
i have to go to work. and my stomach is all fucked up, because i'm all sick and stuff. so, i am supposed to be able to either get work off if this happens, or only have to work short shifts... but nooooo. i'm working like, a ten hour. because everyone sucks. oh, and kayla, i'm glad you enjoyed my message. dude, fucking hell, he was such a bastard to me last night almost made me start crying in the middle of the bar (as if there isn't ENOUGH drama). and i may or may not have told him he was fat, trashy, ugly, a bad drag queen, and a general all around loser. oops, my bad. someone who is a friend of his and shall remain nameless was like "be nice" and i was like "i'm being honest" and he was like "yes you are, but be nice."

hey kids, there's a stuart concert this weekend (yes i know, we JUST had a stuart concert... i don't schedule these things.) so ya'll need to come see stuart. and certain people need to come meet rob3t2. because... he's going to be here. ROB'S COMING TO IOWA!! *jumps up and down and celebrates* i love rob so so so very much it's hard for me to even tell you.

so, here's what was wrong with my blog. everytime i tried to post, i would get error 506: unable to contact view generation service . followed by an http://bunch of numbers/bloggerservice or somesuch. well, there's nothing listed about it in the blogger help area, and the mentions of it that i found in other blogs were all pretty useless.... none of the suggestions worked, and it made me sad. but what ben did to get it to work was..... he found a character that was not really a character. i guess? like, you know certain keystrokes make those little squares instead of letters.... well, on brad's mac this happened ALL the time, because i was forever hitting alt or ctrl instead of what i meant to hit, because someone who wasn't me spilled shit in the keyboard and it was all crazy. so, i had a post with one of those little squares in it. and removing that square was all it took. crazy, eh? would have been nice if blogger had a list of all its error messages instead of like... a list of two of them. *sigh*

i'm off to work right now, but i want y'all to know that i am spending tomorrow morning moving all my stuff out of brads house, and then NEVER ever speaking to him ever again. so, people who are going to be helping me.... thus far.... the one person who has offered me help is derek... so, derek... give me a call tomorrow manana sometime, i believe i left you a message regarding all this... but yeah. bookshelf and futon should be the only things that require any actual work moving. and maybe my big boxes of books that weigh like a billion pounds.

ok kids, i'm in a great mood, and am off to work! wooooo hoo! come and see me, i love it when people come and see me. really i seriously truly do. it makes me super happy. did i mention that patrick and i are writing a play about working in retail? because we are. woohoo retail.

i don't think i'm going out tonight. because i am broke beyond all belief. so, i'll be at home. woo home.


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