
this is just something i forgot to blog earlier.....

it snowed all last night, so, of course, my car was like.... in a huge drift of snow, and since derek and i overslept he was in this huge rush to leave, and i had class, so i was in a small rush to leave (i was admittedly five minutes late, but i usually am, and one of those minutes was derek's fault for calling me) so, derek rushed out, i did a very bad job making the bed, picked up some stuff we'd left in the living room (minus the futon, because it's enormolous) and headed out to my car, all dreading clearing all the snow off with my wimpy ice scraper. but.... lo and behold.... my car was entirely clear. awwwww. i seriously said "awww" outloud, to myself, standing on the sidewalk. then, when derek called as i was trying to sneakily enter the lecture hall (i went back to the crazy macbride stairs when my phone went off... i was like "aaah retreat retreat!" and ran back to the hallway) anywho, i was like "thank you for clearing the snow off my car" and he was like "i didn't" and i was like "whaa? but... i.... *flail* i don't believe you, you did too." and he laughed at me because i am the most gullible person in the entire world. ... "megan! someone wrote gullible on your hat!" "oh my god that's so mean! *takes hat off... nothing is written on it....* doh."

i'm thinking of getting my bellybutton pierced, and i want opinions. and some of you.... i know you're reading, so you'd better comment with an opinion. i really cannot decide whether or not to do it. i'm soooo conflicted. other options are.... tattoo.... another earring (which ear? where?), tongue ring.... (i want one sooo bad, but they really have a stigma attatched.... and i'm waaaaaaaaaaay too much of a wimp to get it done.) ooor, not use my tattoo/piercing certificate. c'mon now, speak up.

renata and i both watched xmen on FX last night. awww. i bet derek didn't make her miss the ending though. *grumble*

so, this week is crazy. tonight.... i work. tomorrow, i work, then i have a test, then i work some more. wednesday.... i don't think i have anything going on on wednesday!!! yay!! (well, class all day, but that's normal.... and heeeey, if i go to dance thursday instead of wed., i only have class til 5. rock on.) thursday, daaaance.... and work(4-cl). friday.... *sigh* i still want to go to milwaukee. even if it's like.... by myself (which it's going to be).... but, i work at one on saturday.... (i requested that weekend off.... be everyone has crazy conflicts except for me (well, even i do...). so it's alllll me that weekend.) *sigh* *sniffle* i really might just go up for friday's show. that's soooo crazy, but if i have the money (which i won't) i'll do it. *grumble* freaking last chance i have to see dj.... and i'm broke and stuck working. grr.


so, friday.... i have off. saturday, i work 1-10 (will prolly end up being more 12-10, esp. if i don't go to milwaukee) sunday.... i don't know, because i never know what the deal is on sundays..... but, i'll be it's either open til close (9:30-6:45ish) or 12-close. oh well. a couple more weeks like this and i'll be all clear (well, mostly). wooo!

i took the pink faceplate off my phone. it wasn't too terribly high quality.... so i put the original metallic one back one. my phone looks all sleek now. when it was pink.... it looked like a refridgerator from the 1960's. i don't think that's how you spell refridgerator. *sigh*

should i stay a theatre major? i mean.... really. if i were somewhere where i could double major in .... say..... technical theatre, and theatrical design.... no question.... i'd be all over it. or even somewhere that had a tech/design degree (usd.... i could still go to south dakota........ or uni.... but then i'd be in cedar falls. yuck. actually, yuck to south dakota too...) *grumble* but..... seriously..... theatre arts, from iowa. woooooohoo. i'll be going places then. *sigh*

maybe i should move to canada and get married.

i'm hungry. and kind of grumpy. i'm gonna go take a bath, to hopefully make me not grumpy for work. because i HATE it when i am not 100% happy to be at work. if i'm even a little grumpy, a bitchy customer can ruin my day..... but if i'm genuinely peppy (which i usually am.... spencer (from panera) says i should be a flight attendant.) i looooove to be at work, and i being a big dork and helping customers. come see me while i'm working, it'd make me super happy if anyone stopped by. maybe with a cookie. and chocolate milk. mmmm. well, i'm going to go take a bath so i can look pretty and be peppy.

my necklaces are at derek's..... dammit all. oh well. i'll just wear something that doesnt need my pink and purple necklaces. that shouldn't be too hard.


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