last cigarette: like, three or four weeks ago. i've been so good.
last car ride: earlier today. i actually drove though. so it wasn't so much a ride....
last kiss: um. well. from a straight man.... two weeks ago. maybe a little more (this does not count phil's attempted kisses when he tried to get on me the other night...) from a gay man... two nights ago (goddamn matt. gave me a hickey. why does he always do that?!) from a gay girl.... two nights ago.
last good cry: today!
last library book: i broke my library card like... a year ago... and when i went to get it back, it had thirty dollars in fines on it. doh.
last movie seen: bruce almighty.... didn't really like it...
last book read: harry potter.
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage drank: diet coke
last food consumed: toast. (oh my GOD! kyle and i both consumed toast last. we really ARE toast twins.)
last crush: i guess i have one now?
last phone call: work. boooo work, i haaate you.
last TV show watched: friends (duh)
last time showered: this morning.
last shoes worn: black flip flops. (me too kyle! me too! were yours platforms?)
last cd played: different light, the bangles (walk like an egyptian!) the eighties are my god.
last item bought: a diet coke
last annoyance: the dog
last disappointment: work stuff
last soda drank: diet coke (diet coke seems to be my answer to everything.)
last thing written: some notes on the code for my site... because i have zero short term memory.... i have a notebook full of little notes like that.
last key used: house key
last word spoken: i'm not sure.... i *think* it was "fuck" and i was talkign to the cat.
last sleep: slept from 8 this morning til noon. (no other sleep last night...)
last im: heather
last sexual fantasy: *shrug?*
last weird encounter: phil trying to get on my the other night. EW.
last ice cream eaten: saturday at pride.
last time amused: reading renata's blog
last time wanting to die: briefly this afternoon. but i'm ok. it was very short lived.
last time in love: bah! love doesn't exist, and don't try to argue, i'll kick you in the teeth. prove it to me, and then i'll calm down.
last time hugged: saturday night. i need a hug. (i typed "i need hugh. instead of i need a hug. oh huuuugh, where are you?)
last time scolded: my dad telling me not to speed.
last chair sat in: the broken swivel chair at my desk. i'm sitting there now. it's very uncomfortable, due to being broken. it's loud and squeaky too. i HATE this fucking chair.
last lipstick used: swf, sparkly pink, this morning (isn't that so cute??? swf, single white female... so clever.)
last shirt worn: black stretchy shirt.... wearing it now.
last time dancing: today while cleaning. (me too!! kyle, i love that we dance while we clean.)
last poster looked at: rent, since it's right here. though, the enormous trainspotting poster is visable in the mirror....
last show attended: hm... i'll say rent. i odn't want to actually think about it, but i bet it was. well, saw the romeo and juliet ballet with derek. does that count?
last webpage visited: kyle's website! where i blatantly stole this survey!
last car ride: earlier today. i actually drove though. so it wasn't so much a ride....
last kiss: um. well. from a straight man.... two weeks ago. maybe a little more (this does not count phil's attempted kisses when he tried to get on me the other night...) from a gay man... two nights ago (goddamn matt. gave me a hickey. why does he always do that?!) from a gay girl.... two nights ago.
last good cry: today!
last library book: i broke my library card like... a year ago... and when i went to get it back, it had thirty dollars in fines on it. doh.
last movie seen: bruce almighty.... didn't really like it...
last book read: harry potter.
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage drank: diet coke
last food consumed: toast. (oh my GOD! kyle and i both consumed toast last. we really ARE toast twins.)
last crush: i guess i have one now?
last phone call: work. boooo work, i haaate you.
last TV show watched: friends (duh)
last time showered: this morning.
last shoes worn: black flip flops. (me too kyle! me too! were yours platforms?)
last cd played: different light, the bangles (walk like an egyptian!) the eighties are my god.
last item bought: a diet coke
last annoyance: the dog
last disappointment: work stuff
last soda drank: diet coke (diet coke seems to be my answer to everything.)
last thing written: some notes on the code for my site... because i have zero short term memory.... i have a notebook full of little notes like that.
last key used: house key
last word spoken: i'm not sure.... i *think* it was "fuck" and i was talkign to the cat.
last sleep: slept from 8 this morning til noon. (no other sleep last night...)
last im: heather
last sexual fantasy: *shrug?*
last weird encounter: phil trying to get on my the other night. EW.
last ice cream eaten: saturday at pride.
last time amused: reading renata's blog
last time wanting to die: briefly this afternoon. but i'm ok. it was very short lived.
last time in love: bah! love doesn't exist, and don't try to argue, i'll kick you in the teeth. prove it to me, and then i'll calm down.
last time hugged: saturday night. i need a hug. (i typed "i need hugh. instead of i need a hug. oh huuuugh, where are you?)
last time scolded: my dad telling me not to speed.
last chair sat in: the broken swivel chair at my desk. i'm sitting there now. it's very uncomfortable, due to being broken. it's loud and squeaky too. i HATE this fucking chair.
last lipstick used: swf, sparkly pink, this morning (isn't that so cute??? swf, single white female... so clever.)
last shirt worn: black stretchy shirt.... wearing it now.
last time dancing: today while cleaning. (me too!! kyle, i love that we dance while we clean.)
last poster looked at: rent, since it's right here. though, the enormous trainspotting poster is visable in the mirror....
last show attended: hm... i'll say rent. i odn't want to actually think about it, but i bet it was. well, saw the romeo and juliet ballet with derek. does that count?
last webpage visited: kyle's website! where i blatantly stole this survey!
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