
hey kids, be glad that you can't hear what's going on right now, because i'm at the LOUDEST band rehearsal ever. it's pretty rockin though. doppelganger is rocking as we speak. well, as *i* type. but yeah. so. i'm in rockford right now, rehearsal for the snaggs/stuart show at kryptonite tonight. i'm uber excited about it. so excited that i used the word 'uber'.

i'm on an imac right now, and the keyboard is highly questionable. but i'm sure it's ok. aaaaaaaaaaah. mmmmmm. the key repeat on this thing is fucking out of control. aaaaaaaaaaaaanywho, i'm gonna do a brief litle discussion of last night in chicago. becaaaause... RENATA AND MIRIAM WERE THERE! and it was goodtimes. i got like... claustrophobic lightheaded hungry not good feeling like... five songs into the show, and left to go sit in the dining room with travis. and we ate, and it was nice. and i could STILL hear stuart, i wasn't ditching him like he kept implying. "you don't even like me anymore! you came here to see renata, you came to the last show to see bree sharp, i see how it is!" but.... aah, i'll be there for the whole show tonight. i promise. let's see.... so.... yesterday, we went and picked up rob at the airport, then we went to uncommon ground and hung out and drank lots of lattes and chai teas and such things. like.. LOTS of drinks. i had several hot cocoas, because they are so excellent. and they come in bowls. it's like a soup bowl of hot chocolate. mmm. ssssso, we find renata .... well, she calls me, because i'm downstairs in the greenroom listening to stuart play beyond belief like..... eight times in a row. dude, this computer is such a mac. i love macs. they rock the kazbah. is that spelled with a c? i don't know. ANYHOW. i hung out with renata for awhile, then casey got there, and i hung out with her too... then we went to the actual playing music room place. which was FULL of people. holy cow. aaaaaaaaaaaaannd.......... mm.... yeah.

then we went to stu's brother's house (dude, his brother is so great letting us stay there. we're staying there tonight too. which is hella wonderful. since i am SO BROKE. *sniffle* DUDE. DUUUUDE!!!! they're playing surfaces!! a band show with surfaces!! aaah! *flail* sorry, i'm ruining the suspense of what'll be played. i'll stop.

COMPLETELY random sidenote: i'm readng "my name is asher lev" has anyone ever read that? i want to discuss it with someone, because i LOVE IT. but no one i'm with has ever even heard of it.

so. mmm. yeah.... i'm REALLY glad we're staying at stu's brother's house again tonight. yay! mmm.... whaat else? i don't think there was anything else about this weekend. though, i did want to mention H2$ rehearsals. we had our first reeeeeal rehearsal on thursday. and it was good. we all sang... and it's gonna be such a fun show. the guy that plays mr. biggley is HILARIOUS. and i heart kayla SO much. she plays hedy, and she's from clinton, and like.... knows rob. and and and she knows louise, who is ben's friend from some camp.... so i was ike "do you konw ben paul?" (because everyone in the whole world knows ben) and she was like "well, i know of him...." yeah. and her aunt works with my mom, and i don't think they like eachother. but. kayla is neato. she's gonna read this and be like "wow, megan's a big dork. who blogs during stuart rehearsals.... about musicals. she's crazy." yeah.

so, the general idea of that last paragraph was.... everyone in the show seems to be really awesome. oh, david-from-ames called a little while ago, and when my phone vibrated it scared me half to death. like, way more than it should have. i startle easily. ok, i'm spent. bye kids.


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