
ok kids. drag show on sunday is go. also, bowling for columbine, the late show on thursday (most of us don't have rehearsal) soooooo. sunday. michelle, steffani, me, thang (pronounced "tong" "spell it like "wild thang" say it like the kitchen utensil, tong." he cracks me up), tim, breeze, mmmm who else? kayla! she's coming. mmmm jessica and TJ will be there because they're always there. i think that's all. and i'm supposed to call derek. but i haven't. i'm also supposed to call ryan/crystal. and... *thinks* i think that's everyone i was suppposed to call. mmmmm!! what about other ryan?! stage manager ryan. i should call him and his wifey too. yeeeah. ok. so that's the drag show situation. i dunno when we're meeting/who i'm bringing/if i'm driving/what the exact deal is. i think i may have plans friday, otherwise we'd go to THAT show. but whaaatever. so, if you wanna come to the drag show with us, give me a call. if you dont' have my number.... comment, and i'll email you.

rehearsal today was crazy. the coffee break song is SO crazy. dancing woo! on carpet! booo. it was fun though. and we all had bonding time. yay we love eachother. it's so weird having little kids in the cast. well, not little kids. little kid choruses are normal.... but like..... 14 and 15 year olds. but rex is in it! (not rex mcdonald, rex vandorpe, he was in oliver and tons of other stuff.) aaanywho, i love rexy. eeever since oliver. his mom's in it too. we lean on eachother alot during ther coffee song. because we're distressed about the coffee situation. *nod*

we had much fun today. i don't think michelle even had to be there.... *thinks* she was there, but i dont' remember her doing anything. i think she left waaaay early. barby isn't too clear about who needs to be there when. we were all so confused. *Sigh*

i'm gonna go to bed. class tomorrow and such! erin and i have class together!!!! and we're gonna have lunch together toooo. with the nate. the nate, i dont' know WHY i typed that. i'm so weird. byeee kids.


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