i accidentally changed all my font preferences to "extremely large" or something. it's really annoying. but i haven't actuallly gone looking to try and fix it yet.
dude, ryan just imed me. as in.... "in vancouver, where i'm from" ryan. my canadian! i heart my canadian. maaaan. it's been a long time since i've seen him/talked to him. i was thinking about him today though. because we were making our chicago pride plans. and i was like "san fran pride was the best." and i was all thinking of rent, and ryan. and curtis. aaaaaw. *looks at hi-5 pictures of curtis* awww he's so cute.
i don't really have anything to blog about. derek's gone, at lake owen.... gymnastics camp? or something? in wisconsin.... and emily's little sister goes there.... and knows derek.... and that's besides the point. ANYwho, derek's gone. and you'd think that since this is the first time he's really been gone... i'd be all not thinking about him, since this is literally the first time that i haven't seen him... like every day.... since he was at nationals. but i miss him. *sniffle*
i have the cuuuuutest outfit on. but it's like three in the morning, so no one but me gets to enjoy it. i really need to stop being this awake at three in the morning. i need to go back to a decent sleep schedule. today.... oh dear lord. i slept from like....4am til 7:30. got up. went back to sleep.... 8:40-9:20. got up. stayed up til 12:00. went to sleep at noon.... and here's the worst part..... slept until 8:30 tonight. i totally didn't mean to. it was going to be like.... a two hour nap. when i woke up i was like "what the hell?!" *sigh*
i cleaned my car today. now it's all clean, and shiny (overly shiny. armor all is out of control.)
now, to clean my room. but first... i think i'm gonna go to bed. because i wanna get up before noon tomorrow, so that i can clean and do stuff before i work at 4. yeah yeah.
ok, sorry this was such a boring blog entry!
dude, ryan just imed me. as in.... "in vancouver, where i'm from" ryan. my canadian! i heart my canadian. maaaan. it's been a long time since i've seen him/talked to him. i was thinking about him today though. because we were making our chicago pride plans. and i was like "san fran pride was the best." and i was all thinking of rent, and ryan. and curtis. aaaaaw. *looks at hi-5 pictures of curtis* awww he's so cute.
i don't really have anything to blog about. derek's gone, at lake owen.... gymnastics camp? or something? in wisconsin.... and emily's little sister goes there.... and knows derek.... and that's besides the point. ANYwho, derek's gone. and you'd think that since this is the first time he's really been gone... i'd be all not thinking about him, since this is literally the first time that i haven't seen him... like every day.... since he was at nationals. but i miss him. *sniffle*
i have the cuuuuutest outfit on. but it's like three in the morning, so no one but me gets to enjoy it. i really need to stop being this awake at three in the morning. i need to go back to a decent sleep schedule. today.... oh dear lord. i slept from like....4am til 7:30. got up. went back to sleep.... 8:40-9:20. got up. stayed up til 12:00. went to sleep at noon.... and here's the worst part..... slept until 8:30 tonight. i totally didn't mean to. it was going to be like.... a two hour nap. when i woke up i was like "what the hell?!" *sigh*
i cleaned my car today. now it's all clean, and shiny (overly shiny. armor all is out of control.)
now, to clean my room. but first... i think i'm gonna go to bed. because i wanna get up before noon tomorrow, so that i can clean and do stuff before i work at 4. yeah yeah.
ok, sorry this was such a boring blog entry!
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