this is from kait. since i'm not on LJ, it's a little different, but i like the idea. 20 "friends" anonymous.... about five of you got emailed #'s. because i wanted you to know for certain who you were. the rest..... guess.. i should have made it 25, because i feel like i left some people out. maybe i'll just do five more in the morning.
1) you have helped me so much in the past few months, and i feel like no one ever gives you the love and attention you deserve. you're an incredible person, you make me smile, and you keep me from crying. you need to feel better about yourself! because you rock!
2) i've known you since high school, and i hope i know you for a looong time more. you're really great, and HILARIOUS. you crack me up so so much. your sense of humor has helped me out tons of times. you always look super cute in the most unlikely things, and i love hanging out and dancing with you, or just walking and talking.
3) i wish i got to see you more. we started out SO alike.... and we're SO different now, but you still embody so many aspects of my personality that have disappeared, that i LOVE to see you, because you bring them out, and are SO cool. i cannot wait to see you next week.... so that we can be SILLY and have a blast. i never act like myself the way i do with you.
4) you're really awesome. everything about you is attractive. i like how you stand up for what you think is right, even if it isn't conveinent. you are truly a good person, with incredible goals. i have so much respect for what you do with your life, and what you WANT to do with your life. i am so afraid to get close to you, because i know i'll hurt you. and hate myself for it.
5) you are someone who i love spending time with, i wish i were closer to you. i admire you for your talent, and you're general outgoing personality. it takes courage to do what you do,and to be who you are. i cannot think of anyone i would rather party with, AND just chill with.
6) you are someone i cannot forget about. i love you one minute, with every ounce of everything in me, and then.... two hours later, i despise you. (more often, i despise something you're doing, or have done... not you.) i don't know what to do about you. the feelings i have for you are fucking up so many things. but i can't (don't want to) forget you. at the end of the day, when all is said and done, i really loved you, and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. but.... forget regrets eh? i lost you, and i'll miss you.
7) things i hear don't correspond with the things i see. but i don't understand why my trustworthy, close friends would warn me, and tell me they's seen things that weren't true. you make me laugh, you've made me cry.... my stomach drops every time i see you.... both because you are SO attractive, and because of our history. deep down... i kind of hope we end up together sometime.... somewhere... again. but i don't think we ever will.
8) you're really solid. no drama. just you. not many little gay boys are like that. i really like spending time with you, and i hope you like spending time with me. whenever i go out, i always hope youll wanna come too, because you're so much fun.
9) i don't like you. at all. i don't understand why others like you, and put up with your shit. because i refuse to.... i did at first, almost out of pity, but you repayed me with nothing but insults. i REALLY cannot stand you.
10) you need everyone's attention on you, all the time. and that's the least attractive thing about need people to tell you how cute you are, and it makes you ten times less cute when you do it. sometimes though, you're the best.
11) i've sort of known you for like.... two years. i'm so glad we're friends. you're so darn cute, and ethics-wise, it's tough to find someone as good as you are. you are all around a good person. if you were straight, i'd be ALL over you. (and there are only one of two boys that i can say that about,)
12) you're really cool. i wish we hung out more often. i'm looking forward to being more in touch with you, and hanging out more. we have tons of mutual friends..... when did we stop being friends??
13) i used to have the biggest crush on you. i don't anymore.
14) you've been my friend forever, and i hope you stay my friend forever. there are going to be so many things that could be weird with us, but they shouldn't be.
15) you're such a good person. you will be an incredible doctor someday.... and i don't just mean.... a good doctor, i mean the best. someone with your heart and compassion is hard to find. i'm sorry i didn't call you about coffee at the java house today. i just now remembered.
16) you are so incredible. i wish you didn't live in pittsburgh. it's so far away.... i hope i get a chance to see you on your way across the country..... you bring out a side of me that is always hidden. it amazes me how i feel when you're around. it always takes me by total surprise how i feel about you when you're right here.
17) you're such an enigma, you always will be.
18) i love you, and i really miss you. i'm sorry we've grown apart so much..... but i also don't feel like i'm ready to bring us back together.
19) you're the only person on this list i've never met.... i want to meet you so bad.... there have been a few conversations where we reaaaallly clicked and they were hiiiiilarious. i read your LJ every day, *and* i read your fanfic (and i can't stand m/r ..... but when it's yours.... it's ok.) we need to be more in touch. i reeeeally wish we were more in touch. i should make that effort.
20) i really don't know about you. i want to like you, everyone else wants me to like you.... but it's reaaaaally hard. i don't know if it's jealousy or soemthing else (well, really it's a combination of the two....) but..... sometimes i see you and i'm just like "ugh. not her." but.... other times.... i'm like "yaaaay!" it's really weird, and i hope i knock it off, and we can put allllll the recent shit aside and be friends. i don't want to be friends with any of this shit (though not between us...) to be involved.
kind of weird. but i liked doing it. it made me feel better about a lot of things in some ways...
