i now have $101 dollars to my name. goooo me. so, $90 of that is going to the phone bill, and $11 is going to gas for my car (i'm gonna run out at like.... 4am some morning.... on the way home from afterhours.... and i won't have my phone.... and i'll be really sad. oh shit. i need to pay the $251 dollars before the next bill is due, or the total amount due will be over due.... and i'll have to pay all of it. *sob*
i meant to go to cd warehouse today and sell some of my cd's.... but i forgot. i'm gonna get rid of my smashing pumpkins set, aeroplane flies high.... being that i've never listened to it.... and i think my dad got it for me like.... in 8th grade...
it's amateur night tonight.... i kinda wanna go, because i have a bunch of friends who are gonna be doing stuff... hmm... i just lost my soda.... ok. so i went downstairs to look for it, and my mom was like "you drank it." and i got to thinking, and she's right. dang.
i need to call adam, because i haven't been able to with the phone situation. aaaadam, if you're reading this (i know he has the site addy....) i'm so *so* sorry i didn't call you... aaand, i'd say call me at home, but you don't have that number.... and my mom goes to sleep at 8, because she gets up at 4am..... so.... it's sort of useless. sad.
i'm gonna go take a shower, so that if i do wanna go out, i look nice. i suppose i could just do my hair, since i took a shower earlier.... but that's really kind of difficult..... since i didn't blow dry it the first time.... hm.... i also need to figure out my telephone.... because i dont' have a phone in my room at all, and i dont' like going to the kitchen every time i need to call someone.
i don't want to go out tonight, but i do. it's weird. i really want to go to a movie. but i don't have any money. saaaaaad. *cries*
i meant to go to cd warehouse today and sell some of my cd's.... but i forgot. i'm gonna get rid of my smashing pumpkins set, aeroplane flies high.... being that i've never listened to it.... and i think my dad got it for me like.... in 8th grade...
it's amateur night tonight.... i kinda wanna go, because i have a bunch of friends who are gonna be doing stuff... hmm... i just lost my soda.... ok. so i went downstairs to look for it, and my mom was like "you drank it." and i got to thinking, and she's right. dang.
i need to call adam, because i haven't been able to with the phone situation. aaaadam, if you're reading this (i know he has the site addy....) i'm so *so* sorry i didn't call you... aaand, i'd say call me at home, but you don't have that number.... and my mom goes to sleep at 8, because she gets up at 4am..... so.... it's sort of useless. sad.
i'm gonna go take a shower, so that if i do wanna go out, i look nice. i suppose i could just do my hair, since i took a shower earlier.... but that's really kind of difficult..... since i didn't blow dry it the first time.... hm.... i also need to figure out my telephone.... because i dont' have a phone in my room at all, and i dont' like going to the kitchen every time i need to call someone.
i don't want to go out tonight, but i do. it's weird. i really want to go to a movie. but i don't have any money. saaaaaad. *cries*
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