
hey kids! (hey tim! i'm blogging JUST for yooour)

i'm writing to you from the living rooom of my neeeeeew house! brad just unplugged the tv.... and plugged it in again.... and unplugged it..... now it's in again. i dunno what he's doing over there.... so. here's the deal. i've moved. to the trailer park. so serious. but, it's the nice trailer park. the brand new "manufactured housing development" and our trailer is awesome. it's three bedrooms, and brad and i live here. (brad as in.... sandy crevasse... the drag queen, from the show, remember?)

my room is neato. it's the little room, because i'm po' and can't afford to live in the luxury of the big room. we don't have a third roommate, so if you wanna live with me, here's your chance!! oh oh oh! we might get a webcam. and put it up in the living room, so you can see me sitting here typing if you want! yay!

rehearsal took forever tonight, but i will not bitch and moan, i will be nice. but, RAWR.

i love macs. i'm on a mac right now (it's brad's, i haven't hooked my computer up yet...) kayla's here, she's gonna spend the night. yay!

so... updates in my life... dating gabe. who i've known since fourth grade... (for iowa city people..... this is gabe.... as in mariah's brother, and big football person from west high.... crazy shit man, crazy shit. .... i'd say his last name, but i dont' want people all finding it searching for him.......) but, it rocks.

h2$ opens friday. AAAAAAAH!

okie, i gotta go. buh bye.


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