i took my little sister swimming, and realized how out of shape i am. i need to start swimming ... or running ... or biking! yay biking! that's what i'll do. ANYhow, that was wednesday

thursday: we left kearney at 6:30 am, boo getting up early, but yay sleeping on the way there. rob woke me up from my second nap with a cheery phone call while we were in ogallala nebraska, ALMOST colorado, but not quite. and i talked to him briefly, but i was sleepy and don't recall what all was said. i hope nothing was dirty. *teehee* aaaanywho, we get to denver at like... 2ish? or so? i'm not sure, the time difference confused me. and my mom is all sure that she's never ever been to the ryons' house. but i'm really sure she has. but that doesn't matter, we all hang out and play foosball, and darts, and coo at the baby, and then emily gets home with her boyfriend (fiance, i guess) and we eat dinner, and it's very very good, and emily and i hoarded the sweet potato's and somehow emily and me and patrick and reid were all at one end of the table and everyone else was at the other end. and there were like 20 of us, and they were all far away, and we had to shout if we wanted them to pass something. and there was turkey and hamm, and the hamm was supposed to be some super special hamm that katie made, but it was cold! very good, but served cold. and no one warned us. emily and i were both like "AH!" when we took bites. crazy. then, i didn't have any pie. i dont 'know why not, but now i wish i had some pie right now. *sigh* life's hard. THEN we cleaned up and got BACK in the car. and head up to PV (peaceful valley) and that was exciting, because jeanne was the only one who REALLY knew the way by heart, and she kept running yellow lights, and leaving three cars behind who didn't know where they were going. but we all got there eventually. and got to our cabins, and such. and hung out in the hot tub. goodtimes.

friday: david (an uncle) went skiing with beth (an aunt) early in the morning, but beth hurt herself, and skiiing wasn't all that great. i didn't get to go due to my terrible NEW illness, which kicked in full force the first night i spent at PV up in hella altitude. so i got up at like...9 and watched hairspray on teevee, then part of a bond movie, then we went to estes park, which was PACKED with people. an even distribution of tourist and yokels. patrick and i decided that the only thing worse than a yokel was a tourist. (we decided this while planning for a tornado tracking endeavor on thursday... which involved stealing katie's jeep, using utility lights as satellites, stealing various science looking things from various places... and driving around near tornados. it's an excellent plan) SO all i bought in estes was hello kitty stickers, for a dollar. i put one on my phone. then we run away from estes because theres' going to be a parade, and more yokels and tourists are arriving by the second. back at PV i took a loooong nap in front of the fire in rob (an uncle) and sarah's (an aunt) cabin. everyone is like "aren't you hot!?" and i'm like "i'm freezing! *shiver shiver*" but it turned out this was due to a fever... suck. theeeen we played yahtzee. and cards, and then pete (an uncle) came with food! but no ketchup (and we were having taverns, which neeeed ketchup) so i didn't eat much, also due to not being hungry at all (i lost weight while i was gone. noooo appetite.) then we all went swimming, and went to play pool, only there was this gigantic wedding party taking place in the main hall in the lodge, which is where the stairs to the pool table room are. so we were like "well, we'll go the secret back way." and then a waitress type person was like "ah! employees only!" and were were like "we were all employees here at somepoint in time.... and for long periods of time... we're jeanne's relatives!" and she was like "Ah! carry on, carry on." because we tend to be able to do whatever we want. so we played pool, and i scratched on the eight ball. *sniff* then we went back to the cabin and read trivial pursuit questions to eachother until the ryons went back to estes and mi familia went back to our cabin (we were staying at a friend's $300,000 "summer cabin" a ways away. seriously... nicer than ANYone's house i've ever been in.)

saturday: get up at 6, go back to PV to say goodbyes, eat breakfast, get in car, drive until about 11:30. get home, read mail, blog, sleep!

i have a lightboard practical for theatre craft tomorrow.... at like... two something. so i should study for that (technically tomorrow... since today's tech. sunday already....) so, i just need to study that a bit (should be VERY easy, we get to use our notes and all we have to do is set 10 cues.) i need to call abi, and see if there's any possible time we could hang out tomorrow... and i should study various other things (like masterpieces) since classes start.... and finals are soon... and... booo. so. goodnight my loves!
duuude. i just talked to ben's sister, and she said he flew back to north carolina TODAY. not tomorrow like he thought/we planned. suck.
1. sorry i haven't been around! i meant to tell everyone i was going to colorado over break... but all the craziness distracted me! but now i'm back! yay!

2. dude, what did i say about using the comments as a "let's talk to megan about our personal issues" box? *delete* and as far as judging.. i dont' care that all these people i don't know/don't care about hate me. live for you, not me, not them.

3. pictures soon, really i swear. i'm going to ben's now. if he ever ims me back. which he isn't.

4. hey devin just called!

5. i'm sick as all hell. that's part of the reason that i didn't seek out a computer and update. it's yucky. my mom wants me to go to the ER tomorrow because it's nasty and bad. but... i think i'll be ok. we shall see. i really don't want to miss anymore work, because i neeeed need the money.

6. i'm going to call ben and wake up the entire house. doh. it was busy though, so at least i know people are still up and... using the telephone... or something.

7. big colorado update coming. i might even start now, since i'm waiting for ben to contact me... and devin's oot and aboot. and otherwise i'll just go to bed... so... i'll post this, go read r3t2's blog... and then begin the big huge "what's been going on since last wednesday" post (of doooom!)