
if this goes through, i will partay. i will jump up and down and sing. and, if you could see me right now, you would understand what a feat this would be.


that is where the last like.... eleven posts are. since this blog sucks ass. ass i say. ass.

i'm eating popcorn. and jenny and patrick are here. they're talking about kosher food. apparently kosher ice cream is the cutest thing in the world.

i stepped on my mark. (my little clay one! that i made! aw, he's sooo cute.) i did not mean to step on him, it broke his arm, the one i just fixed. i hurt my mark. pooooor mark. *loong pause* it's like, metaphorical. i never meant to hurt my mark, and now i hate myself. well, i'll just glue little mark's arm back on. and continue hating myself

jenny's on the phone with ryan from panera (does everyone remember ryan from panera? oh good times.)

i have gone out so much this week. and not gotten remotely fucked up. yet, again with the mood swings. fine happy shiny happy fine. then..... *sob* *paaaaaaaaaaause* *sob*

so, i'm going to go back to talking to patrick and jenny. we were discussing what we're going to name our children. and i'm not allowed to call patrick's son "sabby" he was like "bitch, you call my son sabby, i will slap you, and be like "sebastian, never ever talk to auntie megan again.""

i hope this post works so i don't have to go and post this to the other blog.


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