
so, renata's diagnoses on the bruises.... is leukemia. greeeeeat. ^_~ ah well, i'm sure it's really due to clumsiness. or whatever blood thing it was last time i was getting strange bruises. *shrug* we'll see. duuuude, renata. i really want to come see you for your birthday, but it's gay pride weekend here in iowa city..... so... maybe i'll come see you..... and then leave on saturday at like.....6:00.... so i can be back here to be proud. you can come back and be proud with me if you want.

i have had a lot of amusing and blog worthy things occur in the past week... that i haven't blogged about. and i'm way sorry. i hereby vow to return to blogging. and not go for long periods of time feeling sorry for myself.... when it's really not so bad... well, it was for awhile.... but it never stays that way. i'm just glad i didn't have another flame war pop up while i was all sad. i HATE that. when people start leaving comments about how much they hate me... and i'm like "if you don't like me.... why the hell do you read this?!" aaah. *shakes fist*

speaking of people who hate me.... i saw josie at studio the other night. i think derek talked to her too.. i was like "oooooh dear god." that could have been bad. someone, who shall remain nameless, said i should get her mad. see if she'd go psycho and hit me. then abi and i would have something in common to discuss. ^_~ and damn straight, i'd press charges too.

what else? there's lots of new stuff.... to blog about...

heather lawler's back in town for the summer. i've seen her like.... every day since she got back. it's crazy. even not at studio, we just seem to be in the exact same places. i swear to god... it's eerie how similar we can be.

i think i'm gonna live with patrick next year...? maybe? it's all crazy. we'll have to see.

i need to redo the who's who. with sections. *sigh* i ALWAYS need to redo the who's who. it's never ending.

alright.... to do....

..redo the who's who.
..update the quotes section
..figure out when i'm gonna go visit renata/if she wants to come visit me.
..figure out the new rent tour situation.... it's gonna be in CR... (not the non eq. tour though. *sniffle* i'm gonna miss DJ muchly.)
..clean my room (my dad got margaret cho tickets... but i can't have them until my room's clean)
..haul the futon up to my room.
..pay my phone bill!!! oh my GOD. guys. if my phone goes off in the next couple days... this is why.
..remind jenny to call the CR hot topic with my refferences.

ok, that's the brief version. i'm not going to go take a shower. and then maybe clean a little bit.


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