
last night was a wonderful evening. all in all.

went to studio, didn't drink a thing, had a great time. (had hella drama before i got to studio. went for a drive, decided to fuck it. went to studio and enjoyed myself.) after close we went to chris's, then to eric's. then *i* went to kerry's. pooooor kerry. he was so sick. i hauled his ass up THREE flights of stairs. hoooly god. hung out there for an hour to make sure he was ok (he wasn't) then jon got there, and we waited for another half hour... then he was MUCH more ok, and it was good. and jon and i had a heart to heart about how it is a friend's responsibility to care for drunken friends in their time of need.

but, ken played you spin me right round for me, and i MISSED it. oh, i was so sad. you wouldn't believe. *sob* i don't know how i missed it, i was only gone for like.... a minute! *sigh*

i had a lot more to blog about, and if i'd been awake enough to do it last nigh, it would have been a wonderfully entertaining account of my evening. but i'm home now.... after am work in CR, evening work here.... and i don't think i've had anything to eat today. so. maybe i'll go eat. and come back and blog in a more amusing fashion. we'll see.


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