
stu show tonight, dig it like dirt. i got to see rob3t2, the love of my life. soooo wonderful so see him. and stuart, and kismet, and da gang. including nate, my lifelong friend. who i think i blogged about. or did i just MEAN to blog about him and not actually do it? hm. well, anywho, he was there. he's really tall. we're gonna hang out tomorrow.

and derek called me, after the show, and he told me about a nightmare he had, and now i'm all confused.

then rob and co drove me to studio, because i was gonna walk, but i told them about how i got accosted that one time, and that guy carried me off down the alley... and they wouldn't let me walk. so i hung out with my kids there for a bit... and then we left. after a minor mishap with patrick's car.

so much more to blog about. but so tired. work sucks. i quit today. helllooooo gadzooks.

bye kids.


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