
ok kids, we'll start with friday.

i worked til close on friday, with themopolis and patricio. good times. after work, thea left me and patrick, and patrick and i went.... to his house? i believe? and then i drove us to studio. studio was.... fairly full. not packed, but full. i forgot to call zane like.... twelve times. then remembered, and he zoomed down the alley (airplane style "what the hell is zane doing?" "being an airplane?") to meet us, and i gave him patrick's shirt (not like... i stole patrick's shirt and gave it to zane.... but patrick had a shirt he didn't want, and he was going to give it to zane, so he gave it to me to give to him. and i got it all wrinkled... aw.) theeeen.... this BIG ass bar crawl came through, and nick was with them!! as in nick from h2$!! i was like "what is up!?!" and then, someone in his bar crawl started a big ol fight situation out in the alley. he thought the door guy was hitting on him, and then some guy bumped into him, and he got all up in this guy's face. and was like "don't grab me, you faggot" and like... a little wave of people carried him off down the alley where everyone yelled at one another and such. i think derek was prolly over there, all prepared to break it up. (he is seriously the peacekeeper of iowa city, i don't know how many fights he has stopped or broken up... but it's alot.) and veejai came all running out to join in the fight situation, and we were like "really, what is he going to do? their hair? their make up? really." drag queens. sheesh. it was strange, but anywho, that resulted in nick's bar crawl leeeaving studio. seriously kids. if you have a PROBLEM with the gaaaays don't come to the gay bar. excuse me, alternative dance club. ("i thought this was an alternative dance club! i had no idea there would be gay people here! aaah!")

after that was all resolved.... i did some stuff. that i don't remember. and it's not because i was drunk, it's because i neglected to write it down. i never know what's going on when i dont' write things down. OH OH OH! i remember. i walked zane to his car. which was pimpin. i'm gonna buy him some 8 tracks for his 8 track player. it was quality. then he drove me back to studio. where i danced for awhile, and thea rejoined me and patrick. and brought meredith with her. and this scary nascar guy and his wife tried to get on me, and i was scared, so we changed our position on the dance floor. only, we switched into like.... the suuuuper cute gay boy orgy, and thea and meredith were slightly frightened by the blatant making out and groping. so then it was last call, and we all moved out to the alley. where danny made out with everyone present. including me, and patrick, and nic. nic was hilarious. "ok, we're done." nic was there last night too, come to think of it. hmmm. what was this about living in des moines? that's a long commute to come to the bar. i heart nic like a sister. (kudos to the like.... five people who remember the days when i hearted nic and andrea like sisters. aaaaaandrea likes to watch. aaww, the good ol days.) so then we went to perkins. where i had three minor nervous break downs, and didn't eat anything (though it was my idea to go because i was hungry. but then i got there, and the drama distracted me). our waitress kept coming over right as i started crying. and patrick would be like "uh.... maybe you should come back later." theeeeeen we all left perkins, and i met derek in the wal greens parking lot (unintentionally.... i called to see if he was making out with matt, who was all over him, by the way. and he was like "i'm coming to perkins. and i was like "that's great, we left." and he was like "oh." so he stopped coming to perkins, and we crossed paths, and he showed me that he was not taking any boys home with him. (i knew already, hello. but i'd given him shit, because he's always like "i saw him leave with a boy. he's the gay." only derek does not say "the gay" because he's not margaret cho.... aaaanywho, i'd beeen like "you're alllllways telling me that you saw so and so leaving with a boy. and whooo did i just see you leave with. oh no you didn't.") he's gonna yell at me for discussing this, so i will clarify, for you dorks, that derek is straight, the boys just like to hit on him a lot.

saturday. drama at work. but i dont' care, because i'm almost done. i nearly mowed down jeff (one of gabe's roommates) on the way into the mall. he was in scheels, and i came flying in. and i've never thought he liked me.... but he was like "hey what's up!?" and i was like "can't talk! *zooms away*" then i worked, then i left, then i went to an audition for a movie, called sackers, that my agent (aka thea) told me about.... and it rocked, and i'm gonna be a big star, and you all need to watch for me. yeah yeah. then i was like "i'm not going out. because i dont' feel good" but patrick talked me into it. so i went out and got more trashed than i have been in a looong time. ugh. but i looked so cute. patrick took a bunch of pictures of me. oh oh oh! and he made me a cd! and it's the best thing anyone's ever given me. it was "work it girl" or whatever that song's called. work it, cover girl. supermodel, yadda yadda, the gayest song ever. and cyndi lauper!!!!!!! (true colors. aw.) and my cher song. (this is a song for the lonely) i've been all sad, but patrick and cher are there for me. i know i can count on cher. aaaand, patrick's song (i drove all night. which i hate. btw. but i love patrick so it's ok.) and i'm actually supposed to be going to the mall to get it from him because i left it in his car. aaaanywho, so patrick took like a billion pictures of me. and one of me and augusta, because she looked so damn good. and i called derek, to bitch him out (i was quite trashed) and he was like "i see you behind that tree." and i was like "aaah!!" and he was on his motorcycle, like six feet away from where i was. which was behind a big tree thing. so we talked in the parking lot for a long time. then i went back inside, and saw nic, and he gave me a hug, and told me to be happy. and i was like "aw, i heart you like a sister" so, i called and left ben a message. and then called zane and was like "i'm laying on a big stone thing on the corner of iowa st and linn st. come get me." and he did.

and now i'm really going to go to the mall and get my cd. i need to get dressed though. because i'm not so much dressed.... as wearing an enormous t-shirt. eh. hey, there was an article in the NY times today on dating people with blogs. it was really interesting. oh, also, i missed my blog's birthday AGAIN. (i told zane that i do it all the time. and then i realized that by blog has only had two birthdays....so i was like "well, really only twice. but, still. that's two for two.") ok, dressed and to the mall.


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