1) you have helped me so much in the past few months, and i feel like no one ever gives you the love and attention you deserve. you're an incredible person, you make me smile, and you keep me from crying. you need to feel better about yourself! because you rock!
2) i've known you since high school, and i hope i know you for a looong time more. you're really great, and HILARIOUS. you crack me up so so much. your sense of humor has helped me out tons of times. you always look super cute in the most unlikely things, and i love hanging out and dancing with you, or just walking and talking.
3) i wish i got to see you more. we started out SO alike.... and we're SO different now, but you still embody so many aspects of my personality that have disappeared, that i LOVE to see you, because you bring them out, and are SO cool. i cannot wait to see you next week.... so that we can be SILLY and have a blast. i never act like myself the way i do with you.
4) you're really awesome. everything about you is attractive. i like how you stand up for what you think is right, even if it isn't conveinent. you are truly a good person, with incredible goals. i have so much respect for what you do with your life, and what you WANT to do with your life. i am so afraid to get close to you, because i know i'll hurt you. and hate myself for it.
5) you are someone who i love spending time with, i wish i were closer to you. i admire you for your talent, and you're general outgoing personality. it takes courage to do what you do,and to be who you are. i cannot think of anyone i would rather party with, AND just chill with.
6) you are someone i cannot forget about. i love you one minute, with every ounce of everything in me, and then.... two hours later, i despise you. (more often, i despise something you're doing, or have done... not you.) i don't know what to do about you. the feelings i have for you are fucking up so many things. but i can't (don't want to) forget you. at the end of the day, when all is said and done, i really loved you, and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. but.... forget regrets eh? i lost you, and i'll miss you.
7) things i hear don't correspond with the things i see. but i don't understand why my trustworthy, close friends would warn me, and tell me they's seen things that weren't true. you make me laugh, you've made me cry.... my stomach drops every time i see you.... both because you are SO attractive, and because of our history. deep down... i kind of hope we end up together sometime.... somewhere... again. but i don't think we ever will.
8) you're really solid. no drama. just you. not many little gay boys are like that. i really like spending time with you, and i hope you like spending time with me. whenever i go out, i always hope youll wanna come too, because you're so much fun.
9) i don't like you. at all. i don't understand why others like you, and put up with your shit. because i refuse to.... i did at first, almost out of pity, but you repayed me with nothing but insults. i REALLY cannot stand you.
10) you need everyone's attention on you, all the time. and that's the least attractive thing about need people to tell you how cute you are, and it makes you ten times less cute when you do it. sometimes though, you're the best.
11) i've sort of known you for like.... two years. i'm so glad we're friends. you're so darn cute, and ethics-wise, it's tough to find someone as good as you are. you are all around a good person. if you were straight, i'd be ALL over you. (and there are only one of two boys that i can say that about,)
12) you're really cool. i wish we hung out more often. i'm looking forward to being more in touch with you, and hanging out more. we have tons of mutual friends..... when did we stop being friends??
13) i used to have the biggest crush on you. i don't anymore.
14) you've been my friend forever, and i hope you stay my friend forever. there are going to be so many things that could be weird with us, but they shouldn't be.
15) you're such a good person. you will be an incredible doctor someday.... and i don't just mean.... a good doctor, i mean the best. someone with your heart and compassion is hard to find. i'm sorry i didn't call you about coffee at the java house today. i just now remembered.
16) you are so incredible. i wish you didn't live in pittsburgh. it's so far away.... i hope i get a chance to see you on your way across the country..... you bring out a side of me that is always hidden. it amazes me how i feel when you're around. it always takes me by total surprise how i feel about you when you're right here.
17) you're such an enigma, you always will be.
18) i love you, and i really miss you. i'm sorry we've grown apart so much..... but i also don't feel like i'm ready to bring us back together.
19) you're the only person on this list i've never met.... i want to meet you so bad.... there have been a few conversations where we reaaaallly clicked and they were hiiiiilarious. i read your LJ every day, *and* i read your fanfic (and i can't stand m/r ..... but when it's yours.... it's ok.) we need to be more in touch. i reeeeally wish we were more in touch. i should make that effort.
20) i really don't know about you. i want to like you, everyone else wants me to like you.... but it's reaaaaally hard. i don't know if it's jealousy or soemthing else (well, really it's a combination of the two....) but..... sometimes i see you and i'm just like "ugh. not her." but.... other times.... i'm like "yaaaay!" it's really weird, and i hope i knock it off, and we can put allllll the recent shit aside and be friends. i don't want to be friends with any of this shit (though not between us...) to be involved.
kind of weird. but i liked doing it. it made me feel better about a lot of things in some ways...
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