i heart my comments! those are two of the best comments ever! *hearts* one from aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandreeeeaaaaaaaaaaa and one from scott-who-i-love-because-i've-never-talked-to-him!!! they're so great. *heart heart*
but alas, i cannot stay here to discuss the comment love.... though, i don't wanna leave, because i'm listening to some josh kobak, and loving it. freedom, and the police officer/motorcycle/rent story. awww. i heart joshy. and matty. i wish they'd tour through to iowa again. i'll get them a gig at the mill if they'll come. heck. or gabe's since that's usually where they play... (all two times..) but i don't like going to gabe's except for last call.... or to look for rachel, or to just cause a general scene. (which you'll do walking into regular bars with two drag queens... we were really lacking on forethought there....)
i had NO mail. *cries* except for hot or not mails from some guy in nebraska. who wants me to call him.... because email is impersonal... and i'm like "um. hi, who are you?"
my exciting plans for tonight are..... studio! (treye dj's tonight. i haven't seen that boy in like.... four days. i miss my husband) aaaaaaaaand.... UPDATING THE WHO'S WHOOOOOOO! (which is already out of date. grrr. i'm gonna have to update it like, twice a week to keep up with stuff. )
man. i forgot how much i LOVE josh. (i rediscovered my matt love earlier this week. i need to go download some more of his stuff though....)
but alas, i cannot stay here to discuss the comment love.... though, i don't wanna leave, because i'm listening to some josh kobak, and loving it. freedom, and the police officer/motorcycle/rent story. awww. i heart joshy. and matty. i wish they'd tour through to iowa again. i'll get them a gig at the mill if they'll come. heck. or gabe's since that's usually where they play... (all two times..) but i don't like going to gabe's except for last call.... or to look for rachel, or to just cause a general scene. (which you'll do walking into regular bars with two drag queens... we were really lacking on forethought there....)
i had NO mail. *cries* except for hot or not mails from some guy in nebraska. who wants me to call him.... because email is impersonal... and i'm like "um. hi, who are you?"
my exciting plans for tonight are..... studio! (treye dj's tonight. i haven't seen that boy in like.... four days. i miss my husband) aaaaaaaaand.... UPDATING THE WHO'S WHOOOOOOO! (which is already out of date. grrr. i'm gonna have to update it like, twice a week to keep up with stuff. )
man. i forgot how much i LOVE josh. (i rediscovered my matt love earlier this week. i need to go download some more of his stuff though....)
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