curtichu the cat can't dance.
from renata's blog:
"i'm tired. i already said that. i've been playing much sims the last few days. because, i heart unleashed. megan, you and i adopted a siamese cat. named curtichu. and he has 0 intelligence points. doh. but he's very friendly and loyal ^_^ we're trying to teach him how to dance. but it's hard, because, well, he's not very smart."
this made me laugh really hard. aaah i love renata. i long for the days of curtis cregan themed pokemon.... *sigh* curtisprout... geocurti, curtisaur.... just to name a few. curtichu was great too though. "geocurtis! i choose you!" endless hours of fun. almost as much fun as the rent themed animal crackers. ("OH MY GOD, WE BROKE ROGER!!!" "where's gordon.... oh my god, megan... did you eat gordon?!" i didn't. for the record.)
i just reread that.... renata, why are we teaching our siamese cat how to dance? and how can he have ZERO intelligence points.... is he really THAT stupid? *sigh* i bet he is. *my* cat has zero intelligence points. he's sleeping on top of a bunch of my shoes right now. those of you who know me know that i do not leave the house without heels or some sort of platform... so i imagine he really can't be too comfortable.
i've decided that i'm going to email DJ tomorrow. to tell him how awesome he was as mark (derek didn't like him, but derek is bitter. so we won't discuss that.) (as in DJ gregory... not DJ the door guy from studio. DJ from studio isn't a very good mark. well. i don't KNOW that. but i don't think he'd be very good. i could see this being confusing. i'm already confused enough what with VJ.... and MK. initials throw me off.) ANYwho, i had his email, and lost it, then found it, and i didn't get to go to milwaukee.... so i'm e-mailing him.
la la la. did i mention that i dyed my hair red? because, i did. i don't like it, but everyone else loves it. thad told me today that he was so glad i went back to my natural color, because blonde just wasn't working. *pause* "my natural color is BLONDE you dummy.... THIS is fake!" "oh. welll... it looks nice. *runs away*"
aaaanywho, yay renata for cheering me up!
"i'm tired. i already said that. i've been playing much sims the last few days. because, i heart unleashed. megan, you and i adopted a siamese cat. named curtichu. and he has 0 intelligence points. doh. but he's very friendly and loyal ^_^ we're trying to teach him how to dance. but it's hard, because, well, he's not very smart."
this made me laugh really hard. aaah i love renata. i long for the days of curtis cregan themed pokemon.... *sigh* curtisprout... geocurti, curtisaur.... just to name a few. curtichu was great too though. "geocurtis! i choose you!" endless hours of fun. almost as much fun as the rent themed animal crackers. ("OH MY GOD, WE BROKE ROGER!!!" "where's gordon.... oh my god, megan... did you eat gordon?!" i didn't. for the record.)
i just reread that.... renata, why are we teaching our siamese cat how to dance? and how can he have ZERO intelligence points.... is he really THAT stupid? *sigh* i bet he is. *my* cat has zero intelligence points. he's sleeping on top of a bunch of my shoes right now. those of you who know me know that i do not leave the house without heels or some sort of platform... so i imagine he really can't be too comfortable.
i've decided that i'm going to email DJ tomorrow. to tell him how awesome he was as mark (derek didn't like him, but derek is bitter. so we won't discuss that.) (as in DJ gregory... not DJ the door guy from studio. DJ from studio isn't a very good mark. well. i don't KNOW that. but i don't think he'd be very good. i could see this being confusing. i'm already confused enough what with VJ.... and MK. initials throw me off.) ANYwho, i had his email, and lost it, then found it, and i didn't get to go to milwaukee.... so i'm e-mailing him.
la la la. did i mention that i dyed my hair red? because, i did. i don't like it, but everyone else loves it. thad told me today that he was so glad i went back to my natural color, because blonde just wasn't working. *pause* "my natural color is BLONDE you dummy.... THIS is fake!" "oh. welll... it looks nice. *runs away*"
aaaanywho, yay renata for cheering me up!
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