re-blonded my hair. it's nice. dude, my favorite drag queen right now is jordan sacks. because she calls me marilyn. and always tells me i'm pretty. i'm such a whore for compliments. ~_~
SCOTT!!! you neeeed to email me because i lost your phone number. and i'm gonna bring jenny evans along. she's my guest. ^_^
there are ants all over the place. they scare me.
just blogged in "the other blog" maybe i'll blog more here once my rooms clean. i NEED my room to be clean so that i can get money, and pay my phone bill. because you don't even want to know how much i owe. *coughtwohundredfiftydollarscough* and that's not even the whole amount. that's just the past due, pay-this-or-we'll-turn-your-phone-off-amount. FUCK i have a ticket to pay too. shitshitshit i'm so fucked. i hate money things. (this is all just the beginning of my woes. there's lots more financial woes. some school woes. (i can't even think about those...) lots of derek woes. a few oh-my-god-i-gained-ten-pounds woes. (it's derek's fault. heeee made me promise not to throw up. gr.) some laundry woes. because i really neeed to do laundry.... some.... general me woes. yeah, life is peeeeachy.)
oh hey, w-w-w-whitney, your boy kevin was all up on me tonight. it cracks me up when gay boys grab my boobs. and then chuck spilled beer on everyone. boooo chuck. (chuck is jackson doran's roommate. *rawr* jackson. he's a hottie.) aaaand, jon and i daaaaanced and rejoiced for the upcoming eighties night. and i was sad about davina being gone. and that was my night. oh, tim and i had a heart to heart. and we went on a lot of walks. i love tim, btw.
"people kept asking if i was gay, and i kept saying i wasnt.... then i go to thinking about it... and i was like "oh. i am. well then.""
the token quote for the evening.
SCOTT!!! you neeeed to email me because i lost your phone number. and i'm gonna bring jenny evans along. she's my guest. ^_^
there are ants all over the place. they scare me.
just blogged in "the other blog" maybe i'll blog more here once my rooms clean. i NEED my room to be clean so that i can get money, and pay my phone bill. because you don't even want to know how much i owe. *coughtwohundredfiftydollarscough* and that's not even the whole amount. that's just the past due, pay-this-or-we'll-turn-your-phone-off-amount. FUCK i have a ticket to pay too. shitshitshit i'm so fucked. i hate money things. (this is all just the beginning of my woes. there's lots more financial woes. some school woes. (i can't even think about those...) lots of derek woes. a few oh-my-god-i-gained-ten-pounds woes. (it's derek's fault. heeee made me promise not to throw up. gr.) some laundry woes. because i really neeed to do laundry.... some.... general me woes. yeah, life is peeeeachy.)
oh hey, w-w-w-whitney, your boy kevin was all up on me tonight. it cracks me up when gay boys grab my boobs. and then chuck spilled beer on everyone. boooo chuck. (chuck is jackson doran's roommate. *rawr* jackson. he's a hottie.) aaaand, jon and i daaaaanced and rejoiced for the upcoming eighties night. and i was sad about davina being gone. and that was my night. oh, tim and i had a heart to heart. and we went on a lot of walks. i love tim, btw.
"people kept asking if i was gay, and i kept saying i wasnt.... then i go to thinking about it... and i was like "oh. i am. well then.""
the token quote for the evening.
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