STU: THE WEEKEND II coming to a theatre near you...
alrighty. where to begin? how about the beginning... that seems like a nice place to start. yes it does. so, i spent saturday morning running around paying bills and picking stuff up and dropping stuff off and running errands, so, i didn't leave iowa city until 11. but i was supposed to be at kismet's at 11:30, so i was late *sniffle* but, i got there, and we found out rob and chad were running late too, so we didn't leave right away. so, we fiiiiiinally get on the road. and head for rockford. i was SO excited about seeing everyone. i was such a dope on the way there i'm like "maaaaan, i'm so excited!!!" *two minutes later* "man! i'm SO excited!" and so on and so forth for like... the entire trip. so we get lost. but then we stop for gas and remedy the lostness.
after becoming unlost we get to barnes and noble (where we were meeding chad and rob) and go in (you know, it really goes without saying that we went in... we didnt like... peer through the windows trying to find them.... uh, anyhow...) we found chad right away, and had to wander around for awhile to find rob. but we did. and all was well in the world. well, not all. but.... some. we went to the children's section and rob was going to read us the lorax, but he just wanted to look at the pictures and ask questions that would have been answered had he read the book. THEEEEEEN we found stuart and MARCI! who i am in love with. she's so so so so so so soooooo great. i could gush on and on about marci for pages. but i'll try not too. we hung out at barnes and noble for awhile... then.... we went somewhere. but i dont' remember where. we may have gone to the white box.... which is where he was playing that night.... but i dont' think we did? but we had to have.
the white box was so so so so awesome. mike tarrolly owns it... it's a performance space and his house and i LOVE it. we looked at pictures, talked, made rob blush, stu did sound check (the stage was seriously a piece of plywood on some two by fours. covered with a rug. but it was cool. we went to .... the place.... cafe patou? was it? and ate dinner. you could draw on the table!! with crayons! on the tables!!! (this was very exciting for me) so, we all drew (except kismet) and rob and chad and i played tic tac toe a few times. and chad and i played the dots game... and he beat me SO bad. SOOO bad. and it took forever for out food to get there, but our waitress was SO GREAT. oh my god. and so funny. she brought a basket of bread and stuff and rob took it to get a roll or whatever, but the put it right in front of him, and she goes "you know, i brought that for everyone" we CRACKED up. she kept apologizing about the food being late, and like... cursing the kitchen for being slow. but, i loved her. oh, and i knocked my diet coke over *sniffle* it made me sad. but it was as we were leaving, so it was ok. or something. i'm just telling myself it was ok.
THEN. show time. so, here comes the setlist!
flower of a zero - the lyrics were correct tonight. go stuart.
sexy messiah - the lyrics were terribly not correct. it was pretty funny. the sexy messiah was blowing kiss to the disco ball. i hoped that he'd compensate by singing "giving it up for the mystic misfit" but he didn't. *sulk*
wizard - with rob's hat. he dedicated it (the song, not the hat) to tom petty. (it was a tom pettyish hat.) ok, i just LOVE this song. "fuck off sucker."
bell - "music... and something that approaches lyrics"
anesthesia, necrophilia
and she was - told a story about jerry (morrison... isn't it? from the talking heads? or is it harrison...? doh. i could check, but i'm lazy) aaaanywho, he was at a show in san fran. and apparently jerry stood like... silent through this whole song.... but had an irish friend who loved it? (this is the condensed version. it's difficult to relate the story in typing. i'll just leave it at that... and say that stuart's imitation of the irish friend started a trend for the weekend....*irish/scottish accent* "it's fucking great!" "what did jerry think?" "fuck him! it was fucking great!") stu was just like "well, i always like david byrne more anyway." (me too, me too.)
jonah - this was renata's request. aw.
atavistic viking - before the show, mike told us a story about him and stu and someone else getting a flat tire in the middle of a desert, and stuart wondering around playing the guitar part for this. it created a wonderfully amusing image for me.
nothing in between
seven wonders of the soul
only changing drugs
sugar bullets
kid mystic
savoring samsara
some random quotes/notes:
"bree sharp's opening for me tomorrow... i dunno..... do you think i could take her? *fighting stance*"
"i make thunder with my feeet!! you must obey me!!"
