hmm. i have a lot to blog about. i was in bed reading, but i felt a deep need to blog. so, it's going to be rapid fire...
..i have a psychology final at 7:30 am tomorrow. boo.
..i got like.... four hours of sleep last night
..i worked 13 hours today.
..i'm listening to chicago, i LOVE chicago. i WILL play roxie hart. mark my words.
..panera was out of pickles today. all i wanted was a caeser salad, with like.... a piece or two of chicken.... and some pickles (shut up, i like pickles.) and there wasn't ANY pickles, and jenny put like.... an entire chicken on my salad. it was highly questionable.
..i wish i were bree sharp. she's so damn cool. i also wish i knew where my copy of cheap and evil girl is. (it's in the light booth at ic community theatre. but still...) david duchovney, why don't you love me??
..i finally got the lyrics to hellilujah. it has been running through my head nonstop for like three days. especially the "god speed all the sattvas/ in this bloody mudra/ dance through all the dukha/ hellilujah/ metta sutra/ bloody mudra/ hellilujah" part. yes.
..there's a beach party at studio tomorrow night.
..i really should go study instead of blogging.....
..i choked on a piece of lettuce while i was driving yesterday, and almost ran into a van. i would have been so pissed if i died in a car accident caused by choking on lettuce.
..thea is my agent now, she's booking auditions for me. woo themopolis.
..abi apologized for being one of the people who always reads my blog and never comments. she is forgiven. also, she has a nose. and she would like the doctor to eat her children.
..i have an urge to watch lilo and stitch. i LOVE that movie. "get off of me you stupid sister! your body is crushing me!" speaking of sisters, we just got a bunch of pictures back of me and my sister, we're harrassing the cat and playing with the bunnies.
..kismet just hooked my up with the stu lyrics for the forthcoming album. i often wonder if it's humanly possible to be cooler than the kismet ^_^
..ok, i'm going to go immerse myself in some stuart muuuuusic and such. and perhaps study a LIIIIIITTLE bit.
Doped up in the goddamn drama
Groping for the Golden Dharma
too true.
..i have a psychology final at 7:30 am tomorrow. boo.
..i got like.... four hours of sleep last night
..i worked 13 hours today.
..i'm listening to chicago, i LOVE chicago. i WILL play roxie hart. mark my words.
..panera was out of pickles today. all i wanted was a caeser salad, with like.... a piece or two of chicken.... and some pickles (shut up, i like pickles.) and there wasn't ANY pickles, and jenny put like.... an entire chicken on my salad. it was highly questionable.
..i wish i were bree sharp. she's so damn cool. i also wish i knew where my copy of cheap and evil girl is. (it's in the light booth at ic community theatre. but still...) david duchovney, why don't you love me??
..i finally got the lyrics to hellilujah. it has been running through my head nonstop for like three days. especially the "god speed all the sattvas/ in this bloody mudra/ dance through all the dukha/ hellilujah/ metta sutra/ bloody mudra/ hellilujah" part. yes.
..there's a beach party at studio tomorrow night.
..i really should go study instead of blogging.....
..i choked on a piece of lettuce while i was driving yesterday, and almost ran into a van. i would have been so pissed if i died in a car accident caused by choking on lettuce.
..thea is my agent now, she's booking auditions for me. woo themopolis.
..abi apologized for being one of the people who always reads my blog and never comments. she is forgiven. also, she has a nose. and she would like the doctor to eat her children.
..i have an urge to watch lilo and stitch. i LOVE that movie. "get off of me you stupid sister! your body is crushing me!" speaking of sisters, we just got a bunch of pictures back of me and my sister, we're harrassing the cat and playing with the bunnies.
..kismet just hooked my up with the stu lyrics for the forthcoming album. i often wonder if it's humanly possible to be cooler than the kismet ^_^
..ok, i'm going to go immerse myself in some stuart muuuuusic and such. and perhaps study a LIIIIIITTLE bit.
Doped up in the goddamn drama
Groping for the Golden Dharma
too true.
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