
drama last night has convinced me of many things. being drunk off your ass all the time is a bad idea. and we're not talking about me kids. someone should have gotten their public intox, and all the trouble it would have brought. in my opinion. also... i'm going back to therapy (this may be a huge surprise to some, and some may have seen it coming a mile away.) because i'm still... well, in need of therapy. i'm not on any meds, and i prefer it that way.... but self destructive behavior comes waaaay too easily. i have more than enough stomach acid scars on my fingers, my throat is sore all the time, and p.s. it's gross. and i already have more than enough scars on my arms... and i'm sick of making up explanations for them... "uh, i got in a knife fight." baaack to the clinics i go. i just hope i dont' have kay again. i couldn't stand her. ugh.

that's all i'm going to say about that. perhaps updates in the other journal.... perhaps not. i don't like being "sick" and i don't want to dwell. (because.. "we mustn't dwell. not on rex manning day....")

i dont' really have any wonderful stories or things to say..... veejai moved home, davina's moving to california.... i'm going to miss them muchly.

i really want to go get a tattoo. right now. but i won't. i might go get my hair cut though (kudos to those that KNEW the hair cut was coming. break ups leave me needing to cut my hair. especially since guys are ALWAYS like "i liked it better long." now, the question is... how short do *i* want it?) or get my belly button pierced. or my tongue? ew, too scary. i really want the tattoo.

my room is a huge enormous mess, and i am going to go and clean it now. it's really not that bad, it's just that i don't have a dresser, so all my clothes are in boxes, which are stacked all over the place.... and ruining the flow of my room. booo.

the kismet and travisattva are coming to town today. two of my favorite people. who i need to hang out with way more. no drama *happy sigh*


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