
my desk is glowing....

there's a big sticky glowstick stain on my desk. (last night, i kept noticing that i was glowing..... but i couldn't figure out WHY! yeeeah, my bracelets broke. and i got pink sticky glowing stuff on me, my desk, my clothes... prolly on Ivy and her friend who looked like del....) i should really clean my desk off. what with the glowstick goo, and the nail polish... and such. one of my buddha statues is about to be overcome by a nail polish spill. *moves buddha to higher ground*

i'm listening to cabaret. i want to be fraulein kost or fraulein schneider (yeah, i know she's like.... supposed to be fifty. i don't care. i could TOTALLY play fifty. really... (says me... who still gets asked what grade i'm going to be in. "i'll be a sophomore actually" "oooh! what highschool do you go to?" "uh, i'm in college....)) i don't think i'd want to play sally ever (maybe because i've only seen bad sallys.... that could be... or, i just don't like sally.) anywho, been there done that with helga.... much fun, would like to be fraulein kost because it's such a bitch role. i'm always so sweet an innocent. wait, i take that back.... i'm CAST sweet and innocent. i'm actually kind of (understatement) bitchy and not terribly innocent.

i can't get my titles to show up. and there's a help topic for it.... but no information in that topic. grrr. blogger you make me grouchy! i bet i just need to add a blog tag so that the titles know where to go, and what color to be and stuff like that. but since the help index doesn't tell me what that blogtag is... things are just going to be titleless. then, someday when i fix it.... everything will have titles, and you can see how witty i've been being with the titles.


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