
hey! why didn't you publish! you jerk!

i may interest some of you to know that i'm not wearing a shirt. woo woo. oh baby, oh baby. i'm in the middle of changing, and when i noticed that blogger hadn't published, i was like "hey!" but now i'm gonna finish getting dressed.

ok, dressed. i.... don't know if i'm gonna be able to make it to normal for renata's birthday *hides* if i don't, this will be the first birthday of hers that i've missed since i've known her. *sob* maybe i'll like..... drive down on the 20th, hang out, and drive back to iowa city at like... 8:30 on the 21st. because THAT would be fun. oh yes. *sigh sigh sigh* i also may have to miss being proud of the gays during the day (i'll come be proud of the drag queens that night though, i promise.) oh hey, oh HEY! did i mentions there's an eighties night next week at studio? i am SO excited, you wouldn't believe. i'm gonna crimp my hair all big, and wear lots of blush and eye makeup..... and leg warmers. and pink fishnets. yeeeah. i'm gonna be HOTT. (yes, with two t's. bite me.)

i hope diana calls me back, i wanna hang out with her.

ok, i wasnt' actually gonna blog, i was just gonna republish.

oh hey, i'm filming in cedar rapids saturday night, i'm oh so excited.

ok, i have to go buy a digital camera. bye.


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