
ok. i'm going to blog about everything since thursday. since i really haven't been too complete in my entries.... since i've been getting home at like... 6am. yeah. so, here we go... if you're kayla or thang or tim... you will be VERY present in this. since i have spent almost every waking moment with kayla, thang and tim.

thursday tim and thang and i went to bowling for columbine, and it was awesome. derek called me like... right before the previews started and we decided to meet at the alley cat after the movie. fuck, at studio thirteen. it's not the alley cat anymore. boo. anywho, so the preview started and tim started beating me telling to get off the phone, so i was like "Ack. bye derek!" and pretty much hung up on him. whoops. so, the movie was incredible. if you haven't seen it, go go go go see it. then we went to pancheros and thang ate a burrito in like... thirty seconds. then we walked over to studio thirteen, and it was really really really cold. thang and i went in, and tim walked home in the fridgidness. (tim is always walking places in the cold. brrr.) so we found derek at studio 13, watched the end of the drag show, and danced until about 1:30. then we all walked to the parking ramp so i could drive derek home because he was a wee bit tipsy. he was like "you should drive me home in my car, then you can drive home from there!" and i was like "in your car?" and he's like "yeaaah! you can just stop by and we'll go back and get your car tomorrow!" and i'm like "my parents might ask some questions if they wake up and my car's gone and there's a jeep liberty there instead...." he was like "naaaaah" and i'm like "i could just be like "no dude.... mom... i swear, that IS my car." i bet she'd believe me..." but we decided she prolly wouldn't so we took my car. good story, yes?

and that was thursday. friday i go to class at 9:30... UGH. not fun. i didn't do ANYthing on friday. i went to see just married. by myself. i'd never gone to a movie alone before. it was ok. i was home and asleep by 1am. it was NICE.

friday was pretty uneventful. oh, tim left me a charming message at like.... 1:30am though. "megan! it's tim. i am at a friend's apartment, having some alcoholic beverages, and i just wanted to say hi, and i love you." i was like "aww."

saturday. got up at 10:30... messed around doing nothing.... went to rehearsal at 1.... worked on coffee break choreography for like... a hour. then SAT ON MY ASS AND DID NOTHING FOR FOUR HOURS. grrrr. TJ and brad worked on the company way dance. and we worked like... three scenes. SUCH a waste of a saturday rehearsal. kayla was there the whole time too.... and worked for maybe five minutes. ugh. *calms self* so, went home and made myself pretty for ushering for one flew over cuckoo's nest. jessica (my fellow usher) and i had a most enjoyable time. and the show was very good. i didn't like the lighting. but over all very good. i almost cried. i asked gary if i could ush him. (he's always like "i'm your usher for this evening.... may i ush you?" but he was there seeing the show, so it was my job to ush HIM.) gary has done my hair since forever. i love him dearly. after the show, kayla and thang and i hung out in the lobby and were crazy while we waited for tim and his orange shirt to get his shit together. then we went to blockbuster, then to hy vee, then to tim's house. where we watched romy and michelle (mmmm alan) and margaret cho. oh my god. she is so hilarious. "why can't you come when i fuck you?! i can't COOOOOOOME when you fuck me!" "mmmm this is way too much, could i have a pussy bag?" "dont' be mad guys...i totally ate carla. she's my fucking best friend and i ATE her!" oooh dear god. hilarious. kayla and i fell off the couch multiple times. and we had some interesting discussions after the movie.... about how kayla gives awesome head... and about vaginas... and such. *nod* gay boys are so squeamish about vaginas.

so we left tim's at like....6:15, and he went to work. and stayed up from like.... 12ish? saturday til 2am sunday. crazy. so, that was saturday. so much fun. ah.

sunday thang called and got me up at 2. then we played phone tag and i called kayla, who called thang, who called kayla who called me.... and we went to carlos o kelley's. and ate, and our waitress told us that fried ice cream is made from balls. and we laughed. then we got rings out of the gum ball machines, and kayla and i decided to be planeteers. THEN we went to thangs, and looked at the IKEA catalogue forever. then to strike. where we broke things. and steffani got her hair stuck in a power drill. but brad (mr. twimble) saved her. then brad decided that we should all be on his public access show. and his radio show. and gave us these supplements that are called sweet release, and are supposed to give you flavored body fluids. mmmm. kayla and mine are orange flavored now. theeeen brad decided that instead of planeteers, kayla and i should be sinateers. and he'd be captain sin. it's the best. after strike kayla and i went to daum to get her stuff, then to my house to get mystuff, then to steffani's to get ready. then we went to studio thirteen. and we were the first ones there! wooooo us! and the drag queens were all sitting in makeup and sweats watching the super bowl. it was hilarious. drag show was kickin. derek stopped by, then was ill, so went home. but i was like "you haaave to come back!" and he did. and just sat down and was like "you're a brat." i felt minorly bad making him come back when he was sick.... but i guess my powers of persuasion just kick ass. THEN some guy hit on me. like, i was kneeling on a stool behind tim to ask him something, and this guy bear hugged me and pulled me down, and iw as like... aaah. and he kept like... holding on to me, and was like "i HAD to meet you. you're gorgeous. incredible. i've been watching you all dancing, and i just had to meet you..." and said he'd buy my drinks for the night. and i was like "no thanks....." since i was driving kayla home and such. and i'm in a drunken state even when sober.... so i dont REALLY need to drink. yeah. so i was like "aaah derek, i got hit on by a guy! who was scary!" and derek was like "haha, you got molested." and i was like grr. after derek left and i was dancing with girls, i got hit on by a total bull dyke (johnny's term, not mine!) johnny came over and pointed at this woman... and was like "she thinks you're FABulous. look at her showing off for you girl!" and i was like "aaaah johnny! heeeelp!" but he didnt. so i danced with her one song. (much to everyone elses amusement) THEN this guy who works there hit on me.... and wanted to buy me a drink, and i said no.... so he bought me a bottled water (well, got me one... since he's a bartender i guess) and we danced for awhile.... and i was lijke "aaah, go away." but i was being to nice. i feel bad. aw. he asked for my number and to cook me dinner, and i was sooooo noncommittal, i felt so bad. aw.

so then i took kayla home, but there were like... a million police cars in front of her dorm.... and she was way drunk, so we were like "aaah!!" so she slept at my house. and i took her to work at 8. and i'm really tired. i was gonna go take a nap.... but i have voice at 3:30. and i need to run some errands. and shower. eeew i'm so smokey. the first thing i said to kayla this morning was "i smell SO bad." and she was like "*sigh* me too."

ok. bye kids!!


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