
i am officially back at home. thank god. and someone erased one of my papers from their computer, so i'm working on that right now. thank you so much you fucker. i should have taken my moniter. i was about to.

derek's bunny rabbit is now living at my house. he's not quite used to it yet, but he's getting there.

i feel so sick. i haaate being sick. my stomach hurts. *sob* fuck! i need to email sunday! soooorry sunday! and i need to email jennifer kreitzer, i ran into her at the mall yesterday, and we exhanged weblog addresses.

i'm listening to hairspray. good morning baltimore!

oh my god oh my god oh my GOD! guess what. i think i'm going to be an intern at riverside theatre this summer..stage managing!!! like, what the hell? so random, but hey opportunity knocks.... rock on.

but this means that i won't be doing la cage. which i wanted to do soooooooo badly. *sigh* decisions are hard.


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