
internet wasn't working earlier, so i couldn't blog. so i cleaned instead. i made minor dent in the mess that is my house (trailer). at blockbuster last night, there was this hoarde of trailer trash rednecks. and derek was like "hey, are those your neighbors?" grr.

anywho, today. i woke up at 6:30 in the am, so that i could be ready when derek picked me up at 8:45. but then, i went back to sleep. and woke up at 8:35. doh. so, my morning was crrrazy. then, got home, cleaned, took a half hour nap. went to work. worked. nick stopped by and he was wearing an orange shirt. and one of our mannequins has an orange shirt, and i kept confusing myself. then, i finished working, went to panera and got jenny to make me a sandwich. then sat and ate my sandwich until nick came to pick me up. then nick grossed me out, and i couldn't eat the rest of my soup. and i was QUITE upset. then he drove me home. then i got ready to go to the gymnastics meet. then paulina picked me up, and we went to carver hawkeye. and the gymnastics meet was awesome. iowa won! wooooo!!! it was suspenseful. when they were getting ready to announce the final scores, paulina and i were holding hands and being all "aaah!!" (it was kind of like when we saw 'catch me if you can' and were freaking out at the end). paulina and i were able to master one of the cheers, but were complete morons when it came to the second one. *sigh* then we went home. and i've been cleaning since i got home. because it is GROSS here.

now that internet isn't sucking, i think i'm gonna go to the rentboards. maybe i'll blog more later. i really should finish the huge cleaning endeavor i've started. i'm actually really digging not having plans. everyone else is at parties and karaoke right now. and i'm all loving my alone time. aw.


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