
i'm listening to rent. from like.... last july. oh my GOD.... two julys ago. oh wow, that's so long. *sniffle* this is curtis as mark. it's way good. i *think* it's .... karmine mimi? maybe? i know it's jeremy as roger. because time fies. and now that i'm listening to what you own, i can hear him pretending to be elvis. *sniffle* i miss them sooo much....

so, last night was good. went out... at about 11. oh geeze, what about the night before?! eighties night! i had much fun at eighties night. nick (managernick) spent the evening trying to convince me that i would be a good idea to run naked down van buren st.... hung out with the usual suspects.... sparklesmatt, othermatt, jon, kerry, nic, nate.... rachel (i found her in the alley all sad because cover was $5, but i convinced her to come, and we had goooooood times. i love rachel! it's so funny, we introduce eachother as "this is my BEST friend from elementary school.") uuuh, anywho, nick (managernick), adam (for awhile), joshy (kenya) .... hmm. who the hell else? mikey! MK (who, by the way, was not wearing her shirt.... and kept trying to steal mine.), for awhile.... mark... because he was at nick's which is where we ended up. it was good times. except for that damn window. seee, there's a "porch" at nick's that is only accessible through a window. and it's very difficult to crawl in and out of that window. let me tell you. it's VERY difficult. if matt hadn't kept saving me... i would still be stuck in that damn window. yes, so that was thursday.... now, friday..... i didn't go out til laaaate. because i had a bad day. (my car exploded again. really exploded this time. very exciting.) then.... hung out with DMshawn, thang, and EEEVERYone from thursday (minus nick, adam and mark) also hung out a lot with heather and tim. and tom. we had a nice time. a bunch of people from ICCTheatre showed up too. and were like "we saw a bunch of reaaaally cute pictures of you in H2$!! and i was like "awwww" because i forgot to go to the icct party. because i'm a dork. *sob* oh well.

we had much fun. there was much dancing. and i kept getting hit on by naaaasty guys. (which reminds me, rachel saved me from guys like.... four times on thursday. she's like "hi, i'm her girlfriend." and got rid of them, i was like "i LOVE you!") what else.... ooooh, someone broke the alley. theres' a pipe thing... and someone pulled it off the wall. its' a lot harder to climb my wall now. stupid jerks, breaking the alley. i mean, C'MON! (sorrry, i'm really upset about the alley being broken.)

then tim and heather and tom and i went to tim's house, and tim whined about not getting to go to afterhours. we're going tonight. we went to steak and shake, and wreaked much havoc.... (tim hit on ben, the waiter, alot. and heather discussed her masterbation habits very loudly in front on the waiter. she was only even saying anything to make a joke.... but poooor ben came in at the wrong moment.) then we went to walmart. i was so sure we were gonna get kicked out. but we bought puff paint and shirts, and heather and i made "fag hag" and "fruit fly" shirts. with lots of rainbows, and lots of sparkles. i left mine at tim's house though. so i didn't get to wear it. *sniffle* i worked so hard on it though. there were all these cute little rainbow hearts.... oh it was a masterpiece.

oh, and hey...i heard that there's a rumor going around that i do coke. i would like to clarify that i do NOT. i know a lot of people who do, i even know multiple dealers. (scary shit people.... oh my god. i try real hard to not hang out with them...) but i don't. because... i'm stupid, but not THAT stupid.

i'm listening to "walk like an egyptian" it's great.

i think i was supposed to meet scott and.... whatshisname from osceola at the mall.... but.... that was like... two hours ago. i'm sure they're ok.

i'm going to a partay at scott's tonight. then to studio.... then prolly back to scotts. and maybe to allan's. there are like.... FOUR afterhourses tonight. i'm excited. wowowooo.


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