
all in all, a wonderful evening.

well, we partied at treye's house until about 10. and between about.... 7 of us... finished half the keg... then went over to studio.... and... wow, lots of shots were had. i should have been a lot drunker than i was, but for some reason.... i was really chill last night. everyone else was fucking wasted.... wow. so, we hang out at studio from 10-close.... i really don't remember too much of what went on, except neither kenny or treye was DJing, and whoever was (chad or michael, i dont' remember...) wouldnt' play you spin me right round. and i was sad. *sad*

let's see. i'll start at the beginning... treye's house.... ivy, treye, me, keisha, sunday, phil, and phil's-skanky-friend tyler. then later, these two girls with shirts that said "i heart lance" and i was all excited, and was like "lance from nsync??" and they're like "no, duh." all rude. and i go, really loud.... "fine, bitch." and then they didn't talk to me anymore. hee. they all played drinking games, and i did peoples' make up and made them sparkly. oh, thad didn't come, because we all neglected to call him because we're TERRIBLE friends. oops. so, we left treye's at about 10. v. drunk.

arrive at studio, we all go in, and proceed to take over some tables, make the rounds saying hi to people.... the only people i remember being there when we got there.... mm... joshy, jake, kenny, danny and danny's little brother whose name i forgot, but is straight and oh-so-sweet. oh, duh, drag show... so augusta and co were all there... then... PATRICK!!! got there. and we discussed my aforementioned anger at his play. and he made me feel better. and we did a shot (a slippery nipple) to being friends again. (though, we did the gaaaaaaaaay toast. "heres you and heres to me, best of friends we'll always be, and if by chance we disagree, fuck you bitch, here's to me.") let's see, thang and jenny showed up a little later in the evening, as did adam.... but adam was working. and both ben's.... oh gosh.... benny ben..... i talked to him for QUITE awhile (by benny ben, i mean the ben you think's hot, heather ^_^) and we were like "WHY DON'T WE EVER HANG OUT?!?" and i made friends with the like.... four studio employees i don't know really well. and we were all like "how come we didn't know eachother?!" cuz, we knew eachother... like who was who and such... (like, i threw and ice cube at ben to get his attention and he was like "megan. what, are you josh? don't throw ice." (joshy is always throwing ice...) and i was like "hey you know my name!" and he's like "everyone here knows your name, you dolt." and i was like "oh. right.") oh and johnny's going to cut my hair for me. (just a trim ^_^) anywho....

post drag show a LOT of out of town people showed up, who i hadn't seen in awhile. and thad showed up, and reprimanded us for not calling him.... then he left to hang out with joshy for a bit, then... we.... all did some stuff.... and danced. and went and hung out in the alley on the wall... and then danny and his cute little brother came all stumbling out to the alley... and his brother was DRUNK. and danny's all flailing around and it was so cute. because his little brother is like, football player sized... and danny.... is.... well, drag queen sized. so, i helped get them into their friend's car... and danny's brother kept trying to get me to get in too... and i was like "uh, no can do. sorry boys." and the only way we got him to stay in the car was to promise i'd be over in ten minutes.... straight boys. bah.

ah, what else? oh, a little earlier in the evening the po-lice came and chilled for a bit. and i saw them pull up and went tearing off into the bar finding everyone i know who's underage and being like "pssst!! police! get rid of your drink and act sober kids!" and all was well. after all that, i had a shot with someone... possibly sparkles.... (was really pink and overly sweet) then trey bought me a beer even though i told him not to. and was all telling ben (other ben) at the bar i didn't want one.... but ben gave me the drink, and wrote "get laid tonight, baby" on my arm. doh. they always side with the gay guys.

then want? aaaah, hung out with kenny and jake for awhile, and they were both very sympathetic to my saddness that since neither kenny or treye was djing.... there would be no spinning right round. *sniffle* THEN i ran into stingray (as in king stingray the tattoo artist, and the guy who did the paintings on the bathroom doors at studio (two guys making out on the boys room, to girls on the girls room. v. cute.) and the guy who almost pounded derek the night he (derek) moved all the dumpsters to the middle of the alley...) ANYwho, i bumped into him, and he's like "HEY! i know you!" and i was like "eeep" because he's all big and scary. as tattoo artists often are... and he's like "you're that guy's girlfriend. the one who's always fucking with the dumpsters." and i laughed REALLY hard. and was like "no, no i'm not." and he was like "well, you used to be." and signed my arm. and promised he'd do a really awesome job on my tattoo when i get it. woot!

uh.... then it was last call, and we all went outside. then i ... had to go back in for something... and they let me, which is so unusual. and i started talking to.... someone.... and was inside til like.... 2:10. then everyone was all looking for me... so i went out. and we all walked to treye's where ivy already was.... (she was passed out at about 12. phil had to carry her to treye's. poooor girl.) and everyone from the bar showed up, and we were like "doh." cuz we were trying to keep that from happening. but i went and sat in one of the guest rooms and talked to alex from detroit on the phone for about an hour and a half (seriously, i don't think we can have short conversations.), and people kept coming in and looking for the keg, and hitting on me. (there were a lot of random straight guys. including ben from the balcony across the alley. more about him in a second...) and i was like "bah, treye put the keg in the living room. you dorks. and leave me alone." while i was on the phone, healy tried to take my shoes twice.... and everyone was like "you're at an after hours keg! drink!" and i was like "no." so i went for a walk.

got back from my walk/still talking on the phone.... and thad was there. and i was like "what the hell?!" because i never really believe thad when he says he'll be somewhere. because he never ever shows up. so, thad hung out with ben and both jasons, and treye (treye's roommates are both named jason...) and i finished my talk with alex. (which was a VERY nice conversation, btw. and i discovered that alex and i have strangely similarities in our histories...) and, then, i'm hanging out with treye and them, and treye and i remember that we got married last sunday! and we were like "wooo we're married!" and ben believed us. because he's apparently VERY stupid. (he's also very conservative, and we got in a fight earlier in the evening, pre bar, because of that...) so, ben and jason #2 (not healy) start this huge campaign to get me to go to bed with both of them. (which just screams closet case... helloooo) they got mad when i suggested they go ahead, and i'd think about joining them. but thad saved me. (see, he saves me from fish and straight guys. but he's straight. doh.) and we headed off to my house, because thad doesn't live anywhere right now. so he's staying with me until he does live somewhere on monday. on the way down stairs we ran into this HUGE group of football player types.... and they over heard me saying goodbye to treye, and something about husband and such... and they're all confused. and talking to thad "you're married to her? wow." and i was like *sigh*. so, we got back to my house. and i promptly fall asleep. but wake up at about six am to find thad all curled up in a pink hello kitty blanket in just his boxers on the futon, and am like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and take a picture.

then, this morning, when i got him some water, i spilled it on him. because i'm the hostess with the leastest. and i showed him a picture of alex, because thad and alex look strangely alike... then i took him back downtown, so he could... do something or another.... then i went and got some french fries.... and i was gonna see if heather wanted to go goodwilling with me.... but she's not online.... and i really ought to do some other stuff as well..... so, i'm going to go fee the rabbits. and the birds. and the dog, and the cat. even though the cat just ate like four of my french fries. stupid cat. and then maybe take a nap. because i'm sleepy. and i don't have anything to do until like..... 8. when i have to go to the mill. so, heather, leave me a message about goodwill, and if i dont' hear from you, i'll give you a call. even though i don't have your new cell phone number. unless it's in your blog. hmm.


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