
if blogger doesn't publish, i'm going to go back to crying in my room. grr.

i have an exciting new hobby.... packing! though, i had a wonderful chat with my mother today, she doesn't want me to move home, and is trying to take away my computer, and opening all my mail. boy, i can't wait to get home. then i can hate my life all of the time instead of random realizations. i've been bursting into tears randomly for the past two days. i'll be all fine, like last night.... soooo fine, at studio, having such a great time (they played 'you spin my right round' it was the longest mix ever, and i was so excited, but it was so long that i got dizzy, and had to sit out the very end) then, alllll of a sudden i was like "*Sob* i want to go home" so we went to patrick's house, where i curled up in the big chair. and i ate like... a whole thing of pokey sticks. and fell asleep. then patrick was like "just stay here tonight" (we were at his house watching clueless) but i decided to go home. and discover that like... half of the guys from studio are in the living room. i was like "hey, wassup" and everyone was like "HEY IT'S YOU!!! I HEARD YOU'RE A BUDDHIST! WOOOOOOW. YOU'RE SO CUTE! AWWW." and i was like "*general confusion* i'm gonna go put my pajamas on." so i put on my pajamas. and they were all jealous of how comfy i was. then i threw up, due to the fact that i ate like five pounds of cheesey breadsticks. then i fell asleep. then this morning, i was all driving home from the mall (i went out to get my wallet. because it was in the refridgerator at work. yes, in the fridge. don't ask.) and listening to duran duran. and like, rocking out. then all of a sudden, i was like "aaah i'm so sad. *cries*" so i stopped by home, since i'm all moving back, and i thought maybe it would be comforting, but it made me hate my life. and now, i'm going to go pluck my eyebrows (they are out of control. stupid eyebrows) and take a shower, and go to work. yay. work.

i had something else to blog about. i have lots to blog about, but since blogger hates me. i can't.


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