
you know you're a child of the eighties if....
~ you played with "my little ponies". rachel and i played 'my little ponies' every day after school. oh, gooood times.
~ you had a crush on one of the new kids on the block members. oooh joey, why haven't you come for me? i even bought your come back cd when it came out!
~ you remember the new kids on the block. they remain near and dear to my heart.
~ you wore one of those t-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt during your youth. i had a t-shirt ring that was lime green with rhinestones... so cool.
~ you were styling with your french rolled pants. i remember learning how to french roll my pants... boy, it was hard.
~ you wore multiple pairs of socks in the middle of the summer just so you could be "hip" could not leave the house without three pairs of slouch socks over my stretch pants.
~ two words: leg warmers *hangs head* oh how i loved leg warmers.
~ you had puff painted your own shirt at least once. hell, i still do this...
~ you owned a doll with 'xavier roberts' signed on it's butt. TONS of them. georgetta darcy was my favorite.
~ the cosby show, alf, or out of this world was prime time television? i watched a special on the cosby show the other day. oh good times.
~ you remember when tgif first got started? i used to live for TGIF
~ you were upset when she-ra, princess of power, and he-man cancelled. we used to play he-man and she-ra at day care.
~ you can remember watching full house and saved by the bell for endless hours, back when they were new episodes. i don't care what anyone says... those shows were the BEST.
~ you have seen at least 10 episodes of fraggle rock. i still have at least that many on tape.
~ you remember madonna in her cone stage.
~ you knew "the artist" when he was humbly called "prince."
~ you ever wore flourescent-neon clothing...
~ you remember m.c. hammer.
~ you can still sing the rap to "fresh prince of bel air".
~ you own any cassettes.
~ you owned a pair of l.a. gear, keds, or converse tennis shoes.
~ you have ever pondered why smurfette was the only female smurf. (and how come baby smurf never grew up...) the mysteries of the smurfs....
~ my little pony, gummy bears, transformers, you can't do that on television, noozles, kids incorperated, captian kangroo, double dare, and hey dude are familiar to you. all of those make me misty eyed... awww. i looooved all those.
~ you actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the "care bear stare" we'd practice at daycare...
~ you had wonder woman or superman underoos. i had wonder woman pajamas... they were the best thing ever. they had a velcro cape... i wish i still had them, they were SO great.
~ you thought that transformers were more than meets the eye.
~ you spent hours in the basement building and re-building lego cities. oh my god.... rachel and tyler and i had the most elaborate lego city built in their basement... nothing will ever surpass that thing.... it took up an entire room, AND part of the hallway.
~ do polly pockets or popples ring a bell? there is totally a popple on my desk RIGHT NOW.
~ big wheels and bicycles with streamers were the way to go.
~ "party like it's 1999" seemed so far away!!
~ can we say trapper keeper? they were banned at our school... but i still had one.
~ if you still have a crimper in your bathroom drawer and still use it. i'm gonna use it tomorrow actually.
~ you loved your pink jeans, black stretch pants big loop earings
~ you had at least one hypercolor shirt
~ if you remember when rollerblades were the new thing
~ you used to wear bright pink slip-ons and jelly shoes
~ you were scared of the gremlins i still am! hot topic sells gremlins stuff... and i'm STILL scared of them.
~ inspector gadget was part of your daily ritual. i LOVE inspector gadget!!
~ the wonder years was a part of your daily lifestyle
~ you had hotwheel races down your street during the block party
~ pee wee's play house?
~ fanny packs?
~ did you keep your hot pink lipstick in a caboodle?
~ you could not get enough hair spray on those bangs?
~ how many trolls did you have? i had 17, rachel had 29
~ does "heros in a half shell" mean anything to you?
~ everything was rad, totally awesome, and tubular!!!
~ you remember when the original nintendo was the best $100 you could spend?
~ you owned a ghost busters action figure, a gi-joe, a hollywood hair barbie? oh how i loved hollywood hair barbie.... with the gel... oh. good times.
~ you loved to play with your glow-in-the-dark plastic jewelry?
~ you envied rainbow bright's fashion sense
~ you remember zoobily zoo? wuzzat kangaroo was my favorite
~ you remember when cracker jacks actually had cool prizes.
~ hula hoops
~ it wasn't chuckie cheese's.....it was showbiz pizza
~ can we say: pound puppies


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