
Raver Bear
Raver Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

who can hate their life when they're raver bear? i mean, come on.

...i'm trying really hard not to let all this get me down guys. because if it does.... i'm gonna crash and burn.

pysch test = easy. cleaning house/doing laundry = harder.

my neck hurts. the left side. ow. and my feet hurt. oh, because i've had heels on since 8 this morning. *takes shoes off*
... so, next week....

sunday 12-7 - 6.5 hours.
monday 4:30-10 - 5 hours
tuesday 9-10 (open-close) - 12 hours (well, 13, but minus 2 half hour breaks)
wednesday - off.
thursday 9-5:30 - 8 hours.
friday 9-5:30 - 8 hours.
saturday 9-5:30 - 8 hours.

wish me luck.


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