WOW. guys i'm so super sorry. i have so much news. like.... hey, abi works at gadzooks. guess where i might be working very sooon.... gadzooks. *crosses fingers* so much to say about that.
also, so much to say about soooo much. there are like.... three pages of handwritten stuff at derek's. they're on the table. i'm at my uncle's house right now. in roland. oh, and can i just mention.... when i'm at home, all bored on a friday night.... NO one ever calls me. eeeeeeeeeeever! but, i'm here with mi familia in roland, and i have had like.... twelve calls. well, four. but still.
derek's been gone since tuesday. and i miss him very much. he sounded very grouchy/not himself on the phone. i can't say that i blame him, but i still miss him. grouchy derek is better than no derek.
i haven't read my email in like.... a week. i'm sorry.
saw stuart at the mshop tonight. good good show. hellelujah is potentially my new favorite song. and can i just mention that the new ending of human girl is the most fucking awesome thing in the entire world?
dude, last night, i was a wee bit intoxicated, and i was SO vulgar. but i met this guy, who's a buddhist and hangs out at studio, and has some super cool tattoos, and a really confusing phone. and he was really cool, and i would like to talk to him in a situation where he was not drunkenly hitting on me, while patrick and i reminded him that i was not so much available. apparently he knows thang though? and this huuuuge freaking group of people that i spent all evening trying to ditch. (we were successful in the end). we went to pizza on dubuque too, and these girls took the parmesan to their table. and they weren't sharing. and i was SO upset about it. i told patrick ALLLL about how upset i was. i was even devising a plan to go get it. but then i finished my pizza, and we left. and it ceased being an issue. dude, the drink specials at studio were out of control. one dollar everythings. i bought like... five people drinks. or maybe i just bough VJ five drinks.... no. i heart vj. i would just like to mention that. (his name got capital letters the first time, but no more of that.) and keisha and sunday. aww. *immense love for fellow studio13 whores*
i haaaaaaaaaaave sooooooooooooo much to blog about. so much. but.... i caaan't do it all now. because i know that my family is having fun in the kitchen, while i'm in here at the computer.
OH MY GOD! there was hella drama on wednesday. hella. like.... oh my fucking god. there was car drama for me. then there was devin drama (i know! didn't that just come out of the blue?!) well, i found some of his shit, and i dropped it off with his roommate. chris (c'mon, you guys remember chris... i was always typing christ instead of chris, and found it terribly amusing...) well, anyhow, i checked to see that devin wasn't home, because i didn't want to see him. dropped of this little box of stuff (it was a box that sunglasses come in. that's so off topic, i'm sorry.) and had a little chat with chris. made a joke about going out to the gay bar (alternative dance club....) and left. so, i'm sitting at the table with ryan and steffanie, and a hoarde of rue 21 people.... and i notice this weird looking guy with a grocery bag standing in the doorway... and totally think nothing more than "why does he have a grocery bag?" then.... THEN... i go back to my conversation with ryan and steffanie.... and someone drops this bag DIRECTLY in front of me, turns and walks out. and i see what's in the bag (mainly, all my stuff) and i'm like "oh my god, that's devin." and steff and ryan and i chase him, and are like "hey! wait a sec!" and he's like "i gotta go" and leaves. and we're all like "what the fuck?" he had his hair french braided. and may i take one moment to say.... EVERYthing aside.... it looked fucking stupid. ("the guy with girl hair. this guy is so in love with his beautiful hair. only problem is.... it's not beautiful" an excerpt from a HILARIOUS guide to boys.) oh well. that was my random drama from wednesday. sooooo out of nowhere.
ok, i'm gonna go hang out in the kitchen. call the cell if you neeed me (the number's still hidden somewhere around here...)
also, so much to say about soooo much. there are like.... three pages of handwritten stuff at derek's. they're on the table. i'm at my uncle's house right now. in roland. oh, and can i just mention.... when i'm at home, all bored on a friday night.... NO one ever calls me. eeeeeeeeeeever! but, i'm here with mi familia in roland, and i have had like.... twelve calls. well, four. but still.
derek's been gone since tuesday. and i miss him very much. he sounded very grouchy/not himself on the phone. i can't say that i blame him, but i still miss him. grouchy derek is better than no derek.
i haven't read my email in like.... a week. i'm sorry.
saw stuart at the mshop tonight. good good show. hellelujah is potentially my new favorite song. and can i just mention that the new ending of human girl is the most fucking awesome thing in the entire world?
dude, last night, i was a wee bit intoxicated, and i was SO vulgar. but i met this guy, who's a buddhist and hangs out at studio, and has some super cool tattoos, and a really confusing phone. and he was really cool, and i would like to talk to him in a situation where he was not drunkenly hitting on me, while patrick and i reminded him that i was not so much available. apparently he knows thang though? and this huuuuge freaking group of people that i spent all evening trying to ditch. (we were successful in the end). we went to pizza on dubuque too, and these girls took the parmesan to their table. and they weren't sharing. and i was SO upset about it. i told patrick ALLLL about how upset i was. i was even devising a plan to go get it. but then i finished my pizza, and we left. and it ceased being an issue. dude, the drink specials at studio were out of control. one dollar everythings. i bought like... five people drinks. or maybe i just bough VJ five drinks.... no. i heart vj. i would just like to mention that. (his name got capital letters the first time, but no more of that.) and keisha and sunday. aww. *immense love for fellow studio13 whores*
i haaaaaaaaaaave sooooooooooooo much to blog about. so much. but.... i caaan't do it all now. because i know that my family is having fun in the kitchen, while i'm in here at the computer.
OH MY GOD! there was hella drama on wednesday. hella. like.... oh my fucking god. there was car drama for me. then there was devin drama (i know! didn't that just come out of the blue?!) well, i found some of his shit, and i dropped it off with his roommate. chris (c'mon, you guys remember chris... i was always typing christ instead of chris, and found it terribly amusing...) well, anyhow, i checked to see that devin wasn't home, because i didn't want to see him. dropped of this little box of stuff (it was a box that sunglasses come in. that's so off topic, i'm sorry.) and had a little chat with chris. made a joke about going out to the gay bar (alternative dance club....) and left. so, i'm sitting at the table with ryan and steffanie, and a hoarde of rue 21 people.... and i notice this weird looking guy with a grocery bag standing in the doorway... and totally think nothing more than "why does he have a grocery bag?" then.... THEN... i go back to my conversation with ryan and steffanie.... and someone drops this bag DIRECTLY in front of me, turns and walks out. and i see what's in the bag (mainly, all my stuff) and i'm like "oh my god, that's devin." and steff and ryan and i chase him, and are like "hey! wait a sec!" and he's like "i gotta go" and leaves. and we're all like "what the fuck?" he had his hair french braided. and may i take one moment to say.... EVERYthing aside.... it looked fucking stupid. ("the guy with girl hair. this guy is so in love with his beautiful hair. only problem is.... it's not beautiful" an excerpt from a HILARIOUS guide to boys.) oh well. that was my random drama from wednesday. sooooo out of nowhere.
ok, i'm gonna go hang out in the kitchen. call the cell if you neeed me (the number's still hidden somewhere around here...)
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