
wheeere oh wheeere has my bloooo-og gone? where or where can it be? i'm typing this offline in notebook, be blogger doesn't want to let me access my blog. stupid jerkface blogger! i'll cut you!

still haven't slept.... yeeeah, i'm really getting the distinct feeling that not sleeping is REAAAAALLY bad for my body. but, i'm eating, which is good. i cooked!! ("you can cook?!" "of course i can cook!!" "offering people gum is NOT cooking." tell me where that quote's from.... c'mon, you know you wanna.) aaanywho, i made rice. with spices. mmmmm. and some tofuey goodness. its' really good. i'm enjoying it very very much. and i made alot, so i'll have some left over aaaaaall week. yay!

i did SO much laundry today. holy god. and there's still TONS left to do. oy vey. how wrong is it that i have 75 shirts? and that's not even counting my like.... dress up/nice shirts. and lets see how many pairs of pants... 14 pairs of blue jeans. 5 pairs of courderoys, 5 "other, but not pajama" and 12 pajama/yoga/exercise pants. and then .... three pairs of shorts, and about 7 skirts. i litterally do laundry about once every two months. i'm out of control. i even sold a bunch of stuff at "stuff etc" earlier this month. lots of gap stuff that i don't wear anymore. lots of ugly abercrombie.... and like five j. crew sweaters that have NEVER fit me. i have so much random crap. about 40% of the clothing is goodwill though. i am a goodwill fiend. i shop there religiously. i have left with 2 pairs of size 2long (my size EXACTLY) abercrombie jeans, two banana republic jackets, a bebe shirt, and a bebe purse. in one trip. and don't even get me started on the shoes.... i have gotten some of the BEST shoes there. nine west, steve madden, TONS of great heels. ok. i got disctracted by the goodwill rant. goodwill gets me excited like that. especially because things cost like.... a quarter. which is so in my price range.

this rice is SO good. i should be a chef.

tim (grady) asked if i was "ok" today. like, with the derek drama, with life in general. and for the first time in like... a month and a half. i could honestly be like "i am GREAT." because i don't fucking care about it anymore. i don't know what flipped things over..... but something did. i'm soooo happy and calm and just great. sunday night was like.... the epitome of greatness. even with pooooor sick kerry. that poor boy. i should have stopped by abercrombie to see him today.... but i forgot. doh. aaaanywho, even with him all ill, and some people causing drama being all "just leave him be, he can take care of himself!" and be being all "i'm sorry, but i'm not leaving someone who is THAT sick lying on his back, by himself, passed out. i don't care if i have to fucking walk home in the morning because you won't give me a ride, i am staying here." (and yay yay yay for jon coming back and saving me.) despite all that, i was in a good place. i knew i was doing the right thing, and in all the time up to the drama, i was so fine.

a little teeny bit of me is shouting "you're manic-depressive!! you've been depressed for a month, now you're on an upswing! it won't last! it won't last! you're going to crash and burn a million times worse than before!" but..... we're going to ignore that. because i feel great, and i am determined to stay feeling great. it will take an actual act of stupidity from certain persons to do anything to hurt bubble of happy, "love my life", "love my friends" feelings. (by the way.... LOVE my friends. there is nothing better than doing the can can in the alley all the way to gabe's (the bar, not ritter's).... dancing with all my beautiful little gay boys, the twinkies, the full out fags, the queens.... the closet cases..... i love these people. the drama and the backstabbing aside of course. there are a handful of people i've met who are the most beautiful people i've encountered in a long time. very genuine.... and i love them for that. *happy sigh*) ok. that's enough out of me. shhhhh megan, shh. go to sleep. *finishes rice and tofu and goes to bed*

one last thing..... miss ayanna love has a a shoe fetish. i have never seen anyone steal shoes like this boy. it CRACKS me up.


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