
studio 13 last night was excellent. i dunno how much they ended up raising, but it was quite a bit. also, all of derek's gymnasts were there. i was nervous. oh, AND my dad was there. aah. but, tiffany and steffanie came, and it was quite exciting. oh oh oh! and i actually formally met michelle (not magentarosemarymichelle, but gymnastmichelle) and i LOVE her. oh my GOD! i want her to be my best friend. she cracks me up. she convinced me to entirely change clothes in the parking ramp. goodtimes, goodtimes. there is so much more i could say about last night.... because it rocked so much, but i've had a hella long day, and last night isn't on my mind so much.

work drama today. like, rebecca called my phone 10 times, and i didn't have my phone (due to craziness and me being an airhead.) so.... it was crazy. and jess had to come in, and aaron was there.... but he didn't really do anything constructive. which made me grouchy, because thea and i had to make up for it. and that didn't work out so well, so i have to go in tomorrow morning and make everything all nice. otherwise this weekend will SUCK. aaaaaaaaaaagh. tomorrow's supposed to be my one day of. but i'll be there. wooo. 9:30-6:30.

did i mention that i got a pair of pink sneakers for ten dollars at pac sun? because i did. and i LOVE them.

speaking of pac sun.... i applied for an assistant manager position. *gasp* i hope i get it. (crazy, i know.... but pac sun is like.... *tries to think of a good analogy for comparison* .... well... pac sun rocks my sushi stand. whereas rue is.... not so much sushi stand rocking. rocking... yes. sushi stand, no.)

i'm listening to stuart. bootleg "we're kind of close to be using the walkie talkies.... you're literally the person closest to me in the ENTIRE room."


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