i have some EXCELLENT pictures of this to scan and put up before i give them back to stuart. wait, they aren't of THIS show, but the one before that he played there. and they are GOOD pics. so, i'll put them up. oh god, and marci cracked me up like four times over the course of the night. but i dont'n entirely remmeber why. i miss her laugh, it's so fun. i should like... sneakily record it next time i see her ^_~ and rob and i had some very very nice but short heart to heart talks. *sniffle*
afterwards we were going to go to country kitchen (it was right next to our hotel) but.... i ended up staying in the room and taking a short power nap. which was much needed. i was having issues. headache.... everything ache. i'm gettin sick. i was sickish all weekend. but i still had fun. but, rob made fun of me, because when he got home (well, back to the room) i was curled up in a ball, sleeping on top of the covers at teh very top of the bed. but then i woke up. and we talked some more, then kismet and chad got home. and we went to sleep, only really we played a game (well, not so much a game...) but we'd all name a food, then we'd all discuss the food. sno-caps were a major topic of discussion. eventually we were all so tire'd we'd crack up at anything. "oats" "*we all laugh hysterically*" i learned that chad is ridiculously funny. hilarious. i love it.
next morning, it becomes apparent that we all got only 2 or 3 hours of sleep. but we get up and go to chicago. we switch cars, so that chad and i can talk, and kismet and rob can talk.... but i fell asleep immediatly in the car. defeating the purpose. i woke up right when we got to chicago, where i watched all the jets landing at o'hare. and was amazed by them. i felt like i was like.... five years old "look at the airplanes!!" so we went to uncommon ground and had drinks and talked with marci and had GOOD times and met seth and his girlfriend and sat by the fireplace and it was great. then lisa and craig and emily FINALLY got unlost and got there. so we went to schuba's for soundcheck and the show. so, watch it, because another setlist is coming.
first, bree sharp. fuck me, but she's great! i loved her so so so soo much.
so, setlist for her... incase any bree sharp fans happen by....
walk away
suday school and cigarettes (slippin away)
"get away" (?)
not your girl
galaxy song
don dilego, her guitar player guy played a song here.... "late all the time" i think it's called. very nice.
dirty magazine
lazy afternoon
everything feels wrong
little drummer boy
faster faster
dirty magazine and faster faster.... i LOVE. maaan.
and then... it was time for stuart. actually, at this point, bree came back to the merch table and i mostly ignored stuart and talked to her. *hangs head*
but, i DID write the setlist and such.
anethesia, necrophilia
wizard - "this song is kind of like my hotel california" he gave away the hat tonight (well, that night) "later i'll give away my pants!"
sugar bullets
rockstars and models - sam joined him for this song. (i love sam!) and stuart mentioned that his drummer was there (i assume matt? i LOVE matt.) ... "i have my bass player here. and i just saw my drummer. he doesn't have his drums with him though. man. he told me that he was out of town this weekend, and then i find him over by the bar. drummers are like that."
doppelganger - "do you mind if we have a rehearsal? i know you paid to see a show, but we really need to learn this song."
nothing in between - the debut of the "shut up stuart" sign. goodtimes.
savoring samsara - "c'mon e string! we need you for this song!"
stephen's exhibition - this was bree's favorite. *nod*
kid mystic
fall awake
universe communion
atavistic viking
your house
goodtimes. then we all went to stuart's brother's house. and i was so tired. i swear, something was wrong with me this weekend. i can normally do the no sleep thing without a problem. but this weekend i was sick as hell at the end of the day. thankfully chad is a massage therapist and he got rid of my TERRIBLE headache. *loves chad* everyone wanted me to do a monologue, but instead rob and kismet and i fell asleep on the couch. actually, kismet didn't. i dont' remember anything. i remember being in a pile of people. then apparently kismet got up so her and stu could discuss how cute rob and i are. and i think rob woke up at like.... 4 or something and went to a real bed (we were on a REALLY small couch) and i seriously didn't even move until chad covered me up the next morning with the biggest best comforter ever. then i kept sleeping but was warmer. i dont' even know if i had a blanket the night before. i was all curled up in rob's coat. i spent a lot of time in rob's coat. it was warm. then we all had coffee, and talked about the screenplay, and stuff, and then... *sob* we all left.
only rob and chad didn't leave! they had lunch with me and kismet at a pizza place! and it was GREAT. and, AND.... there were charlie brown peanuts sticker in the sticker machine. i got like eight of them. simple pleasures man, simple pleasures. the charlie brown stickers made my day. (well, not really, rob and chad staying and such made my day... but the stickers were cool.) then we had LONG goodbyes. and then we went our separate ways *sob sob sob* but chad would call for a status report every so often. they should be getting home soon! maybe they ARE home.... hmmm.
anywho, i worked when i got home. panera is so terrible. "hey, let's only have four people working two days before christmas! that's a good idea!" we ran out of everything... it was like "what kind of bread would you like your sandwich on? we have.... half a croissant, some pumpernickel, and two slices of wheat." and i'm so serious. we had to shut down sandwich line due to no bread. but, we listend to bree sharp while closing. so it was ok. but what's not ok is.... i work like nine hours tomorrow. so i need to go to bed, so i can get up to go to work. GOODnight everyone! thanks and love to the stuart peoples. i love you all so much, this weekend was VERY nice, and i really really can't say how much i love you guys. *mwah!*