
i hate all this drama. why can't i just.... be happy? be calm? not have issues upon issues upon issues?!

gah. i do not even want to discuss tonight. (if you want to listen to me hate gabe with all my heart and soul, feel free to im me, and i'll discuss) i had such a good blog entry earlier today. then brad closed it so he could talk to this girl he met online and wants to get with. i'm still bitter. it was the best blog entry in weeks! and brad closed it. and then the girl didn't even answer. *sigh*

i just woke up. because i got home and went to get my blankies (those of you who truly know me, know that in times of distress, i can be found with my two baby blankets and my doll... ) so anywho, i went to get those, and was all regressing, and i was like *sob sob* "how did i let myself become this person? where is me? and my faith, and my intelligence, and my way of life? whooo the hell is this? how did this happen!" *sniffle* then i fell asleep. then my phone rang. and i did a full body jolt awake. because i was supposed to call derek to tell him i made it home ok after the drama. i feel so so so so awful about it. (derek, if you are reading this, i cannot convey how awful i feel for not calling you. i would have FREAKED out had i been you...) so then i was gonna go back to sleep. but i got up to take my bar clothes off and my makeup and such. i looked nice tonight. i was REALLY happy with how i looked and felt tonight. then everything went to hell. i am going to go and sit, because i have not been doing it enough lately (man, i used to not be able to make it through the day if i didn't take at least ten mintues), and i know that i need to, and it will make me feel more like me. (note: not like me lately.... but like me.) ok, so.

1. tim, call me about breakfast tomorrow (oh god, please stop the drama)
2. renata, i miss you. rent in normal, i'll be there.
3. kismet, thanks for stopping by today. i miss you so much, and i really need you and your infiinite levelheadedness and wisdom. we need to have a java house meeting. maybe java house to go and sitting around my house discussing and making plans for stuff. so good to see you today.
3. dusty, i need to talk to you about stu in ames. you coming? i miss you!
4. abi, calll me
5. pavlina dearest, you need to call me too. and meet derek! for the love, how long have we been TRYING to introduce you? since freaking november. yeah?
6. derek, good luck in minnesota, thank you so much for everything you did for everyone tonight. and always. and such. and don't molest me! ^_~

ok, i'm going to go sit now. wish me a happy meditation. i will reblog my gloriously amusing and interesting blog entry tomorrow sometime. and, i hereby vow to eliminate at least fifty percent of the drama from my life.


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