
i'm listening to some david byrne. the new cd, it's called... look into the eyeball. it kicks.

i just threw a raisin into the trash can across the room, and it WENT IN. i seriously didn't expect to actually make it. i sort of just blindly threw it. but it went in. those are my awesome athletic abilities right there.

my mom's at a movie with friends, my dad's in colorado with my sister, and caleb's doin the bar thing (his last night in town *sob*). i am at home in my pajamas blogging. because i'm just THAT cool. *basks in coolness*

dude, did i mention that i got my hair cut? because i did. like a week ago. well, actually ... i think the 27th. or 28th. it was the day before i locked my keys in the car and had to have ben come get me.

speaking of ben, we went shopping today. and he got two new sexy shirts. dig it.

also, has anyone else noticed that the mall is all of a sudden all ghetto fabulous? because it is. there are whole stores that don't have a SINGLE item of clothing i like. they're all so hoochie.

my eyes hurt really bad. like, if feels like i've been crying really hard. but i dont think i have. i *was* feeling a little bummed earlier, but i just took a nap. and now my eyes are like red.... and all teary. suck.

why can't i focus enough to write real paragraphs?


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