
frowl.org is down!! nooooo! *flail flail flail* ooooh the huuuumaaaanity.

and i have so much to blog about, because i couldn't blog last night. because internet was down. it makes me grouchy when internet is down, but cable isn't.... because our cable never leaves. jsut internet. but i bet i would have been grouchier if both of them had gone out. aaaaaaaanywho, instead of blogging, i watched natural born killers. and it was SO good! i had to watch it all by myself because nooooooooooo one wanted to hang out with me. because i'm so lame.

so, yesterday, i went to work, and worked. and it was QUITE enjoyable. oh wait. before work.... MY CAR BROKE! and it was very upsetting. so i sat on the side of the road and ate my burrito (i'd just been at pancheros) and waited for my rescuers to come get me. then, my dad got there, then nick got there, then we called AAA and they sent a towtruck. and nick took me to work. and THEN i worked. and tamika and jess and i had goodtimes with shipment. we had like.... 15 totes left when i got there. but we got them allllll done. tamika was in a very grouchy mood when i got there, but my crazy antics brightened her day! actually, she just thought i was funny. i kept shocking myself (well, we all kept shocking ourselves, because shipment is all staticified but, i was by far the most vocal about being shocked.) then derek came to see me. and it made me happy. i love when people come visit me. derek also bought the ONLY mens shirts that i think are cool. one of them is such a summit shirt. i bet you money that if we go to the summit again, he'll wear it. then jess and i closed everything down. and all was well.

then derek and i went to the laundromat. despite the fact i can do my laundry for free at home. i can't complain though, since he paid for my laundry so i'd keep him company. and he said that he read my blog yesterday! like, all the archives and such! aaaah! oh, on a sidenote, derek's a dork ^_^ and he has like.... all the high scores on the video games there. which i found VERY amusing. he's really good at video golf. who'd have thought?

hey, saturday is the ides of march. coool.

heeeey guess what, i'm gonna go to on thursday..... the iowa women's gymnastics meet at carver hawkeye!! i'm trying to get abi and pavlina to come with me. also, YOU should come with me. everyone should come with me.

so, i still don't have my car back. because it's dead. and it makes me saaaaaaaaaaaaad. ok. i'm gonna go. because i'm done blogging, and have nothing to say.


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