
dude. just got home. what is my problem?!!?

one flew over the cuckoo's nest was awesome.

i don't dig writing in paragraphs when i'm fucking tired.

romy and michelle's high school reunion ROCKS. kayla and i are gonna learn the corny dances and do them at the alley cat. tomorrow, (today) at the drag show. dig it like dirt.

margaret cho is so hilarious. baaaaahhhhhhhhhk. "guys i so totally ate carla. she's my fucking best friend and i ate her!" "knock knock..." as a result of her.... we are going to be so obnoxious.

i feel SO drunk. and i'm not at all. 100% sober, but very sleep deprived.

ugh. what else? oh my god. had so much fun tonight. we're gonna make our lives into a reality show, and mtv is gonna kill to have us on.

alright, it's SO beyond time for bed.


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