
so.... *nina* moved to canada and got married? that is crazy. like.... oh my god. i mean.... how do you just do that?! consider the shock if i were to not post for a couple days..... then be like "say, moved to canada, got married, working in a diner, the uniforms are turquoise! i love it!" (i hear that turquoise is the new black.) *sigh* crazy. but.... rock on *nina*.

hey! blogger didn't publish my last entry. jerk!

not much to say, not much time to say it, so.... i'll be quick.

...went to see view from the top last night. soooo stupid and cheesy, but i enjoyed it very much.
...huge frickin blizzard all night. stupid iowa and it's stupid april snow storms.
...i watched xmen last night, but i missed the end, and am oh-so-bitter about it.
...doh, just remembered that derek was supposed to go to studio 13 last night to drop off flyers. maybe he did that.... while i ran home? maybe?
...i couldn't decide where i wanted to eat last night (well, i DID.... but then realized it was prolly closed.... and that limited my options greatly.... i really was justified in my indecisiveness. really.) so, derek took off to find something. and he brought take out from old chicago while i slept on the little couch (even though i hate the little couch) ... fettucine alfredo... and cheese cake (with crazy hidden strawberries). oh my god. so good.
...for the first time in like.... two years.... i couldn't sleep last night. so annoyed by that.
...i heart my philosophy lecture. highly amusing. the professor is hilarious "say, for just a moment, that gillian anderson is a huge fan of medieval philosophy, and has read my work, and loves my work. to the point of caring for me..... now, suppose..." he is so random. and he wanders around everywhere. and he talks like r3t2. *sniff* i miss my rob.
...dude.... blogger... it is NOT 8 in the am. you are stupid. i always have like.... three different times for stuff on blogger. and generally they're all wrong.
...ow ow ow. neck cramp. was stretching.... now have cramp. ooow. sonofabitch. that hurt.
...that's really all. i'm gonna go ask my dad for some money for lunch. mm. lunch.


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